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High Level missions for frigates and cruisers.

Temo Pher
#1 - 2011-12-08 19:28:35 UTC
Battleships and Battlecruisers are nice and all, but for those of us with a very large amount of SP there is very little use for anything smaller outside of PVP. Wouldn’t it be nice to viably grind missions in smaller ships as well as larger ones?

It is a shame we don’t have much to do in smaller ships because some of the frigate, destroyer and cruiser hulls in eve are not only among the best looking ships in the game, but also some of the most fun to fly.

What’s more, lower SP characters who want to PVP often don’t want to train for larger ships as it means splattering SP into area’s they aren’t going to fully utilize except for the chore of grinding ISK.

It seems to me that people interested in flying smaller ships span both the PVP and PVE demographics and both the low SP and high SP demographics.

Right now making isk in eve, for the majority of players, means grinding missions in large slow ships that become tiresome all too quickly.

I propose introducing another set of missions. Level 1+, Level 2+. These should be locked to smaller ships but balanced for higher SP characters with payouts appropriate to their time investment.

The idea is that if I feel like flying a frigate or a cruiser I shouldn’t have to do easy missions where I 1 shot everything because I have high SP, and earn no meaningful reward for my time. Or do harder missions balanced for battleships where I take so long to whittle anything down that by the time I have blown everything up my isk per hour ratio would have been better mining veld.

If properly balanced these missions could breathe new life into classes of ship that many people haven’t re-visited for years, enable veterans to re-live their newbie days without rolling an alt and probably make a whole lot of people happy. I really don’t see a downside.

Zircon Dasher
#2 - 2011-12-08 19:46:35 UTC
1) L5's + bombers
2) Pirate faction missions
3) Tengu

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Shovel Bros
#3 - 2011-12-08 21:58:38 UTC
Um, you can still do lvl 4s in smaller ships like AFs if you want to, there's nothing stopping you. There's also a lot of stuff other than lvl 4s to do in Eve in smaller ships, you just have to be creative.
Kahega Amielden
#4 - 2011-12-08 22:12:43 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Um, you can still do lvl 4s in smaller ships like AFs if you want to, there's nothing stopping you. There's also a lot of stuff other than lvl 4s to do in Eve in smaller ships, you just have to be creative.

Except you know the fact that it's incredibly inefficient and pointless.

el alasar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2011-12-08 22:32:21 UTC
i agree as far as the level of a mission should more relate to how hard it is, not necessarily that you need bigger and bigger ships for them. sure, a mission being harder means you might need better skills, they help, but i would rather like that "hardness" depends on being a good pilot, showing more wit and intelligence in completing the mission, adapting to changing situations in the mission, ....

check the moderated 10000 papercuts evelopedia page! comment, bump(!) and like what you like

Atrament Inc.
#6 - 2011-12-09 17:55:05 UTC
Granted it takes some skill, but you can do L3s in a cruiser. The Caracal is pretty good at them; the Drake is much better.
Shovel Bros
#7 - 2011-12-09 18:10:47 UTC
Kahega Amielden wrote:
mxzf wrote:
Um, you can still do lvl 4s in smaller ships like AFs if you want to, there's nothing stopping you. There's also a lot of stuff other than lvl 4s to do in Eve in smaller ships, you just have to be creative.

Except you know the fact that it's incredibly inefficient and pointless.

Precisely. No matter what, there are two different ways you can approach mission running. You can either fly something that sounds fun (like flying an AF or something similar in lvl 4 missions) or you can fly the biggest and best ship for the job.

If you make missions that BSes and BCs can't fit into, people will use a HAC/T3 to run the missions. If you make missions a Cruiser can't fit into, people will use an AF/Destroyer. Making missions that are limited in the ships that can run them will just cause mission runners to keep (for example) a Mach, Tengu, and Ishkur/Jag/Wolf/Thrasher in their hanger and use the biggest one that fits in that mission.

It comes down to the choice to either use something creative to run the missions (and put up with slower times) or use the biggest and best ship you can afford. You can't force people to run missions in sub-optimal ships, but the choice to do so already exists if people want to do it.

TL;DR: There will always be "optimal" and "inefficient". Adding in size restrictions in gates will simply cause people to keep the ship that's optimal for each size in their hanger.
Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#8 - 2011-12-09 18:17:59 UTC
What about flying missions in low or null sec? There's more risk and there is a greater payout. Dodging other players will give you way more of a challenge than any pre-scripted AI will.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

Kahega Amielden
#9 - 2011-12-09 21:08:21 UTC
TL;DR: There will always be "optimal" and "inefficient". Adding in size restrictions in gates will simply cause people to keep the ship that's optimal for each size in their hanger.

...Yes...And he wants to create a new set of missions where it is efficient to use smaller ships. So there's some variety and options for people who don't like battleships.

What part of this aren't you getting?
el alasar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2011-12-09 21:13:59 UTC
i think the idea in eve is, that there are counters for any tactic. so the enemy brings a BS, what do you do? ... bring stuff that is optimized to kill battleships (e.g. stealth bombers). any mission filled with those will be a tanking nightmare. it would be much smarter then to use a smaller ship to counter them. thinking along these lines...

check the moderated 10000 papercuts evelopedia page! comment, bump(!) and like what you like

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2011-12-09 21:32:12 UTC
If you want lvl 4 missions for smaller ships then you need smarter rats in better ships, maybe a rat in an interceptor that could point and hold your BS or Battlecruiser all day while tanking your damage. Of course the counter would be a large energy destabilizer if such a thing effected the rat, but if it didn't this would be a higher level mission you may want a smaller ship for.
Temo Pher
#12 - 2011-12-09 21:39:10 UTC
I am not certain that all of the above posts have really understood my suggestion.

The idea is not to add ship restricted missions to the existing lineup available from agents, but to add new level agents. Adding the missions to the existing agent mission lists would just be forcing people who want to fly bigger ships into smaller ships in the same way that the current system forces people into bigger ones.

The other connection that I am suppressed some people don’t seem to be making is that this thread isn’t about listing everything people can do other than grinding missions. I think we all know what’s out there in eve and most of those activities are more about spending isk than generating it, or generating it in a less efficient fashion.

The intention of this proposition is to reduce the tedium of mission grinding for isk by providing the player with a greater range of ships in which to complete them while maintaining the current ‘isk to time’ balance. It is also intended to allow players with more specialized SP investments, who play eve for other reasons then grinding missions, the opportunity to use them when they need isk or standing increases without the SP necessary to fly battleships efficiently.

This is not intended to be a high sec buff. There is no reason these missions should not be available elsewhere and may in fact encourage players to leave high sec as they would feel more confident doing so in smaller ships.

I believe this proposition targets some of the largest demographics in eve and I do not believe it should take a very grate amount of CCP resources to implement. No new models or textures are needed, and most if not all of the necessary coding can just be copy and pasted from existing missions.

I respect the opinions of those who disagree with this idea’s implementation but so far the only premise behind such opinions seems to be that my own premise is wrong. That premise is this:

All eve players require isk.
The vast majority of isk is generated through grinding level 4s
Grinding level 4’s limits the types of ships we fly.
A wider selection of ships is better than a narrower selection of ships.

I can understand why you may feel compelled to disagree on the grounds that there are other ways in eve to make isk. This is certainly true. But my understanding is that while these ways exist a huge majority of players still pursue the mission path, and most of those who do not either already use it to supplement their income or would do if doing them in a wider range of ships was possible.

Given the low investment to implement this idea and the large potential gain in player satisfaction I feel that it has merit. Thus the existence of this thread. My thanks to all those who have expressed their opinions on it so far.
Atrament Inc.
#13 - 2011-12-11 07:03:29 UTC
So, you want more (pardon the name) Buzz Kill missions? Something more suited to a HAC or a BC?

Or, do you want something with plenty weak cruisers for easy kills and decent profit? Something more suited to a T1 cruiser for low SP pilots or cruiser enthusiasts?
The Djego
Hellequin Inc.
#14 - 2011-12-11 10:37:55 UTC
I take it you never done:

- Incursions, where you see up to full Cruiser sized gangs(Legions), because this actually is the most effective for some sites and most fleets I fly in are mixed for the reason that it improves overall kill speed efficiency of the gang
- WH, where BS are unpopular by her huge sigs, low resists and big mass what limits your travel ability's
- exploration/plexing where again smaller ships are preferred for the mobility advantage in dangerous space and the lot better tanking potential of the low sig, higher resists and the higher speed, tanking in a Ishtar/Zealot is piece of cake compared doing the same in a Domi/Abaddon for many of the sites
- epic Arcs, that are limited to Frig size and mostly done in ceptors, af or faction frigs

This are the places where you fly smaller ships with high SP and the full understanding how to range, sig and speed tank. Not "Because I'm cool and I can." but since it is the optimal tool for the job. L4 is by no means the PVE endgame and BS are so common for them because you don't need a real tank here, outside of some blitzing(try a Blockade in a T3 by just killing the triggers and the key BS in the last wave or a damsel in distress by just killing the structure while tanking the rest it is very good ISK\h by the LP).

The people that don't want to fly BS for L4 simply use BCs, HAC, T3 or CS and the ships can pull off quite reasonable ISK\h if you gank fit them and blitz a lot.

There are also lots of L5 Missions where HACs\T3 perform a lot better than BS, because this missions actually require a bit of tank(2k+ in many cases).

Improve discharge rigging:

The Schnoo
#15 - 2011-12-11 11:05:53 UTC
I agree with the OP that adding more unique missions that only suit a certain ship type (such as small dps ships in this case) is a good thing, but I believe it should be part of a larger revision of the mission system - adding a lot more different types of missions that are doable in different ships, yes, even logis and ECM/EWAR.
Vassal Zeren
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2011-12-11 17:27:18 UTC
The Djego wrote:
I take it you never done:

- Incursions, where you see up to full Cruiser sized gangs(Legions), because this actually is the most effective for some sites and most fleets I fly in are mixed for the reason that it improves overall kill speed efficiency of the gang
- WH, where BS are unpopular by her huge sigs, low resists and big mass what limits your travel ability's
- exploration/plexing where again smaller ships are preferred for the mobility advantage in dangerous space and the lot better tanking potential of the low sig, higher resists and the higher speed, tanking in a Ishtar/Zealot is piece of cake compared doing the same in a Domi/Abaddon for many of the sites
- epic Arcs, that are limited to Frig size and mostly done in ceptors, af or faction frigs

This are the places where you fly smaller ships with high SP and the full understanding how to range, sig and speed tank. Not "Because I'm cool and I can." but since it is the optimal tool for the job. L4 is by no means the PVE endgame and BS are so common for them because you don't need a real tank here, outside of some blitzing(try a Blockade in a T3 by just killing the triggers and the key BS in the last wave or a damsel in distress by just killing the structure while tanking the rest it is very good ISK\h by the LP).

The people that don't want to fly BS for L4 simply use BCs, HAC, T3 or CS and the ships can pull off quite reasonable ISK\h if you gank fit them and blitz a lot.

There are also lots of L5 Missions where HACs\T3 perform a lot better than BS, because this missions actually require a bit of tank(2k+ in many cases).

Cruisers yes. But never the frigs. Assault frigs are the most underpowered ships in the game. The are too slow and don't put out nearly enough dps. (even though thats supposed to be their role) Fix this, and you will be able to effectively run LV3-4s in assault frigs.(as well as PVP in them like you should be able to)

A bad analogy is like a leaky screwdriver.

Shovel Bros
#17 - 2011-12-11 19:47:01 UTC
lol, AFs are actually quite awesome, they're far from "the most underpowered ships in the game". I would list EAFs, BlackOps, half the T1 cruisers, tier 1 BCs, and Gallente CSes as all worse off than AFs in general. Yes, some more DPS from AFs would be nice, but they are far from "the most underpowered ships in the game".