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Customs Office being taken over as normal by big corps

lab geek011
I am not a Crook
#1 - 2011-12-08 21:56:21 UTC
I love eve but its always the same the 2 man corp stands no chance against the big ones, As you prob notice the customs offices are being taken over and its always the big corps that are having them

sure there may be the odd 1 or 2 smaller corps that have a couple but in my system alone there is one corp with numbers over 90+ and they have taken over all the customs offices, when speaking it was told plain and simple, if you put on up you will lose it.

there is no way to compete against it, i know i will be flamed for this but dont care, there should be a cap limit on the amount a corp can have as with most things in eve there are limits what you can do, that way

- it gives everyone chance to own some
- the big corps will challenge the high income areas
- they cannot then just put as many as possible up
- makes it fair

as a exampe the corp that has taken over my system has also taken over my friends which is over 12 jumps away and i would assume there are alot more system they have taken over. The income they will get is massive so its in there interest to get as many as possible

yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore
Dorian Wylde
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2011-12-08 21:58:26 UTC
lab geek011 wrote:

yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

You may want to open a newspaper from anywhere in the last 30 years.
lab geek011
I am not a Crook
#3 - 2011-12-08 22:00:29 UTC  |  Edited by: lab geek011
Dorian Wylde wrote:
lab geek011 wrote:

yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

You may want to open a newspaper from anywhere in the last 30 years.

still think there should be a limit on how many can be had
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#4 - 2011-12-08 22:04:19 UTC
lab geek011 wrote:
I love eve but its always the same the 2 man corp stands no chance against the big ones, As you prob notice the customs offices are being taken over and its always the big corps that are having them

sure there may be the odd 1 or 2 smaller corps that have a couple but in my system alone there is one corp with numbers over 90+ and they have taken over all the customs offices, when speaking it was told plain and simple, if you put on up you will lose it.

there is no way to compete against it, i know i will be flamed for this but dont care, there should be a cap limit on the amount a corp can have as with most things in eve there are limits what you can do, that way

- it gives everyone chance to own some
- the big corps will challenge the high income areas
- they cannot then just put as many as possible up
- makes it fair

as a exampe the corp that has taken over my system has also taken over my friends which is over 12 jumps away and i would assume there are alot more system they have taken over. The income they will get is massive so its in there interest to get as many as possible

yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

That's lowsec/nullsec business as usual, where novelties are split between any of these two cathegories:

- things that favor big corps
- things that harm small corps

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

The Greater Goon
#5 - 2011-12-08 22:05:44 UTC
lab geek011 wrote:
Dorian Wylde wrote:
lab geek011 wrote:

yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

You may want to open a newspaper from anywhere in the last 30 years.

still think there should be a limit on how many can be had

there is, and best of all its set by YOU!

if you feel someone has too many POCOs take some of them away
K Suri
#6 - 2011-12-08 22:06:46 UTC
I'm inclined to agree. Putting more power into less hands only makes Eve less interesting not more.

Sure you can blow them up and install your own yadda ya but we all know how that is gonna turn out. Becomes yet another pointless exercise in futility.

CCP giveth and CCP taketh away.
K Suri
#7 - 2011-12-08 22:07:27 UTC
Morganta wrote:
lab geek011 wrote:
Dorian Wylde wrote:
lab geek011 wrote:

yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

You may want to open a newspaper from anywhere in the last 30 years.

still think there should be a limit on how many can be had

there is, and best of all its set by YOU!

if you feel someone has too many POCOs take some of them away

How quaint Roll
Handsome Hussein
#8 - 2011-12-08 22:10:30 UTC
K Suri wrote:
How quaint Roll

The truth really hurts sometimes, don't it?

Welcome to EVE, bring friends or learn how to live between the cracks.

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2011-12-08 22:10:31 UTC
lab geek011 wrote:
yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

So you know what you need to do to compete, you just refuse to do it... therefore we should feel sorry for you and change the rules to punish those more successful than you.

Minister of Death
Colossus Enterprises
#10 - 2011-12-08 22:10:34 UTC
it was always a bad game design decision, as was pointed out by many, many people to the tunnel visioned 'game designer' CCP Omen.

whether this is CCP Omen's doing or the CSM, or both, the end result is Eve as a whole suffers by an exceptionally sophomoric, poor, and probably selfish design change.

sad, really. but not the end of the world.
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2011-12-08 22:12:06 UTC
Hire competent mercenaries get that corporation totally destroyed to ashes


K Suri
#12 - 2011-12-08 22:13:07 UTC
Handsome Hussein wrote:
K Suri wrote:
How quaint Roll

The truth really hurts sometimes, don't it?

Welcome to EVE, bring friends or learn how to live between the cracks.

So you agree with Morg?

Shows your total lack of understanding too then don't it?
The Greater Goon
#13 - 2011-12-08 22:14:38 UTC
people forget the apocalypse hierarchy

the roaches don't get to take over the world until the men are done fighting over it

if you can't bring enough forces to make the change you demand you can't blame the system for not changing itself for you
Alyssa Yotosala
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-12-08 22:14:46 UTC
Whoa, hang on and stop right there for a minute.

Lets get this straight, because this is potentially game-changing...

OP, are you suggesting, that in EVE, large numbers of people trump smaller numbers?

I mean, WTF?! Really? more guns are better then less guns in a gunfight? No...i cannot believe it...i will simply refuse to believe that, it goes against everything we have believed in since the dawn of mankind...

I still cant get my head around this. I need to think this through....So...If Corp A has an order of magnitude more players than corp B, then corp A is going to have more of a chance at winning if pitched against Corp B?

This is outrageous!

How can it possibly be that higher numbers is better than smaller numbers in combat?


K Suri
#15 - 2011-12-08 22:15:20 UTC
Feligast wrote:
lab geek011 wrote:
yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

So you know what you need to do to compete, you just refuse to do it... therefore we should feel sorry for you and change the rules to punish those more successful than you.


The rules WERE changed. That's what caused the problem!

Geezuz some people are daft.
Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#16 - 2011-12-08 22:15:45 UTC
Why not have all the small corps merge together for one greater association to fight the bigger corps.

Oh wait thats called an alliance.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

Aloe Cloveris
The Greater Goon
#17 - 2011-12-08 22:15:47 UTC
So ... you know when it comes out of RF and you know people like knowing where to find clustered capitals and spendy ships to bridge onto.

Man, if only there were a way to exploit these advantages.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2011-12-08 22:17:28 UTC
K Suri wrote:
Feligast wrote:
lab geek011 wrote:
yes people will say join bigger corps or have more people but some of us dont want that its like a corner shop owner vs a large megastore

So you know what you need to do to compete, you just refuse to do it... therefore we should feel sorry for you and change the rules to punish those more successful than you.


The rules WERE changed. That's what caused the problem!

Geezuz some people are daft.

Yup, they were. They were changed to allow all players the opportunity to place and own POCOs.

However, the OP wants to change THOSE changes to GUARANTEE the ownership of POCOs by limiting ownership.

You're just arguing for the sake of arguing, though. Enjoy that.
Handsome Hussein
#19 - 2011-12-08 22:20:07 UTC
K Suri wrote:
So you agree with Morg?

Shows your total lack of understanding too then don't it?

How so? Morganta is entirely correct: You set the limit of how many POCOs someone can have, you just need to take them away. If you can't take them away from that someone else, that isn't my problem, now is it? OP could also make a deal with the bigger corp, couldn't he?

I'll admit I thought it was a bad design decision at first, but in the end it makes sense. It promotes PvP and it puts more control in the player's hands. Like all of EVE, you need to find some way to get what you want. If you absolutely cannot do that, then you need to change your wants or biomass and call it good.

Leaves only the fresh scent of pine.

lab geek011
I am not a Crook
#20 - 2011-12-08 22:20:22 UTC  |  Edited by: lab geek011
What annoyed me is that CCP lied to us as they stated in a post that the customs offices would be "decommissioned and removed", they never said they would need to be destoryed so hence my annoyance when i purchased 6 to put up (not being greedy)

Quote from a post they did

"Customs Offices in all Low Sec, 0.0 and Wormhole systems will be decommissioned and removed. Customs Offices in High Sec will remain under the authority of CONCORD who will, in turn, charge doubled import and export taxes. Customs Offices are now targetable and destructible."

then when i went to put them up i only got to find out they were not removed but had to be destroyed, i have petitioned it but still awaiting a reply as ive lost alot of isk by buying them

Guess what they have not replied back
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