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Science & Industry

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Is anyone bowing out of Industry with these new changes?

First post
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#201 - 2014-08-02 06:09:12 UTC
The Industry changes are exciting. Too bad I gave up on Industry years ago.

So while some people may quit, other people who had previously quit will return. Things will balance out.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Yasique Gautier
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#202 - 2014-08-03 01:40:21 UTC
I was nearly perfect miner, making ~10M isk per 1 mackinaw of scordite, now I noticed it now costs TWICE less.
Thank you CCP.
Not going to sell ore - it is just not worth the time and effort, do not want to train refine skills for 2 months to reach previous levels of isk/hour.
I wish it all wouldn't be happening, not mentioning PLEX prices jump suddenly without any reasons.
What am I doing here anyway, still, its just a waste of my time now.
Yasique Gautier
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#203 - 2014-08-03 12:02:29 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Decoy

So, what about mining as a profession, a way to earn isk?
I checked the price history and can see it drops, but not very much, prices go down slowly.
But, as I said, 1 mackinaw costs now twice less, this means the ore itself grew larger in terms on cubic meters.
So, my income was cut in half by this 'cruis' patch, which makes miner profession even less profitable, compared to other activities.
What about months of my training skills in mining, how I am being compensated for losing that? Because it seems now I must re-learn and switch to another activities if I want to keep isk/hour the same. Definitely, I'm not going to earn isk by mining, maybe I'll mine for myself to replenish charges ammo, but not for profit. And definitely I'm not anymore able to mine myself a plex. And I dont thing I'm going to re-learn to earn isk by different methods, because I dont want to, it takes time and I must pay for that time, is what I'm not going to do. I was ok, but now they took my job.
Also, I dont see reports of any person or 'team' from ccp to be fired. Why? Because they screwed up the game, ruined industry, and brought to ccp a huge lot of reputational loss.
I'm not paying for subscription until my mining profession is made profitable again, at the same level it was before 'crius', 10 M/hour in high-sec.

*snip* 30. Abuse of CCP employees and ISD volunteers is prohibited. ~ ISD Decoy
Quay Industries
#204 - 2014-08-03 12:23:01 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Decoy
Yasique Gautier wrote:

So, what about mining as a profession, a way to earn isk?
I checked the price history and can see it drops, but not very much, prices go down slowly.
But, as I said, 1 mackinaw costs now twice less, this means the ore itself grew larger in terms on cubic meters.
So, my income was cut in half by this 'cruis' patch, which makes miner profession even less profitable, compared to other activities.
What about months of my training skills in mining, how I am being compensated for losing that? Because it seems now I must re-learn and switch to another activities if I want to keep isk/hour the same. Definitely, I'm not going to earn isk by mining, maybe I'll mine for myself to replenish charges ammo, but not for profit. And definitely I'm not anymore able to mine myself a plex. And I dont thing I'm going to re-learn to earn isk by different methods, because I dont want to, it takes time and I must pay for that time, is what I'm not going to do. I was ok, but now they took my job.
Also, I dont see reports of any person or 'team' from ccp to be fired. Why? Because they screwed up the game, ruined industry, and brought to ccp a huge lot of reputational loss.
I'm not paying for subscription until my mining profession is made profitable again, at the same level it was before 'crius', 10 M/hour in high-sec.

*snip* 30. Abuse of CCP employees and ISD volunteers is prohibited. ~ ISD Decoy

all i will say to you is CASMA. If you dont know what i mean, then shame on you for been in CAS and not listening to what has undoubtably been mentioned in CAS Chat on numerous occasions.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#205 - 2014-08-03 13:51:05 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Decoy
Yasique Gautier wrote:

So, what about mining as a profession, a way to earn isk?
I checked the price history and can see it drops, but not very much, prices go down slowly.
But, as I said, 1 mackinaw costs now twice less, this means the ore itself grew larger in terms on cubic meters.
So, my income was cut in half by this 'cruis' patch, which makes miner profession even less profitable, compared to other activities.
What about months of my training skills in mining, how I am being compensated for losing that? Because it seems now I must re-learn and switch to another activities if I want to keep isk/hour the same. Definitely, I'm not going to earn isk by mining, maybe I'll mine for myself to replenish charges ammo, but not for profit. And definitely I'm not anymore able to mine myself a plex. And I dont thing I'm going to re-learn to earn isk by different methods, because I dont want to, it takes time and I must pay for that time, is what I'm not going to do. I was ok, but now they took my job.
Also, I dont see reports of any person or 'team' from ccp to be fired. Why? Because they screwed up the game, ruined industry, and brought to ccp a huge lot of reputational loss.
I'm not paying for subscription until my mining profession is made profitable again, at the same level it was before 'crius', 10 M/hour in high-sec.

*snip* 30. Abuse of CCP employees and ISD volunteers is prohibited. ~ ISD Decoy

Nope. No changes in the volume of scordite. It's 0.15 m3 per unit, and has been since I started playing.

Now there were changes to mining barges with Kronos, but not to the size of a mack's cargohold. and now ones which would cut profitability in half.

Then there are the changes to ore reprocessing, but if you're running at 5,5,4 and no refining implant, it's only about a 6% drop.

Unless, for some reason, you're refining at a 30% station. At which point it's around a 44% drop. Simple solution: Move to another station to do your refining. It's not like 30% stations are common.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#206 - 2014-08-03 20:32:38 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Decoy
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Yasique Gautier wrote:

So, what about mining as a profession, a way to earn isk?
I checked the price history and can see it drops, but not very much, prices go down slowly.
But, as I said, 1 mackinaw costs now twice less, this means the ore itself grew larger in terms on cubic meters.
So, my income was cut in half by this 'cruis' patch, which makes miner profession even less profitable, compared to other activities.
What about months of my training skills in mining, how I am being compensated for losing that? Because it seems now I must re-learn and switch to another activities if I want to keep isk/hour the same. Definitely, I'm not going to earn isk by mining, maybe I'll mine for myself to replenish charges ammo, but not for profit. And definitely I'm not anymore able to mine myself a plex. And I dont thing I'm going to re-learn to earn isk by different methods, because I dont want to, it takes time and I must pay for that time, is what I'm not going to do. I was ok, but now they took my job.
Also, I dont see reports of any person or 'team' from ccp to be fired. Why? Because they screwed up the game, ruined industry, and brought to ccp a huge lot of reputational loss.
I'm not paying for subscription until my mining profession is made profitable again, at the same level it was before 'crius', 10 M/hour in high-sec.

*snip* 30. Abuse of CCP employees and ISD volunteers is prohibited. ~ ISD Decoy

Nope. No changes in the volume of scordite. It's 0.15 m3 per unit, and has been since I started playing.

Now there were changes to mining barges with Kronos, but not to the size of a mack's cargohold. and now ones which would cut profitability in half.

Then there are the changes to ore reprocessing, but if you're running at 5,5,4 and no refining implant, it's only about a 6% drop.

Unless, for some reason, you're refining at a 30% station. At which point it's around a 44% drop. Simple solution: Move to another station to do your refining. It's not like 30% stations are common.

Yup, ONLY a 6% drop in mining income.....oh wait, let's have a look at trit prices, shall we? Or pyrite, or just about any other mineral price in the past 2 weeks. Trit is only down 20% in the past month, and still falling.

But...but....miners can now sell compressed ore to the cartels. Of course, said miner now has the joy and privilege of operation a POS to compress said ore. And the additional cost of running a POS , plus the additional risk of getting war dec griefed, that is trivial, right?

So basically, the high sec miner is facing about a 25% drop in revenue in the past month, or he can try to mitigate that with putting a POS, which increases his costs, and with just a marginal increase in risk from griefers. Yup, Crius was just awesome for high sec miners. And for high sec mission runners, it is so much better, as there is virtually no incentive to waste time salvaging and re-processing items as half the efficiency, let alone the 20% drop in price of the minerals.

I am positive that the drop in the PCU has nothing to do with the hack job done on high sec players. I can only wait with great anticipation what further improvements to high sec with the research changes, plus the overhaul of missions, and naturally some "tweaks" to high sec incursions.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#207 - 2014-08-04 11:20:19 UTC
It's only a 6% drop in mining income if you choose to sell the minerals. If you compress and sell the ore, mining income has increased drastically.

And yes, trit prices are down from their inflated prices that the peaked at due to speculation. That happens with pretty much every expansion. Trit prices aren't even close to an all time low. they aren't even back down to February's prices yet.

As for the POS, a small POSwith just a compression array can be kept sitting offline, costing nothing. If someone decs it, just pull it down and wait, though nobody will pay 50M to war dec an offline POS with no chance of good loot uless they really want that moon.

Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
So basically, the high sec miner is facing about a 25% drop in revenue in the past month
This is a hilariously pulled out of the ass figure. Most miners will have increased profit, not decreased, and the once that have certainly haven't lost 25%. How you even come to that figure I have no idea.

Dinsdale, why don't you just quit? You clearly hate the game, and nothing they do, even a massive improvement to highsec industry which this is, will make you happy. You are going to whine for all eternity, so just leave. Quite and go play a game you don't hate and stop wasting your life.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#208 - 2014-08-04 11:46:26 UTC
Trit has fallen, yes. To the same kind of level it was in in April.

Pyerite has fallen further, admittedly. That fall looks to have started around the end of May.

On the other hand, Veldspar (not compressed) has gone up to around 18 per unit, from the 14 it was in April.

Scordite's just all over the place.

The market for some ore has increased significantly (mostly veldspar) from 30-100 million units a day, to 200-300 million units.

Compressed ore is a lot harder to talk about on the market. Mostly because it didn't really get traded precrius.

Post crius, it's on the order of 80 million to 300 million units of veldspar a day. a lot more variable.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Oxide Ammar
#209 - 2014-08-04 11:58:00 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
It's only a 6% drop in mining income if you choose to sell the minerals. If you compress and sell the ore, mining income has increased drastically.

And yes, trit prices are down from their inflated prices that the peaked at due to speculation. That happens with pretty much every expansion. Trit prices aren't even close to an all time low. they aren't even back down to February's prices yet.

As for the POS, a small POSwith just a compression array can be kept sitting offline, costing nothing. If someone decs it, just pull it down and wait, though nobody will pay 50M to war dec an offline POS with no chance of good loot uless they really want that moon.

Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
So basically, the high sec miner is facing about a 25% drop in revenue in the past month
This is a hilariously pulled out of the ass figure. Most miners will have increased profit, not decreased, and the once that have certainly haven't lost 25%. How you even come to that figure I have no idea.

Dinsdale, why don't you just quit? You clearly hate the game, and nothing they do, even a massive improvement to highsec industry which this is, will make you happy. You are going to whine for all eternity, so just leave. Quite and go play a game you don't hate and stop wasting your life.

Basically, Industrialists got screwed with this expansion in general and the hisec ones in specific, the new installation cost for manufacturing and RE add new burden to the tight profit margins we were getting pre-Cirus. the over stocked manufactured goods pre-Cirus are competing aggressively with the prices of manufacturing ships and components post-Cirus. Even if you found low index systems you can't match the manufacture cost before the expansion, unless the market got flushed and refreshed through major long wars in nullsec you won't find many industrialist nose diving much and the only exception for this are nullsec indy's, nullsec will be happy to buy w/e in the their market at any cost as long it's affordable and reachable to every hand there.

Lady Areola Fappington:  Solo PVP isn't dead!  You just need to make sure you have your booster, remote rep, cyno, and emergency Falcon alts logged in and ready before you do any solo PVPing.

Oxide Ammar
#210 - 2014-08-04 12:00:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Oxide Ammar
Steve Ronuken wrote:

Links aren't working for some reason.


You don't have permission to access /market/marketdisplay.php on this server.

Lady Areola Fappington:  Solo PVP isn't dead!  You just need to make sure you have your booster, remote rep, cyno, and emergency Falcon alts logged in and ready before you do any solo PVPing.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#211 - 2014-08-04 12:46:13 UTC
Oxide Ammar wrote:
Basically, Industrialists got screwed with this expansion in general and the hisec ones in specific, the new installation cost for manufacturing and RE add new burden to the tight profit margins we were getting pre-Cirus. the over stocked manufactured goods pre-Cirus are competing aggressively with the prices of manufacturing ships and components post-Cirus. Even if you found low index systems you can't match the manufacture cost before the expansion, unless the market got flushed and refreshed through major long wars in nullsec you won't find many industrialist nose diving much and the only exception for this are nullsec indy's, nullsec will be happy to buy w/e in the their market at any cost as long it's affordable and reachable to every hand there.
How did they get screwed? Profit margins won't be affected much by the increase in installation cost (which pre-crius was ridiculous and pointless), because everyone has to pay the increased cost. Sure, there's going to be leftover stock, but those will clear pretty quickly. You should have seen the same issue in the past few months anyway, since mineral prices went up pretty drastically. How come we didn't see pages of people whining "I can't make things as cheaply as they were made last month!"?

It's still definitely possible to make a heap of profit in high sec industry. I'm doing it pretty well (and yes, I'm a nullsec player, but all of my industry is currently in highsec), and if you look around you'll see other people reporting the same. The reaction you are having here is a knee-jerk reaction not based on actually trying the system out, just parroting what you think you should be saying. Learn to play.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#212 - 2014-08-04 13:00:15 UTC
Oxide Ammar wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:

Links aren't working for some reason.


You don't have permission to access /market/marketdisplay.php on this server.

If you c&p them, they'll work. It's a side effect of the eve forums. I keep meaning to put together an alternate form which will work.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#213 - 2014-08-04 13:05:20 UTC
I've already said it a few times, but I'll say it once more.

Do. Not. Refine. Sell Ore.

If you mine a lot, get a small tower and compression array and sell compressed ore. If you mine a bit more casually, look up a system where good buy orders for ore exists and sell to those. You can get very good ISK for raw, uncompressed ore in many places in highsec.

Why? Because supercap builders are in a bind, effectively out of raw materials. They are willing to pay a premium right now for ore form materials, partially because they have no choice, partially because they get more minerals out of the ore when they refine it at a fully ugpraded nullsec station, so ore is actually worth more to them than it is to anyone in high sec.

A Titan build eats up massive quantities of minerals. Here is a nice demonstration;

Single Avatar. 4 billion units of Tritanium (40 million m3, or around 40 freighter loads), a billion units of Pyerite (10 million m3), 340M units of Mexallon... try hauling those (in mineral form). From highsec to nullsec. Good luck.

Before Crius supercap builders bought mass quantities of low end minerals from highsec miners and built modules (425mm railguns being a favored example), then moved those to nullsec via Jump Freighters and reprocessed them (minor losses). This no longer works due to module reprocessing changes - you'd lose half your minerals.

Only workable solution is to move around compressed ore. Only way to get that is to have normal ore. Once refined, the material becomes worthless to large scale builders in low/null sec. Do not refine, unless you plan on using the minerals yourself.

Don't believe me? Try it. Put your ore up for sale in the system you mined it at, at price that is higher than what the minerals you would get out it are. Assuming the size of the lot is large enough (nobody comes to haul for 100 Veldspar...) I guarantee you someone will snap it up, haul it to a POS, compress and then jump it to null (or sell it to a null builder in highsec).
Li Quiao
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#214 - 2014-08-04 15:26:29 UTC
Vartan Sarkisian wrote:
I am not a great mathematician, but surely margin is better than isk per hour. I see isk per hour as turnover not profit and as in the real world people are in business for profit ie margin.

I think that by "isk per hour" he means profit per hour, not revenue. His point being that a 2 billion ISK sale that netted you 200 million ISK and took you an hour of work is better than a 1 billion ISK sale that netted you 200 million ISK but took two hours of work. Your profit margin was greater in the second example (20% over 10%), but you made more ISK per hour in the first example.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#215 - 2014-08-04 16:55:55 UTC
The more I think about it, the less I'm satisfied with compression requiring a POS. Compression should be ubiquitous and easy. I would like to (again) call for compression being available in stations as well as POS. I'd even be fine with it only being available in empire, or in non-outposts, should the technical aspects of adding a compression service to outposts prove to be a significant barrier. (Hopefully, adding the service to conquerable 0.0 stations like the sort that exist in VFK-IV, 3JN9-Q, and CZDJ-1 would provide a small incentive to actually use these otherwise low-value stations in conquerable nullsec!)

I'd also like to see the reprocessing UI flag uncompressed ore as unprofitable to refine if the compressed ore would have an average price >=120% of its constituent minerals.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#216 - 2014-08-04 17:10:15 UTC
Alternatively, remove the siege requirement from the Industrial Core and allow the Orca to fit it. This would let highsec miners with Orca support to compress in belts and (the former) gravimetric sites.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#217 - 2014-08-04 17:56:35 UTC
Querns wrote:
The more I think about it, the less I'm satisfied with compression requiring a POS. Compression should be ubiquitous and easy. I would like to (again) call for compression being available in stations as well as POS. I'd even be fine with it only being available in empire, or in non-outposts, should the technical aspects of adding a compression service to outposts prove to be a significant barrier. (Hopefully, adding the service to conquerable 0.0 stations like the sort that exist in VFK-IV, 3JN9-Q, and CZDJ-1 would provide a small incentive to actually use these otherwise low-value stations in conquerable nullsec!)

I'd also like to see the reprocessing UI flag uncompressed ore as unprofitable to refine if the compressed ore would have an average price >=120% of its constituent minerals.
While I can see why they wanted to keep it on a POS to keep the POS in use and promote a bit of fighting, the realism is that most people will set up an offline POS ad just switch it on when they haul from station to POS and back. I wouldn't see any issue with making that an in station thing. It would pretty much just be removing the time sink of hauling back and forth from the station.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Laughable Xhosa Girl
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#218 - 2014-08-05 19:25:42 UTC
theres like absolutely no reason to be making less isk post-patch unless you're one of the bpo peacocks who suddenly found their Karachi street vendor business model to be unsustainable
GreasyCarl Semah
A Game as Old as Empire
#219 - 2014-08-05 21:59:53 UTC
Querns wrote:
The more I think about it, the less I'm satisfied with compression requiring a POS. Compression should be ubiquitous and easy. I would like to (again) call for compression being available in stations as well as POS. I'd even be fine with it only being available in empire, or in non-outposts, should the technical aspects of adding a compression service to outposts prove to be a significant barrier. (Hopefully, adding the service to conquerable 0.0 stations like the sort that exist in VFK-IV, 3JN9-Q, and CZDJ-1 would provide a small incentive to actually use these otherwise low-value stations in conquerable nullsec!)

I'd also like to see the reprocessing UI flag uncompressed ore as unprofitable to refine if the compressed ore would have an average price >=120% of its constituent minerals.

Oh dear, sound the alarm, the lords of null sec can't get enough minerals so now we are supposed to make yet another change to allow you crybabies to faceroll your way to more supers.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#220 - 2014-08-05 23:00:04 UTC
GreasyCarl Semah wrote:
Querns wrote:
The more I think about it, the less I'm satisfied with compression requiring a POS. Compression should be ubiquitous and easy. I would like to (again) call for compression being available in stations as well as POS. I'd even be fine with it only being available in empire, or in non-outposts, should the technical aspects of adding a compression service to outposts prove to be a significant barrier. (Hopefully, adding the service to conquerable 0.0 stations like the sort that exist in VFK-IV, 3JN9-Q, and CZDJ-1 would provide a small incentive to actually use these otherwise low-value stations in conquerable nullsec!)

I'd also like to see the reprocessing UI flag uncompressed ore as unprofitable to refine if the compressed ore would have an average price >=120% of its constituent minerals.

Oh dear, sound the alarm, the lords of null sec can't get enough minerals so now we are supposed to make yet another change to allow you crybabies to faceroll your way to more supers.

Gussy it up however you want -- your fates are tied to ours. Note the price of lowend minerals racing to the bottom. This is because nullsec cannot use your minerals any more, and require compressed ore in their stead. Every chunk of ore you reprocess at a substandard highsec facility only removes another spade of dirt from your own, imminent fiduciary graves.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.