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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1061 - 2014-08-05 13:57:51 UTC
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that not only has the OP'ster abandoned this thread, but CCP Fozzie stopped reading it as well as we have not heard from either in a while......Sad

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#1062 - 2014-08-05 14:14:28 UTC
Snot Shot wrote:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that not only has the OP'ster abandoned this thread, but CCP Fozzie stopped reading it as well as we have not heard from either in a while......Sad

You should know better by now. I read everything.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#1063 - 2014-08-05 14:19:17 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that not only has the OP'ster abandoned this thread, but CCP Fozzie stopped reading it as well as we have not heard from either in a while......Sad

You should know better by now. I read everything.

So, new side gig at the NSA I see?


Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Harvey James
The Sengoku Legacy
#1064 - 2014-08-05 14:19:57 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that not only has the OP'ster abandoned this thread, but CCP Fozzie stopped reading it as well as we have not heard from either in a while......Sad

You should know better by now. I read everything.

cool then please tell Rise too get back to his HAC thread please.. also besides battleship tweaks .. are we getting anything else ??

T3's need to be versatile so no rigs are necessary ... they should not have OP dps and tank

ABC's should be T2, remove drone assist, separate HAM's and Torps range, -3 HS for droneboats

Nerf web strength, Make the blaster Eagle worth using

Anthar Thebess
#1065 - 2014-08-05 14:20:17 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that not only has the OP'ster abandoned this thread, but CCP Fozzie stopped reading it as well as we have not heard from either in a while......Sad

You should know better by now. I read everything.

Any hints when and what can happen?
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1066 - 2014-08-05 14:24:36 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that not only has the OP'ster abandoned this thread, but CCP Fozzie stopped reading it as well as we have not heard from either in a while......Sad

You should know better by now. I read everything.

I knew I could get you out from under your bridge....Blink

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#1067 - 2014-08-05 14:59:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Niko Lorenzio
Here's a few I have thought of off the top of my head and/or heard suggested outside this thread. I'm sorry if it has been mentioned before, and I haven't thoroughly examined them so they may be very bad.

  • Attack Battleships with Capital Guns
  • New Ship/Module that can cyno jam the system, unable to receive RR while jammer is active (works in lowsec)
  • New EW module that reduces RR on a target
  • AOE Web, used for countering fighters/drones?
  • Warp disruptor, scram, bubble prevent / shut off cynos
  • Slash all capital jump drives / bridges, jump bridges by 75%
  • Bridging ships jump with the fleet to the cyno, not act as mobile stargates. (Homeworld?)
  • Secret bases that need to be found? POS that sends no notification to sov holder and cloaks when not in use, no ships in range. Or.. unscannable base with corp. personal and ship arrays.

  • Change sov to be based on activity instead of only HP grind. (Unattended system's control wanes as NPC pirates harass the locals & structures, rises with active hunting of the NPC bases & rats?)

  • Separate sov & station control.
  • Allow multiple stations per system.
  • Allow stations be destroyed... via a long complicated method of course.
  • Stations require freight loads of fuel/materials to operate. If fuel runs out station services & shields drop.
  • Stations have shields which can be reinforced. Once shields/reinforcement timers are down, Dust/Legion mercenaries can be docked to take over the station.
  • Allow structures (Stations, POCO, POS, stargates) to be built by combat engineers (T2 logi frigs?). Corporations working together with several such ships can speed up construction of a single structures.
  • Allow structures, POS, POCOs, to be captured or destroyed.
  • Allow self destruction of said structures. Self destructed structures are hard to remove and require more effort to clear/rebuild (scorched earth policy?)

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Totally Abstract
#1068 - 2014-08-05 16:48:22 UTC
Idea: Improve Null Sec for the large power blocs by screwing over WH'ers with jump spawn mechanics that favor large entities. This will make it even easier for Goon alts and the rest of Null sec to expand into wormholes and bring their super exciting play style of "Slumdog Millionare" to the J-space. Big smile
Kira Hizu
Rotten Kimchi Squadron
#1069 - 2014-08-06 06:13:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kira Hizu
The changes should be tested and try out before we do anything now. Last few changes to null sec, we cry for more changes. Tweats would be best idea for now. Here are some ideas...

Large alliances must defend their space period....

Ihub, stargates, stations, starbase all get max of 12 hour timer MAX. You only get one timer.
All of them get reduce hit points -50% for. Bring your gang of 25 guys and take that system in 12 hours.
Make it harder for people to hold space if they can't defend it out side the timer hours they should not be able to afk. We want more fights and less waiting for fights. Force their hand faster no longer and wait days for nothing to happen.

Next local in null sec can be easy changed. I seen people use ESS around wormhole space, and it would say person enter system. To counter this just kill the module unit on star-gate.

Other thing I would like to happen is Sov on star map be removed, if it's not clamed it should not be seen at all. Use eve dot map and check to see if the system is being used that easy for intel now indays. You clam it the system it should show it on the star map.

Last but least hacking star gate routes. People should be able to hack a star gate and point it at other system .

Corp should not have a standing system only alliances should have this option. Since you pay upkeep fee for alliance you should have to do the same for settings per mount 1-5 50 million and 5-10 100m per month.
Anthar Thebess
#1070 - 2014-08-06 07:16:16 UTC
I think the overall goal of what people state here is that : timers are depended on alliance members activity in the system.
The more people do in a system - the longer timers ( or even more adjustable timers ) and more EHP on structures.
Ownership of some system infrastructure can shift to most active corporation in this system.

On the opposite : if there is no activity, or activity in the system is minimal timers become shorter and shorter.
Structure EHP drops , and system is easy to take by any one within few hours.

What kind of activity we are talking about :
- Ratting
- Mining

- Science and industry on a station / pos
- Poses

Of course active activities should be much , much more important than passive ones.

Because if CCP allow for indexes to be keep up while only passive activity is taking place then people will just :
- put some poses where they will be mining , reacting , researching

For example.

1.Create unskilled character, install corp ME jobs on small pos.
They will take ages to complete , and you will be just paying for the fuel of a smart pos , partially refunded by outcome Blueprint.

2. It is easy to find in a system a moon that will have 2 items you can react , very often this reaction will make up for the pos fuel costs, but it will not brining you any profit.

Remember also that for setting up a pos you don't need to have sov.
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#1071 - 2014-08-06 09:21:52 UTC
The discussion has degraded to just throwing random ideas.
Folks, before you change something - you set the goals for that change. Only after that it's reasonable to discuss any feats and perks that you suggest to see if they can accomplish the goals. You dont jump out and shout "my idea will change EVERYTHING, and for good of course!"

So what is your goal?
- To have more fights? Alright, but no changes needed. Join FW and you have them.
- Assist people to build their own homes? Then you should explain exactly why a hostile TCU prevents them from doing it.
- Want more engaging industry? (Yes, that was mentioned in the OP among the other things.) Hell yeah, let's change mining first!
Or what?
Anthar Thebess
#1072 - 2014-08-06 13:44:01 UTC
This are random ideas.
Because CCP is not talking with us.
Not asking what things we think about certain approach or change.

It is not asking what kind of holes players can find in system they are designing BEFORE putting a lot of time an money into creating it.

Here you have ideas of people that actually play in this game.
You have information what is broken, or what could bring something new to the game.

You stated : more pvp - join FW.
For me this is a bit unacceptable NPC nullsec and Lowsec are totally different.

For example, i will gladly join FW when CCP remove/ allow in Lowsec :
- gate/station guns ( why some NPC say i cannot shoot to any one?)
- allow dictor / hictor / anchorable bubbles.
- bomber bombs

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#1073 - 2014-08-06 14:42:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Tchulen
Skia Aumer wrote:
The discussion has degraded to just throwing random ideas.
Folks, before you change something - you set the goals for that change. Only after that it's reasonable to discuss any feats and perks that you suggest to see if they can accomplish the goals. You dont jump out and shout "my idea will change EVERYTHING, and for good of course!"

So what is your goal?
- To have more fights? Alright, but no changes needed. Join FW and you have them.

As far as I can tell, the goal is to make nullsec more vibrant, increase the possibilities for a much larger cross section of the population without necessitating joining the two current powerhouse blocs, increase the probability of encountering pvp content, make the pursuit of wealth and industry more viable in nullsec, reduce the ability to have sov sprawl and reduce the ability of large coalitions to travel everywhere in EVE quickly to make fleet positioning more tactical whilst not adversely affecting the other areas of EVE, namely WH, low sec, high sec and non-sov null.

You're massively over simplifying the goal here. You can't just break it down to individual disconnected goals and say "hey, you can do something similar so you're already fine! Quit whining" because most of the goals are interconnected. Whilst I'm fairly certain that various play styles will be affected, some adversely, by the changes which are inexorably coming to nullsec, it needs to be a net improvement overall. From what I've read of your comments you're likely to be one of those adversely affected but don't fret, you won't be alone. I probably will be too but it still needs to be done.

Skia Aumer wrote:
- Assist people to build their own homes? Then you should explain exactly why a hostile TCU prevents them from doing it.
- Want more engaging industry? (Yes, that was mentioned in the OP among the other things.) Hell yeah, let's change mining first!
Or what?

I've noticed over a lot of your posts in this thread that you seem to confuse owning a system with living in a system. There is a difference. In the latter, you're a nomad living in someone else's space (NPC or sov owner) and no one can really affect you unless you put all your stuff in their station and they lock you out of it (if sov - if NPC there's nothing anyone can do short of hellcamping the station you're in). If you just live there, from a POS, NPC station or whatever, you don't own the system even if you and your friends terrorise those who own the sov. You're still just a nomad. In the former you own the system and any stations in it so you can actually be forced out. You can have your system taken from you. There is significantly more risk to owning a system than just living in it. One might argue that sov is a pointless waste of time due the additional risk but then one can also argue that it's worth it to have jump bridges, outposts, system upgrades etc. It's all a matter of perception and choice.

Whilst this distinction might not mean anything to you it does to some people which is fine. The fact that we have lots of people with different opinions on what defines "winning" makes for a more vibrant and fun game, frankly.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#1074 - 2014-08-06 15:17:51 UTC
The only thing that I want to keep harping on (apologies), is that continued conflict needs to be directly tied to ISK generation at the atomic level of any new SOV 2.0 mechanic...

If you harness the motivator of ISK and greed, (starting with base nerfs to all ISK generation in null and restoring it through conflict-driven buffs or awards), you will really be onto something.

The details don't matter in truth, as long as you get that core design philosopy correct, that at the alliance level there is always friction & drive to attack someone else's held systems to get moar ISK for your alliance.

This is the key. IMHO.

Shalmon Aliatus
Bluestar Enterprises
The Craftsmen
#1075 - 2014-08-06 18:51:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Shalmon Aliatus
Some random Ideas from someone who knows next to nothing about null:

If you take a look at the dotlan map, you see that you got 10k+ NPC kills D-AWFI constellation. We all are used to NPCs not being very smart, but you would think if you kill 60k+ NPCs in a constellation, that you would get some kind of change. The change at the moment is an increase in the military level, which allows you to shoot at more NPCs.
I am glad that I am not a member of the NPC pirates, because it seems like they like to throw their pilots into a meatgrinder.

Same goes for the industry level. If you dig gold in a gold mine, it will be empty at some point. In EVE the goldmine gets bigger (regular belts get smaller, but you get gravi sites, which always have the same amount of ore in them)

Here are my suggestions for the new mechanics:

1. Every Null-Sec (including NPC null) System startst at Military Level 5. Industy Level 5
2. If you do mining or ratting up to a certain point, the level decreases
3. Systems with lower True-Sec regenerate their Level faster
4. At Level 4+ (or 5) a NPC site spawns every 4 hours, cyno-jamming the system (except for black-ops cyno) until it is killed.

This will motivate players to spread out, if they want Lvl 5 all the time, or farm a system until it reaches Lvl 4 and move on to the next system (if they do carrier ratting they have to clear the cyno-jamming site first. Small corp or alliances won't get the lvl of the system low enough and if they do, they probably got enough members to claim another system. Big alliances are forced to keep at least their logistic route clear from the cyno-jam sites, making logistics and force projection a little harder, but I am sure they can manage it. Depending on Military Level and True-Sec the site gets harder (I was thinking about Incursion-site hard, maybe with a HQ Site for -1.0)

With systems cyno-jammed by default, unless you do black-ops or take a fleet there by gate travel and clear the site, I also see an opportunity for the rorqual to be useful again. Give it an industrial counterpart of the cyno and the jump portal, so it can jump fleets of mining ships. With the prospect ORE has a covops frigate to set up the industrial cyno, the rorqual can bridge ships to the cyno and jump on it (expect for usual cyno, a very small ship maintenance (5 hulks, rly ?) and the clone bay that puts me in an empty clone that I will have to destroy after the mining op). The mining op can be dropped by black-ops or other mining fleets (I know there are guys who will do this in battleskiffs :D), unless you kill the cyno-jamming site.

So thats just me writing some stuff, tell when I am missing something (like I said, I don't live in null,Lol)
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1076 - 2014-08-06 23:04:13 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

You should know better by now. I read everything.

I'm sure much of the playerbase would find it reassuring to know your general thoughts on the matter in very broad strokes. You may have noticed some of the recent threads that cropped up from certain disgruntled parties.

Things like: "we would like to implement a facwar-like system that focuses on many small engagements" or "we will work within the framework of a single monolithic engagement, but are considering reducing structure ehp and timer duration." Not asking for numbers, even something as simple as "yes, we think ihub ehp is excessive" would be nice to hear.

In that light, you may get some useful (and focused) feedback so that you don't get the backlash you've seen from wormholes with your 20km or w/e cap spawning idea. That feedback may improve the end product, and it may serve to reassure disillusioned vets about the future of their favorite game.
Anthar Thebess
#1077 - 2014-08-07 06:43:57 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
[quote=CCP Fozzie]
" Not asking for numbers, even something as simple as "yes, we think ihub ehp is excessive" would be nice to hear.

Something more or less im trying to get here.

The real question should be :
- can we get fast rebalance of those structures.

All EHP / Timer Length is stored in database, you can replace them during a DT to create some ease for players , or spark some new conflict that will provide us some fun , until rest of the changes arrive.
Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1078 - 2014-08-07 08:15:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Speedkermit Damo
A lot of my friends have been quitting nullsec to join faction war. Not only sov-holders but also guys who live in NPC nullsec. I'll probably be doing this myself soon, as even NPC null seems to be getting stale.

CCP take note, players are having fun with FW, not with nullsec.

When my corp lived in Stain, we controlled a number of systems. Of course we didn't have a TCU or own the stations, but we did actively patrol the area and try to hunt down and kill any intruders. So we controlled those systems by projecting what force we had and actually living in and using those systems. All without silly structures with millions of EHP and timers.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Marox Calendale
The Initiative.
#1079 - 2014-08-07 08:48:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Marox Calendale
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Snot Shot wrote:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that not only has the OP'ster abandoned this thread, but CCP Fozzie stopped reading it as well as we have not heard from either in a while......Sad

You should know better by now. I read everything.

So when are you working Fozzie? Big smile Or don´t you have any Family to spent time with? Reading all this stuff may take so much time, that there might be not enough for doing anything else Big smile
Anthar Thebess
#1080 - 2014-08-07 09:13:28 UTC
Or just create script , that notifies you about every post where it find specific string ;)