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Warning to all players about Lord Whisker and his Alts

First post
Random Randomer
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#41 - 2014-07-26 21:34:31 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
If you have no vested interest in the transgressions against EMA and have never interacted with any of the corps he has run, how can you make the determination he has "personality issues"?

Warning to all players about Random Randomer: He is a liar.

I'm a Liar? Lord Whisker has already admitted he did it lol.

I was made aware of what he had done through a few ingame friends I have, that had received a warning from Levnil after this had happened.

And besides I made that remark about personality issues based on a judgement call. Levnil Oriki stated "he wasn't exactly the most well-balanced of individuals when under pressure" and Spidy 105 stated that "I found this out myself through ingame mail!".

Was this a good judgement call? Who cares. To be honest you're starting to sound like one of his alts!

The bottom line is that the thread has run its course, and the allegations I made have been proven true by a full confession from the guilty party!
Paranoid Loyd
#42 - 2014-07-26 21:49:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
Random Randomer wrote:
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
If you have no vested interest in the transgressions against EMA and have never interacted with any of the corps he has run, how can you make the determination he has "personality issues"?

Warning to all players about Random Randomer: He is a liar.

I'm a Liar? Lord Whisker has already admitted he did it lol.

I was made aware of what he had done through a few ingame friends I have, that had received a warning from Levnil after this had happened.

And besides I made that remark about personality issues based on a judgement call. Levnil Oriki stated "he wasn't exactly the most well-balanced of individuals when under pressure" and Spidy 105 stated that "I found this out myself through ingame mail!".

Was this a good judgement call? Who cares. To be honest you're starting to sound like one of his alts!

The bottom line is that the thread has run its course, and the allegations I made have been proven true by a full confession from the guilty party!

I am calling you a liar because you claim to have no vested interest in calling him out when it is obvious you do, otherwise you would not have felt the need to use an alt just to post the OP, as well as add in the insult at the end of the thread you yourself say had run its course.

I assure you I had not heard of Lord Whisker before you started this thread.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Random Randomer
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2014-07-26 21:56:43 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
Random Randomer wrote:
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
If you have no vested interest in the transgressions against EMA and have never interacted with any of the corps he has run, how can you make the determination he has "personality issues"?

Warning to all players about Random Randomer: He is a liar.

I'm a Liar? Lord Whisker has already admitted he did it lol.

I was made aware of what he had done through a few ingame friends I have, that had received a warning from Levnil after this had happened.

And besides I made that remark about personality issues based on a judgement call. Levnil Oriki stated "he wasn't exactly the most well-balanced of individuals when under pressure" and Spidy 105 stated that "I found this out myself through ingame mail!".

Was this a good judgement call? Who cares. To be honest you're starting to sound like one of his alts!

The bottom line is that the thread has run its course, and the allegations I made have been proven true by a full confession from the guilty party!

I am calling you a liar because you claim to have no vested interest in calling him out when it is obvious you do, otherwise you would not have felt the need to use an alt just to post the OP, as well as add in the insult at the end of the thread you yourself say had run its course.

I assure you I had not heard of Lord Whisker before you started this thread.

I used an alt as at this time he is back in CEo position of an 85 person corp, and although it seems to be as dead as a dodo, to quote Admiral Ackbar "We cant repel firepower of that magnitude"

I would have done this to any person I had heard was a corp thief, if you know of any yourself, and have some evidence to show me as Levnil did when i contacted him, let me know and providing there hasnt been a post already, I will gladly start one!
Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#44 - 2014-07-27 07:19:33 UTC
He is quite clearly an alt of an ex EMA member because *levnil* does not discuss corp policies or incidents outside of the corp, he is not a drama queen.

Need to grow up, using an alt to post on the forums is so 2005 buddy. If you are not an ex EMA alt then post with your main.

Need to grow up.

You really do.

Thread go go go

Im enjoying it
Yolai Makanen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#45 - 2014-07-27 11:32:49 UTC
If your main is in a null sec corp like you said earlier, why don't you post with your main and not this alt lord whisker??

Take your own advice.

Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#46 - 2014-07-27 11:39:18 UTC
Thank you for admitting I'm not a drama queen. Though I do have to admit, this isn't the first time you pulled a stunt to a corp like this, so once word got out, I had people I'd never heard of before looking to get a fresh scent of your trail, so I gave them the info. No sweat for me there.

Storm Shadow Dancers for instance, they were left high and dry in null. I also have a mail from you saying were we due the isk you took back at the end of this month. Not a hope in hell of that, but its about as valid as your threats to destroy us.
Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#47 - 2014-07-27 14:12:25 UTC
aww such rage. You people need to grow up

Welcome to EvE.

Ill keep doing it, always have, always will, i have BILLIONS of ISk from mulitple corp robberys, stupid people are a gift. Man i have so many accounts plexed, my eve mon looks like a corp roster.

You have 4 names, nothing more. None of which are even training skills and are all inactive.

Altho having the JF now is a nice touch and the frieghter (never did sell it btw)

Keep the rage posts coming, doesnt bother me at all, im already working on my next heist :)
Sllik Skillz
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2014-07-27 14:27:00 UTC
Lord Whisker wrote:
aww such rage. You people need to grow up

Welcome to EvE.

Ill keep doing it, always have, always will, i have BILLIONS of ISk from mulitple corp robberys, stupid people are a gift. Man i have so many accounts plexed, my eve mon looks like a corp roster.

You have 4 names, nothing more. None of which are even training skills and are all inactive.

Altho having the JF now is a nice touch and the frieghter (never did sell it btw)

Keep the rage posts coming, doesnt bother me at all, im already working on my next heist :)

Well I figured its about time I drop in my comments.

I used to know Lord Whisker in RL. When I was thinking about coming back to the game, I got told about this, and decided to ask him about it. After quite a few messages, it basically ended with him saying and I quote:

"Kinda my point, we have been friends for years and you irl, took info from sumone else about me, believedf it without even asking me if it was true and then got buddy buddy with a spoilt bratt and then what? U treat me with contempt? You over turned years of friendship in an instant and that is why i refuse to have friends, because tjhey all end the same way, eventually, one turns on the other. This is why i choose to stay friendless and alone, at least this way, people who i have known for years do not treat me with contempt. Im sorry but we are3 done, i would never sell u out, not ever."

So basically the various comments I've been reading about him seem to be all valid. Thats all I'll be saying about this and to be honest I'll probably get more drama because I'm posting this, but hey ho good to see the truth cme out in the end!!!
Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#49 - 2014-07-27 16:17:41 UTC
Poster Above

Get a life rob, 11 years of friendship gone in a second because you got a new friend?

Yeh i don't really think you have anything to way in on, your a joke, a pathetic excuse for a man, go back to sniffing any passing girls skirt.

Butthurt drama queen 100% you are buddy.

Go play with your new 19yr old friend who also lives at home with his mummy, you can be super sad together. Mary was right about you, you are a complete jerk, 100%. I shoulda taken action after what you did to her. After what you do to every girl you hook up with. destroy them and then play the victim. Come at me bro, ill be waiting.

Don't cross me fella, you won't like the outcome.
Sllik Skillz
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2014-07-27 16:19:12 UTC
Lord Whisker wrote:
Poster Above

Get a life rob, 11 years of friendship gone in a second because you got a new friend?

Yeh i don't really think you have anything to way in on, your a joke, a pathetic excuse for a man, go back to sniffing any passing girls skirt.

Butthurt drama queen 100% you are buddy.

Go play with your new 19yr old friend who also lives at home with his mummy, you can be super sad together. Mary was right about you, you are a complete jerk, 100%. I shoulda taken action after what you did to her. After what you do to every girl you hook up with. destroy them and then play the victim. Come at me bro, ill be waiting.

Don't cross me fella, you won't like the outcome.

Lolz, get a job, and a life buddy Blink
Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#51 - 2014-07-27 16:24:53 UTC
have both thanks, keep spreading your lies, makes me laugh.

go hide behind your mums skirt like the little boy you are. such a coward, such a true coward
Volisitor Zamayid
Goonswarm Federation
#52 - 2014-07-28 04:26:09 UTC
I just want to know if you actually had another child and were tight on irl funds or if that was another scam too...I guess people are just stupid for taking a genuine interest in others real life's and attempting to make real human connections via computers...**** me right? Lol
Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#53 - 2014-07-28 12:16:30 UTC
Volisitor Zamayid wrote:
I just want to know if you actually had another child and were tight on irl funds or if that was another scam too...I guess people are just stupid for taking a genuine interest in others real life's and attempting to make real human connections via computers...**** me right? Lol

Need to grow up fella, seriously, you people are obessed with me, its flattering, disturbing, but flattering
Yolai Makanen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#54 - 2014-08-01 23:45:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Yolai Makanen
Lord Whisker wrote:

After what you do to every girl you hook up with. destroy them

Proof that Sliik Skillz lives up to his name with the ladies
Telord Dane Udan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#55 - 2014-08-02 09:06:11 UTC
Ya know laddie. It wasn't the officers and other directors that you should have been paranoid about. It was the group of people who were the backbone of EMA who were getting remarkably tired of your inept attempts at FCing, your non ending complaints about kiting frigates(a game mechanic that you apparently can't wrap your head around), your rather poor interpersonal skills, and your general failure to understand that this isn't 2005 anymore and the game has changed. Those fellahs are still around in the new corp and making sure its sucessful as we think the Glorious Leader is a huge improvement over the last CEO. Good luck in your future endeavors and you should probably just continue to play the game in your strange little way.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#56 - 2014-08-02 10:07:04 UTC
Levnil Oriki wrote:
when I was maybe a month into the game, I met this "Lord Whisker" under a different name and we started a corp together. That was MSOP. Without making this into too much of a rant about his awfulness, we moved to EMA - Evil Monkey Asylum, after someone placed a 1bil bounty on MSOP.

LMFAO. Did you really just come out and say that all anyone has to do to ruin your day is put a billion isk bounty on your corp? Not sure if coward or shockingly ignorant of how the bounty system works.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#57 - 2014-08-02 15:35:15 UTC
Telord Dane Udan wrote:
Ya know laddie. It wasn't the officers and other directors that you should have been paranoid about. It was the group of people who were the backbone of EMA who were getting remarkably tired of your inept attempts at FCing, your non ending complaints about kiting frigates(a game mechanic that you apparently can't wrap your head around), your rather poor interpersonal skills, and your general failure to understand that this isn't 2005 anymore and the game has changed. Those fellahs are still around in the new corp and making sure its sucessful as we think the Glorious Leader is a huge improvement over the last CEO. Good luck in your future endeavors and you should probably just continue to play the game in your strange little way.

Okey grandpa

lol anger much?

Keep the thread up, i love the fame, makes me smile

Oh btw i just pulled off two more heists, another 20+ bil for me w00t w00t

time to setup some more

Lord Whisker
NetFlix Whilst Playing Eve
#58 - 2014-08-02 15:36:15 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Levnil Oriki wrote:
when I was maybe a month into the game, I met this "Lord Whisker" under a different name and we started a corp together. That was MSOP. Without making this into too much of a rant about his awfulness, we moved to EMA - Evil Monkey Asylum, after someone placed a 1bil bounty on MSOP.

LMFAO. Did you really just come out and say that all anyone has to do to ruin your day is put a billion isk bounty on your corp? Not sure if coward or shockingly ignorant of how the bounty system works.

There all noobs fella, the whole corp, makes me laugh

if they had any balls they woulda war decked EMA by now, they dont, there a joke

Then to make matters worse, they joined an alliance they had been slamming for the past 6 months as being a buncha pricks

lol much?
Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#59 - 2014-08-02 15:55:55 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Levnil Oriki wrote:
when I was maybe a month into the game, I met this "Lord Whisker" under a different name and we started a corp together. That was MSOP. Without making this into too much of a rant about his awfulness, we moved to EMA - Evil Monkey Asylum, after someone placed a 1bil bounty on MSOP.

LMFAO. Did you really just come out and say that all anyone has to do to ruin your day is put a billion isk bounty on your corp? Not sure if coward or shockingly ignorant of how the bounty system works.

Ask Lord Whisker, that was all his idea back then :)
Levnil Oriki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2014-08-02 15:59:43 UTC
As for deccing ema, why would we? It's like you, a few of your alts and a pile of inactives.