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Dedaf's industrial tool

United Brothers Of Eve
#481 - 2014-08-02 07:45:17 UTC
Malzany Enat wrote:
Malzany Enat wrote:
is it just me or is the shopping list not working anymore? while spamming update nothing happens Lol

but great tool so far, trying to get in production now with this one Cool

still not working for me Sad

Works fine for me, keep in mind that you need to start a production in one or more of the tools, for the shopping list to be filled, the update is just to insure that it has the right components. If there is nothing in the list, clicking update wont change anything.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Cat Harkness
Twilight Labs
The Serenity Initiative
#482 - 2014-08-02 13:34:01 UTC
Dedaf wrote:
Yes the file was corrupted for some reason. It should work now.

Got it, Thanks...

(Eve time 2014.08.02 13:13)

Cat Harkness


Twilight Labs

Malzany Enat
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#483 - 2014-08-02 22:13:54 UTC
Dedaf wrote:
Malzany Enat wrote:
Malzany Enat wrote:
is it just me or is the shopping list not working anymore? while spamming update nothing happens Lol

but great tool so far, trying to get in production now with this one Cool

still not working for me Sad

Works fine for me, keep in mind that you need to start a production in one or more of the tools, for the shopping list to be filled, the update is just to insure that it has the right components. If there is nothing in the list, clicking update wont change anything.

well i'm not sure what you mean by "start a production". if you mean to fill out how much i want to produce, i did that. i mean i get these small "shopping lists" in each tool. but as i cant copy paste that Lol
so the real list is still empty
Malzany Enat
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#484 - 2014-08-03 00:17:56 UTC
oh an me again Big smile there might be an issue with the calculated amount for the t2 bpcs.
i tried waspII and salvagerII and both have less pi material then they should have compared to what the ingametool tells me.
so for 1waspII with no bonus i need 6 guidance and 6 robotics
and for the salvager its 9 miniature and 12 transmitter
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#485 - 2014-08-03 01:31:01 UTC
Just want to say thanks for adding the outpost bonuses. Many blueprints changed aswell with Crius 1.6 so most numbers are currently incorrect but the SDE is released now.
United Brothers Of Eve
#486 - 2014-08-03 14:33:32 UTC
Malzany Enat wrote:
oh an me again Big smile there might be an issue with the calculated amount for the t2 bpcs.
i tried waspII and salvagerII and both have less pi material then they should have compared to what the ingametool tells me.
so for 1waspII with no bonus i need 6 guidance and 6 robotics
and for the salvager its 9 miniature and 12 transmitter

The error you see is because the tool had not been updated with the Crius 1,6 patch changes. But i have just uploaded a new version, that should have the correct number. I have checked the Wasp II and Salvager II for you, and they are correct now in version 16,6,8

H3llHound wrote:
Just want to say thanks for adding the outpost bonuses. Many blueprints changed aswell with Crius 1.6 so most numbers are currently incorrect but the SDE is released now.

Thanks for the heads-up, i have now corrected the tool, so that all T2 Item should have correct materials, according tothe Crius 1,6 patch.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Thorrieu Alabel
Bukandara Corp
#487 - 2014-08-07 13:08:57 UTC
When opening the sheet, I'm receiving this error message :
"Excell found unreadable content in Dedaf's 16,6,9.xlsm. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
If I click Yes, the sheet open normally, but when I input my APIKey, the character Name remains blank.
I've try downloading it several times, but the problem persist.
Any suggestions on how to correct that?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#488 - 2014-08-07 14:19:59 UTC  |  Edited by: H3llHound
So, I have to bother you again :) The calculations done with T2 components are incorrect.

I tested it with a few components but I will just give one below; I used the 'Build Additional' function on the components in the T2 Ships sheet. The version is 16,6,8.

ME 10 with a 3% Outpost. I want to build 20,000 Crystalline Carbonide Armor Plates.

Your sheet shows: 760k CC and 200k Sylramic Fibers
What It shows ingame: Crystalline Carbonide 768,240, Sylramic Fibers 192,060

The base values are correct I checked so my guess is the material modifier isnt applied correctly. I guess you first calculate the base materials with the material modifier and then multiply with the buildruns. (Basevalue x Modifier) x Runs.

The game uses this formula: CEILING ((Basevalue x Modifier x Runs) ,1), the big difference is the number rounding only happens at the end.

And can you tell me a good way to export the Bp requirements from the datadump? :)
Aerys von Raumfahrt
Shadow Legion X
Seriously Suspicious
#489 - 2014-08-09 02:43:36 UTC
How do I remove the "in stock" from showing up in the t1 Production Sheet, I think it is messing up my shopping list.

I have some minerals in some random stations, but it still seems to count them. I know there's got to be a cell I can clear somewhere, but I can't figure it out.

There's dropdowns on the t1 Production Sheet to adjust station, but there's only "all" or blank, and selecting blank and updating doesn't help.

I feel like I'm probably blind. Big smile
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#490 - 2014-08-09 03:26:12 UTC
it's Crius not Cirus.

United Brothers Of Eve
#491 - 2014-08-15 11:40:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
Thorrieu Alabel wrote:
When opening the sheet, I'm receiving this error message :
"Excell found unreadable content in Dedaf's 16,6,9.xlsm. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
If I click Yes, the sheet open normally, but when I input my APIKey, the character Name remains blank.
I've try downloading it several times, but the problem persist.
Any suggestions on how to correct that?

Hi Thorrieu
I believe your problem is the macro security setting in MS office. try to read FAQ 6 to see if that can solve your problem.
But please keep in mind that this tool only works with Microsoft Office. OpenOffice and Mac versions is not supported.

Aerys von Raumfahrt wrote:
How do I remove the "in stock" from showing up in the t1 Production Sheet, I think it is messing up my shopping list.

I have some minerals in some random stations, but it still seems to count them. I know there's got to be a cell I can clear somewhere, but I can't figure it out.

There's dropdowns on the t1 Production Sheet to adjust station, but there's only "all" or blank, and selecting blank and updating doesn't help.

I feel like I'm probably blind. Big smile

Hi Aerys
i believe your problem is because you have not setup your character API key for including asset.
Please see FAQ 2, 4 or 5, depending on which asset you want to import to the tool.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

United Brothers Of Eve
#492 - 2014-08-21 20:37:32 UTC
H3llHound wrote:
So, I have to bother you again :) The calculations done with T2 components are incorrect.

I tested it with a few components but I will just give one below; I used the 'Build Additional' function on the components in the T2 Ships sheet. The version is 16,6,8.

ME 10 with a 3% Outpost. I want to build 20,000 Crystalline Carbonide Armor Plates.

Your sheet shows: 760k CC and 200k Sylramic Fibers
What It shows ingame: Crystalline Carbonide 768,240, Sylramic Fibers 192,060

The base values are correct I checked so my guess is the material modifier isnt applied correctly. I guess you first calculate the base materials with the material modifier and then multiply with the buildruns. (Basevalue x Modifier) x Runs.

The game uses this formula: CEILING ((Basevalue x Modifier x Runs) ,1), the big difference is the number rounding only happens at the end.

And can you tell me a good way to export the Bp requirements from the datadump? :)

Hi H3llHound
This should now be corrected in the new version 16.7.3
thanks for helping making the tool better.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Matcha Mosburger
Matsuko Holding
#493 - 2014-08-22 20:08:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Matcha Mosburger
Very nice tool, for some reason excel is much more comforting to work with than other tools.

Couple questions:

1) I suspect it's an API thing on CCP (I'm not very good with the API limitations) but can/will the tool be able to pull inv from containers? So I can keep my stuff sorted but still see it all in your tool.

2) Maybe I'm doing it wrong - but the production tabs seem to pull my mineral quantities from my imv, but they don't pull any other items (T2, PI products etc) am I doing it wrong, or are these to be manually entered only on the Data tab?

3) Since all T2 invention produce BPC with the same ME/TE regardless of parent BPO, will you adjust that section to auto populate the standard level before decryptor? So dont have to manually change each one every time.

Thanks for the fun! I think this will help my T2 production a lot.

P.s. The T2 ship production tab, the pull down menu for ship selection is missing Prospect
United Brothers Of Eve
#494 - 2014-08-24 22:03:38 UTC
Matcha Mosburger wrote:
Very nice tool, for some reason excel is much more comforting to work with than other tools.

Couple questions:

1) I suspect it's an API thing on CCP (I'm not very good with the API limitations) but can/will the tool be able to pull inv from containers? So I can keep my stuff sorted but still see it all in your tool.

2) Maybe I'm doing it wrong - but the production tabs seem to pull my mineral quantities from my imv, but they don't pull any other items (T2, PI products etc) am I doing it wrong, or are these to be manually entered only on the Data tab?

3) Since all T2 invention produce BPC with the same ME/TE regardless of parent BPO, will you adjust that section to auto populate the standard level before decryptor? So dont have to manually change each one every time.

Thanks for the fun! I think this will help my T2 production a lot.

P.s. The T2 ship production tab, the pull down menu for ship selection is missing Prospect

HI Matcha
ill see if i can answer all your questions.

1) It is as you suspect, that the api system does not list the item within containers. So you are not doing anything wrong, it is just how the ststem works.

2) I have tested my t2 material, and they are all listed, however you mention PI material also. PI material are used on planets and again, the API system does not work with material on planets. Therefore the fields in the PI tool are mostly manual.

3) im not doing invention myself, so i wasnt aware that they input ME/TE had no effect anymore.

4) regarding the Prospect, you will find it in the T2 Ship Production tool, under mining ships.

I hope this helps you out.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#495 - 2014-08-25 07:08:56 UTC
opening the file freezes my open office. can anyone run this under open office or does it only work with "real" excel ?
Amarr Empire
#496 - 2014-08-25 08:37:23 UTC
why on earth does that sheet not pull the eve-central price for the finished product ?

it does pretty much everything else, but i still need to enter the price manually. that makes zero sense.
United Brothers Of Eve
#497 - 2014-08-25 08:56:38 UTC
Dasmallredboat wrote:
why on earth does that sheet not pull the eve-central price for the finished product ?

it does pretty much everything else, but i still need to enter the price manually. that makes zero sense.

It does use the eve-central prices. but you also have the option to set them manually. some people like the prices to be more exact.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Amarr Empire
#498 - 2014-08-25 09:04:30 UTC
where is the option to pull them automatically ? i'm looking at the t1 production and t1 rig sheet
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#499 - 2014-08-25 18:40:47 UTC
Great tool thanks, been using it off and on for like 2 years now.
Couple things:
- The latest version doesn't even load at all in open office, it just hangs up. Works find in MS Excel (this is a known issue w/ open office, but it used to at least load, just not do the xml/api updates.)
- Mobile Warp Disruptor aren't available under the T1 mods.

Maybe I'm not seeing it, but do you involve/show the 'time to build' anywhere? With the increased build time for many mods, it would be a very nice thing to have to sort out when you need to build base/middle components.
Cat Harkness
Twilight Labs
The Serenity Initiative
#500 - 2014-08-25 22:35:13 UTC
Gilbaron wrote:
opening the file freezes my open office. can anyone run this under open office or does it only work with "real" excel ?

Does not work with Open Office.

Cat Harkness


Twilight Labs