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High Security Anomolies - Dread Guristas Loot Table - Why God?

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2014-07-31 11:52:38 UTC
Ironically its mainly new and casual missioners that loot. Professional mission runners blitz for a high ISK/LP corp and either contract the loot to a salvage corp if its a busy system or just leave it to explode.

Fiddling with loot tables will really only effect new/casual highsec mission runners.

Anoms are a bit different. People run them for the loot.
Victor Andall
#22 - 2014-07-31 13:34:51 UTC
I love how people think "I ran sites five times" is a proper statistic sample.

Highsec exploration is exactly what it should be in terms of profits: fine.

Lowsec Data and Relic sites are much more profitable and low risk if you know how to DScan.

I just undocked for the first time and someone challenged me to a duel. Wat do?

19.08.2014 - Dinsdale gets slammed by CCP Falcon. Never forget.

Vincent Athena
#23 - 2014-07-31 15:31:49 UTC
I have not seen any good drops from high sec belt rats or anoms for quite awhile either. I had assumed CCP changed things. Too bad. It was fun, especially the day I killed a belt rat, with my Hulk, in a 0.8 system and it dropped a limited snake omega, worth 700 million. Like you, now all I see is ammo and tags.

Signatures are still working. Last night I got a low end combat site, that escalated one step and produced a 250 mil module.

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Xylem Viliana
homeless bum
#24 - 2014-07-31 15:39:20 UTC
bad luck i think.

I ran a Gurista's Refuge (dscan anom) for the hell of it about 30-45 mins ago, got a DG spawn and the end Nihilist destroyer no escalation, had the normal tag and ammo and a DG ballistic control unit which if you look in the forge region you will find for sale at 90m on the nose.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2014-07-31 16:05:10 UTC
I dunno...

I ninja'd a Gila BPC out of a high-sec 4/10 the other day.

Didn't shoot a thing, just swooped in and snatched it out of the yellow can right under the nose of the Drake that was running the site in my MWD Jag.

But I digress. Anoms are **** for loot. I use them for target practice or getting a feel for a new fit, or when I'm bored and they're there. DEDs are where the money's at.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Miss Twinkie
Trust Doesn't Rust
Goonswarm Federation
#26 - 2014-07-31 16:14:20 UTC
O noes my 0 risk isk fountain no longer works.

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#27 - 2014-07-31 17:04:45 UTC
Miss Twinkie wrote:
O noes my 0 risk isk fountain no longer works.

Don't worry, I can fix it.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#28 - 2014-07-31 17:22:09 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
I always thought highsec drop rates were a little high considering how often I heard about people getting rare modules there, compared to how bad they often are in nullsec.

You can do 100 anoms in high sec fast as hell compared to null tho. You basicly never get interrupted and you never even have to dps down a battle ship. I was running sebos on an ishtar scripted for target speed because i wasted more time locking than I did shooting.
Marc Durant
#29 - 2014-07-31 17:27:31 UTC
I don't bother with anomalies because it's just bad but high sec combat sites can do and pay really well. You can make 250-500 mil a day if you do them right. No bragging, no joke. RNG still happens of course; some days you get nothing, then 3 days in a row a bill.

Yes, yes I am. Thanks for noticing.

Space Mermaids
#30 - 2014-07-31 18:58:46 UTC
Marc Durant wrote:
I don't bother with anomalies because it's just bad but high sec combat sites can do and pay really well. You can make 250-500 mil a day if you do them right. No bragging, no joke. RNG still happens of course; some days you get nothing, then 3 days in a row a bill.

And to be fair to CCP this could be why they nerfed it.

If people can spam anoms for 3 weeks and get enough loot to make 800 mil and a Plex they will. While I am motivated by the loot and the prospect of using the loot, I am a small minority in EVE. Most simply see it as a means to an end. It would be nice to see a skill or implant that eliminated trial spamming from the loot tables.

Yet another potential use for those useless Criminal Dog tags. "Here is a Shadow Serpentis Copper tag, Mr. Agent". Agent offers me a mission with benefits. One that requires the Criminal Dog tags being turned in for missions and an Advanced Social skill not available to trial accounts but maybe I'm dreaming.
Altirius Saldiaro
#31 - 2014-08-01 05:58:47 UTC
Derrick Miles wrote:
I heard the high sec exploration combat sites were even better than the anomalies, so I thought I'd try it out. Ran some down and killed some True Sansha rats. Got excited to go loot their wrecks and got a single frequency crystal. Five times in a row. I didn't run any more combat sites after that.

Same **** happens to me in nullsec. Kill a true sansha rat in a belt and get a damn crystal. Its bullshit. Makes going out looking for faction rats not fun anymore.
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#32 - 2014-08-01 06:38:40 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
I always thought highsec drop rates were a little high considering how often I heard about people getting rare modules there, compared to how bad they often are in nullsec.

Never got anything rare in high sec rats....then again I did not play there for nearly 3 years...

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Tyburn Stannis
Xenon Salvage Inc.
#33 - 2014-08-01 07:09:05 UTC
Seems to be a fall in high end loot drops amongst myself and friends who explore (mostly for fun of sneaking round, loot as a bonus), but could just be RNG. If its an actual programmed change, might not be a bad thing as people will drift away from the profession and I might get through a site without a flock of Herons/ Drakes turning up :)

Grog Aftermath
#34 - 2014-08-01 08:28:48 UTC
Loot drops in high-sec I find crap these days anyway, but they have nerfed them over the years.

In the past they were always trying to get people to spread out more as they always seem to be having issues with lag. Seemed at the time that the system was running at the outer limits of the technology. They seem to have got over that issue though, maybe through time dilatation and improved technology.

They did try to get people to spread out more that were doing missions at one point by sending them further a field even into low-sec more often. Of course this had the opposite effect by making missioners move away from the systems nearer low-sec with the result of more concentrated groups in the centre regions of high-sec. But it appears they back tracked on this one.

Making high-sec less appealing is not going to get people into low-sec or null it will just give those in high-sec that prefer high-sec less reason to play. You can't force people to do something they don't want to do, in a game.
Erin Crawford
#35 - 2014-08-01 08:40:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Erin Crawford
Altirius Saldiaro wrote:
Same **** happens to me in nullsec. Kill a true sansha rat in a belt and get a damn crystal. Its bullshit. Makes going out looking for faction rats not fun anymore.

Huh, and here I thought that only faction ammo/tags dropped in high-sec and all the good stuff was to be found in null - to encourage explorers not to bother with high sec and move into low/null!

Also, when ever I ask about high sec exploration, the answer is usually: "it's were you train.. go to null to find the good stuff..."

Looks like the exploration 'well' is drying up...

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Erin Crawford
#36 - 2014-08-01 08:44:33 UTC
Grog Aftermath wrote:
...Making high-sec less appealing is not going to get people into low-sec or null...
True, it'll just make them give up on this type of activity and do something else.

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Erin Crawford
#37 - 2014-08-01 08:46:56 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Yet another potential use for those useless Criminal Dog tags. "Here is a Shadow Serpentis Copper tag, Mr. Agent". Agent offers me a mission with benefits. One that requires the Criminal Dog tags being turned in for missions and an Advanced Social skill not available to trial accounts but maybe I'm dreaming.

Cool idea this!

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Retribution Holdings Corp
#38 - 2014-08-01 08:49:05 UTC
CCP have seriously nerfed officer and faction spawns. end of really... Stain has definitely been hit hard, you hardly get TS spawns now, never rmind decent loot
Grog Aftermath
#39 - 2014-08-01 08:55:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Grog Aftermath
One other thing about this game (talking high-sec, as I've not seen the changes in low-sec and null over recent years).

In other games they use rare drops to keep interest in killing mobs, it appeals to peoples gambling side (what's being gambled, well it's your time). It also gives you that boost when you find one.

These days in high-sec I don't get any of that feeling of reward for the time invested in killing things (NPCs).

I'd say 99.9% of what I loot in high-sec is destined to be broken down into minerals. The other 0.1% I may actually be able to use. But 100% of the drops I've had in high-sec over the last couple of years, there was nothing to get excited about.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#40 - 2014-08-01 09:17:46 UTC
I have had two officer spawns in 8 years and one of them dropped tags and ammoStraight
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