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WTS Set of Capital Components BPO's

Madeline Wessette
Absolute Order V
Absolute Glory
#1 - 2014-07-29 21:17:39 UTC

I'm selling this set of Capital Components BPO's.
That's everything you need right there to build yourself a freighter.

The Capital Armor Plates Bleuprint has a researched ME of 5%

Capital Armor Plates Blueprint
Capital Cargo Bay Blueprint
Capital Construction Parts Blueprint
Capital Propulsion Engine Blueprint

I do not expect to make a big profit of these bpo's, only a good return.
Put your offers on the forum, and if you want you can send them to me on mail aswel.

Madeline Wessette
Absolute Order V
Absolute Glory
#2 - 2014-07-30 09:14:57 UTC
The BlackPrince
Inner Visions
#3 - 2014-07-30 10:30:51 UTC
I might have a interest is some of them but it would have been alot eaiser if you had added ME / TE levels and a price tag.

Feel free to mail me with what you have in mind for these.

Capital Armor Plates Blueprint
Capital Construction Parts Blueprint
Capital Propulsion Engine Blueprint

Currently building carriers and rorquals. Contact me for a cheap capital ship.

Axton Kashuken
We make things.... I think
We trade things... I think
#4 - 2014-07-30 19:44:09 UTC
i'll offer 1.1 for the parts, thx
Madeline Wessette
Absolute Order V
Absolute Glory
#5 - 2014-07-31 11:01:47 UTC
up, still for sale!
Roland John
United Constructions
#6 - 2014-07-31 13:56:01 UTC
Can you please include the numbers for the ME TE that are for each BPO.. and i will make and offer on the lot
Madeline Wessette
Absolute Order V
Absolute Glory
#7 - 2014-07-31 14:05:53 UTC
Only Capital Cargo Bay is still for sale with ME 0% and TE 0%