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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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37m PVP Pilot with an 11m Indy alt looking for a home!

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-12-07 15:48:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Kriwich
Hello capsuleers!,

My name is Dave and I have been playing EVE for quite a while now. Had allot of different characters and I know exactly what I want now within EVE. I want to establish and grow into a nice team. If you want to know more about me you can always eve mail me or just post a reply beneath. But for now this is what I'm looking for and can contribute:

I'm looking for:
- An EU based corporation with a goal
- Fun corp mates
- Activities such as roaming ops & mining ops
- Support from the corp with skill learning plans and pvp
- Solid 0.0 base to pvp and mine in

What I'm not looking for:
- Wormhole corporations
- Pirate/grief corporations
- Very small corporations

What I can contribute:
- PVP oriented player : Kriwich
- PVE oriented player: Zara Tare
- Working microphone
- EU Timezone (Weekly I play around 1900/2300 GMT+1 Weekends are totally random)
- Some social fun as I do like laughs
- Graphic experience I'm an Interactive designer and can help with websites/forums or anything else graphic related
- Im self sufficient if given the opportunity (Mining and ratting)

- I have some pvp experience in FW and 0.0
- I can provide some Killboard links to support this
- Im not fit to be FC because I simply dont like to be one
- Scouting is no problem I have some experience in this
- I like medium sized roams but also fun roams

- I like to rat in some decent belts
- But also mine them empty
- I can fly a freighter to move things around

My future plans:
- Grow into ranks and actually mean something to a corp
- Train to get Jump freighters
- Be a subcap specialist
- Mine the most precious ores out there

Misc info:
- Please be advised that Im currently flying 2 bought characters
- I can provide details off my old characters if needed
- Killboard links will be of my old characters
- I cant be on 24/7

If you think that I'm compatible with your team please evemail me or reply to this thread.

Thank you in advance and fly safe!


Kriwich/Zara Tare
Threat Contained
The Initiative.
#2 - 2011-12-07 15:53:57 UTC
Hey there matey, We are a smallish Corp but im pushing growth (with the right candidates) in the aim to at least double our numbers.

So info about me -

I ran a successful Merc Corp/Alliance in highsec for almost a year but my lifestyle changed and so my gaming style had to chanbge too. It's time consuming hunting war targets :)

So now I have a great opportunity with future plans and I hope that you may consider this.

Some details on what we currently have on offer -

We live in STAIN.
We are part of Stainwagon.

I'm looking for experienced Independant pilots.

If your looking for more of a relaxed gaming experience and not SOV space political crap this could be the place for you.

We offer...

A place to Rat/Plex/Mission.
Blue's and Coalition support.
All forms of PVP available from Solo up to Large Capital engagements.

We are relaxed, I want you to play ther game how you want to.
Feel free to contact me in Game via: Sta'in Public
or evemail/convo me.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2011-12-07 19:29:29 UTC
Thanks everyone for the replys and mails so far but Im still weighing options.
Pallis Athene
Invictus Omega
#4 - 2011-12-07 20:05:51 UTC
Check out Solar Nexus. We are a highly specialized PvP corp that lives in 0.0 and excels in small gang warfare. We have excellent logistical capabilities as well as a small but efficient industrial wing. Our Killboard efficiency is also over 90%.

Check us out: Our public channel Nexus Pub or shoot me, gabrielfyre or conjaq a message over eve mail


Recruitment thread:
Ima Serious
IA Holdings
Artificial Intellagence
#5 - 2011-12-08 01:57:29 UTC
Mail Sent Ingame
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2011-12-08 12:56:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Kriwich
Had some really intresting mails but Im still looking to see if theres anything out there for me that I would fit in even better.
Will be ingame for chat tomorow night to get recruited :)

*OP has been updated*
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2011-12-08 13:20:32 UTC

I represent a PVP corporation called Obstergo.

We're a small corp consisting of several experienced and 'old' players. We are all mature (sometimes goofy or/and drunk), laid back and casual players.

We are currently living in the Querious & Khanid area with a PVP alliance of several corps. We've got some sov in Querious and are blue to most of the Querious residents, but don't worry because we still have loads of reds/neuts to shoot from surrounding regions.

As a corp we mainly PVP, but we understand that people will need to get some isk in their bellies (how else are we suppose to get those shinny ships). So, we don't expect everyone to be pvping 24/7 and in that sense we might sometimes form up and do incursions together, but most of the time everyone does their own thing.

As for PVP we do what every we want at the time or what every catches our attention; low sec roams, 0.0 roams, gate camps, POS sieges, the works! It all depends on what targets are available, be that little carebears or the big dogs of EVE. We like to fight out-numbered or fairly, we hate blobs as it shows no skill and are just a demonstration of who brought more people.

Our main timezone is US, but we also have a few UK and Australian members. However, the alliance is EU based. So there's always a few people online.

We understand real life comes first and we respect that. In that sense we don't mind some inactivity.

Here's our kb:

If you have any questions or you're interested in joining please contact me ingame or send a message.

Cheers m8, hope to see you soon.
Syna Anima
#8 - 2011-12-08 17:16:18 UTC
Hey mate,

If you are interested in a EU PvP corp please visit our website and Syndax recruitment channel.

We are based in Providence and have a 0.0 HQ (Station/office). For more about our ops and what we do visit our page. We are NRDS and part of a great alliance. Our goal is to expand and protect the NRDS policy in Providence.

We have a nice website, ts3/vent, kb. Our recruitment page is here.

Join ★ Syndax ★ channel if interested!

Please stick around our recruitment channel or contact us for more.

H A V O C Industrial
#9 - 2011-12-09 03:58:41 UTC
I don't like to spam forums with lots of information, I much prefer to tell you over TS as it's more personal and interesting than reading a cold piece of text. Come to SNAKE LAIR and we'll get on comms. You never know, you might like what I have to offer. This shit's got to go - Jacque Fresco

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-12-26 18:46:09 UTC
Bring The Noise
#11 - 2011-12-26 19:42:37 UTC
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2011-12-26 21:17:51 UTC
I think we might be what you're looking for. Wolves and Knights is a pvp corp that is part of a sov holding alliance. We are looking for active pilots to increase our numbers and get on fleets to come kill stuff. We are a group of experienced pvpers who focus mainly on small gang warfare, preferring roams to blob warfare. Maybe you want to get in on some pvp action? or maybe you want to see 0.0 for yourself? Either way, if you want to join an active alliance with a good core of players, have some fun, and want to get kills, look no further. Our alliance is also looking for miners and ratters to join, so take a look.

you can convo or mail me in game, or join W-A-K Pub
Merciless Reckoning
#13 - 2011-12-26 22:44:08 UTC
Mail sent in game Bear
Nicholai Sanse
League of Non-Aligned Worlds
#14 - 2011-12-26 23:23:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicholai Sanse
Hi Kriwich,
You sound like a perfect match for us. Your timezone suits our most active periods and we meet most of your expectations.

Check us out at our recruitment thread.

Hop in LNAW in-game channel for a chat :).

Hope to hear from you soon.
