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2x buddies looking for a WH corp

Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2014-07-29 00:44:20 UTC
Hey all,

I am posting for both I and Kara Valkyrien.

We are two friends looking for a WH corp to join.

The technicals:

We are in the US timezone - to be more specific on timezones Kara is PST and I am EST.

Private Pineapple: 51m+ SP. Heavily invested into cross-training but mostly specialized into Minmatar. Training towards Minmatar T3 at the moment. Basic scanning skills (Astro IV, III on rest) but can scan "OK" in a WH. (Kara is the "scanner guy" out of the two of us)

Kara Valkyrien: 65m+ SP. Heavily invested into Minmatar ships, missiles, projectile weapons, and scanning/covops skills (V'd everything), can fly Minmatar T3.

The why:

We'd like to play with other players and we've been heavily interested in the whole idea of wormholes ever since it's inception. We have been daytripping a little and would like to take it to the next level by joining like-minded players. We are interested in both the PVE and PVP side of WH life.

Please drop us a post, evemail, -10 standings notification, etc if you would be interested in taking us onboard.

Thank you,
Private Pineapple & Kara Valkyrien


Mr Black Uchonela
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2014-07-29 01:30:08 UTC
yo dudes

you should definately check us out.
we are a c5 wormhole corp with a c3 static. we use our static to raid null/lowsec a lot. doing wh gangs and pvp too. we mostly fly shield and are not that heavy on t3 fighting (we use tengues though)
but not to say we don't fly a good amount of armor too. check us out

mr black