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Most Beautiful and Handsome Eve Toon.

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Kelleth Kirk
Caldari State - Osprey Wing 7
#661 - 2014-07-27 19:35:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kelleth Kirk
Christina Project wrote:
IIshira wrote:
I don't think anyone looks at another pilot's portrait and says "That looks like a nice person..."
You're wrong.

I use the portrait as intel tool all the time.
It tells tons about the person behind.

Indeed? What do my portrait say then? =)

I miss having ISK.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#662 - 2014-07-27 20:08:24 UTC
Christina Project wrote:
IIshira wrote:
I don't think anyone looks at another pilot's portrait and says "That looks like a nice person..."
You're wrong.

I use the portrait as intel tool all the time.
It tells tons about the person behind.

Ignorance doesn't change reality.
You don't know better ... you believe that all you know is all there is to know ... and that's it.

At least you're expressing yourself that way, which is kind of sad.

I kind of like RP but I don't see much of it in Eve. ... That's about the most RP I've seen.
So you admit you don't really know enough to form an opinion.

That's okay then. :)

Okay I'm a sad ignorant person who doesn't know enough to form an opinion. Thanks for the compliment!

Sibyyl wrote:

Maybe you just wander into a thread like this and make up imaginary facts.

Oh I won't forget the "imaginary facts" Lol

In all seriousness it seems some got slightly butt hurt by my posts. I wasn't saying anyone couldn't participate in RP or do whatever they wanted. I even stated "I won't knock anyone for enjoying other aspects [of Eve]". If someone wants to dress up in an Amarr outfit and play with Eve dolls by all means if that's what they enjoy I won't stop them. It's entertainment and you're supposed to have fun.

I still say the character portrait isn't going to provide you with valuable intel as to the pilots intention. If you feel otherwise by all means keep thinking that way... Who am I to pop your bubble?
Souxie Alduin
Anarchy in the Eve
#663 - 2014-07-27 20:30:08 UTC
IIshira wrote:
In all seriousness it seems some got slightly butt hurt by my posts. I wasn't saying anyone couldn't participate in RP or do whatever they wanted. I even stated "I won't knock anyone for enjoying other aspects [of Eve]". If someone wants to dress up in an Amarr outfit and play with Eve dolls by all means if that's what they enjoy I won't stop them. It's entertainment and you're supposed to have fun.

I still say the character portrait isn't going to provide you with valuable intel as to the pilots intention. If you feel otherwise by all means keep thinking that way... Who am I to pop your bubble?

If you're not going to knock others for enjoying other aspects of Eve, why are you knocking people for enjoying other aspects of Eve?

Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
Christina Project
Screaming Head in a Box.
#664 - 2014-07-27 20:34:30 UTC
IIshira wrote:
If you feel otherwise by all means keep thinking that way... Who am I to pop your bubble?
I am not feeling that way.
It is the case.

It's me who pops your bubble here ...
... and you try to defend it.

You keep wording your sentences in way that lower us ... (play with dolls)
... and you put up on display that you know better ... while you don't.

Cognitive bias. You don't realize that there are things out there you do not know ...
... because they are outside of your scope.

Instead, you build your logic and "arguments" based only on what you know already ...
... which isn't actually reflecting reality even the slightest.

But hey, keep telling yourself that I am wrong ...
... while showing me that you're clueless of the matter. (:

Also, you seem to be restricting yourself in your thoughts to your own gameplay only ...
... and that's okay, I bet I can spot alts of specific people just by looking at their portraits ...
... or who a cyno char is ...
... who's actually a mission runner ...
... and lots of other things you have absolutely no clue of.

Wow, you must be a lousy pilot. (:

[i]"Don't look into another human's bowl to see how much he has ... ... look into his bowl to see if he has enough !" - Sol[/i]

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#665 - 2014-07-27 20:37:34 UTC
Souxie Alduin wrote:
IIshira wrote:
In all seriousness it seems some got slightly butt hurt by my posts. I wasn't saying anyone couldn't participate in RP or do whatever they wanted. I even stated "I won't knock anyone for enjoying other aspects [of Eve]". If someone wants to dress up in an Amarr outfit and play with Eve dolls by all means if that's what they enjoy I won't stop them. It's entertainment and you're supposed to have fun.

I still say the character portrait isn't going to provide you with valuable intel as to the pilots intention. If you feel otherwise by all means keep thinking that way... Who am I to pop your bubble?

If you're not going to knock others for enjoying other aspects of Eve, why are you knocking people for enjoying other aspects of Eve?

Knock, knock.
-Who's there?

I'll bite
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#666 - 2014-07-27 20:39:52 UTC
Christina Project wrote:
IIshira wrote:
If you feel otherwise by all means keep thinking that way... Who am I to pop your bubble?
I am not feeling that way.
It is the case.

It's me who pops your bubble here ...
... and you try to defend it.

You keep wording your sentences in way that lower us ... (play with dolls)
... and you put up on display that you know better ... while you don't.

Cognitive bias. You don't realize that there are things out there you do not know ...
... because they are outside of your scope.

Instead, you build your logic and "arguments" based only on what you know already ...
... which isn't actually reflecting reality even the slightest.

But hey, keep telling yourself that I am wrong ...
... while showing me that you're clueless of the matter. (:

Also, you seem to be restricting yourself in your thoughts to your own gameplay only ...
... and that's okay, I bet I can spot alts of specific people just by looking at their portraits ...
... or who a cyno char is ...
... who's actually a mission runner ...
... and lots of other things you have absolutely no clue of.

Wow, you must be a lousy pilot. (:

Okay you seem to have the personal attacks down pat but please explain to me how you gather intel from the character portrait and what intel do you gather?

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#667 - 2014-07-27 21:16:29 UTC
IIshira wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:

Maybe you just wander into a thread like this and make up imaginary facts.

Oh I won't forget the "imaginary facts" Lol

In all seriousness it seems some got slightly butt hurt by my posts. I wasn't saying anyone couldn't participate in RP or do whatever they wanted. I even stated "I won't knock anyone for enjoying other aspects [of Eve]". If someone wants to dress up in an Amarr outfit and play with Eve dolls by all means if that's what they enjoy I won't stop them. It's entertainment and you're supposed to have fun.

I still say the character portrait isn't going to provide you with valuable intel as to the pilots intention. If you feel otherwise by all means keep thinking that way... Who am I to pop your bubble?

Well, maybe I got a little creative there. Maybe we both got creative with our shots across the bow. I think that for some people avatars do nothing, and that is perfectly valid. In the wide world of EVE entertainment people should only do things that are fun for them.

But I hope you understand that if people are "excited" about the character creator in EVE, they have that feeling because they find entertainment in that aspect of EVE. And unlike just about every other aspect of EVE, liking avatars and the character creator has no impact (positive or negative) in the controversial debate on EVE's features, rules, gameplay, etc. etc. that is raging on in the rest of GD.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Christina Project
Screaming Head in a Box.
#668 - 2014-07-27 21:27:03 UTC
IIshira wrote:
Okay you seem to have the personal attacks down pat but please explain to me how you gather intel from the character portrait and what intel do you gather?
I can't.

How do you imagine should I do that?

Can you ask a car mechanic to explain you properly ...
... in a way that you understand and could do it yourself ...
... how to repair some complex part of a car?

Good luck with that. Stop thinking within your limited scope, thanks.

[i]"Don't look into another human's bowl to see how much he has ... ... look into his bowl to see if he has enough !" - Sol[/i]

Gong chio-xia
Caldari State
#669 - 2014-07-27 21:27:29 UTC
Souxie Alduin wrote:
Gong chio-xia wrote:
Souxie Alduin wrote:
IIshira wrote:
... You can't interact with anyone in your character form.

Dude, you're doing it right now!Shocked

I pretty sure he just mean "physical" contact with others characters, like incarna had to be.

Did you hear a whooshing sound when you wrote that?Big smile

But great portrait!

Not this time hapily. thank you for my portrait, Christina Project too.

Christina Project wrote:

There is no way this could *ever* beat imagination. I believe it's sad that people more and more consume content,
instead of imagining it ... because imagination makes it real.

I think it's weird that he isn't aware of this.

I think it just depend of people personality, some prefer tchatting and others play with avatar, simply.
Christina Project
Screaming Head in a Box.
#670 - 2014-07-27 21:28:10 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
And unlike just about every other aspect of EVE, liking avatars and the character creator has no impact (positive or negative) in the controversial debate on EVE's features, rules, gameplay, etc. etc. that is raging on in the rest of GD.

So much this.

And totally undervalued.

[i]"Don't look into another human's bowl to see how much he has ... ... look into his bowl to see if he has enough !" - Sol[/i]

Christina Project
Screaming Head in a Box.
#671 - 2014-07-27 21:32:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Christina Project
Gong chio-xia wrote:
I think it just depend of people personality, some prefer tchatting and others play with avatar, simply.
This really doesn't seem to make sense to me in our context.

It's not about "preference". There is no choice involved.
He seems to lack imagination and empathy and is narrow minded,
circling within his own comfort zone.

[i]"Don't look into another human's bowl to see how much he has ... ... look into his bowl to see if he has enough !" - Sol[/i]

Gong chio-xia
Caldari State
#672 - 2014-07-27 21:47:42 UTC
Christina Project wrote:
Gong chio-xia wrote:
I think it just depend of people personality, some prefer tchatting and others play with avatar, simply.
This really doesn't seem to make sense to me in our context.

It's not about "preference". There is no choice involved.
He seems to lack imagination and empathy and is narrow minded,
circling within his own comfort zone.

Its a different point of view clearly, but if he is lacking of imagination, what is the reason ? can he transcend this situation ?
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#673 - 2014-07-27 21:49:26 UTC
Christina Project wrote:
IIshira wrote:
Okay you seem to have the personal attacks down pat but please explain to me how you gather intel from the character portrait and what intel do you gather?
I can't.

How do you imagine should I do that?

Can you ask a car mechanic to explain you properly ...
... in a way that you understand and could do it yourself ...
... how to repair some complex part of a car?

Good luck with that. Stop thinking within your limited scope, thanks.

Exactly my point... You can't... Because it's not possible.

Believe it or not your analogy about asking a mechanic how to repair some complex part of a car isn't a good one. I know quite a few mechanics and the basics are rather simple. This doesn't mean you should try to do it yourself because explaining something and doing it can be different.

Now some less than honest mechanics will smell a sucker and make things sound complicated to get more money.

"Well sir your engine oil augmentation system was malfunctioning. This caused your flux capacitor to burn out and we all know those aren't cheap. Also we topped off your turn signal fluid for you... Now let me get your bill" Maybe this is what you're referring to?
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#674 - 2014-07-27 21:55:10 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
IIshira wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:

Maybe you just wander into a thread like this and make up imaginary facts.

Oh I won't forget the "imaginary facts" Lol

In all seriousness it seems some got slightly butt hurt by my posts. I wasn't saying anyone couldn't participate in RP or do whatever they wanted. I even stated "I won't knock anyone for enjoying other aspects [of Eve]". If someone wants to dress up in an Amarr outfit and play with Eve dolls by all means if that's what they enjoy I won't stop them. It's entertainment and you're supposed to have fun.

I still say the character portrait isn't going to provide you with valuable intel as to the pilots intention. If you feel otherwise by all means keep thinking that way... Who am I to pop your bubble?

Well, maybe I got a little creative there. Maybe we both got creative with our shots across the bow. I think that for some people avatars do nothing, and that is perfectly valid. In the wide world of EVE entertainment people should only do things that are fun for them.

But I hope you understand that if people are "excited" about the character creator in EVE, they have that feeling because they find entertainment in that aspect of EVE. And unlike just about every other aspect of EVE, liking avatars and the character creator has no impact (positive or negative) in the controversial debate on EVE's features, rules, gameplay, etc. etc. that is raging on in the rest of GD.

Don't get me wrong I like the avatar but it in it's current format it kind of sucks. To other players it's just a 2D picture on your profile. I wish it could be more.

RP can be interesting but I try not to get too nerdy... I might slip up on occasion Lol
Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#675 - 2014-07-27 21:55:43 UTC
Mizhir wrote:
Niden wrote:

I don't agree with this at all, the new character creator is a fantastically flexible and creative tool. Any perceived similarities between characters rest solely on the lack of creativity or interest from the players themselves.


I agree with Sibyyl on this. The new CC is too bland and most races look the same. It lacks some of the unique things that really sets the races apart. Now there is mostly just different variations of t-shirts, jackets and shirts that don't have the weird scifi style that the old one had.

The new CC is great with the flexibility and options on how to make your char look. But the actual styles are rather limited.

I love the new CC, but I don't think it is all CCP intended it to be. We know there are a number of features that are still unreleased.

For example, I'd really like to see the racial blending they demonstrated a few years back. Lore-wise you can explain away the apparent "purity" with the notion of clones using archetypes, but I'd still like to blend Jin-Mei and Khanid because it would be fun.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#676 - 2014-07-27 22:06:36 UTC
Kelleth Kirk wrote:
Christina Project wrote:
IIshira wrote:
I don't think anyone looks at another pilot's portrait and says "That looks like a nice person..."
You're wrong.

I use the portrait as intel tool all the time.
It tells tons about the person behind.

Indeed? What do my portrait say then? =)

Actually I share the opinion that you can tell a lot about a player's in game persona from their character portraits as many players use them to great effect. It gives you a gut feeling about them and perhaps the odd flash of insight.

Claiming that this is solid Intel though is a bit weak as it is so subjective. Unless the character becomes known to you through repeated encounters it's not Intel, only a feeling in the gut that may be right, but is highly likely to be wrong.

Anyhow Intel in null extends as far as local these days there's not much recon, scouting or watching going on anymore.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Marsha Mallow
#677 - 2014-07-27 22:08:39 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:
And unlike just about every other aspect of EVE, liking avatars and the character creator has no impact (positive or negative) in the controversial debate on EVE's features, rules, gameplay, etc. etc. that is raging on in the rest of GD.

It doesn't seem to for you, because you're not rabid about it. Actually the vast majority aren't, and it's mostly harmless fun, with perhaps a request to either release existing stuff or continue tweaking at a moderate level. Which is fair. I preferred the older character creator in some ways too - the expressions were a lot better, these are really dull, and the backgrounds are boring. But a lot of us do have all our channels compressed ingame, so we only see avatars on the forums. IIshira's earlier remarks aren't that unreasonable - a lot of players are largely indifferent to avatar portraits (possibly because of these channel compression tools), and in addition only a tiny minority read the forums anyway.

There are a minority who are quite openly using avatar topics as a vehicle to keep banging on about WiS, which is a debate we can't afford to ignore. We're in a long term FiS development, which we had to fight tooth and nail for. Some of the existing gameplay mechanics are so out-of-date or imbalanced it's beyond a joke. Fair enough WiS has it's supporters but when the debate crosses into "WIS must be the focus of development NOW or EvE will die, because [whatever game] is due to come out [when they've scammed another few mill]" spirals into incoherent gibbering, some of us may well pop in and burst a few bubbles. It's not a personal attack, but it is part of a lengthy and controversial debate.

btw I'm just talking to Sibyyl here, not interested in arguing over this with anyone else so don't bother replying. Not derailing this into another FiS vs WiS thread either, just skip this and continue.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#678 - 2014-07-27 22:19:04 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:
Sibyyl wrote:
And unlike just about every other aspect of EVE, liking avatars and the character creator has no impact (positive or negative) in the controversial debate on EVE's features, rules, gameplay, etc. etc. that is raging on in the rest of GD.

It doesn't seem to for you, because you're not rabid about it. Actually the vast majority aren't, and it's mostly harmless fun, with perhaps a request to either release existing stuff or continue tweaking at a moderate level. Which is fair. I preferred the older character creator in some ways too - the expressions were a lot better, these are really dull, and the backgrounds are boring. But a lot of us do have all our channels compressed ingame, so we only see avatars on the forums. IIshira's earlier remarks aren't that unreasonable - a lot of players are largely indifferent to avatar portraits (possibly because of these channel compression tools), and in addition only a tiny minority read the forums anyway.

There are a minority who are quite openly using avatar topics as a vehicle to keep banging on about WiS, which is a debate we can't afford to ignore. We're in a long term FiS development, which we had to fight tooth and nail for. Some of the existing gameplay mechanics are so out-of-date or imbalanced it's beyond a joke. Fair enough WiS has it's supporters but when the debate crosses into "WIS must be the focus of development NOW or EvE will die, because [whatever game] is due to come out [when they've scammed another few mill]" spirals into incoherent gibbering, some of us may well pop in and burst a few bubbles. It's not a personal attack, but it is part of a lengthy and controversial debate.

btw I'm just talking to Sibyyl here, not interested in arguing over this with anyone else so don't bother replying. Not derailing this into another FiS vs WiS thread either, just skip this and continue.

If your post is only meant for sibbyl and the rest of us is not allowed to participate have you thought of just using the private message function, send sibbyl an eve mail. Otherwise we might all assume that you're trying to have the last word in a discussion whilst simultaneously trying to shut down debate whilst proclaiming victory, which is a very undemocratic thing to do.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Marsha Mallow
#679 - 2014-07-27 22:35:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Marsha Mallow
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
If your post is only meant for sibbyl and the rest of us is not allowed to participate have you thought of just using the private message function, send sibbyl an eve mail. Otherwise we might all assume that you're trying to have the last word in a discussion whilst simultaneously trying to shut down debate whilst proclaiming victory, which is a very undemocratic thing to do.

Not trying to shut down the debate or claim victory. We're all free to state our opinions and there are people who read but rarely comment. Putting a counterpoint up is useful for those who read but rarely post. Stating you're not prepared to engage in a lengthy back and forth isn't 'undemocratic', or even an attempt to get the last word in. By all means reply, I'll probably read it. Just don't expect me to respond - even to a direct quote. It's repetitive, and quite honestly I see it as more respectful to allow people to continue chatting without derailing things into a massive argument.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Christina Project
Screaming Head in a Box.
#680 - 2014-07-27 22:35:56 UTC
IIshira wrote:
Exactly my point... You can't... Because it's not possible.
Yep ... I can't, because I can't condense it into a small enough package
and it would be of no use for you anyway.

[i]"Don't look into another human's bowl to see how much he has ... ... look into his bowl to see if he has enough !" - Sol[/i]