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Science & Industry

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Is anyone bowing out of Industry with these new changes?

First post
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#141 - 2014-07-26 05:24:30 UTC
why the heck are all of you endorsing refining of ore in highsec

you are screwing yourselves out of up to 20% of the value of your ore by refining it in highsec

just compress and sell on the market, and buy 20% more minerals than you would have gotten by refining yourself at the substandard facilities in highsec
Laughable Xhosa Girl
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#142 - 2014-07-26 05:43:18 UTC
itt because we are manchildren we will cause actual financial harm to ourselves to justify the mistaken belief that CCP has somehow wronged us
Adobe Raide
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#143 - 2014-07-26 06:29:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Adobe Raide
I won't be selling ships/modules on my Trade toons until I can figure out what the recent changes mean for my entire 'mining to delivered ship' chain. It appears nullsec is going to get shook up which is good. It appears a lot of time I spent on skills and bp's was nullified without compensation... which I consider bad, very bad. I wasn't sitting on a bevy of legacy T2 BPs or in the well heeled company of a lax veteran org. Solo, I was earning money on things I mined, building from BPOs I'd paid for and paid both money and time to improve. The value I added with all that time and work appears to be gone. Poof.

Shifting over to ratting, missioning, or exploring would be the logical turn for someone like me but those have apparently been nerfed too; (specially since missioning reward used to be based largely on salvage and reprocessing for me and supposedly explorer loot has been nerfed as well... guess I'll have to see).

Right now I'm holding off on using the plex I'd been burning on 6 toons for the past year or so (effectively paying for 6 accounts) because I'm not really sure where this game is going or if I want to go there too. Trade alt profits used to pay for my pvp losses but trade can't do that for me anymore. I'm waiting to see if trade can even cover the manufacturing of my pvp ships - to see if I can break even anymore.

Guess half of me is very disappointed and half of me is like "right, so we adapt how?" And my third half is saying "Is it even worth adapting?"

I would like to see CCP offer us a chance to nullify our trade skills and get the SP back to invest in other areas.
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2014-07-26 06:56:32 UTC
Oh I'm back and I make more isk the ever, you have to be creative and do some math.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#145 - 2014-07-26 11:34:11 UTC
Industrious Mistress wrote:
Wow you must have forgotten what its like to be new. The new player now has 0% chance of getting into the industry field with any expectations on success. They now have to either buy a POS (lets be honest, the cost of running a POS is way outside of the range of new players, most players get into industry so they can make enough isk to run a POS) or they now have to use station slots that are WAY over priced (have you looked at the quotes people have been given? 440mil+ to set up a ME players are never going to pay that) so now the only players that can do industry are the ones already in possession of good BPOs.
Why does a POS help? The POS is also charged at the same rate, so all the POS saves you in 25% time (and the 25% fee saving that goes with that) at the expense of fuel costs. A newbie wouldn't use a POS enough to benefit. Instead, newbies can find system that few people use with a naturally lower fee. When the system gains popularity they can move to another. A large industrialist can't do that. If the fee goes up it's a lot of work to move.

Industrious Mistress wrote:
Your feeble attempt to place this broken in a positive light Edsel that is called Crius is both disingenuous and misleading. There is NO ADVANTAGE whatsoever in having to move around to "chase lower fees" its a waste of time and effort as well as an extremely poorly thought out mechanic. The UI is possibly the worst in any game that I have ever played, IM sure they will fix it, but whoever green lit this should be fired, they have failed the community, CCP, and themselves, they should be ashamed! The teams idea, Wow! What drunken fool decided to put this into the game? must have been the idiot who designed the UI...
So there is no advantage to getting lower fees? Are you high? And the UI at the very least has stopped the onset of RSI from the clicking of the old one.

Industrious Mistress wrote:
Overall this expansion will do ALOT more damage to the game than anything else. The prices of ships is going to go up costing the PvPers more and more isk. There will be, and already has started to happen, less and less miners out in high sec fueling everyone else's PvP fun (where do you think you get those ships and mods that you use?) which in turn will decrease the amount of PvP in high sec. The increased cost of ships and mods will eventually spread into Pve, FW and Nul sec, (you think things in nul sec are stagnant now wait until the prices of your Ishtar triples)
Prices are likely to go up, at least in the short term, sure. They certainly won't triple. And while mining volume probably has gone down in high sec (not that I've seen evidence of that yet, miners are still everywhere), it will mainly be miners who used to be run by null players moving down to null to run mining there. It used to be a lot easier to mine in high sec, manufacture modules to compress the minerals then ship them down. Now we can mine some in null, buying the compressed lowends from miners (who in fact now need ZERO refining skills, as compressed ore will be more valuable than minerals), manufacturing what we need in null.

Industrious Mistress wrote:
You cant destroy the foundation of the house and call it adding on a room, CCP you have failed the community and unfortunately it doesn't look like you care, you keep loosing subscriptions, the average concurrent users is WAY down, you keep loosing players and moves like this do not help bring faith back to the community that things are going to get better, both new and old players should be concerned about terrible moves like this that are perfect examples the short sided thought process that is killing our game.
lol, you have to love these "the end is nigh!" parts of posts. If you can't figure out how to make more isk than before the changes and see this as a positive change, then you clearly were terrible at industry. There's so many more opportunities to increase your profit margins i's unreal. I'm already up billions on my highsec industry chain compared with where I would have been under the old system, because I've take the time to work out how to capitalise on the changes. Sure, if all you ever did was stare at EVE IPH, and make whatever that told you, then you are going to lose out, but that's not a fault of the system, it's your fault for not knowing your trade.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#146 - 2014-07-26 11:56:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Adobe Raide wrote:
I won't be selling ships/modules on my Trade toons until I can figure out what the recent changes mean for my entire 'mining to delivered ship' chain. It appears nullsec is going to get shook up which is good. It appears a lot of time I spent on skills and bp's was nullified without compensation... which I consider bad, very bad. I wasn't sitting on a bevy of legacy T2 BPs or in the well heeled company of a lax veteran org. Solo, I was earning money on things I mined, building from BPOs I'd paid for and paid both money and time to improve. The value I added with all that time and work appears to be gone. Poof.
Any BPOs that were well researched will now be capped. If you did "extra" research on top, then it never gained you any real benefit anyway, so wasn't as value add as you think. There's graphs and math and stuff that shows you how incredibly pointless researching blueprints beyond a certain level was.

Adobe Raide wrote:
Shifting over to ratting, missioning, or exploring would be the logical turn for someone like me but those have apparently been nerfed too; (specially since missioning reward used to be based largely on salvage and reprocessing for me and supposedly explorer loot has been nerfed as well... guess I'll have to see).
It's been nerfed no more than null ratting was with the creation of the ESS.
Missions are broken down into:
1. Bounties
2. Mission Reward ISK
3. Bonus Reward ISK
4. LP
5. Valuable loot (loot that doesn't or can't get reprocessed and is sold whole, meta 3 + 4)
6. Junk loot (reprocessable modules and ammo)
7. Salvage

Now the part that is being reduced is number 6, everything else will be remaining the same, and that part is only reduced in half, not removed. You can do the math yourself, but it works out that it's about 3-4% of the overall mission income is lost (which still doesn't even undo the increase in mission income that came with the MTU). Again, this is just knee-jerk responses from people that don't bother looking at the changes in context.

Adobe Raide wrote:
Right now I'm holding off on using the plex I'd been burning on 6 toons for the past year or so (effectively paying for 6 accounts) because I'm not really sure where this game is going or if I want to go there too. Trade alt profits used to pay for my pvp losses but trade can't do that for me anymore. I'm waiting to see if trade can even cover the manufacturing of my pvp ships - to see if I can break even anymore.
Trade is the single easiest way to generate isk in EVE. You can literally earn trillions. If you aren't making enough to cover your PvP losses, you should probably stop throwing titans away.

Adobe Raide wrote:
Guess half of me is very disappointed and half of me is like "right, so we adapt how?" And my third half is saying "Is it even worth adapting?"
You adapt by looking at how you can minimise your cost and maximize your sales, same as before. If you are a small industrialist, find the "off the beaten path" systems where you can get cheaper fees than the large scale industrialists can get, and undercut them. If you are a large industrialist, look at mass producing and swapping item types regularly to chase lulls in supply. It's really not rocket science, and not much different from before.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#147 - 2014-07-26 12:05:35 UTC
As mentioned, overall the biggest and probably only problem is the new "idea" or "reality" that you do not really need perfect 10 bpos because there are many bonuses together with so many people getting perfect bpos where all they had to invest is time, and in some cases significantly less time.

But that will pass, some of us dont even remember refining being in the game, eh? :)
RonPaul Rox
Prime Directive.
United Caldari Space Command.
#148 - 2014-07-26 15:31:52 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

lol, you have to love these "the end is nigh!" parts of posts. If you can't figure out how to make more isk than before the changes and see this as a positive change, then you clearly were terrible at industry. There's so many more opportunities to increase your profit margins i's unreal. I'm already up billions on my highsec industry chain compared with where I would have been under the old system, because I've take the time to work out how to capitalise on the changes. Sure, if all you ever did was stare at EVE IPH, and make whatever that told you, then you are going to lose out, but that's not a fault of the system, it's your fault for not knowing your trade.

this guy compresses ore, finds out its profitable, thinks he's the new warren buffet of eve

Ray Kyonhe
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2014-07-26 19:17:54 UTC
Jakob Anedalle wrote:
Obligatory: Can I have your stuff?
Just drop those "useless" blueprints in a item contract and I'll give them a good home.

Seriously? Basically this all boils down to "I don't wanna change", right?
We can rebalance every ship under a thousand suns, but if CCP dares to change the industry clickfest...

There was pretty simple way to preserve - at least roughly - all the material costs from before. But solely for nice round number in blueprint's field and someone's overobsession with unification they decided to perform such atrocity. There is nothing wrong with other changes, aside from they all been delivered in half-baked state.

Survey/voting system inbuilt to the game client: link_Reforming corp and taxation system: link_New PvE content (reward collective gameplay): link

Balaster McNugget
Into The Plasma Inc
#150 - 2014-07-26 19:28:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Balaster McNugget
anyone comparing EVE to a "clickfest" obviously never played Diablo. In that same sense, could we consider any Microsoft product a "clickfest"? That darn BizTalk!
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#151 - 2014-07-26 20:43:39 UTC
RonPaul Rox wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:

lol, you have to love these "the end is nigh!" parts of posts. If you can't figure out how to make more isk than before the changes and see this as a positive change, then you clearly were terrible at industry. There's so many more opportunities to increase your profit margins i's unreal. I'm already up billions on my highsec industry chain compared with where I would have been under the old system, because I've take the time to work out how to capitalise on the changes. Sure, if all you ever did was stare at EVE IPH, and make whatever that told you, then you are going to lose out, but that's not a fault of the system, it's your fault for not knowing your trade.

this guy compresses ore, finds out its profitable, thinks he's the new warren buffet of eve

Compared to some of the posters in this thread, he is.
Naari LLC
#152 - 2014-07-26 21:04:47 UTC
Putting Indy on hold for now and see what happens.
Industrious Mistress
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#153 - 2014-07-26 22:26:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Industrious Mistress
Lucas Kell wrote:
1. Why does a POS help? The POS is also charged at the same rate, so all the POS saves you in 25% time (and the 25% fee saving that goes with that) at the expense of fuel costs. A newbie wouldn't use a POS enough to benefit. Instead, newbies can find system that few people use with a naturally lower fee. When the system gains popularity they can move to another. A large industrialist can't do that. If the fee goes up it's a lot of work to move.

2. So there is no advantage to getting lower fees? Are you high? And the UI at the very least has stopped the onset of RSI from the clicking of the old one.

3. Prices are likely to go up, at least in the short term, sure. They certainly won't triple. And while mining volume probably has gone down in high sec (not that I've seen evidence of that yet, miners are still everywhere), it will mainly be miners who used to be run by null players moving down to null to run mining there. It used to be a lot easier to mine in high sec, manufacture modules to compress the minerals then ship them down. Now we can mine some in null, buying the compressed lowends from miners (who in fact now need ZERO refining skills, as compressed ore will be more valuable than minerals), manufacturing what we need in null.

4. lol, you have to love these "the end is nigh!" parts of posts. If you can't figure out how to make more isk than before the changes and see this as a positive change, then you clearly were terrible at industry. There's so many more opportunities to increase your profit margins i's unreal. I'm already up billions on my highsec industry chain compared with where I would have been under the old system, because I've take the time to work out how to capitalise on the changes. Sure, if all you ever did was stare at EVE IPH, and make whatever that told you, then you are going to lose out, but that's not a fault of the system, it's your fault for not knowing your trade.

Ok Lucas, since you are obviously a "yes man" and havent actually thought through the complete chain of events let me break it down.

1. A POS is very useful to get more out of your refining. The cost of running a POS rules out new players.

2. Have you ever heard the phrase "Isk per hour"? moving around all over the place is very helpful you claim, but how much isk will you be loosing out on because your moving all over the place....ALOT!

3.You have not noticed less miners in high sec? Please pause reading this post and go back and look at the hundreds of posts form miners saying that they are stopping, or go talk to the high sec gankers, who will tell you the same thing, less miners = less targets = less pvp = terrible for the game...glad you found the benefit compression though wtg! Now you just need to get a logistics to get the compressed ore where you need, you mentioned nul sec...again you are removing the possibility for a new player to participate (I know its a shock, but not everyone wants to be a part of the blue doughnut) So yea less miners = less minerals = ship/mod cost increases = less pvp = bad for the game

4. The point of the post was to point out the very badly made decisions, sure we can still go out and mine and make isk, but now you have to add in the extra time needed to move all over the galaxy like you suggest, which in turn lowers your earning potential all the while forcing you to jump through a terribly designed UI hoop to make it happen. Please take your blinders off and stop being naive about the whole process, you havent made billions this week your just trying to use that comment to strenghen your poor argument,, although I can see that being a part of the nul sec community you dont really care to understand the woes of a high sec industrialist and thus have probably not actually looked into what it has done to them. The opportunities you claim are now available to increase profit margin is what is known as a straw man fallacy, the extra time, effort, and danger you will experience in moving around all over the place, like you suggest, will do more damage to your playtime than your isk output. Sure you may be able to make an extra 10 mil isk here or there, but you will spend hours moving around, which is more beneficial? the small scraps of isk you are chasing or the huge increased time now needed to move all over the place?

Your argument is short sided, and backed up with weak or non existent facts. Your inability to see the entire picture is what is limiting your argument. You are looking at the problem with rose colored glasses instead of the reality glasses others are using. It should be obvious that you have missed alot and truly dont understand the impact of the changes by the fact that you are pretty much the only non ccp/csm member trying to polish this turd of an expansion....its still a turd no matter how much you try and polish it up.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#154 - 2014-07-26 23:21:50 UTC
Delicious entitled themepark carebear tears.

The Tears Must Flow

Carebears with Attitude
#155 - 2014-07-27 00:13:21 UTC
Shiloh Templeton wrote:
Steijn wrote:
no, it boils down to me not feeling the end result is worth sticking 30bn worth of BPOs in a POS in order to carry on doing what i was.
Have you considered making a BPC in a station, and using that in the POS?

At one point, CCP planned to have copy-making take less time than manufacturing, in order to facilitate that very thing you suggest, i.e. the opposite of the pre-expansion situation where making a 1-run copy took longer than manufacturing 1 item. But then it seems to me as if CCP wrote somewhere that they had changed their minds and final copy time and build time would be equal.

What did they end up doing, of those possibilities? (For a character with all relevant skillz trained to 5, I mean.)
Carebears with Attitude
#156 - 2014-07-27 00:14:43 UTC
Gospadin wrote:

One extra step, but 2093480283402834 fewer clicks overall.

Yes, starting industry jobs, manufacturing/copying, is incredibly simpler now than it used to be. CCP did a good job on that.
Kaija Asanari
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#157 - 2014-07-27 01:16:45 UTC
I'm having a bit of paralysis with the new changes, but I'm trying to make the best of it.

I'd usually do industry by logging on or jumping to a clone, clearing out jobs, load up a bunch of new ones, then log off for the night.

Now, I have to plan out if I want to move around to take advantage of the system indexes - which in highsec is pretty much always maxed out when I've checked. I also have to plan and try to auction for a team - I've done a few of those and given up since the bid gets sniped at the last second and doesn't update dynamically.

Even the BPOs I was gradually researching have to go in a POS now - which I don't know what the future is for that since you have to put them inside the POS (and I don't trust all the other corp members), so I won't do that. And the values for putting them in a station to research have been WAY too high (I know there were some bugs there), so that even researching time isn't worth it anymore.

These features basically remove the control over when I can do industry on my own time, so basically I won't be doing any casual industry anymore. It's pretty doubtful that I'll continue looking at training industry for anything significant.
Balaster McNugget
Into The Plasma Inc
#158 - 2014-07-27 04:30:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Balaster McNugget
Well whatever I guess... If they want to rip industry out of the game for me then that's fine. There are many ways to make ISK still. In fact I just thought of a new market business while typing this post. PM me and I'll tell you how, but I get Jita ;)

Also feel free to bash my POS if you can find it. It's offline, named "Industry Sucks Thanks To Crius"
Jarnis McPieksu
Gallente Federation
#159 - 2014-07-27 06:04:07 UTC
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:
Yeah, I suppose my CEO and I have no one but ourselves to blame, I guess we didnt read enough. I thought that everyone was going to be sitting at 72% and that was that, and that if I had perfect yesterday I would have the "new perfect" today.

A while back we formed a "daughter corporation" and filled it with an Orca booster and miners. We would buy the ice and ore from the miners, and use our then-perfect refines to churn a small profit which went into our SRP fund. We're either going to have to find a way to change the business model slightly, or put up the cash up-front to keep buying the ore to keep our miners happy whilst we stockpile it till one of us gets an alt or our mains back to "perfect" refines.

UGH Oops




It makes cap builders cry.

Sell ore. It makes more ISK now.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#160 - 2014-07-27 11:58:55 UTC
RonPaul Rox wrote:
this guy compresses ore, finds out its profitable, thinks he's the new warren buffet of eve
Yes, because all I'm doing is selling compressed ore. Roll Nubs these days.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.