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Is anyone bowing out of Industry with these new changes?

First post
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2014-07-25 13:07:17 UTC  |  Edited by: so3ke
deeks87 deacon wrote:

So that's everyone who plays eve then?

CCP has taken the end game for small independent industry operations with a huge investment in BPOs and materials and has turned it into something that can only be done by a group of people who can put up enough of a fight to make big powers look for easier targets.

It's OK I will find other things to do. But I am allowed to be sad that I can't do it anymore.

edit: wow 2nd new page snipe in the same thread
Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#122 - 2014-07-25 13:11:10 UTC
Ive halted production of all T2 ships for the moment till i see where the prices land in a few months, well i may produce a few more falcons for personal use if they get expensive, only thing im still building are BPC's i get from those lovely mordu spawns otherwise.

And nope was never a dedicated industry alt either, so i too welcome these changes ( at the moment ) with open arms

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

The Sagan Clan
#123 - 2014-07-25 16:06:43 UTC
I've been beefing quite a bit about the changes. I'm still not happy with what I have commented on. My subscription has been canceled, and I have a couple weeks to fire sale I guess.

I'm fairly certain that CCP isn't going to step away, and reverse, from some serious mistakes here.

I will say, frankly, I don't mind the UI. There are some tweeks and some changes needed, but it can be lived with. Work arounds, work arounds...

I don't even mind the fact they want to make the industry profession more dynamic, and present us more challenges. There are some great aspects of what they are trying to do. (This does fly in the face of bringing the barrier to entry down.)

What I DO have an issue with is...

The time frame of cost updating on jobs.
~ you simply can't have costs change from one job installation to the next, when they are seconds apart.

The short time frame of hired teams
~ lengthen the hire period at least.
~ If I have to move to another system and station, the potential taxes are crippling to your profitability when margins are so thin. It takes way more than 30 days to grind standings if I do move my operations. No incentive to move here, when you will just have to move again.
~ back to cost problems once again.

POS problems, moving BPO's, refining changes, etc.

These will have their affect on the profession, but the market and game will adjust to most of it. The UNPREDICTABILITY of production costs is what will kill it.

Changegs in markets and build cost is precisely why businesses shift production around the world, but you don't have job costs change within seconds. There has to be some stability.

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#124 - 2014-07-25 16:27:03 UTC
Kesker wrote:
grind standings

Why are you grinding standings?

From a serious industry side, the only thing they effect is market fees.

You'll be refining at a POS, so no standings needed.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#125 - 2014-07-25 17:03:06 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
However, most of us commenting here are NOT "casual" players, we're players who have build businesses over the years into full-time or near-full-time in-game careers. Just up and moving several FREIGHTERS full of materials to another constellation or region really isn't an option every month when Teams move and indexes (massively broken right now) change. That's a key point that you're not seeing: moving and setting up all over again takes time and money, and during that time we're not making new money: we're spending more of it.

Look at the bigger picture here: onesy-twosey isn't what most of us are discussing. Large businesses that are trying to stay afloat *is* what we're discussing.
I think the general idea is that larger industrialists are supposed to have a harder time. The way it currently stands, a minmaxing heavy industrialist can outdo anything a newer player can do. I've pretty much monopolised whole categories of production with alts without breaking a sweat, since it's so easy to do everything cheaper and easier on large scale.

The new changes mean you'll be better off if you can move about. Large scale guys, like myself, will have a harder time doing so, so will have to instead poke smaller margins and change between markets, while a smaller manufacturer can push larger margins at a smaller scale.

Will the changes make the role tougher? Sure it will, but tougher is not bad. Tougher is more of a challenge, it's more fun. If you want to just make buckets of isk with zero thinking involved go station trading. There's still trillions to be made in industry if you are willing to adapt and move with the flow.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
Department 10
#126 - 2014-07-25 17:03:51 UTC
We have been 'enjoying the sun' for several weeks so I haven't been able to assess the situation yet. We had a grand plan that is still in play and the changes may have ****** that plan right up so we may have to reassess the situation.

We are slightly wishing we hadn't renewed our yearly subscriptions in May of this year and that these changes along with other stuff CCP have done may be signalling the death knell for EVE Online. That could be my pessimistic nature taking hold though Smile.
It's not a 'can I have your stuff' moment though as we have other ideas for things to do in New Eden that don't directly involve industry. I still love EVE Online and it is the only computer game I play so stuff happening to it makes me very sad.

I'm not sure what else to say atm.

" They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out. " Rick. " Find out what ? " Abraham. " They're screwing with the wrong people. " Rick. Season four.   ' The Walking Dead. ' .

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#127 - 2014-07-25 17:33:10 UTC

Things have changed. So will I.

Example: I no longer will do ME / TE research just because a BPO is idle. Instead, I'm better-off copying it.

I'll have to either accept less for the copies I was selling, or charge a bit more. Example: capital ship copies are about 2m to produce.

If anyone thinks they are leaving EVE, or just taking a break, I'll happily babysit your orphaned BPO while you are gone. You can even have them back when you return. "A BPO is a terrible thing to waste."
The Sagan Clan
#128 - 2014-07-25 17:37:28 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Kesker wrote:
grind standings

Why are you grinding standings?

From a serious industry side, the only thing they effect is market fees.

You'll be refining at a POS, so no standings needed.

You just don't see it from a small to med industrialist point do you? The cost just keep piling on. Hidden costs and up front.

If your chasing this maniacal system cost index and the teams, to remain competitive, you still have to grind standings with the faction to put up a POS. Otherwise, your stuck to your faction regions, or your hauling it all across New Eden. (Hello GANK!) Not to mention the cost of running a large POS these days. 300-400 million isk for fuel per month. Even if your mining, doing PI, producing all your own fuel, there is real cost to it. Assuming there is a moon where you can anchor in this said advantageous system. OH and you have costs for running a job in the POS your already paying to fuel. This even used to be a modest income for a corp to charge some install and running fees to offset fuel costs. A corp can't charge additional fees on top of what is being imposed now. That would take the advantage away from corp members.

Now were looking at this from the standpoint that the industrialist is reprocessing ore, to maximize profit margins. How is this beneficial to dropping the barrier to entry for new pilots, or experienced, entering the profession?

You can take each individual point of the changes and put it in some kind of good light. Put it all together though... You have a system that is not friendly to the new industrialist, small/med industrialist, let alone those that spent great amounts of time researching BP's and doing capitol construction.

Shine a rosy colored lantern on it if you want, but they screwed this up.

Let's take all the changes, and put the good and the bad next to them eh? I think the picture will be very clear. The only one that benefits from this is CCP with removing isk from the game. That part of the patch seems to work perfectly.

Exert Force
#129 - 2014-07-25 17:42:32 UTC
Kesker wrote:
you still have to grind standings with the faction to put up a POS.

There are no standings required for putting up a POS, i think you didn't read the patch notes.

The Sagan Clan
#130 - 2014-07-25 17:45:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Kesker
Qoi wrote:
Kesker wrote:
you still have to grind standings with the faction to put up a POS.

There are no standings required for putting up a POS, i think you didn't read the patch notes.

Foot in mouth. HOW DID I MISS THAT ONE!

A major pain in the arse removed. That said, it's still a pain in the arse chasing system cost index, and teams.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#131 - 2014-07-25 17:59:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Steve Ronuken
Kesker wrote:
Qoi wrote:
Kesker wrote:
you still have to grind standings with the faction to put up a POS.

There are no standings required for putting up a POS, i think you didn't read the patch notes.

Foot in mouth. HOW DID I MISS THAT ONE!

A major pain in the arse removed. That said, it's still a pain in the arse chasing system cost index, and teams.

Chasing the index, I suspect, isn't really going to be required. I'd expect things to settle out fairly evenly.

Teams are another matter. I've been playing with the numbers, and I suspect, in most cases, it won't be needed. All depends what you're building.

As for the POS: We got a bunch of complaints from people who had the standings already. They were quite vocal about it. Just not convincing enough.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Balaster McNugget
Into The Plasma Inc
#132 - 2014-07-25 18:41:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Balaster McNugget
I had a specific niche in the market that was literally ripped out of the game. I was creating high quality BPOs, like 250/250 for shorter ones and 100/100 for anything else. People paid big money for these, so they could jump into the manufacturing business right away instead of starting with a 0/0 BPO. They would sell for 75m+ each. And don't even try to tell me that anything above 10ME or 20PE is a waste, or I will call you an ignoramus. Besides, I wasn't even the ones using them, the 250/250 just made them stand out in the market as high-quality. Someone else put it nicely - a signature. A signature of high quality product that has just been ripped out of the game.

Now my POS is offline, my office is closed, my 10 research labs have been sold, fuel sold, 4B worth of BPOs sold. Alt accounts cancelled. Training queues set to random stuff until i figure out what to do next. Next i'll probably unanchor and sell the rest of my structures.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#133 - 2014-07-25 18:45:54 UTC
Just to add:
Kesker wrote:
Not to mention the cost of running a large POS these days. 300-400 million isk for fuel per month.
Nothing to do with this change, and it's not shockingly high. Besides, if a POS costs more than the benefit you are getting from it, don't use it.

Kesker wrote:
OH and you have costs for running a job in the POS your already paying to fuel. This even used to be a modest income for a corp to charge some install and running fees to offset fuel costs.
Which you need to run in on your calculations, that's all. It's a 25% time saving plus some material saving. If you are using it enough that the difference in costs are > fuel costs, then it's a good investment. If you are blowing cash on a POS and not making it back, you aren't using it enough so remove it. I put billions a day through several POSes, so it well and truly is still worth it from my point of view.

Kesker wrote:
A corp can't charge additional fees on top of what is being imposed now. That would take the advantage away from corp members.
This was always the same. If you are running a POS and paying fuel costs, then you can charge up to the 25% of time saving they are reducing their costs by without making it worse for a station for them.

Kesker wrote:
You can take each individual point of the changes and put it in some kind of good light. Put it all together though... You have a system that is not friendly to the new industrialist, small/med industrialist, let alone those that spent great amounts of time researching BP's and doing capitol construction.
How is it unfriendly to the new industrialists? They can actually use queues now when previously they had no chance of doing ME research without a POS. They also have the advantage of moving around to chase the lower fees, thus boosting their margins. I don't disagree that the larger scale industrialist has to do more work for smaller margins, but that's the idea, to break the current status quo where a new pilot stands no chance of competing realistically.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#134 - 2014-07-25 18:51:02 UTC
Balaster McNugget wrote:
I had a specific niche in the market that was literally ripped out of the game. I was creating high quality BPOs, like 250/250 for shorter ones and 100/100 for anything else. People paid big money for these, so they could jump into the manufacturing business right away instead of starting with a 0/0 BPO. They would sell for 75m+ each. And don't even try to tell me that anything above 10ME or 20PE is a waste, or I will call you an ignoramus. Besides, I wasn't even the ones using them, the 250/250 just made them stand out in the market as high-quality. Someone else put it nicely - a signature. A signature of high quality product that has just been ripped out of the game.
You can still do that... People will still want to pay to skip the time it takes to produce those blueprints. You can also chase the smaller fee locations to build a better margin than your competitors.

And in many cases, ME10 was a waste. Do you understand the math of how long it takes to turn the additional ME into profit, or did you just run blueprints up? For example, would you have run fuel block BPOs up to 100/100?

Balaster McNugget wrote:
Now my POS is offline, my office is closed, my 10 research labs have been sold, fuel sold, 4B worth of BPOs sold. Alt accounts cancelled. Training queues set to random stuff until i figure out what to do next. Next i'll probably unanchor and sell the rest of my structures.
Bye then.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Balaster McNugget
Into The Plasma Inc
#135 - 2014-07-25 18:51:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Balaster McNugget
my 10ME / 20TE look just like everyone elses now, for the same low-cost as everyone else now...

also i didn't say i was going anywhere... just yet..

For example, would you have run fuel block BPOs up to 100/100?

and yes i did, but like i said, i just sold them for mad profit, not actually used them.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#136 - 2014-07-25 19:18:55 UTC
Balaster McNugget wrote:
my 10ME / 20TE look just like everyone elses now, for the same low-cost as everyone else now...

also i didn't say i was going anywhere... just yet..
So rework your strategy and approach. You are basically upset because you can't make terrible blueprints look amazing to the uninformed. (careface)

Balaster McNugget wrote:
For example, would you have run fuel block BPOs up to 100/100?
and yes i did, but like i said, i just sold them for mad profit, not actually used them.
OK, so they capped at ME 40, so it was quite literally a waste of time. They gained 0% for 60 levels of research. You could just have easily sold them at 40 explaining that they were the best they can possible be.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Zinther Del'Ara
#137 - 2014-07-25 22:19:54 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Balaster McNugget wrote:
my 10ME / 20TE look just like everyone elses now, for the same low-cost as everyone else now...

also i didn't say i was going anywhere... just yet..
So rework your strategy and approach. You are basically upset because you can't make terrible blueprints look amazing to the uninformed. (careface)

Balaster McNugget wrote:
For example, would you have run fuel block BPOs up to 100/100?
and yes i did, but like i said, i just sold them for mad profit, not actually used them.
OK, so they capped at ME 40, so it was quite literally a waste of time. They gained 0% for 60 levels of research. You could just have easily sold them at 40 explaining that they were the best they can possible be.

I think he's in marketing. Anything above me10 for most items were a gimmick he cashed in on. Never went for those bpc's myself as they were overpriced compared to savings. None of my own bpo's were above 10, except ammo were you could save perhaps a zyd or a few isogen having it at 100.
Industrious Mistress
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#138 - 2014-07-26 01:03:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Industrious Mistress
[/quote] How is it unfriendly to the new industrialists? They can actually use queues now when previously they had no chance of doing ME research without a POS. They also have the advantage of moving around to chase the lower fees, thus boosting their margins. I don't disagree that the larger scale industrialist has to do more work for smaller margins, but that's the idea, to break the current status quo where a new pilot stands no chance of competing realistically. [/quote]

Wow you must have forgotten what its like to be new. The new player now has 0% chance of getting into the industry field with any expectations on success. They now have to either buy a POS (lets be honest, the cost of running a POS is way outside of the range of new players, most players get into industry so they can make enough isk to run a POS) or they now have to use station slots that are WAY over priced (have you looked at the quotes people have been given? 440mil+ to set up a ME players are never going to pay that) so now the only players that can do industry are the ones already in possession of good BPOs.

Your feeble attempt to place this broken in a positive light Edsel that is called Crius is both disingenuous and misleading. There is NO ADVANTAGE whatsoever in having to move around to "chase lower fees" its a waste of time and effort as well as an extremely poorly thought out mechanic. The UI is possibly the worst in any game that I have ever played, IM sure they will fix it, but whoever green lit this should be fired, they have failed the community, CCP, and themselves, they should be ashamed! The teams idea, Wow! What drunken fool decided to put this into the game? must have been the idiot who designed the UI...

Overall this expansion will do ALOT more damage to the game than anything else. The prices of ships is going to go up costing the PvPers more and more isk. There will be, and already has started to happen, less and less miners out in high sec fueling everyone else's PvP fun (where do you think you get those ships and mods that you use?) which in turn will decrease the amount of PvP in high sec. The increased cost of ships and mods will eventually spread into Pve, FW and Nul sec, (you think things in nul sec are stagnant now wait until the prices of your Ishtar triples)

You cant destroy the foundation of the house and call it adding on a room, CCP you have failed the community and unfortunately it doesn't look like you care, you keep loosing subscriptions, the average concurrent users is WAY down, you keep loosing players and moves like this do not help bring faith back to the community that things are going to get better, both new and old players should be concerned about terrible moves like this that are perfect examples the short sided thought process that is killing our game.
exxon halliburton
i'm from the government and i'm here to help
#139 - 2014-07-26 03:03:28 UTC
removing ques = good idea

increasing ME costs 1000 fold = shockingly stupid idea

the increase in production costs effects everybody, the increase in research costs effects NEW PLAYERS more

Dear new CCP guy: please fix this
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#140 - 2014-07-26 03:40:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Ireland VonVicious
Would have been nice if they still required standings for 0.7 POS setups so the standings people spent years grinding were still worth a little something. Destroying a goal that takes massive time without even a crumb left over seemed a step to far.

They could have gotten away with just treating 0.5 like low sec since it has the yellow instead of green for the sec color and would have pushed the wars they were after harder without ruining the solo guys chances if they grinded up.

The ME changes were good but they took that too far. Needs a small scale back.

I like most of the other changes.

UI was a nice face lift on an old game.

Over all was a 6 out of 10. Needs another round of adjustment.