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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#961 - 2014-07-24 18:19:16 UTC
Cobalt Edge no doubt.
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#962 - 2014-07-24 18:20:44 UTC
NPC null
#963 - 2014-07-24 18:28:27 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:
NPC null

So you don't mind living in an apartment complex. That's fine. But, some people would like a spot to build their own house. Different strokes and all that.
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#964 - 2014-07-24 18:37:53 UTC
And building own house involves exactly what? Please unroll your metaphor back to EVE.
Also, it's still better to live in in apartment complex and work your way to the house of your dream, rather than sit at a city square and shout "government! give me a house! now! or else! I'll commit a suicide!"
#965 - 2014-07-24 18:48:32 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:
And building own house involves exactly what? Please unroll your metaphor back to EVE.
Also, it's still better to live in in apartment complex and work your way to the house of your dream, rather than sit at a city square and shout "government! give me a house! now! or else! I'll commit a suicide!"

Having the ability to work your way up would be fine. But that is not possible. Other than renting or somehow being graced by the larger blocs, you will never be able to own a piece.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#966 - 2014-07-24 18:56:24 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Skia Aumer wrote:
Erutpar Ambient wrote:
I want to own a piece of space.

So basically you want to online a TCU, right?
That, or you want to be recognized as a power to deal with?

About a couple of weeks ago I personally have "claimed" a system in nullsec. I didnt online a TCU there, mind you. But if carebears in that system wouldn't pay a rent to me, they will suffer consequences. And they know that, so they pay.
You see the difference? When I want a piece of space - I go and take it.

So you are proving his point that you cannot have space in Sov 00 without renting it? Roll

He's the Wizard and he's telling you what he told the Scarecrow. "There are many entities out there that exert influence over a system no better than you do, but they have something you don't - a TCU." If your goal is a title, then yes that's out of reach. If your goal is to dominate a system to some degree, then you can do it. Put your valuable stuff in a low sec or high sec station. Put up a cheap POS or station container that contains mobile unit whatevers, and go harrass the locals until they start paying you isk. No TCU required.

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#967 - 2014-07-24 20:27:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Rivr Luzade
Skia Aumer wrote:
NPC null

So you are not living in that 00 sec, you demand rent from Sov 00 holders and henceforth Eruptar's point stands: You either need to be part of a big blob, or you rent to live in Sov 00 sec.

How about you try to live in Sov 00 without being part of their gang for a change to see how your statement works out?

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#968 - 2014-07-24 21:27:31 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I am watching this thread with great interest and am very happy to see the discussion it's spawning.

It's very interesting to compare the ideas being discussed here with concepts we're discussing internally.

Don't hurt yourself responding so quickly to anything posted here so far....Ugh

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#969 - 2014-07-24 21:39:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Gizznitt Malikite
I firmly want Sov to encourage more flying in space.

To do this, I'd make it very easy to destroy Sov if you aren't using the system.

Reduce Station, TCU, and IHUB EHP to 25% of what they currently are.
Remove Station RF timers. Once the IHUB is destroyed, the Station is vulnerable to flipping.
Give the IHUB 0 RF timers until the system has system activity.

Use system activity indexes to measure in-space system activity.
The Military Index (Shooting NPCs) and Industrial Index (Mining) already measure in-space PvE activity.
Add a PvP Index (combat ships destroyed in system) and Logistics Index (average jumps per day).

Any index at level 4 adds 1 RF timer to your IHUB. Indexes should change slowly, like perhaps based on a 14 day rolling average with anomalies capped to limit their influence on the average.

Level 4 PvP Index may require 75 Combat vessels destroyed / day, with a single days combat activity maxing out at 225 ships destroyed.
Level 4 Logistics Index may require 500 jumps / day, with a single days jump activity maxed out at 1500 jumps per day.
Now, if you use the system, you get RF timers to defend your System. If you don't use it, then anyone can blitz your system and destroy your claim on it.

Claim all the space you want.... if you don't see the system regularly used, it will easily be lost to an attack.
Rent all you want... if your renters don't utilize the system, it will be vulnerable.
Use Jump bridges all you want.... it means you aren't using the systems in between and they may become vulnerable.

I realize I don't include Trading or Science & Industry in my "system activities". This is because they generally don't involve flying in space. Finally, if system flipping is an issue, perhaps start the system with a PvP-RF timer when you successfully online the IHUB.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#970 - 2014-07-24 22:06:21 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
I am watching this thread with great interest and am very happy to see the discussion it's spawning.

It's very interesting to compare the ideas being discussed here with concepts we're discussing internally.

The key is that "Sovereignty" should involve both overwhelming force as well as persistence on field. Not only do you have to defeat those who invade your lands (overwhelming force), you need to be able to keep your area safe and orderly (persistence).

Currently 0.0 Sov is all about overwhelming force.

How you add "keep area safe and secure" is up to you. Right now you've given the "guerrillas" great tools to harass the local population (mobile depots, inties immune to bubbles), but they have no tools to take Sovereignty even if the established powers make zero attempt to get rid of them.

You could envision a system where the guerrillas spend X amount of time on the persistence feature to gain Sov only to have the current "government" come in with overwhelming force to take Sov back. A sort of asymmetrical fight. The key is that the established powers would need to spend the effort to defend their space - either develop their own set of "special forces", or roll through the area every now and then with their main forces to clear out the area.
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#971 - 2014-07-24 23:21:13 UTC
Just though of this:

MJD's have a 3 minute cool-down and Marauders get a bonus to the speed of the cool down.

Make Capital Jump Drives a Module (and give every (super)capital ship the fitting they'd need to use it), and make the module have a 10 minute cooldown. Also, make Cloaks unusable for that 10 minute cooldown (spatial disruption or somesuch)

Hot-Drop for lolz issue fixed. Choosing to send your (Super)caps into a system should be a logistical/tactical necessity, not an "i'm-bored-wanna-hot-drop-a-raven" choice.


Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#972 - 2014-07-24 23:31:06 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Skia Aumer wrote:
Erutpar Ambient wrote:
I want to own a piece of space.

So basically you want to online a TCU, right?
That, or you want to be recognized as a power to deal with?

About a couple of weeks ago I personally have "claimed" a system in nullsec. I didnt online a TCU there, mind you. But if carebears in that system wouldn't pay a rent to me, they will suffer consequences. And they know that, so they pay.
You see the difference? When I want a piece of space - I go and take it.

So you are proving his point that you cannot have space in Sov 00 without renting it? Roll

He's the Wizard and he's telling you what he told the Scarecrow. "There are many entities out there that exert influence over a system no better than you do, but they have something you don't - a TCU." If your goal is a title, then yes that's out of reach. If your goal is to dominate a system to some degree, then you can do it. Put your valuable stuff in a low sec or high sec station. Put up a cheap POS or station container that contains mobile unit whatevers, and go harrass the locals until they start paying you isk. No TCU required.

and thats the difference between low sec and null sec. If you're not online enforcing yourself you don't own anything in low sec, but the people who control most of null probably don't even log in the game anymore, that's a load of balls, and it seems to be what eve is about now: slum lords and space peasants.
Tiberius Funk
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#973 - 2014-07-24 23:39:42 UTC
My 2 pennyworth. Here goes...

How about nullsec sov becoming like an inverse incursion. Nullsec belongs to the rats right? If you want their sov you have to take it from them. The lower the sec the harder and the bigger the forces you face with -0.4 and above having a chance of being clobbered with rat capitals and -0.7 and above having a chance of being dropped on by rat supers and possibly titans.

You'd have to clear a system of rats a la incursions maybe or a version thereof in order to put down your control centres a la FW but the control centres would belong to you rather than say the gallente empire for instance and ihub. These would then start to grant you upgrades the longer you defended the system from rat and player attack, the more you rat, do plexes, mine etc. You'd have an incursion bar to show you your level of control and the bonuses it grants. You'd need to be on your toes though coz both rat and players could turn up at any given time to attack your control centres. Lose control of say 75%+ of your control centres your ihub becomes vulnerable. Cue scramble to smash ihub or regain control of centres.

Different control centres would allow in different classes of ships but you would have top down or specific hull type control centres. You couldn't have all of the same but you could say have one for supers, caps and BS only. In fact you would have to have one or more of those in say sec lower than -0.7. You'd need to be on your **** though because you could have a rat cap ship fleet drop in it and start smashing your control level.

If you go below say 25% control for long enough you start to lose control centres and would have to either anchor new ones or decide to GTFO. There would be a maximum number of centres of certain types needed per system depending on sec. If you have all of yours down you can get max control, if not then you lose a percentage of your control.

Here's where things get more interesting... no really stick with me here!

If you fly in rat home region space and say mission run and have good standing with the rats you can assist the rats in attacking a player sov holding entity. You will be able to choose pvp combat missions which will send you off into nullsec to help assist a rat invasion force. You would get LP for helping a ranks a la FW. The higher your rank the fancier loot you can get from the LP store (makes sense huh?). If you get high enough then maybe you can get a chance at some of the rarest loot or even bring into Eve one off super rare ultimate items. These would also be very rarely dropped by rat commanders of the sov attacking fleets.

Rats would regularly of course go after your miners too and try and disrupt your control level so you'd have to look after your miners. And of course mining disruption could also be a pvp combat mission for the home region rat mission runners. Everything would be mined by the way. None of this isk being shat out for free by moons. You'd have to mine the moon which would involve.... MINING CAPITAL SHIPS!!!! Voila! You get these ships actually into the game doing something and make a big target out of them. If you want moon mins you gotta put some expensive **** on the field to get em :)

The sec for a system would slowly drop though as the system is depleted of good ore it becomes less valuable and of course no one likes taking a pasting all the time, so rats will slowly give up/have their forces destroyed and will regroup elsewhere. The loss in sec rating will affect rat bounties and ores you can mine etc. So you would have to move.

There would also be random finds in areas or random happening that would all link into eve lore and the ongoing background story in eve. These events would randomly make areas suddenly more valuable or less valuable or change the dynamic of an area e.g. you have a supernova = lots of gas for mining and drugs etc but also creates super gravity meaning ship speed is halved a missile speed quartered or something similar. Like WH effects. These random events could permanently change a region e.g. that supernova aint gonna un-supernova itself or they could be temporary.

The events could be player driven. Like the aforementioned supernova could be stopped by say some kinda crazy angel super cap that can help re-invigorate a star. If the supercap stays in position long enough the star doesn't go supernova but if the super cap goes down the star explodes. You'd get to see it go boom as well and could say that you were there! The angel super would drop ultra rare loooots and also grant anyone there LP depending on the damage they did/time on field or something like that.

You'd end up with combing pve with pvp making everything much more interesting I reckon AND be involved in helping to tell the eve story. They could bring back the weekly stories that used to come up when you logged in and this time you might actually want to read them! Okay, maybe I'm going a little too far there! :D

I reckon that this would result in the higher end of nullsec security space being open to small entities because say below -.03 you would not have to put down control centres that only took BCs and above or something like that and you would not be at risk of having rat supers or caps dropped on you.

Oh one other idea, not related to the above and I'm sure someone musta come up with it before but there should be a ship like a HIC but has a module on it that creates a cyno free zone up to 100k away or even makes the whole grid un-cynoable i.e. you can't drop a cyno whilst the ship is on grid and it's module is running. However, like a HIC if the mod is running the ship moves at two miles a fortnight or something like that. Only one allowed on grid at a time maybe or some other limiting factor to their power to stop cynos. Whhhhaddya think?

#974 - 2014-07-25 01:03:11 UTC
how about every system has an ihub and you dont have to kill it but capture it? the only way to make the ihub vulnerable is to capture all the system adim areas which include sensors, stellar cartography, administrative centres, and all such in space buildings that are required to run a system.

it would scale simular to how fw works but be defended by incursion like npc's.

the lore would be that all npc pirates want all the capsuller space and they are constantly attempting to take over the space.

so if you dont actively live in the space you loose it to a pirate faction.

once a pirate faction takes over the system it becomes like regular npc space but can be re captured.

all current annoms would be changed to the new capture zones.

the ihub would be defended by a capital npc force.

once you get an entire constalation you can declare a capital which allows things such as jump bridge assembly and super cap construction. but also once a capital is declared the assault from npc also increases which will reinfoce you have to activley live in an area to keep it.

0.0 should also be dynamic there should be "gold rushes" and "market crashes" which will influence migration.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#975 - 2014-07-25 02:38:36 UTC
Tiberius Funk wrote:
My 2 pennyworth. Here goes...

How about nullsec sov becoming like an inverse incursion. Nullsec belongs to the rats right? If you want their sov you have to take it from them. The lower the sec the harder and the bigger the forces you face with -0.4 and above having a chance of being clobbered with rat capitals and -0.7 and above having a chance of being dropped on by rat supers and possibly titans.

You'd have to clear a system of rats a la incursions maybe or a version thereof in order to put down your control centres a la FW *SNIP*


FW is great and very accessible, all the mechanics promote solo and small gang warfare. There's no point in hundreds of players huddling up in one plex to overwhelm the other side when there are hundreds of plexes open across the warzone which all need to be plexed too. It's usually more efficient for people to split up into small groups or run them individually unless it's a push for a specific system with strategic value. Of course the LP system also rewards solo play more than fleets, and I don't see that being workable in null sec.

I like the idea of maintaining sov requiring a daily grind and potential small scale pvp in plexes instead of a small monthly fee, a big flag pole and fleets of supercaps; It might make the null blocs withdraw from systems that are of no use to them but could be useful to other players. Maybe it would allow people to negotiate rental agreements for reasonable terms so it's less like slave labour and more like paying for protection because the sov would belong to the individual corps who run the plexes and maintain the system instead of the coalitions.
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#976 - 2014-07-25 05:58:49 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
So you are not living in that 00 sec, you demand rent from Sov 00 holders and henceforth Eruptar's point stands: You either need to be part of a big blob, or you rent to live in Sov 00 sec.

How about you try to live in Sov 00 without being part of their gang for a change to see how your statement works out?

My face and my palm will accrete soon.
I store my ships in NPC station. I fly them anywhere, including sov null. If I have something to do in the systems I visit, then I stay there and do whatever I want. Sometimes I mine in sov null, for example. I run anomalies once in a while. I dont scan relics, by my mates do that a lot. We roam and we do blackops. We play moon warfare. So yeah, I live there.

That example with carebears paying the rent to me - was to show you that you dont need to set up TCU in order to control the system. And thus you dont need a blob of supers. Just go down there and take whatever you want. You will have to fight of course, but that is a kind of fight that even a solo player can stand.

Folks, you are misled by the original poster.
He's trying to convince you that you cannot fight back. I'm telling you - yes you can!
1. Choose on of two coallitions you hate most.
2. Go to their backyard.
3. Start harassing their renters. Set siphons.
4. Soon you will find that you're not alone. Other players fight for the same goal. Make friends with them.
5. Proceed to reinforcing enemy POSes. Dont expect you will take them down instantly.
6. Advertise yourself. More people will join you to have a chance to punish the blob.
7. One day, when stars align right and you take down that damn POS that was reinforced for 100 times in a row, you will understand - you are the power. Now sky's the limit.
8. ???
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#977 - 2014-07-25 06:02:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Skia Aumer
Or, stay here and go on with that "eve is dying" BS.
Mario Putzo
#978 - 2014-07-25 06:12:21 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:

1. Choose on of two coallitions you hate most.
2. Go to their backyard.
3. Start harassing their renters. Set siphons.
4. Soon you will find that you're not alone. Other players fight for the same goal. Make friends with them.
5. Proceed to reinforcing enemy POSes. Dont expect you will take them down instantly.
6. Advertise yourself. More people will join you to have a chance to punish the blob.
7. One day, when stars align right and you take down that damn POS that was reinforced for 100 times in a row, you will understand - you are the power. Now sky's the limit.
8. ???

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#979 - 2014-07-25 06:48:15 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:

Our definitions of living somewhere are clearly very different. For me, it implies that you have your ships, equipment and in-space assets around your base of operations. What you do, however, is storing them away in a random area or space and then roam around far away from that area. That's not living in the operation area,

With the rest of the harassing people who support big blocks, however, I agree completely. More people should do it. But I am afraid that the big blocks then find ways to impeded that by influencing CCP... vOv

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Anthar Thebess
#980 - 2014-07-25 07:57:38 UTC
Just an idea.
Can a buff to most balanced capital : Dreadnought , can be some temporary remedy on current situation?

Introduce 2 rigs ( just to not make them to OP)
Both rigs takes whole calibration , so you cannot have both , or any other rig on your dread.
( so quite big drawback )

- Structural Analyser
* Designed to track armor and structure week points making all damage that penetrates the shield triple as effective.
Because of the heavily focused bursts - any damage against the shield is halved.

- Shield Analyser
* Designed to track shield overload points. Wilde spread burst around those spots, put extreme stress to ship shields .
Again all anty capital damage against shields tripled , while damage against armor and hull halved.

In both cases fire against small targets is pointless.

So dread that is dedicated to fight other capitals get tripple damage against specified defence of enemy ship.
Something that , used on arty dreads can be truly devastating.

This idea is to make temporary fix for current situation.
When fire-power needed to brake tank of spider tanked carriers and supers simply overloads the node.

Alpha based dreads will something every one have to be watchful, as they can eat your capital fleet on dinner.