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WH PI: Avoiding the gank

Vicker Lahn'se
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#1 - 2011-12-08 00:04:13 UTC
How do people deal with the inevitable occurrence of lone gankers waiting for them at customs offices in wormholes?

I had some guy drop on my alt in an Ishkur last night. He was very thorough. I had been checking d-scan and it was all clear until he warped in and landed on top of me. I suspect he had a cloaked alt or something to that effect. To make things worse, he also got my pod, costing me some 150mil in implants. The pod was my fault, for clicking the warp button a fraction of a second too late, but it seems like there should be some way to avoid getting caught in that situation to begin with.

Should I use warp core stabilizers? This would decrease my overall hauling capacity, but I suppose I could warp back and forth to my POS between each CO visit.

A cloaky industrial seems like it could possibly help. I could warp to each CO cloaked at 5km, approach to 2.5km, uncloak long enough to transfer materials, and then cloak up again. This would again decrease my overall hauling capacity, and it would also make ship losses more expensive.

I do have two characters, so a one-person escort would be possible. This seems like it would just result in more ship losses, though.
Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#2 - 2011-12-08 01:21:15 UTC
I have this problem sometimes. My guess is that sometimes people stay cloaked near your POS and get an idea of when you're doing PI, and to see where you warp to. So my advice would be to mix up which order you tend to visit each custom office. You could also setup a safespot to warp to before heading to the custom office. Also, as soon as you reach it, order your ship to align back. This tends to give you a very short window to move what you need between before you move out of range, so my advice would be to limit what you're moving to one direction. By moving it in one go, and then warping straight away, limits your time there to such a short duration that the only way someone can catch you is to have already been there cloaked up and waiting, and as long as your pretty random in when you log in to do it, should reduce your chances of being caught significantly.

The only drawback is that you'll be forced to do extra runs, as the short duration you'll have limits you to either putting stuff into the office, or taking out. You won't have time to move things back and forth (and the transfer of cargo is bugged to hell since the patch anyways).

Of course, A cloaky industrial has a much faster warp time, and would make catching you even harder. Also, you could sit your extra character nearby in something with ECM for a last ditch "get-the-hell-outta-there" approach, things like a Falcon are prefect for this.

Damn pirates!

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

Dr Mercy
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-12-08 01:27:47 UTC
Falcon or Rook Alt on standby seems key

Make isk with PI:

#4 - 2011-12-08 01:53:39 UTC
Depends warp core stabs are really only good against a solo target...after that eh.. Might help to leap frog around a bit, keep chasing you until he loses you or you have something else waiting for him. (Super tank freighter add nuets to highs then something else finishes him off.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#5 - 2011-12-08 02:03:15 UTC
A blockade runner and don't stay in that spot for long.

Also make sure you don't fly alone and someone has eyes on d-scan at all times. You won't pick up the cloaky scouts unless you get extremely lucky and spot them in the half second between dropping WH cloak and engaging their own, but their combat ships will show up.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#6 - 2011-12-08 02:13:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Vicker Lahn'se wrote:
How do people deal with the inevitable occurrence of lone gankers waiting for them at customs offices in wormholes?

I used a Deep Space Transport (built-in +2 wstab) with a MWD to warp in 10 seconds.

SB never fit scramblers, and rarely a disruptor. Surviving a bomb blast and a torp volley was more important.

I've landed in a warp bubble at a wormhole with my Bustard (highest EHP DST) that I carelessly warped into, which was left by a Hurricane that shot at me. I think I was at 75% shield (probably higher) when I exited the bubble and warped away. I could have warped away faster, but I panicked and forgot to turn the MWD off.
Vicker Lahn'se
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#7 - 2011-12-08 02:16:41 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
Vicker Lahn'se wrote:
How do people deal with the inevitable occurrence of lone gankers waiting for them at customs offices in wormholes?

I used a Deep Space Transport (built-in +2 wstab) with a MWD to warp in 10 seconds.

SB never fit scramblers, and rarely a disruptor. Surviving a bomb blast and a torp volley was more important.

I've landed in a warp bubble at a wormhole with my Bustard (highest EHP DST) that I carelessly warped into, which was left by a Hurricane that shot at me. I think I was at 75% shield (probably higher) when I exited the bubble and warped away.

I was considering giving a Mastodon a try. It seems like the built in warp strength would be one of the best ways of dealing with these situations. How often are there groups of people, instead of just one random person?
Venerated Stars
#8 - 2011-12-08 02:32:27 UTC
In my opinion it is more profitable to make a maximum effort to avoid incidents like this than it is to fight. I agree with all of the advice on not being predictable, using a blockade runner and being on the move as much as possible.
Hiram Alexander
State Reprisal
#9 - 2011-12-08 04:50:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Hiram Alexander
Well, here's some free advice...

  1. Never warp to the CO from your POS, if I'm cloaked and see you aligning to P1, guess where I'm going next. Always warp to an off-grid 'safespot' first - he might think you've gone to an exit WH, or even (rightly) to pick up your PI goods, but 4 seconds of him guessing are all you need to escape.

  2. Don't always use the same 'safespot' to warp to first if you also have alts... Keep the guy guessing, and always assume you're being watched at your POS.

  3. Never pick up PI with an 'open' hole... scan down your statics, check for k162's and crush them all first. I've killed many a hauler who assumed he was safe because all his corpie's were in system, in combat ships. They can't help.

  4. Mid-slot ECM Burst modules can be surprisingly effective if you've been stupid, or lazy. It happens.

  5. Never warp to planets in numerical order, and never go to P1 first.

  6. Don't do PI, then login Alt 2, then Alt 3, then Alt 4 in obvious succession... Obvious alts are obvious, and warping 'up' into empty space (safespot) but coming back on a horizontal (most planets are on the plane of the horizon) with two guys in a row tells the 'baddie' all he needs to know.

  7. Don't take your stuff out of the CO until you're just about to enter warp, and CTRL+A your stuff, (keeping CO window open) so you can throw it back in if you get ambushed... No point in losing everthing...

  8. Don't try to click warp at the exact right time, to try and save your pod, click it like a bloody machine gun.

That should serve you well in most cases.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2011-12-08 07:27:15 UTC
So far I've gone without trouble. But as the poster above said, I use a number of things to mitigate the risk.

First is I always assess the WH before doing any ops (sites, PI etc). I have gotten ganked running sites because I was rushing and did not check things first.

This means checking sigs etc. Can't check for recent jump activity anymore so that makes it more fun.

If I have an active exit (usually just my static) which is near impossible to pop, I will post a cloaky scout to listen. Beforehand this scout also warps to a safe and pops a combat probe to cover the system. Scan and filter any existing stuff. Then scan like I'd
dscan. a combat probe will pick up anyone anywhere in the system not cloaked.

If I have multiple WH's I'll wait until some collapse.

I often pick up my final PI (the most expensive) in a blockade runner.

If you are really paranoid, you can do the following ahead of tie

Warp to like 10km from the CO. Find a spot where you can line up your destination (POS) with the CO in line with it, much like a good bombing run. Bookmark that spot. Now you can warp there cloaked in a blockade runner. Align to the POS, as soon as you are in range, decloak grab goods and warp.

If anything seems amiss, I will wait until later. PI can always wait.
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#11 - 2011-12-09 02:23:22 UTC
Don't check your PI at the same time every day. Avoid patterns, use covert IIs on a runner. Pretty much what has been said.
Vicker Lahn'se
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#12 - 2011-12-09 03:45:59 UTC
Hiram Alexander wrote:

  1. Don't try to click warp at the exact right time, to try and save your pod, click it like a bloody machine gun.

This could probably have saved my pod. Thanks for the advice!

Derath Ellecon wrote:
If you are really paranoid, you can do the following ahead of tie

Warp to like 10km from the CO. Find a spot where you can line up your destination (POS) with the CO in line with it, much like a good bombing run. Bookmark that spot. Now you can warp there cloaked in a blockade runner. Align to the POS, as soon as you are in range, decloak grab goods and warp.

Excellent idea! I think I'll do this, as soon as my alt can also fly my prowler.
People's Republic ofChina
My Other Capital Ship is Your Mom
#13 - 2011-12-09 10:43:22 UTC  |  Edited by: People's Republic ofChina
If you still want to use something that carries a lot of material an Orca is much superior to a DST. More capacity, more tank, and the corporate bay drops nothing which will discourage people killing you for profit (but not for laughs).

Edit: Corporate bay not maintenance bay.
Salcon Cliff
Zephyr Corp
#14 - 2011-12-09 14:35:08 UTC
I used a Deep Space Transport (built-in +2 wstab) with a MWD to warp in 10 seconds.


I use a Mastodon fit for max cargo (lows and rigs) and a cloak in the high slot. I 'think' my mids are 2x T2 Lg. Extenders and an T2 Invuln, but would have to check. EHP for me is 47k or so, speed in the 120 range, and a max tank of 108 DPS (a few implants help a bit). I also use it to haul out of our WH, which almost always requires crossing another WH. I have actually only been 'jumped' at a CO once, and they did not have enough point to hold me. The base tank on the Mastodon is pretty good, and you have plenty of resources to buff it a bit.

I did get bubbles once by a small gang with a HIC when traversing two w-space systems, and although I admit I was lucky, I spent the next hour 'escaping' at 15 m/s while cloaked. There were five of them, but I had a few mates distracting them a bit on our side of the WH. The most exciting slow-mo chase I have ever had Lol.
Bloody Wench
#15 - 2011-12-09 15:13:34 UTC
Pick a WH that doesn't have a K-Space exit?

Works for me.

[u]**Shepard Wong Ogeko wrote: **[/u]  CCP should not only make local delayed in highsec, but they should also require one be undocked to use it. Then, even the local spammers have some skin in the game. Support a High Resolution Texture Pack

LingWai II
Virtuous Reality
#16 - 2011-12-09 17:02:52 UTC
Here is a nice Blog that shows how hunting is done in a WH (by at least one player):

Ana Vyr
Vyral Technologies
#17 - 2011-12-09 18:12:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ana Vyr
Use a DST like a Bustard (+2 warp stabilization built in), put ECM burst in the high slot, give it a decent tank.

edit: bah should have read all the replys...this has already been suggested and overruled to some degree.
Chelsea Devildriver
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#18 - 2011-12-09 19:52:09 UTC

How would an orca do with warp stabs x2 in low and ECM burst + max tank in mid?

I guess its gonna be an expensive loss thous for u if they are more than one and or have bubbles?!

Im thinking it would be nice if one dont have to do that many runs. But then i guess it would be pritty low effort if u dock in the closest station once u hit Highsec and do a currier to red frog..
Vicker Lahn'se
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#19 - 2011-12-09 21:33:43 UTC
Bloody Wench wrote:
Pick a WH that doesn't have a K-Space exit?

Works for me.

First, I didn't pick the wormhole. It's my corp wormhole and I do PI as a side income. Second, it doesn't have a kspace exit.

In regards to the orca suggestions... They're either trolls or coming from people who have never flown an orca before. There is no way in hell that I would ever fly an orca to a customs office.
Vicker Lahn'se
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#20 - 2011-12-09 23:25:35 UTC
LingWai II wrote:
Here is a nice Blog that shows how hunting is done in a WH (by at least one player):

Good God, that guy writes a lot. It looks like he's written two pages of text every day for the past three years. I got bored after a single post. Do you actually follow that blog?
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