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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#921 - 2014-07-23 07:08:17 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
A good PVPr could pay for there ships and buy GTC's from the isk they made from recovered loot.

Today, even a bad PVPer can pay for his ships by merely cleaning a gate from NPCs. Risk free frig fights, yay!
Anthar Thebess
#922 - 2014-07-23 07:21:11 UTC
Lets hope that this success they got from yesterday expansion, shake CCP enough to actually start do something.
Based on those graphs more players where logged day before expansion than on expansion day.
Almost all earlier expansions had big spike when they went live.
Now players online it is still falling down.

Yes industry was not touched for years.
But it was not the big issue, a thing that made people resub.

Funny is that people where aware about upcoming changes , but talks on few channels that i got yesterday where on :
- there will be harder to get ships
- they will be more expensive
- time to find something new
- plex is expensive
- ships will be much more expensive
- there is nothing going on
- no real changes
- what the point or subbing

No industry talks , almost, one guy was angry that his lab didn't have ME slots any more.

ARE YOU AWARE how many players are waiting for their subscription to end?

Time for some real commitments , changes , and fast ones - as you are starting to loose money.
Sara Tosa
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#923 - 2014-07-23 09:47:29 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Lets hope that this success they got from yesterday expansion, shake CCP enough to actually start do something.
Based on those graphs more players where logged day before expansion than on expansion day.
Almost all earlier expansions had big spike when they went live.
Now players online it is still falling down.

Yes industry was not touched for years.
But it was not the big issue, a thing that made people resub.

its the fundament of bigger things, nobody is particulary elated of fundaments but when they arent there or are made badly and their house fall around their ears, you can bet that they will miss them.
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#924 - 2014-07-23 12:34:33 UTC
I'm so glad that this useless discussion has vanished.
Rest in peace, Pandemic Legion.
Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#925 - 2014-07-23 18:44:20 UTC
Perhaps what null needs is balkinization as more smaller organizations might be more interesting than the current super sized blocks. How to do that is likely the question and the answer might be to look at the differences between null and wormholes. In wormholes the size if an organization seems to reach a certain level but no more and the organizations themselves are rather unstable. If you pack too many people into a wormhole system the tend to starve as the isk available for each member shrinks rapidly as more and more people are crammed in. If the organization tries to solve this by occupying two different locations they often find that they split into two different organizations as sharing interests and content with distant friends is difficult.

So, perhaps the solution is simply reducing the number of available pve plexes and resources such that it is too low to sustain overly large numbers while making travel more difficult by greatly decreasing the range of junpdrives, bridges, jump bridges and perhaps making smuggler stargates have inactive periods where they are not available for use. No doubt that this is a painful method but it would perhaps deal with the stagnation issue that the OP noted without requiring any significant new magic.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#926 - 2014-07-23 18:47:34 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Madbuster73 wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Madbuster73 wrote:
Everybody is looking for a better SOV system, while there is already one right under their nose.
Use the Faction Warfare SOV mechanics, but only bigger...
Instead of novice, small, medium and large plexes, go for: Medium, Large and Extra Large Plexes.

Everybody can see how Faction Warfare mechanics drive good conflicts and brings a lot of players in space.
That is exactly what 0.0 needs.

You mean the farming in T1 ships with stabs?

You go ahead and try to farm a Medium plex in a stabbed frigate after the recent changes :)

And as I mentioned above the complexes should be harder to take, starting from Mediums.
And the X-Large Complexes would have Capital NPC wich would require a lot of dps to kill.

Its just an idea, there is a lot of room for iteration. Ofcourse it shouldnt be as easy as in FW.
But it has proven to be a system that will give a lot of traffic in space and it will also make smaller forces more significant.

And this system will also disperse the blob into smaller fleets.

I'd say start from novice all the way up to the extra large plexes. That way nullseccers will have a use/reason for 2 week old characters.

I really dont think 0.0 should be dominated by 2 week old alts, thats why starting from mediums is better.
FW is a good training ground for newbies, they can do the novices there to get used to them.

Dirt Nap Squad
#927 - 2014-07-23 19:12:05 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Kynric wrote:
Perhaps what null needs is balkinization as more smaller organizations might be more interesting than the current super sized blocks. How to do that is likely the question and the answer might be to look at the differences between null and wormholes. In wormholes the size if an organization seems to reach a certain level but no more and the organizations themselves are rather unstable. If you pack too many people into a wormhole system the tend to starve as the isk available for each member shrinks rapidly as more and more people are crammed in. If the organization tries to solve this by occupying two different locations they often find that they split into two different organizations as sharing interests and content with distant friends is difficult.

So, perhaps the solution is simply reducing the number of available pve plexes and resources such that it is too low to sustain overly large numbers while making travel more difficult by greatly decreasing the range of junpdrives, bridges, jump bridges and perhaps making smuggler stargates have inactive periods where they are not available for use. No doubt that this is a painful method but it would perhaps deal with the stagnation issue that the OP noted without requiring any significant new magic.

MOON income supported by jump drives. That is what 0.0 is about, not owning space.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#928 - 2014-07-23 19:30:29 UTC
Kynric wrote:
Perhaps what null needs is balkinization as more smaller organizations might be more interesting than the current super sized blocks. How to do that is likely the question and the answer might be to look at the differences between null and wormholes. In wormholes the size if an organization seems to reach a certain level but no more and the organizations themselves are rather unstable. If you pack too many people into a wormhole system the tend to starve as the isk available for each member shrinks rapidly as more and more people are crammed in. If the organization tries to solve this by occupying two different locations they often find that they split into two different organizations as sharing interests and content with distant friends is difficult.

So, perhaps the solution is simply reducing the number of available pve plexes and resources such that it is too low to sustain overly large numbers while making travel more difficult by greatly decreasing the range of junpdrives, bridges, jump bridges and perhaps making smuggler stargates have inactive periods where they are not available for use. No doubt that this is a painful method but it would perhaps deal with the stagnation issue that the OP noted without requiring any significant new magic.

MOON income supported by jump drives. That is what 0.0 is about, not owning space.

SO, they should implement the FW SOV mechanics in 0.0 and then make it so that you can only
use harvesters and such if you OWN the system. Everybody else should still be able to anchor a POS but can not use Harvesters and such.

Akashi Suenobu
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#929 - 2014-07-23 19:36:48 UTC
Tchulen wrote:

1) Expand Sov Space - This is my favorite. If there was new space with significantly larger distances between stars that spread out from the outer boundaries of current Sov space it might alleviate the issue. The closer you are to Empire the easier it is to travel. The further out you go the less impact your jump drive has. Then shift nearly all the good moons further out making that the desirable space. It would massively increase the time for a fleet to get from one side of the map to the other. It would also mean that a lot of the space closer to Empire would be freed up as the current 2 massive coalitions took the more profitable space further out meaning that there would (hopefully) be space for smaller entities to take due to the distance issues making the big coalitions let go of the less profitable space. It would also mean that the better space you have the more pain in the backside it is to get to highsec and back. This is all off the top of my head so there are probably holes in it.

I think CCP is already planning to add more systems with the upcoming expansions. Didn't they say they were putting in buildable gates that went to new areas of space at some point? I think we might get whole regions out of that, possibly.
Fourteen Maken
Karma and Causality
#930 - 2014-07-23 20:07:58 UTC
Nullsec is inaccessible to most players, and CCP keep making it worse by putting even more resources into the hands of those who make it their business to shut the rest of us out.

I hope null sec is as boring as it sounds, people deserve the government they get.
#931 - 2014-07-23 20:12:29 UTC
Fourteen Maken wrote:
Nullsec is inaccessible to most players, and CCP keep making it worse by putting even more resources into the hands of those who make it their business to shut the rest of us out.

I hope null sec is as boring as it sounds, people deserve the government they get.

well csm has been dominated for years by null sec alliances. if anything the csm have killed eve

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Manfred Sideous
#932 - 2014-07-23 21:11:37 UTC
CCP I am sure you are all busy but perhaps a few live streams or VODs to let us players know where you are headed. Wild speculation and disenchantment is the product of silence.


GreasyCarl Semah
A Game as Old as Empire
#933 - 2014-07-23 21:14:32 UTC
The grand ideas get interesting but why must we reinvent the wheel here? Does this have to be a comprehensive plan of reform to the system? Why not start with a simple change by doubling or tripling the cost to cyno a fleet? Or make a cooldown timer that applies to a character. Or do both and just see how this affects the system.

One of my fondest early memories of Eve is when a friend and I finished an Angel site. He had his Noctis in the site cleaning it up. I had to go take a leak and walked away from my machine. I was gone for a few minutes at most. I came back and he was in station with me and his Noctis had been destroyed. In the time it took me to take care of my business, a gang had synoed in a fleet of about twelve players using a Titan bridge and had blown up his Noctis and then cynoed out again. Pretty amusing but I feel that something is wrong in the game when that sort of gameplay makes economic sense.
Dirt Nap Squad
#934 - 2014-07-24 02:34:46 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK

a. If Jump drives/bridging were removed and the combat ability of your jump drive ship remained would you stop playing? My answer is hell NO.

b. If you could dock and get out of your super cap would you?

c. If the ability to travel was thru gates only, would you think about who you called friend.

It is simple the game was fun when there was a game board and terrain in play. All we have now are a few generals and a red button no one wants to push. Cause the last time it was pushed it was 21 hours of really bad game play. We use to have day after day of fun game play as we march to kill our enemy. Now we have timers that are set for a conflict no one wants and the real weapon that is used is lag or boring your enemy to death.

I know many of you think this issue is more complex and grand ideas need to be brought forward. In reality it is very simple the new eve players, have no idea of what made this game great. I promise you this the minute the jump drive is removed the regional fighting for moons and space will explode. There are many leaders waiting to break out and go at it on there own.

groups like brave newbies would be feared, now they are used as pawns. make people come thru the gates to take players space you have a war that will last for years.

I can only hope you guys get to play the game that made EVE great.

Manny if this is our Alamo then so be it at least we tried.
Phox Jorkarzul
Deep Void Merc Syndicate
#935 - 2014-07-24 02:41:50 UTC
Manny, I was wondering what if hacking was a way to make systems vulnerable. You hack the system (15mins like you said) then it gets a RF timer (less than a day in my opinion.) Systems with station can have services hacked, but without a station the system can be flipped in less than 25 hours.


Blasters for life

Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#936 - 2014-07-24 03:52:14 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
CCP I am sure you are all busy but perhaps a few live streams or VODs to let us players know where you are headed. Wild speculation and disenchantment is the product of silence.

Agreed! This is getting ridiculous.

Anthar makes a great point. There are less people on now than before the expansion.

But what he forgot to point out is....

We are at population levels we haven't seen since 2008!!!!!!!

Before Industry we should fix the force that is actually driving industry.... Or at least the force that should be driving industry.... PvP! (not the actual force driving industry now: station trading)

Null Sec Is stagnant
Non-FW Low Sec Is stagnant
High Sec is Consensual PvP stagnant
WH space... No Idea, is it stagnant too?

Basically EvE online is Stagnant. There is nothing going on.

The current mechanics in all of these areas have taken EvE in the direction that they would take it eventually. But it has reached the end of the line. We are now hitting a brick wall.

Jump Mechanics Give every player access to the entire map within moments. This allows all Regions in the game to project their force to EVERY Region in the game. Basically Jump Mechanics make EvE a very small place. This pushes entities to coalesce into the 2 blocs we have today. Once enough people quit playing, one or both of the blocs will lose power. Then there will either be one bloc that owns everything or they both fade away with EvE. This will lead to 1 of 2 endings. Either EvE will just fade away completely, or there will finally be room for new players to realize their own dreams of owning Null Sec and new life will be breathed into the game. (my guess would be on the former)

We need Jump Mechanics changed!
We need Security Status mechanics that actually have meaning and game play value!
We need Low Sec to be an integral part of High Sec, not just a buffer region to Null Sec.
We need Awoxing gone and non-consensual War Decs to have some game play goal to exist.
We need Logistics to be scaled down immensely!!! some how.
We don't need Industry UI revamp.
We don't need to lock S-Foils in attack(or warp) position.
We don't need WiS
We don't need to build our own stargates.

Give us what we need and hold off on what would be nice.

And for the love of god please tell us you're working on something that we NEED!
Cold Burrito
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#937 - 2014-07-24 04:22:48 UTC
I'm trying to project what any given change will have on group dynamics and the projection and consolidation of power. Given enough time, the present system has resulted in people organizing into large groups for mutual protection, aided by vast intelligence networks both from players ("boots on the ground") and automated (API).

One possibility to remove the centralization of power would be to remove the instant access to information that we've come to rely on to support the "absentee landlord" system we have today. So, it's time to pull out the What-if Machine.

What if we allowed the disruption of communications between players and structures.

Have a deployable object which, when placed within say 50Km of a structure, disrupts the communications link between players and the structure. This would jam all outbound communications (under attack, reinforced, API retrieval of information, etc. ) from the structure until the jammer is destroyed. This wouldn't stop groups from defending, but it would slow the flow of information vital to the defense and utilization of unattended assets.

The extent of this communications disruption is debatable. In my view, I think all automated communications should be vulnerable to this effect. This would include polling market orders and contracts of a station remotely, communicating with planets, and the sending of sovereignty broadcasts. On this last point, I also believe that the "unclaimed" sovereignty status should be removed and replaced with "unknown" and allow a jammer to induce this status. A system is only considered to have changed hands after a different claim is observed.

I also have another idea that has been hashed to death already, but I'm in favour of removing local chat in sov null by default and making an anchorable structure at a POS provide that function. Maybe something of similar size and placement as a jump bridge. Communications if you want it, disruptable if someone wants to get rid of it.

Additionally, it might be fun to toy with the idea of intelligence-gathering devices that would relay to the deploying player/corp/alliance some system stats. I haven't fleshed out this one though, but it might be a nice counter-idea to counter-intelligence.

So anyway, that's just my 2c on the idea. I like the ideas proposed in this thread regarding the limitation of power projection and thought I'd throw in a couple more to add to the pile of possibilities. I think information warfare should be more flexible in allowing the disruption of these networks of automated tools that established groups have to defend vast swaths of space.
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#938 - 2014-07-24 04:44:08 UTC
Cold Burrito wrote:

What if we allowed the disruption of communications between players and structures.

This actually has some interesting implications.
First off, I want to point out that this information actually increases conflict in general.
However, with the current climate we find ourselves in, it is actually the opposite. Because of the current bloc cold war we have, nobody is going to actually attack structures.

So for right now, in this current climate, this would be a great change. Small groups can ninja kill structures. Huge blocs would have to keep track of their giant swaths of unused space by visual inspection.

However, if things were to change eliminating the mechanics driving bloc coalescence, this could be a detriment to the amount of conflicts we would see. So if the current climate was changed, i wouldn't recommend this idea totally.


I also have another idea that has been hashed to death already, but I'm in favour of removing local chat in sov null by default

"hashed to death already" yes it has
This of course, as we all already know, is a bit of a tricky subject. It would/could synergize with force projection to a never before seen level.

However, if jump mechanics were taken away, then there really wouldn't be much of an argument to counter this one. That is to say, this change would be fine if jump mechanics were removed. This way a covert ops ship no longer represents potentially all of the force of a coalition. Or in more reasonable cases, the force of an entire alliance roam. Thus cloakies in system are little to no threat other than intel gathering.
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#939 - 2014-07-24 05:03:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Skia Aumer
Fourteen Maken wrote:
Nullsec is inaccessible to most players, and CCP keep making it worse by putting even more resources into the hands of those who make it their business to shut the rest of us out.

What exactly is stopping you from entering nullsec?
1. Dont tell me you cant pass through gatecamps, and with those new anti-bubble ceptors it's cheaper than ever.
2. Dont tell me you cant dock, as there are gazilions of NPC stations in nullsec. Also, there are dockable stations in Provi. BTW, people in WHs dont even have docks at all, and I never see them whining about it.
3. Dont tell me you cant live in deep sov space either. You can set a POS, or - it you're space poor - anchor a depot.
4. Now if you're a lazy spoiled carebear, and want to dock in sov space with -1.0 sec.status and run anomalies all day long - then guess what? You can do that too! Just need to rent that system.

So again, what is your problem? This is EVE. This is nullsec. HTFU, and dont expect you'll get everything you desire on a silver platter.
Cold Burrito
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#940 - 2014-07-24 05:29:44 UTC
So for right now, in this current climate, this would be a great change. Small groups can ninja kill structures. Huge blocs would have to keep track of their giant swaths of unused space by visual inspection.

However, if things were to change eliminating the mechanics driving bloc coalescence, this could be a detriment to the amount of conflicts we would see. So if the current climate was changed, i wouldn't recommend this idea totally.

About halfway through writing out this idea I reread Manny's original post and had similar thoughts. But that's what I like about this thread: there are so many combinations of ideas that can be put together by us armchair game designers. Coming up with obscure mechanics to alter power projection has become a sort of bus passtime for me this last month. A particularly nutty idea I've posted elsewhere was altering the landing distance from target cyno's, increasing with mass jumped in and decreasing in time.