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Crius Issues

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Dieter Rams
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#561 - 2014-07-24 00:55:40 UTC
#562 - 2014-07-24 00:56:19 UTC
Chribba wrote:
Can the new industrial UI be made smaller perhaps, a client running in 1024x768 barely just fits it, and then it takes up the whole screen.

Ditto. This was one of the obvious things that popped up after I saw the industry UI for the first time (nope, I didn't other with SISI).

Wtf!?? They had a minimize for the lists, but not the other way round. PSA to the CCP dev doing the UI, the list is a core piece that industrialists tend to spend a lot of time on - especially with the teams (now) and also if they have extensive asset distributions. Pre-Crius, these lists can be viewed in FULL. Post-Crius ... well it's now a tiny little window. Excellent work *sarcastic*. Dear CCP, please look into acquiring a better feedback sources from people who actually plays the game for your future endeavours. This only serves to reinforce the perception that CCP devs never play their game and don't know wtf is going on in it.

Besides the above, there are several other feedback/issue about UI, but that's for a separate thread.
Still waiting for that pro-active CCP move to create a thread that buckets industry UI feedback/issues .......
Long Pig Luncheon Meat
Sending Thots And Players
#563 - 2014-07-24 01:29:50 UTC
Industry implants do not have any effect when:


Material Research

Time Research

You have time frame when this will be fixed?
#564 - 2014-07-24 01:53:35 UTC
We have hundreds of locked blueprints.

We had them in a station that could not copy or research because we would remotely use a pos. This was far before the current changes were ever suggested.

Due to the new system, we can no longer use the pos to remotely copy prints.

There seems to be no way to unlock, move and then re-lock the prints elsewhere, other than going through the tedious process one print at a time.

Is there any way to do this without spending literally hours and thousands of clicks?

No good deed goes unpunished

Verge of Collapse
#565 - 2014-07-24 02:05:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Messoroz
Chribba wrote:
Can the new industrial UI be made smaller perhaps, a client running in 1024x768 barely just fits it, and then it takes up the whole screen.


CCP has moved past the trend of user friendly UIs and has moved onto Geocities era! You should be grateful they didn't add some awful background music on loop while you get a seizure from a flashing background.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#566 - 2014-07-24 02:29:16 UTC
Brackets in space overlay is awesome - things are so clean and nice and listed in a dropdown and sharp.


Brackets in space listing doesn't disappear when my mouse moves away. If I make the mistake of mousing over a planet/poco combination (or heaven forbid the corner of the UI where allll the offscreen things go) the box pops up and doesn't disappear until I click somewhere else.

Please think about making the pop-up bracket in space thing a true tooltip that, yknow, goes away. Or make it so that I've got to click to get it up.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#567 - 2014-07-24 03:21:45 UTC
I would love to see a complete list of the bugs and other errors that have been dumped on the player base.
I wonder if it is over 100.

And I would like to know what the over/under is on when the last one will be fixed.
X ATM092
The Hatchery
RAZOR Alliance
#568 - 2014-07-24 04:18:21 UTC
The industry tab on stations is just completely blank.

When mousing over the manufacturing column of an outpost with a factory upgrade (the old slot number increase upgrade) there is no popup saying what the facility has to offer. The facilities above and below have a popup showing the various reductions but important one, the ME reduction, has no popup and gives no information. The outpost I'm looking at here is ZUE.
Miyazaki Hetoshi
Hetoshi Traders Incorporated
#569 - 2014-07-24 04:27:16 UTC
Firvain wrote:
intended, you only need 1 run for max run invention bpc

Figured as much, just requires much better research slot planning to make sure you aren't stuck waiting 15 days to get some new copies out.

Miyazaki Hetoshi
Hetoshi Traders Incorporated
#570 - 2014-07-24 04:28:15 UTC
Maxpie wrote:
We have hundreds of locked blueprints.

We had them in a station that could not copy or research because we would remotely use a pos. This was far before the current changes were ever suggested.

Due to the new system, we can no longer use the pos to remotely copy prints.

There seems to be no way to unlock, move and then re-lock the prints elsewhere, other than going through the tedious process one print at a time.

Is there any way to do this without spending literally hours and thousands of clicks?


I had to manually unlock over 1000 bpos
Aluka 7th
#571 - 2014-07-24 05:27:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Aluka 7th
I managed to find quiet system. On star map is shows that in last 24hours only 9 R/D jobs were installed and that index is 0.00.
BUT Industry index (red bar) in my facility rose to half and cost already increased 5 fold.
Since Crius, I have installed 6 jobs that lasted 16h and 4 jobs that lasted 7hours and that got index to half red?!
Little steep IMHO.
Is that intended? Star map shows low activity but facility cost being at half red already?!
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#572 - 2014-07-24 06:56:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Chribba
Rapscallion Jones wrote:
Chribba wrote:
Can the new industrial UI be made smaller perhaps, a client running in 1024x768 barely just fits it, and then it takes up the whole screen.


Somehow I'd always imagined you ran one of those massive multi-client rigs on 72" screens. Lol

72" screen only fits 14 clients side-by-side running 1024x768 (note just taking client number out of thin air) so I'm screwed!

But yeah I usually run 1024x768 on alts side-by-side which is where my problem comes in, I could make them bigger but then the whole side-by-side thing becomes borked.

It looks pretty damn bad...


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

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Bionesis Technologies
#573 - 2014-07-24 07:18:29 UTC
This morning I try to make some copy, it said, I cannot do it and then freeze the client, while another is still running.

I restart the client, and then delivered some job...
Now I cannot access the BPO, the jobs are finished, but the BPO are still locked...........
Eve Faction Trade Exchange
#574 - 2014-07-24 07:34:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Takanuro
Aluka 7th wrote:
I managed to find quiet system. On star map is shows that in last 24hours only 9 R/D jobs were installed and that index is 0.00.
BUT Industry index (red bar) in my facility rose to half and cost already increased 5 fold.
Since Crius, I have installed 6 jobs that lasted 16h and 4 jobs that lasted 7hours and that got index to half red?!
Little steep IMHO.
Is that intended? Star map shows low activity but facility cost being at half red already?!

I have a very similar position, I was just testing as not convinced the whole Cost Index is working properly and despite finding a system where no jobs had been installed (no research facilities available), putting up a test POS, my 7 jobs managed to make the index bar 3/4 full and changed prices quoted by +900%, the system index is showing as 0.01 now and it registers that only 7 jobs have been installed on the star map.

CCP Greyscale had replied to an earlier question of mine about the research costs saying it is working as intended but I have petitioned the above example, as it just seems crazy.

Yes, we're going to die, but you're coming with us!

Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#575 - 2014-07-24 08:02:39 UTC  |  Edited by: suid0
Indy Ui is horrifically slow and unresponsive if you have any reasonable qty of blueprints (like 100+ or 1000's) no, you can't hide them away in cans, they get searched also.

When it does load it doesn't show all prints anyway - had a eq assembly array show me there were 5 prints in it, while I was at the tower and could see 20 or so.

Probably related to the above mentioned slow UI problem, but it also often crashes the mac client.

Edit: also the new window keeps taking focus. If you are typing in a chat window while you are waiting for prints to load, the S&I window constantly keeps foregrounding with focus every 10-15 seconds.

Words cannot express how bad the user experience is when trying to perform basic industry tasks now.

the entire enemy support fleet is dead except for one interdictor a titan could easily finish off with drones  - Commander Ted

Brainless Bimbo
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#576 - 2014-07-24 08:04:09 UTC
I don´t know if this is just down to new patch, but when you want to know more and go get info on anything the client starts retrieving "get info" from the database array that even by standards of old (when we got standings on characters) seems to be very, very slow, it is causing the client to got into "not responding" mode that freezes everything for 5 to 10 seconds at minimum.

I´m not sure how many people get this as lots never use get info anymore, if you don't give it a try on random characters in local and see what results you get, it could be CCP just hates me.

already dead, just haven´t fallen over yet....

#577 - 2014-07-24 08:32:29 UTC

Apologies if this has been mentioned before, I did check the list on the first page and some more pages.

The mouseover price has gone from a number of things, I'm not referring to blueprints as I don't think they ever showed a price.

I noticed this on an alt that bought some skillbooks but it happens on other items as well. Only noticed this since Crius.
Lorna Sicling
Eire Engineers
#578 - 2014-07-24 09:22:04 UTC
Hopefully the "jobs cannot be delivered" known issue includes the "Not enough shelf space - You can't add the EM Ward Field II as there are simply too many items here already." problem.

Thanks for the hard work CCP - somehow need to find a way to find more of these sorts of issues on Sisi.

Industrialist - currently renting in null sec.

Writer of the blog "A Scientist's Life in Eve" - proud member of the Eve Blog Pack

CCP Claymore
C C P Alliance
#579 - 2014-07-24 09:36:43 UTC
Mac586 wrote:
Industry implants do not have any effect when:


Material Research

Time Research

You have time frame when this will be fixed?

Why do you believe they are not working?
File a bug report with steps to reproduce of exactly what you are doing so we can look into it.

Quality Assurance Analyst Team Psycho Sisters

AngelShocker Cupcakes
CareBears Gone Dark
#580 - 2014-07-24 09:47:30 UTC  |  Edited by: AngelShocker Cupcakes
So, I went to start a Invention job on my industry alt at our POS. It showed the time being 34 mins with a run output of 13. Once i hit start the runs go down to 10 and the time is 54 mins. I do not think it took the design lab into account after i hit start it also did not keep any of the changes from the occult parity but it is no longer in the hanger.

Edit: It comes out correctly but it didn't take account for the Design lab. It should have only taken 27 mins and it took 54 mins.