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Windows disappearing randomly

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Nomadic Spacial Bunnies Support Division
#201 - 2011-12-08 00:14:28 UTC
I found a limited workaround. If you put it in windowed mode and use the windows key to bring up the start menu, you can access all your programs from there but EVE will always be visually drawn in the background even if you cant see this. This makes multiboxing very laggy, but possible.

Also, alt-tabbing or windows key-tabbing is the root of the cause.
#202 - 2011-12-08 01:27:28 UTC
Ok I have been having the same issue after the patch on TQ, but to my knowlegde, it never occured on sisi prior to.
After the patch this Tuesday like alot of it seemd better for short period of time, then it satrted again, but here a twist it then stopped on its for awhile then came back. about 5 mins after it returned, I started getting the corrputed windows in hanger then completely lost th ui. shortly after lossing pemantly (had some faint to ghost of a few bits) the screen started flickering.

I lost cursor but was able to open option menu with esc key on one client the text was all messed up there normal but on both when i hit the quit button the window vanished, good thing i knew roughly where the conformation box was, otherwise i would have had to close clients via the task manger.
So it seems I can only play few hrs (not complaete active entire time) then i lose the client.

yes have xp, current drivers
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#203 - 2011-12-08 06:25:25 UTC
Another update from my end:

The fixed window temporary workaround does only work (with flicker and sometimes still vanishing windows) on single client.
When running more than one client all the issues are back, though not as frequently as in fullscreen.

Tried all setting/settings combinations I could think of but it's the same.

Another older graphics related bug is also back now since Crucible, that has to do with bloom effects showing as white squares. It is also bug reported again.
I just mention this here thinking it could perhaps be related somehow.
Bobby Newmark
Burgas Space School
#204 - 2011-12-08 10:25:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Bobby Newmark
For me the problem is exactly when i open eve alt+ tab few times and the bug start if i exactly open 1 extra game window more than the game windows i had before alt +tab. For example if i have overview + local + and drone game windows when alt + tab 1 or more times and open another window like market or assets or fitting panel all widows dissapear. Thats happening more if i open Character Sheet game window because i think is the bigges or have more graphics. Anyway when the things get bugged doesnt affect only EVE online for me personaly. If i open another game when EVE is up and bugged could see some graphic / game windows bugs aswell. Also affect my ctr+alt+del window graphic. Thats is for me personaly as i sad. Maybe adding new window of some kind when eve is up doesnt stack with the windows / SP3 detail or i dont know. I'm hopping that info will help to CCP to solve our problem. Shocked
Soo i think you should look at the Windows XP things which support the game windows i have treid to change my graphics / full screen/ fixed windows UI scale but bug appears at any case.
I'm not programe and i dont know what i am talking about but that is what i saw soo far. I'm thoping the other players will share their opinions aswell after reading my post. That could help at CCP at some point cuz i want to play already and its realy difficult to do incursions while your UI dissaper at random moments Cool
CCP Paradox
#205 - 2011-12-08 10:26:36 UTC
Another quick update from this morning. We have tried several fixes lately, but still have not managed to fix it. We have assembled a few XP machines with Visual Studio to fully debug what's going on. I hope I can bring good news later today.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#206 - 2011-12-08 11:55:38 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
After you alt+enter, try resizing the window to fit. Or maximize the windowed client (it should maximize and not go fullscreen).
That seems to bring the UI back for me. Hopefully it will help you out too.

How do I switch from Full screen mode to windowed mode or vis versa if I cannot see the UI when I hit escape when this problem arises?

Is there a key command to switch from one view to another?

Because when the UI totally disappears (not when it becomes that weird view of colors and odd looking windows, there is a name for that, but I cant think of it) but when the UI disappears, even by hitting escape, you cannot see the escape menu.
CCP Paradox
#207 - 2011-12-08 11:59:12 UTC
Try pressing ALT+ENTER together. It should switch.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

CCP Paradox
#208 - 2011-12-08 14:22:51 UTC
Quick update. We have a possible fix. Been hammering away at it all today, and with our latest changes I have been unable to reproduce the problem. I have been destructively testing it, and I mean really, really trying to break EVE on Win XP. But so far, the UI stands and never breaks.

Hopefully the fix will make its way to Singularity soon. Will update you guys when it does. Big thanks to everyone who reported this and gave detailed descriptions in this thread. With your help we were able to develop some good hunches that were able to track down some problematic areas in the code.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

CalicoJack II
#209 - 2011-12-08 14:32:56 UTC
Thanks for the updates and I hope the fix works well. It is quite a game breaker for those of us having this problem but it really does help reassure the community when we get this kind of feedback and updates regarding where the devs are with such issues.
#210 - 2011-12-08 14:51:34 UTC  |  Edited by: ISquishWorms
CCP Paradox wrote:
Quick update. We have a possible fix. Been hammering away at it all today, and with our latest changes I have been unable to reproduce the problem. I have been destructively testing it, and I mean really, really trying to break EVE on Win XP. But so far, the UI stands and never breaks.

Hopefully the fix will make its way to Singularity soon. Will update you guys when it does. Big thanks to everyone who reported this and gave detailed descriptions in this thread. With your help we were able to develop some good hunches that were able to track down some problematic areas in the code.

Thanks for keeping is informed, communication like this means a lot. Looking forward to testing the fix on Sisi.

‘No, this isn't it at all. Make it more... psssshhhh’.

Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#211 - 2011-12-08 14:54:24 UTC
Nice one Paradox, I'm looking forward to getting my little fleet flying once again Lol

Shame this has kind of marred the release of the update, after playing for a few hours ( single client ) last night got to say some of the QOL changes are quite slick. Cheers to everyone at CCP.

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

Jacques Arakasi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#212 - 2011-12-08 15:03:27 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
Quick update. We have a possible fix. Been hammering away at it all today, and with our latest changes I have been unable to reproduce the problem. I have been destructively testing it, and I mean really, really trying to break EVE on Win XP. But so far, the UI stands and never breaks.

Hopefully the fix will make its way to Singularity soon. Will update you guys when it does. Big thanks to everyone who reported this and gave detailed descriptions in this thread. With your help we were able to develop some good hunches that were able to track down some problematic areas in the code.

thanks for update after everyone is happy again can you provide some information into what was the cause?

CCP Paradox
#213 - 2011-12-08 15:12:46 UTC
Jacques Arakasi wrote:

thanks for update after everyone is happy again can you provide some information into what was the cause?

Sure, but we don't actually have a definite answer. There wasn't a line of code that we saw and instantly thought 'this is the culprit'. However, what did happen is eventually we started seeing some patterns in the screenshots that players were submitting as part of their bug reports.

The patterns were that some sprites/textures were being used in various places of the UI. For instance, in the Character Sheet, we saw the normal character portrait, and then sections of that portrait were appearing in various other places in the game, such as the EVE Mail window.

So we refactored and removed some convoluted code, we also simplified the methods which draw the shaders/textures on the UI. After this refactor, the code that was written is much more optimized than before, and should slightly help performance with the UI.

Suffice to say, this defect caused us to rewrite some old code to make it more sturdy. I am hopeful that it should have fixed the problem. Still testing it, and I have yet to see anything break.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#214 - 2011-12-08 15:56:38 UTC
Yeah, thanks Paradox for keeping up updated.
Hope you guys are on to a fix. *crosses fingers*
Ironman Inc.
#215 - 2011-12-08 16:56:11 UTC
Thank you CCP Paradox. And hearing from you so often with updates was marvelous. Great job

Lets hope the fix works.
Dill Kabachi
Karibas company
#216 - 2011-12-08 17:17:43 UTC
Suffering from the same issue... WinXP SP2 GTX 260 Lastest NVidia Drivers....
Read the whole thread.

I'm living in WH so it has nothing to do with docking station.
It's apparently either Alt-Tabing or just TABing in the game.

Might be helpful - some tips I use to restore windows back:
1. Zoom in and back may restore windows
2. Press TAB few times = windows will appear in a minimized mode. You can expand some you need by double clicking on those. However if you try to expand all the windows they will hide back. Chat and Overview are the ones to crash.

Waiting for a fix.
Thanks for your efforts CPP Paradox!

EVE Postal Service
#217 - 2011-12-08 17:45:54 UTC
Thanks a lot for the updates Paradox.

Sure it sucks that we are suffering from this annoying and very irritating bug, but on the bright side it caused a rewrite of the UI which in turn might give a slight improvement for everybody Big smile So not each bug is actually bad it seems P
Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#218 - 2011-12-08 19:32:01 UTC
Nice one, looking forward to this hitting TQ. Great that you kept us updated with progress.

Paradox / Alaska / Dev Pandya is my favourite drum and bass producers - can't wait to alt-tab and listen to Paradox on youtube, while testing out Paradox's fix in game! Haha I'm so funny....not. Big smile
Mor Wihn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#219 - 2011-12-08 20:22:41 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
Quick update. We have a possible fix.

Thank you!!! My fingers are crossed. I look forward to being able to increase my graphics settings and enjoying the beautiful efforts you've put into this expansion ;)
Vicious Traditions
#220 - 2011-12-08 21:43:14 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:

Jacques Arakasi wrote:
thanks for update after everyone is happy again can you provide some information into what was the cause?

Sure, but we don't actually have a definite answer(...)

Let's hope it fixes it then.! If you might be so kind as to tell us when will this change hit SiSi, since i can log into it and check it out.? And surely post some feed here.
