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Rate the Avatar above you

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Tilde Duchateau
The Vendunari
End of Life
#12641 - 2014-07-14 20:13:59 UTC
Luscious lips/10.

Jackhammer subtlety. Bitches love cannons. This Is My Jam.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#12642 - 2014-07-14 20:18:07 UTC
Your use of lighting shows promise,
Interesting, I'd keep going but I'd say 6/10, just for the lights/composition
Carmen Electra
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#12643 - 2014-07-14 20:21:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Carmen Electra
Eye color +1
Eye liner +1
Eye shadow + 1
Lip color +1
Dat smirk +3


Edit, this was for Tilde, not you Ralph

You get a 1/10 for ninja'ing me like that
Ragnar Severasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12644 - 2014-07-14 21:54:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Ragnar Severasse
I really like how your character almost perfectly blends in with the background. However, you could have a less bland expression and you missed an opportunity to utilize more shadows.

Reldor Silverheart
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#12645 - 2014-07-15 12:39:46 UTC
Overall nice portrait, abit of an odd pose but it works overall. 8/10
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#12646 - 2014-07-15 15:01:59 UTC
Poor hair color, weird eyes
Sivney Quincannon
#12647 - 2014-07-15 18:10:55 UTC

The avatar looks great but the background could be better. 8/10.
Devara Biotech
#12648 - 2014-07-15 18:27:42 UTC

When I first saw your avatar I thought you were caldari, but a quick glance through corp history revealed that you were Sebiestor and a close look at the nose would reveal the same thing. I really like your avatar and she is a good looking, but mature woman. Most other good looking female chars in eve looks like small girls.



Ariane Vikna
Second Origin
#12649 - 2014-07-15 20:28:47 UTC
@Mizhir :
Cool shadows you looks like a secret agent or something.
But this "corner pose" is too much for me.

Jeremy Fischer1
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12650 - 2014-07-16 11:50:13 UTC
Nice pixels.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#12651 - 2014-07-16 12:18:35 UTC
Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12652 - 2014-07-17 18:51:05 UTC
[Brigitte] Don't be shy, go all the way blonde. You will have more fun. 7.5/10 (needs bit more in the expression be it smile or grump...)

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Pepper Swift
Caldari State
#12653 - 2014-07-18 02:28:52 UTC

I think the background doesnt match.. 1 point off for that

What I need most.. is a day between Saturday and Sunday...

If life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic

Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12654 - 2014-07-18 04:03:08 UTC
Pepper Swift wrote:

I think the background doesnt match.. 1 point off for that

Had to agree... I changed it.

8 for you.

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#12655 - 2014-07-20 20:09:18 UTC
Valerie Tessel wrote:
Pepper Swift wrote:

I think the background doesnt match.. 1 point off for that

Had to agree... I changed it.

8 for you.

Page 2?

How could you let this happen?

@ Valerie: It is a nice picture, yet your old picture (with the angel wings and halo) was so epic that it was impossible to top.
I understand that you wanted to try on the new clothes for a change; and you did everything right, nice pose, nice colour scheme, fitting background etc....
But now it isn't so unique anymore and I would really like to see you go back to your glorious former portrait.
Spaceangels ftw!

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12656 - 2014-07-21 21:39:31 UTC
Zimmy Zeta: I LOVE it. Seriously. Those lovely eyes! The same danger aura. And the use of pose and background is perfect. Instant 10/10.

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Valerie Tessel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12657 - 2014-07-22 13:26:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Valerie Tessel
Zimmy Zeta wrote:
Valerie Tessel wrote:
Pepper Swift wrote:

I think the background doesnt match.. 1 point off for that

Had to agree... I changed it.

8 for you.

Page 2?

How could you let this happen?

@ Valerie: It is a nice picture, yet your old picture (with the angel wings and halo) was so epic that it was impossible to top.
I understand that you wanted to try on the new clothes for a change; and you did everything right, nice pose, nice colour scheme, fitting background etc....
But now it isn't so unique anymore and I would really like to see you go back to your glorious former portrait.
Spaceangels ftw!

There was much trepidation at clicking that Finalize button. And the CC is not very friendly for going back to what you had... I got somewhat close, I hope.

@MCF Good pose, background works. Color scheme blends, but I think you could use a red or white tank to make it pop (not sure I know what I'm talking about). Solid 8.

My original for comparison:

Well, OK this is my original...: followed by but then the dark angel...

Tactical destroyers... I'll take a dozen Gallente, please.

Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#12658 - 2014-07-25 09:00:57 UTC
@ Valerie Tessel:

Big smile


Space Angel is back!

I'll send word to the Amarrians immediately that they can stop burning their bibles and tearing down their cathedrals, for the angel hath returned.

This is your theme song.

12/10, naturally.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Ragnar Severasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12659 - 2014-07-25 12:18:50 UTC

You got nice facial expressions, nice eyes, and a nice background. I can't really find anything bad about your avatar.

I don't give 10/10s though so you get 9.75/10.
Ariane Vikna
Second Origin
#12660 - 2014-07-25 15:54:53 UTC
Not so bad...8.5/10