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Greed is not good

First post
#61 - 2011-12-07 16:44:57 UTC
CCP Prism X wrote:
I wish I had NetFlix here in Iceland Straight

On the topic of greed: Greed cannot be good as the definition requires excess. Greed is a state of restlessness and it is not to be confused with ambition, necessity or drive. When Ivan Boesky coined the phrase in question he, hopefully, meant to inspire ambition and drive. At least I see no gain from muddling up the definition to include grey areas.
Necessity is amoral. Ambition and drive are good as if taken to extremes they are actually greed.

But yes.. I wish I had NetFlix! That is clearly the main point of this post!

Greed isn't the same as ambition or drive, that's true. But greed is an element which exists in both. Selfish desire can be seen in many things within human nature but most especially those two. So you can't necessarily call greed universally bad as it's really just descriptive of something more fundamental.

What I think is bad and what the OP is talking about is when greed is bridled by intense stupidity. Like in CCP's case, no one but a stupid greedy person would have went all in on WoD and NEX sacrificing their one and only cash cow, EVE. A smart greedy person would have continued to go all in on their cash cow while making little side bets with their pet projects.

In this case (as in all of these cases) the stupid greedy person loses money and is humiliated, the smart greedy person makes money, improves things people are already spending their money on and everyone is happy.
Vihura Cor
#62 - 2011-12-07 16:54:22 UTC
This game is already pay to win just get you credict card and buy 1000 plexes and you won EVE...
#63 - 2011-12-07 17:00:38 UTC
LOL I love the netflix freak out. cost what an extra 2 bucks in most cases? Mean while a cable company hikes it's rates up by 10 a month and no one freaks out or pays attention. On top of that you're already paying 60-150... So % increases dont really tell the whole story.

60% of a buck is isn't that big a deal. Keep your principals of 60% and i'll keep more money by not having over priced cable.

Sad thing is a ton of people I know that quit netflix just resubbed a month later... So much for principles, and gumption.
Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#64 - 2011-12-07 17:02:23 UTC
Posting in a necro-thread!

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#65 - 2011-12-07 17:37:34 UTC
I havent whined on the forums for a while so here goes.

As long as there's a MT store in eve I wont truly respect CCP. No matter how awesome the future expansions are. It's really that big of a deal to me.

Seemed like an appropriate thread.
Carry on.
Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#66 - 2011-12-07 17:45:03 UTC
Ingvar Angst wrote:
Posting in a necro-thread!

yup. at first, when i saw CCP Fallout at page one, i was "oh my gosh, she is back?"

left disappointed.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#67 - 2011-12-07 18:08:19 UTC
Vihura wrote:
This game is already pay to win just get you credict card and buy 1000 plexes and you won EVE...

except, of course, that your opponent may have the ISK to match your 1000 Plex purchase, without having to shell out cash for it.

Who wins then? Smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#68 - 2011-12-07 18:16:19 UTC
There is a good side to greed.

The most greedy are embodied in people who fit the image of a "Robber Baron". They have limits. Greed has limits and those who know they are greedy know they can go too far. A greedy person will also set up and maintain systems that feed their greed, rather and use a scorched earth approach.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
--C.S. Lewis

Let's take a Vampire approach. If you are Count Dracula, and you suck everybody's blood out, you no longer have any blood. Therefore you have to be careful and not tip the regeneration rate of the population into a negative trend.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

InVictus Kell
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2011-12-07 18:50:37 UTC
as long as we're necro-posting.

let me add..i'm greedy for pie. there is nothing bad about it, i want all the pie in the world to belong to me so i can eat it. pie is delicious.
Valei Khurelem
#70 - 2011-12-07 18:58:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Valei Khurelem
I don't understand why people always claim greed is the problem caused by this, humans are always greedy, we go on shopping sprees, we eat lots of chocolate, we play video games for too long without caring about our health. Like with everything it's only when it's done constantly to the point of no return that is when you end up damaging everything and yourself.

I agree with people posting about the Nex Store as well, I won't be able to fully trust CCP as a games company until they remove it, this is also a perfect example of what I'm talking about, I refuse to purchase anything from the nex store even with the free 1000 aurum I have. They are not only charging people for virtual items that should have been included in an expansion for free but also they've gone and made us pay for game time along with that! One of these has to give and if CCP want to keep this as a game and not just a scam then they should remove the nex store and give people the nex store items as an apology, maybe even make it so they can be manufactured.

Until the Nex Store is gone, CCP are not a games company, they are a business.

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

CCP Prism X
C C P Alliance
#71 - 2011-12-07 19:38:05 UTC
Poastmortem wrote:

Cute novelty account bro! Blink
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#72 - 2011-12-07 19:43:59 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
I don't understand why people always claim greed is the problem caused by this, humans are always greedy, we go on shopping sprees, we eat lots of chocolate, we play video games for too long without caring about our health. Like with everything it's only when it's done constantly to the point of no return that is when you end up damaging everything and yourself.

I agree with people posting about the Nex Store as well, I won't be able to fully trust CCP as a games company until they remove it, this is also a perfect example of what I'm talking about, I refuse to purchase anything from the nex store even with the free 1000 aurum I have. They are not only charging people for virtual items that should have been included in an expansion for free but also they've gone and made us pay for game time along with that! One of these has to give and if CCP want to keep this as a game and not just a scam then they should remove the nex store and give people the nex store items as an apology, maybe even make it so they can be manufactured.

Until the Nex Store is gone, CCP are not a games company, they are a business.

Yep, completely agree. And I find myself in the same boat. Unfortunately I have a horrible feeling that some members of the current CSM might be selling us down the river on the issue in Iceland this coming weekend and the community hasn't seen the last of the NeX Microtransaction fiasco.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Vallek Arkonnis
Amarr Empire
#73 - 2011-12-07 19:57:52 UTC
Richard Aiel wrote:
They thought the could raise their prices 60% like how CCP thought we'd have no issue with a MT store injected into out MT free game.
You... maybe... ever think one of the main reasons we liked this game was

Are you forced to use the MT store? No? Then have a tantrum somewhere else.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#74 - 2011-12-07 20:00:16 UTC
Vallek Arkonnis wrote:
Richard Aiel wrote:
They thought the could raise their prices 60% like how CCP thought we'd have no issue with a MT store injected into out MT free game.
You... maybe... ever think one of the main reasons we liked this game was

Are you forced to use the MT store? No? Then have a tantrum somewhere else.

How would you feel if the engine trails had cost 2500 aurum to enable on your account?

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Vallek Arkonnis
Amarr Empire
#75 - 2011-12-07 20:10:19 UTC
Jade Constantine wrote:
Vallek Arkonnis wrote:
Richard Aiel wrote:
They thought the could raise their prices 60% like how CCP thought we'd have no issue with a MT store injected into out MT free game.
You... maybe... ever think one of the main reasons we liked this game was

Are you forced to use the MT store? No? Then have a tantrum somewhere else.

How would you feel if the engine trails had cost 2500 aurum to enable on your account?

I played without them for so long I really didn't care when they were put back in.

EVE is still worth my $15/mo just as it was June 20th.
Cpt Syrinx
Jovian Labs
Jovian Enterprises
#76 - 2011-12-07 20:11:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Syrinx
Necro's bad mmkay?

I want my minute of thinking 'now what?' before noticing blatant act of necro back.

Also, lmao at people happily continuing necro'd discussion Smile
Krios Ahzek
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#77 - 2011-12-07 20:14:01 UTC
CCP Prism X wrote:
Poastmortem wrote:

Cute novelty account bro! Blink

The correct term is ''gimmick''

Vihura wrote:
This game is already pay to win just get you credict card and buy 1000 plexes and you won EVE...

Yeah if you won life to the point where you can buy 1000 plexes without batting an eyelid, you might as well win EVE.

 Though All Men Do Despise Us

#78 - 2011-12-07 20:48:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Beaches
CCP Prism X wrote:
Poastmortem wrote:

Cute novelty account bro! Blink

On internet forums like SomethingAwful (which I guess you're accustomed to) people can make an account which they use to post, the posting is the entire point of that forum's existence. Typically one pseudonym represents one account.

These are the EVE Online forums. These forums exist as a subset of the game EVE Online, , not sure if you play it. Following? That which you're referring to is called a capsuleer, pod pilot or character.. some people call them 'toons', which exists in the EVE Online universe. Each EVE account comes with 3 of those, unlike SomethingAwful a single name doesn't represent an account.

In EVE they are called alts, which represent one out of a possible three characters on an account.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#79 - 2011-12-07 23:27:50 UTC
Vallek Arkonnis wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
Vallek Arkonnis wrote:
Richard Aiel wrote:
They thought the could raise their prices 60% like how CCP thought we'd have no issue with a MT store injected into out MT free game.
You... maybe... ever think one of the main reasons we liked this game was

Are you forced to use the MT store? No? Then have a tantrum somewhere else.

How would you feel if the engine trails had cost 2500 aurum to enable on your account?

I played without them for so long I really didn't care when they were put back in.

EVE is still worth my $15/mo just as it was June 20th.

Nebulas ... upgrade those for 4000 Aurum? You still good to go with the old ones while everyone else in your corp is talking about how pretty the new graphics are?

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#80 - 2011-12-07 23:44:14 UTC
Alright, who's the necromancer in this thread?