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Worst Merc`s ever award?

First post
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#101 - 2014-07-17 20:14:35 UTC
You can run a locator agent, congrats. It's kind of sad I had to move all the way to Crux to get on anyones radar. But well, my curiousity got the better of me. I indeed noticed you in local, and that it took you mere minutes to start posting here looking at the timestamps. Roll

Loki VS Reaper 1vs1? Think I'll pass! Blink

Dave couldn't make it, his sec stat is too low. You might want to go look for a fight elsewhere. In a way we have both wasted some time. That sort of illustrates hw much you disrupt corp activities through a wardec. It's inconvienient, I'll give you that, but doesn't do much more then learn the newbies a thing or two. That's fine, but if you are not willing to fight on our turf and opt to exclusively gank people in hisec, you will not get much meaningfull PVP out of random decs. Just some haulers from people who are still learning the mechanics. That's fine, but hardly meaningfull merc work or creative application of PVP mechanics. That's the only point me and Lucas are trying to make.
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#102 - 2014-07-17 22:56:44 UTC
NightmareX must be the new danalee, delusional and clueless to the facts.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#103 - 2014-07-18 08:05:32 UTC

This IS not in jita or any hub

This IS not on a station

This IS not a hauler

This IS a combat ship (see the point fitted)

This IS another merc

Frank was not alone his own fleet fled in terror

That one kill kinda blows your theory out the water on its own.

P.S your kinda boring now Lucas so this my last reply to you.
you should never feed a troll especially a crap one Big smile

Don't confuse kindness with weakness.

Beware the hand of Fybs.

Proud CEO of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#104 - 2014-07-18 10:02:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Fybs wrote:
That one kill kinda blows your theory out the water on its own.

P.S your kinda boring now Lucas so this my last reply to you.
you should never feed a troll especially a crap one Big smile
One kill is not proof of anything. Do you really want me to go onto zkb and come back with 5 different hauler kills? The fact that you manage to stumble into a 13 on 1 kill, 1 jump out of Jita and with only your word to claim there was another fleet, doesn't suddenly mean you don't primarily target easy kills.

And that's a shame I suppose. I'm sure Nightmare will keep me well entertained though.

ps an extra lol @ "next door to Jita is not Jita!" :D Next time go for something in another region perhaps.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Freight Club
#105 - 2014-07-18 13:46:22 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Most peopel would agree that killboard stats are meaningless, and that most of the time are massively inflated as everyone on a kill get's credited for the whole kill. So a 70b titan kill with 100 people on it credits a total of 7T isk in damages to the attackers.

This thread is horrendously embarrassing so I didn't want to reply, but, I'm not sure where you got this from.

Each individual will get the 70bil added to their character sheet/profile/I-don't-know-what-to-call-it, but the corporation sheet doesn't then add up all of them (say 10 from a corp on the titan kill), and show 700bil on the corporation sheet - it only shows 70bil, whether 1, 10 or 100 corp members are on the kill.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#106 - 2014-07-18 14:01:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Istyn wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Most peopel would agree that killboard stats are meaningless, and that most of the time are massively inflated as everyone on a kill get's credited for the whole kill. So a 70b titan kill with 100 people on it credits a total of 7T isk in damages to the attackers.
This thread is horrendously embarrassing so I didn't want to reply, but, I'm not sure where you got this from.

Each individual will get the 70bil added to their character sheet/profile/I-don't-know-what-to-call-it, but the corporation sheet doesn't then add up all of them (say 10 from a corp on the titan kill), and show 700bil on the corporation sheet - it only shows 70bil, whether 1, 10 or 100 corp members are on the kill.
Yes, each person will get 70b. So 100 individuals will have their individual stats increase by 70b. Each involved corp will only have 70b, and each involved alliance will only have 70b, but the total increase to individuals killboards will be 7T. So you come along and do 3 damage with a glancing shot from a newbie frigate and get yourself 70b kill value.

It works the same way for alliances in mutli-alliance kills too. So take for example this:

On this 100b kill there were 63 pilots, so the total individual kill value handed out was 6.3T. There were 18 corps on it, so the total value handed out to corps was 1.8T. There were 6 alliances, so 600b was handed out to alliances in total. Not a single level of that kill had the correct amount of value assigned out, so depending on whether you are looking at individual, corp or alliance stats, you will see either 6x, 18x or 63x more value being given out in kill isk than there was actually killed.

The marmite contribution to this was a single guy popping a point on it to get on the kill. So the pilot involved, and his corp (your corp in fact), and his alliance received 100b in kill value to pad out the killboards for putting a point on an already doomed ship.

This is a commonly recognized flaw of the killboard mechanics and one of the main reasons they mean absolutely nothing.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Sol epoch
#107 - 2014-07-18 14:32:29 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Istyn wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Most peopel would agree that killboard stats are meaningless, and that most of the time are massively inflated as everyone on a kill get's credited for the whole kill. So a 70b titan kill with 100 people on it credits a total of 7T isk in damages to the attackers.
This thread is horrendously embarrassing so I didn't want to reply, but, I'm not sure where you got this from.

Each individual will get the 70bil added to their character sheet/profile/I-don't-know-what-to-call-it, but the corporation sheet doesn't then add up all of them (say 10 from a corp on the titan kill), and show 700bil on the corporation sheet - it only shows 70bil, whether 1, 10 or 100 corp members are on the kill.
Yes, each person will get 70b. So 100 individuals will have their individual stats increase by 70b. Each involved corp will only have 70b, and each involved alliance will only have 70b, but the total increase to individuals killboards will be 7T. So you come along and do 3 damage with a glancing shot from a newbie frigate and get yourself 70b kill value.

It works the same way for alliances in mutli-alliance kills too. So take for example this:

On this 100b kill there were 63 pilots, so the total individual kill value handed out was 6.3T. There were 18 corps on it, so the total value handed out to corps was 1.8T. There were 6 alliances, so 600b was handed out to alliances in total. Not a single level of that kill had the correct amount of value assigned out, so depending on whether you are looking at individual, corp or alliance stats, you will see either 6x, 18x or 63x more value being given out in kill isk than there was actually killed.

The marmite contribution to this was a single guy popping a point on it to get on the kill. So the pilot involved, and his corp (your corp in fact), and his alliance received 100b in kill value to pad out the killboards for putting a point on an already doomed ship.

This is a commonly recognized flaw of the killboard mechanics and one of the main reasons they mean absolutely nothing.

And the other two who only pointed it and not from PL why do they not get a mention? Wait! it is because you are obsessed with us and cannot see past that.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#108 - 2014-07-18 14:49:26 UTC
Sol epoch wrote:
And the other two who only pointed it and not from PL why do they not get a mention? Wait! it is because you are obsessed with us and cannot see past that.
No, they didn't get mentioned because it was irrelevant to the point. It doesn't matter how many people whored on that particular kill, it was just an example of why killboards are known to be inaccurate. This isn't something I'm just coming up with, this has been known fact for years.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#109 - 2014-07-18 15:32:39 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Lucas Kell wrote:
You are posting in a thread started by a dissatisfied customer, lol.

A WHOLE single customer is dissatisfied with us?

Such a tragedy. We can't please everybody, so not sure why you are so obsessed over that some of our customers are dissatisfied with us when it's normal to have dissatisfied customers?

Lucas Kell wrote:
Indeed you do, and you are welcome to. So you pick easy targets, which you are fully able to do. And thus you are not the elite PvPers you claim to do, as elite PvPer would choose a challenge over easy kills.

We pick easy targets because it's a part of the game to pick out easy targets. And guess what?

The easy targets brings us alot of isk. So why should we NOT kill them when they brings us so much isk?

So it ends up that we are elite at making isk / destroying isk. You are ofc free to prove me wrong on this.

And do you really think that we cares about what we kill?

Our business isn't there to be a carebear and feel bad over some some easy targets. Ofc you cares because you are a fluffy carebear. So no wonder why they mean so much to you and are against us killing them.

Answer me this. If someone hires us to kill 20 industrials in a corp that can't defend them self. Why should we NOT kill them when someone have hired us to kill them?

Lucas Kell wrote:
Lol? So are you saying you guys aren't pushing Gevlons agenda? Tora links to his blog all the time, you sub alliance also run by Tora was invented by Gevlon, and your current strategic direction is decided by Gevlon as it has been for months. Do you seriously not understand your own chain of command?

I know who Gevlon is. But that doesn't change the fact that you are a HUGE fanboy of him. If you say i'm a fanboy of Kai86 (while i don't deny that), then why is it so hard for you to admit that you are a fanboy of someone?

Lucas Kell wrote:
lol, the "I know you are so what am I" defense. Good show kiddo.

Hooooooley moley, nice comeback there pal.

Is 'lol' all you can say?

Lucas Kell wrote:
So this is your admission that you don't care about the level of satisfaction your customers receive? You should quote that one in your alliance description. And all the evidence suggest that you actually have very few customers, as you would expect to see a lot more feedback if you had as many customers as you claim. Again, this is why over 50% of your wars are zero valued, because you take wars against groups you know will have no impact so you can claim they were customers requests.

The customers who are happy with us are very happy with us. And that's what matters. Those who aren't happy (there is always unhappy customers no matter how good your services are), they aren't happy and don't have the intention to be happy about us in the future. Again someone will not like us no matter how good our services are and how good we are doing our job.

This is just normal.

We have so many happy customers now that we need WAAAAAAY more than just 10 unhappy customers to even see that it will affect us a tiny bit.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#110 - 2014-07-18 15:33:38 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Lucas Kell wrote:
You kill "so much" because you like to chestbeat and claim to be far superior than you actually are. I'm going to continue to be the voice of reason, putting you in your place until the end of time. Because it's funny.

No, we kill so much because we can and because it brings us alot of isk and fun.

Our killboard is public all the time, so i don't know why we are chestbeating when our ingame actions speaks for themself on the public killboard. So it's not chestbeating if i tell you that we kill alot and earn tons of isk when we don't even have to show it as the public killboard tells it for us.

So it's not chestbeating, it's showing the facts with the killboard as proof.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Sure it can, except you make sure you are never taking a high risk with any expensive ships. You won't engage if there are too many wartargets nearby, and I've been on your comms when you've spoken about it, so I know first hand what a risk averse bunch of pansies you are, lol. You always make sure that anything expensive you have isn't committed. You have a good reason to as well, since you get booted if you risk the isk efficiency too much.

So no, I don't disagree that you are mitigating the risks that could exist if you just went charging in like idiots, but that makes you more risk averse, not less.

I do infact takes alot of risks with my ships in EVE.

I use alot of expensive ships in EVE, so it's not really news that i will be carefull on what i'm doing. My Vindicator (witch is my main ship) costs 3.2 billion isk in total and my Stratios costs 900 mill isk in total just to show some few ships. However, everybody knows that 'no risk, no fun' is true, so i have to take some huge risks quite alot of times to achieve some of the things i want to do.

I have been playing EVE Online since early 2004, so i have pretty much learned how to avoid most baits and such, so i will instantly see if something is bait or not today. So even though i sits in my Vindicator outside of EFA station in Amarr, i'm far from being safe. One thing is getting bumped out of the doking range on the station. If you gets bumped downwards on the EFA station in Amarr, you will get bumped out of the docking range. So if someone attack someone, it's pretty easy to get bumped out of the docking range, witch makes it dangerous sometimes to attack someone there.

The docking range at Jita 4-4 however is massive, so things can't go wrong there. So again, you should do some empire wars / PVP your self TODAY to experience how it is to be a merc. Just because you have done this several years ago says nothing that you know how this works today. Empire wars had to change alot as EVE Online have changed alot the last years.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Because you know everything about me and know I have zero experience, right?

We all knows it by this topic that you don't know what mercs is and what their main goal is to do. So yes, you have zero experience in doing empire PVP or merc works in empire. It's that simple.

Lucas Kell wrote:
No, they mean a lot to you. Most peopel would agree that killboard stats are meaningless, and that most of the time are massively inflated as everyone on a kill get's credited for the whole kill. So a 70b titan kill with 100 people on it credits a total of 7T isk in damages to the attackers.

Actually, you are wrong on every points. Because i know my statistics is all fine and i know that i will get into the corps / alliances i want to join because it's fine. Every PVP corps you are joining will require you to show your killboard statistics. So i'm pretty sure quite alot of players in EVE are intrested in our killboard statistics.

You are a fluffy carebear, so it's not a suprise that you think that killboard statistics is worthless.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#111 - 2014-07-18 15:45:00 UTC
YAY! A Nightmare rage post! Entertainment at last.

NightmareX wrote:
A WHOLE single customer is dissatisfied with us?

Such a tragedy. We can't please everybody, so not sure why you are so obsessed over that some of our customers are dissatisfied with us when it's normal to have dissatisfied customers?
100% of the customers that have given feedback here are dissatisfied. The point isn't that there's a dissatisfied customer, it's that you can;t provide any evidence of those millions of satisfied customers you claim to have.

NightmareX wrote:
We pick easy targets because it's a part of the game to pick out easy targets. And guess what?

The easy targets brings us alot of isk. So why should we NOT kill them when they brings us so much isk?

So it ends up that we are elite at making isk / destroying isk. You are ofc free to prove me wrong on this.
Yes, so you pick easy targets, which makes you the opposite of elite. Elite players would not pick easy targets. As far as killboard padding goes, for your size you are way below par, so you aren't even elite at being terrible PvPers.

NightmareX wrote:
I know who Gevlon is. But that doesn't change the fact that you are a HUGE fanboy of him. If you say i'm a fanboy of Kai86 (while i don't deny that), then why is it so hard for you to admit that you are a fanboy of someone?
lol, again you can keep saying it but it won't suddenly become fact. It won;t erase the past year of clear evidence that I'm not a Gevlon fanboy. It also won't make him any less terrible at EVE, which means him being your leader and being better at "empire PvP" than you is pretty embarrassing for you. I eagerly await you telling me again that I must be a fanboy, since you can't come up with a coherent counterpoint :D

NightmareX wrote:
The customers who are happy with us are very happy with us. And that's what matters. Those who aren't happy (there is always unhappy customers no matter how good your services are), they aren't happy and don't have the intention to be happy about us in the future. Again someone will not like us no matter how good our services are and how good we are doing our job.
So you don't give a crap about the satisfaction level of your customers and still can't provide proof that you have ANY customers at all. Good job kid. Are you sure Tora really wants you as his rage filled spokesperson?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#112 - 2014-07-18 15:56:26 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Our killboard is public all the time, so i don't know why we are chestbeating when our ingame actions speaks for themself on the public killboard. So it's not chestbeating if i tell you that we kill alot and earn tons of isk when we don't even have to show it as the public killboard tells it for us.

So it's not chestbeating, it's showing the facts with the killboard as proof.
I don;t know why you chestbeat either, yet you do, hence this whole discussion. Your killboards show a history of incredibly poor quality PvP against weak targets, hardly something you should be showing off. Again though, all you look at on your killboard is the numbers, the rest of us look at context. It's not really a surprise that you don't realise how god awful your stats are.

NightmareX wrote:
I do infact takes alot of risks with my ships in EVE.
*cough*bullshit*cough*. If you do, you must be doing it on an alt, since all of your kills are blob kills in safe areas. Having an expensive ship is no risk if you dock up when anything with guns approaches.

NightmareX wrote:
I have been playing EVE Online since early 2004, so i have pretty much learned how to avoid most baits and such, so i will instantly see if something is bait or not today.
And yet you've still not learned to PvP? That's pretty dire bro.

NightmareX wrote:
We all knows it by this topic that you don't know what mercs is and what their main goal is to do. So yes, you have zero experience in doing empire PVP or merc works in empire. It's that simple.
I know exactly what mercs are and what empire PvP is, and you aren't mercs and you don't PvP. You gank and you pad your killbaords and you smacktalk, that's it. You're children wanting to pretend you are something more.

NightmareX wrote:
Actually, you are wrong on every points. Because i know my statistics is all fine and i know that i will get into the corps / alliances i want to join because it's fine. Every PVP corps you are joining will require you to show your killboard statistics. So i'm pretty sure quite alot of players in EVE are intrested in our killboard statistics.

You are a fluffy carebear, so it's not a suprise that you think that killboard statistics is worthless.
Killboard statistics are worthless, so says the vast majority of EVE players. They are completely broken and award whored kills more than skill. Just because some terrible corps still try to use them as an entry barrier means absolutely nothing. It takes a couple of days to turn an empty killboard into a bustling gank filled efficiency machine by whoring on kills. Your reliance on killboard isk values is probably the reason you are so terrible a EVE, as it makes you whore on ganks rather than learning how to actually fight.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#113 - 2014-07-18 17:04:24 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Lucas Kell wrote:
YAY! A Nightmare rage post! Entertainment at last.

Hah. I'm pretty sure that you are raging, because we kill carebears and you have to fell some tears because of it. You are a carebear and feels bad for the fluffy bears we kills.

Lucas Kell wrote:
100% of the customers that have given feedback here are dissatisfied. The point isn't that there's a dissatisfied customer, it's that you can;t provide any evidence of those millions of satisfied customers you claim to have.

I can show you a picture of how many wars we have where most of it are from customers. Will that change your mind?

Oh it won't, so who gives a **** to show you the facts when you are going to deny it no matter what?

So again, do you wan't me to show you this if you can stay away from any Marmite topics for the next 6 months?

I'm sure you don't have the balls to say yes on this.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Yes, so you pick easy targets, which makes you the opposite of elite. Elite players would not pick easy targets. As far as killboard padding goes, for your size you are way below par, so you aren't even elite at being terrible PvPers.

We are elite at killing peoples and elite at doing damage in isk. Does that makes you mad?

The fact that you are delusional and think the word 'elite' just means one thing makes the whole dicussion here with you all funny. There is a million things you can be elite at. Like you, you are elite at trolling and make your self look like a fluffy carebear that fell some tears over some fallen bears we killed.

Here is you:

Here is me:

Lucas Kell wrote:
lol, again you can keep saying it but it won't suddenly become fact. It won;t erase the past year of clear evidence that I'm not a Gevlon fanboy. It also won't make him any less terrible at EVE, which means him being your leader and being better at "empire PvP" than you is pretty embarrassing for you. I eagerly await you telling me again that I must be a fanboy, since you can't come up with a coherent counterpoint :D

In the same way as you saying we aren't elite isn't suddenly become facts. If you think you are talking facts, then we do that also.

Yes, you are a Gevlon fanboy. Just admit it. Even i can say that i'm a fanboy of Kai86. I'm not afraid to say the truth while you are afraid to say the truth because it makes you looks bad.

Lucas Kell wrote:
So you don't give a crap about the satisfaction level of your customers and still can't provide proof that you have ANY customers at all. Good job kid. Are you sure Tora really wants you as his rage filled spokesperson?

Where do i say it that we don't care about our happy customers?

Those who aren't happy with our services isn't going to be happy with them in the future. So why waste time with them when we can use our time to make tons of isks from our happy customers instead?

Do you think we care much about losing some few customers here and there when we have so many other happy customers that it wont matter if we lose 2-3 customers from time to time?

I would love to see you running a shop in real life where some peoples isn't happy with your services. Are you going to change your whole shop just because 1 or 2 peoples calls you and isn't happy with your shop?

The funny thing here is that if you actually had changed your shop just because of that, then one of the happy customers might not even like the new change you made again. So the happy customers you had will turn into unhappy customers just because you found it right to please some few peoples that wasn't happy with your shop.

Do you see where i'm going?

Yes, everyone will see that no matter what you do, you will have unhappy customers. So you are telling me that you aren't smart enough to even be able to run a real life business because of how you think?

That's pretty freaking hilarious.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#114 - 2014-07-18 17:06:04 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Lucas Kell wrote:
I don;t know why you chestbeat either, yet you do, hence this whole discussion. Your killboards show a history of incredibly poor quality PvP against weak targets, hardly something you should be showing off. Again though, all you look at on your killboard is the numbers, the rest of us look at context. It's not really a surprise that you don't realise how god awful your stats are.

I chestbeats as much as you are chestbeating about how much you know about empire PVP and how to run merc services. How about that?

Awwwww cute isn't it?

You claim i'm chestbeating while you don't even see your own hilarious chestbeatings? ROFL.

Lucas Kell wrote:
*cough*bullshit*cough*. If you do, you must be doing it on an alt, since all of your kills are blob kills in safe areas. Having an expensive ship is no risk if you dock up when anything with guns approaches.

Awwww, it's so cute when you are raging because i'm telling the truth. I have 2 characters, but those are on the same account. So i can only use one character on at the same time. So when i play, i only play with one character. That's why i'm playing with others in a game who are all about playing with others. Why else do you think EVE Online is an MMO game?

And i hope you know what MMO stands for?

Lucas Kell wrote:
And yet you've still not learned to PvP? That's pretty dire bro.

I finds it funny that a carebear from 0.0 fluffy space are trying to educate me on how to do PVP when i have done that most of the time i have been playing EVE. LOL, that must be the funniest thing i have seen in years. You know what carebearing is and not what PVP is.

My first PVP experience started in 2005 (i started to play for the first time in early 2004). That's 2 years before you started to play EVE. Clearly, you know more than me when it comes to PVP, lol.

Lucas Kell wrote:
I know exactly what mercs are and what empire PvP is, and you aren't mercs and you don't PvP. You gank and you pad your killbaords and you smacktalk, that's it. You're children wanting to pretend you are something more..

Then i exactly knows that you don't have a clue on how we run our business. And do you know what PVP stands for?

It stands for 'people(s) versus people(s)'. And as far as i know, me / we are killing other players, thus PVP. You kill asteroids and NPC's, witch is PVE. So you only know what that is.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#115 - 2014-07-18 17:06:53 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Killboard statistics are worthless, so says the vast majority of EVE players. They are completely broken and award whored kills more than skill. Just because some terrible corps still try to use them as an entry barrier means absolutely nothing. It takes a couple of days to turn an empty killboard into a bustling gank filled efficiency machine by whoring on kills. Your reliance on killboard isk values is probably the reason you are so terrible a EVE, as it makes you ***** on ganks rather than learning how to actually fight.

To fluffy carebears killboard statistics is worthless. To any PVPers the killboard statistics is pretty worthy. If you don't know why our killboard statistics are important for PVPers, then i'm afraid you are clueless about what PVP is like i have pointed out a thousand times already.

Go kill some npc's or asteroids if that makes you happy. It's in your blood to be a carebear.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#116 - 2014-07-18 17:21:03 UTC
My eyes are starting to hurt with the multi quotes, can you guys just f*** off to snapchat to compare the size of your willies. (Yes, I said Willies)
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#117 - 2014-07-18 17:26:43 UTC
gnshadowninja wrote:
My eyes are starting to hurt with the multi quotes, can you guys just f*** off to snapchat to compare the size of your willies. (Yes, I said Willies)

Relax man, i'm just replying to Lucas. If you don't like it, then don't read this topic.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Republic Military School
#118 - 2014-07-18 17:55:37 UTC
Thread definitely needs more willy.

Sometimes you hit the bar and sometimes the bar hits you...

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#119 - 2014-07-18 18:14:20 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Hah. I'm pretty sure that you are raging, because we kill carebears and you have to fell some tears because of it. You are a carebear and feels bad for the fluffy bears we kills.
lol, unlikely. You are all teared up because I'm pointing out with valid reasons why you are poor at PvP, and hence only go for easy kills, which is why your arguments are pretty much restricted to schoolyard insults and ragey whining. Why would I be upset by people that hang out at a station on the other side of the universe? I can literally AFK rat and not worry about you guys ever encountering me.

NightmareX wrote:
I can show you a picture of how many wars we have where most of it are from customers. Will that change your mind?
No, showing me a picture I can look at myself shows nothing. All that shows is that you have wars. You can't prove there are customers behind those wars. I've said that a few times and you appear to have let it fly over your head. Here it is as simply as it can be put:
Wars do not equal customers.

NightmareX wrote:
We are elite at killing peoples and elite at doing damage in isk. Does that makes you mad?
You are poor at PvP, and you are at best moderate at ganking haulers. Elite doesn't mean one thing, but if the level of competence you claim makes you elite is the bar, then about 90% of the game must be elite. 10 on 1 killing a hauler is not a skilful activity.

NightmareX wrote:
In the same way as you saying we aren't elite isn't suddenly become facts. If you think you are talking facts, then we do that also.

Yes, you are a Gevlon fanboy. Just admit it. Even i can say that i'm a fanboy of Kai86. I'm not afraid to say the truth while you are afraid to say the truth because it makes you looks bad.
You killboard shows the facts. You kill haulers, in safe systems. That's not elite, not by a longshot. The fact that you think it is is only further testament to how poor you are at EVE. And lol, keep on trying buddy, I'm sure when you say it the 100th time it might come true, right? I'm happy for you to continue making yourself look like more of an idiot because you refuse to read all of the evidence contrary to your argument.

NightmareX wrote:
Where do i say it that we don't care about our happy customers?
on page 5: "Lol, like we cares about 2-3 out of like million customers.". And while you can't please everyone, a good business still cares about pleasing them. Successful businesses don't say "You're upset? We'll you can't please everyone, **** off". You might learn this when you finish school and get yourself a job.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#120 - 2014-07-18 18:20:51 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
I chestbeats as much as you are chestbeating about how much you know about empire PVP and how to run merc services. How about that?

Awwwww cute isn't it?

You claim i'm chestbeating while you don't even see your own hilarious chestbeatings? ROFL.
It seems you don't know the meaning of the word chestbeating, otherwise you might realise how ridiculous you sound. Basically you are just repeating what I say back at me without understanding what it means, like it can just be reversed like that.

NightmareX wrote:
Awwww, it's so cute when you are raging because i'm telling the truth. I have 2 characters, but those are on the same account. So i can only use one character on at the same time. So when i play, i only play with one character. That's why i'm playing with others in a game who are all about playing with others. Why else do you think EVE Online is an MMO game?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Telling the truth? Have a link to the proof that you only like low risk PvP:

One day when you grow a pair and step away from blobbing nubs with all your friends on the undock you might understand what risk is.

NightmareX wrote:
I finds it funny that a carebear from 0.0 fluffy space are trying to educate me on how to do PVP when i have done that most of the time i have been playing EVE. LOL, that must be the funniest thing i have seen in years. You know what carebearing is and not what PVP is.[/qupte]Well clearly you have been doing a poor job at practising since you're still so **** at it. Go out and prove you can actually PvP. Take on even odds against competent fighters and see how you do. It would be hilarious to see you get dunked.

[quote=NightmareX]Then i exactly knows that you don't have a clue on how we run our business. And do you know what PVP stands for?

It stands for 'people(s) versus people(s)'. And as far as i know, me / we are killing other players, thus PVP. You kill asteroids and NPC's, witch is PVE. So you only know what that is.
Yes, I'm aware of what the acronym stand for, but like when people claim that blowing up day old newbies is PvP, or that Trading is PvP, or that blob warfare is PvP, there's a variety of contexts. A competent PvPer relies on their skills to survive, not on a docking timer.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.