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Worst Merc`s ever award?

First post
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#61 - 2014-07-16 17:03:12 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
Calling marmite "the worst merc alliance" is a bit much.

You must tailor the mercs you hire to the objective you desire. Call them campers if you want, they still kill billions doing it.
Of course they do. But Gevlon did more damage than their whole alliance on his own through ganking. If you're prepared to disregard the actual context of their kills and look at raw numbers, then you would do the same for Gevlon and he would be classed as the most elite PvPer in the entire game, right?

Fact is, context matters. They can claim to be good at buffing their KB, but that isn't all a merc group needs.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#62 - 2014-07-16 17:05:47 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
I don;t have a problem with you saying it, but I'm going to call you out on it. You haven't proven anything except that you can kill haulers in Jita, big whoop. Consider me the voice of reason when you try to convince the general populous of your eliteness.

We are elite to our customers that use our services, because we are good. Butthurt because of it?

Lucas Kell wrote:
I wouldn't have thought you'd care, no, but clearly you do, hence walls of text.

I do care because i know i'm right and you are just butthurt because we are better than your useless alliance.

Lucas Kell wrote:
I'm aware of what a war is, and you can hardly say that the majority of your wars aren't entirely one sided affairs. You primarily target small groups of noobs, and null group haulers who you know won't retaliate because you are 40 odd jumps away. So you do care what you kill, since you select easy targets and avoid tougher ones.

We care what we kill and we care about that we have alot fun doing our jobs. We also care that we are doing a good job the customers want's us to do. That's what matters. We don't care what a grumpy butthurt carebear from 0.0 space thinks of us where you are trying to educate us on how to run as mercs when you clearly have no clues on how to run those and how to be effective.

Lucas Kell wrote:
No, I get it. Totally. What you don;t get is that buffing your KB still doesn't make you elite. We've covered this over and over. You buff your KB so you can look good as a merc alliance without having to actually be elite, you've practically admitted this is a required tactic. All I'm saying is that if you look at the content of the killboard, you can see a pattern which shows you are pretty poor at real PvP.

You've yet to present facts, just walls and walls of hyperbole and rage.

Again, don't talk about mercs when you don't have a clue about how to effectively kill your targets. When we have targets, we kill them no matter what. If it's a pod, shuttle or even a Marauder, we don't care, we kill everything that's blinky to us and that's how you make your customers happy, to actually kill the targets our custumers paid us to kill.

Yeah omgosh, it's a hauler with no defence. Like we ******* care. A war target is a war target and it should die, because we was hired to kill them.

My facts is that you shouldn't talk if you don't know how to run as a merc corp or alliance. The day you know how to run those, i'm gonna start listeing to you. Right now it's just pure crying because we are hurting your alliance so effectively in some ways that you feel the need to scream out to everybody that we are soooooooooo bad (just because you can and because you feel for it).

Lucas Kell wrote:
See what I mean? Clear rage post right here.

And probably, yeah. Empire "PvP" is pretty easy to get a buffed up killboard from. Burn Jita alone buffs the killboard to no end, and Gevlon has shown he can get many times Kai's killboard stats from solo ganking. Again though mate, you need to look at more than just the big number shown at the top of the killboard and look at context. Kai is rubbish because he doesn't do anything elite. Actual elite PvPers would dunk the ever living hell out of him in half a second.

You really should think about just asking Kai out. It's clear your lust for him is not being catered for.

You don't know the difference from telling facts to raging. It's raging to you (as an excuse) because you can't provide valid arguments back on what i'm telling you. You can't even explain the fact that you don't know how to run a merc corp / alliance and can't explain why you are right and why i'm wrong about what i'm saying.

So i'm afraid it's not me that are raging here, because it's you.

Kai alone is still better than your whole alliance. How does that feel to be a part of such a useless alliance?

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Logan PewPew
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#63 - 2014-07-16 17:15:45 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Leto Thule wrote:
Calling marmite "the worst merc alliance" is a bit much.

You must tailor the mercs you hire to the objective you desire. Call them campers if you want, they still kill billions doing it.
Of course they do. But Gevlon did more damage than their whole alliance on his own through ganking. If you're prepared to disregard the actual context of their kills and look at raw numbers, then you would do the same for Gevlon and he would be classed as the most elite PvPer in the entire game, right?

Fact is, context matters. They can claim to be good at buffing their KB, but that isn't all a merc group needs.

Comparing them to Gevlon is really low... a little decorum please. Have you ever even read his blog? 1st paragraph starts out sensible and then he quickly slides into madness.
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#64 - 2014-07-16 17:19:23 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Lucas Kell wrote:
Leto Thule wrote:
Calling marmite "the worst merc alliance" is a bit much.

You must tailor the mercs you hire to the objective you desire. Call them campers if you want, they still kill billions doing it.
Of course they do. But Gevlon did more damage than their whole alliance on his own through ganking. If you're prepared to disregard the actual context of their kills and look at raw numbers, then you would do the same for Gevlon and he would be classed as the most elite PvPer in the entire game, right?

Fact is, context matters. They can claim to be good at buffing their KB, but that isn't all a merc group needs.

We are still good to our customers at what we do no matter how good Gevlon is / was. That's what matters and that's the whole point.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#65 - 2014-07-16 19:57:48 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
We are elite to our customers that use our services, because we are good. Butthurt because of it?
That's really strange, because I'm not seeing your customers leaping in to tell everyone how elite yo are. In fact all I've seen area couple of dissatisfied customers and you claiming eliteness. Funny that.

NightmareX wrote:
I do care because i know i'm right and you are just butthurt because we are better than your useless alliance.
lol, quite a ridiculous claim. You can;t prove you're right, and I'm quite clearly not butthurt, especially when you consider that you've likely never been in the same region as me. When you grow a pair of testicles and fly on down to null, we'll blob the crap out of you and be back to you claiming I'm so butthurt cos :reasons:

NightmareX wrote:
We care what we kill
Just a little while ago you didn't care. In all caps and everything. Make up your mind.

NightmareX wrote:
Again, don't talk about mercs when you don't have a clue about how to effectively kill your targets. When we have targets, we kill them no matter what. If it's a pod, shuttle or even a Marauder, we don't care, we kill everything that's blinky to us and that's how you make your customers happy, to actually kill the targets our custumers paid us to kill.
Oh and you're back to you don;t care again. Make up your mind. I mean it's pretty clear you do care, which is why when picking targets you pick easy ones. I don't see you picking fights with competent targets. So you pick easy ones to boost your efficiency, like you say. But then that doesn't make you elite.

NightmareX wrote:
You don't know the difference from telling facts to raging. It's raging to you (as an excuse) because you can't provide valid arguments back on what i'm telling you. You can't even explain the fact that you don't know how to run a merc corp / alliance and can't explain why you are right and why i'm wrong about what i'm saying.
Lol, no it's raging because you are producing wall after wall of text, throwing repeated insults at me and changing your story left and right. If they were facts, they wouldn't change on a whim, they'd be coherent, and they wouldn't need ad hominems mixed in with them. What you are doing is rageposting.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#66 - 2014-07-16 19:59:49 UTC
Logan PewPew wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Leto Thule wrote:
Calling marmite "the worst merc alliance" is a bit much.

You must tailor the mercs you hire to the objective you desire. Call them campers if you want, they still kill billions doing it.
Of course they do. But Gevlon did more damage than their whole alliance on his own through ganking. If you're prepared to disregard the actual context of their kills and look at raw numbers, then you would do the same for Gevlon and he would be classed as the most elite PvPer in the entire game, right?

Fact is, context matters. They can claim to be good at buffing their KB, but that isn't all a merc group needs.

Comparing them to Gevlon is really low... a little decorum please. Have you ever even read his blog? 1st paragraph starts out sensible and then he quickly slides into madness.
Indeed he does, and personally I wouldn't compare them to him, even though he practically decides their strategic direction. The point I was making is that if you only look at the total isk numbers on zkb, then if you compared him in the same way, he's better. You can't choose one method to measure them and a different one to measure everyone else.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#67 - 2014-07-16 20:03:50 UTC
Removed some off topic posts.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#68 - 2014-07-16 20:49:15 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Lucas Kell wrote:
That's really strange, because I'm not seeing your customers leaping in to tell everyone how elite yo are. In fact all I've seen area couple of dissatisfied customers and you claiming eliteness. Funny that.

So our customers have to speak out everytime they are happy about our services?

Yeah omg, someone out of a million customers isn't happy about our services. And we must be bad because of it?


That's like saying you make bad musics just because some few peoples isn't happy with it when in fact, someone will NEVER EVER be happy with it no matter how good we make the song. This is something you should educate yourself in, because as far as it's now, you even begins to tell us that you are clueless when it comes to real life to?

Lucas Kell wrote:
lol, quite a ridiculous claim. You can;t prove you're right, and I'm quite clearly not butthurt, especially when you consider that you've likely never been in the same region as me. When you grow a pair of ********* and fly on down to null, we'll blob the crap out of you and be back to you claiming I'm so butthurt cos :reasons:

And your reasons about us isn't quite ridiculous?

Ahh, that's right, you are the true master of 'how to run merc businesses 101'. You must be the true elite merc runner of EVE as you knows more about mercs than our alliance leaders and directors knows, right?

Oh also, blobbing is the reason why we stay out of 0.0 space. The blobbers with most capital ships that can fill as many as possible into one system have won the fight there. Sounds like a good fight right there. But hold on, i'm still sure Kai86 can take on half of your alliance alone without even breaking a whimp.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Just a little while ago you didn't care. In all caps and everything. Make up your mind.

We care that we kill everything our customers want's us to kill. Happy now?

Or was that to hard for you to understand?

Lucas Kell wrote:
Oh and you're back to you don;t care again. Make up your mind. I mean it's pretty clear you do care, which is why when picking targets you pick easy ones. I don't see you picking fights with competent targets. So you pick easy ones to boost your efficiency, like you say. But then that doesn't make you elite.

Yup, all we care about is the explosions and our customers. We are elite to our customers who likes our services. Butthurt about that someone likes us and use our services?

Lucas Kell wrote:
Lol, no it's raging because you are producing wall after wall of text, throwing repeated insults at me and changing your story left and right. If they were facts, they wouldn't change on a whim, they'd be coherent, and they wouldn't need ad hominems mixed in with them. What you are doing is rageposting.

Like your wall of text with excuses after excuses isn't raging and crying, lol?

The funny thing here is that you are crying because i like Kai86 better than you because he's good, but at the same time you forgets that you are sucking the balls to Gevlon like there is no tomorrow. So for the sake of your own history, don't talk about who's fanboy of who.

Not only that. But you are pretty delusional for thinking that no one is good just because someone can't get the same statistics as Gevlon. LOL, that must be the joke of the year and the clear and obvious evidence that you are more of a loverboi of gevlon than i'm a fan of Kai86.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#69 - 2014-07-16 22:26:43 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
So our customers have to speak out everytime they are happy about our services?
Try reading. That's not what I said. It's just strange that if your customers are so happy, it's only you claiming your eliteness.

NightmareX wrote:
And your reasons about us isn't quite ridiculous?
What, that zkb shows clear evidence that you take only easy battles and hide when threatened by competent groups? No, I don't find that ridiculous, since I state a claim and offer an evidential source.

NightmareX wrote:
We care that we kill everything our customers want's us to kill. Happy now?

Or was that to hard for you to understand?
lol so ALL of your wars are customer driven. Wow, that's an awful lot of customers. Oh wait, they aren't? That's strange, maybe you are picking your own easy targets. Try again without the lunacy guy. And you're not very good mercs if all your customers can hire you to do is kill haulers and run away from combat ships.

NightmareX wrote:
Like your wall of text with excuses after excuses isn't raging and crying, lol?
lol, you marmite guys do make me laugh. Everything people say that you don't like you calim to be tears, no matter how ridiculous you seem when saying it. If that's what you need to do to put up your own sense of superiority, then by all means be my guest. Some peon sitting there on the internet going "Marmitez are leet and you are just butthurt and tears HAR HAR HAR I love kai, waah!" isn't exactly runing my day. Maybe when you're all grown up you'll realise that.

NightmareX wrote:
Not only that. But you are pretty delusional for thinking that no one is good just because someone can't get the same statistics as Gevlon. LOL, that must be the joke of the year and the clear and obvious evidence that you are more of a loverboi of gevlon than i'm a fan of Kai86.
That's against not what I claimed. I claimed that if the ONLY statistic is ISK amount killed then Gevlon is better by your own measurements. I know you find that hard to understand but you can;t set a single measure for yourself then a different measure for everyone else and claim you are superior. If the context of the kill doesn't matter (like you claim), then Kai is far worse than Gevlon.

It's hilarious to feed you a couple of "you suck" posts then watch you fly off the handle all day in rage walls, but seriously kid, you need to grow up. Not everything you do is the best. Not everyone you know is the best. Get over the fact that rebirth sucked (which everyone knew) marmites suck (which everyone knows) and as far as Kai goes, he's best known for exploding into teary rage more than anything else.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#70 - 2014-07-17 01:25:58 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Lucas Kell wrote:
Try reading. That's not what I said. It's just strange that if your customers are so happy, it's only you claiming your eliteness.

No, it's not what you "said", but that's what you meant while you don't want to admit it.

If our customers are happy with our work, then they takes us for good or elite at what we do for them. So call it whatever you want, but as long as we are doing a good job as a merc, we are happy and we don't care what an angry mob from 0.0 space thinks about us.

Lucas Kell wrote:
What, that zkb shows clear evidence that you take only easy battles and hide when threatened by competent groups? No, I don't find that ridiculous, since I state a claim and offer an evidential source.

Again, we don't have any rules on who to kill. We kill whatever that is blinky to us. Everything that's blinky to us will be killed on sight. Why should we care about what we kill under a war we have been contracted to do?

I will say it again, we don't care what we kill, we only care that we kill the war targets we are hired to kill.

Lucas Kell wrote:
lol so ALL of your wars are customer driven. Wow, that's an awful lot of customers. Oh wait, they aren't? That's strange, maybe you are picking your own easy targets. Try again without the lunacy guy. And you're not very good mercs if all your customers can hire you to do is kill haulers and run away from combat ships.

Alot of our wars are customer driven while some of our wars are member driven. I can pay my alliance to war dec you just because i alone want to kill you. Ofc not all wars are going to turn out like we want. That's how it is and we have to live with it. But even though some of our wars doesn't go our ways, we are still doing pretty well and out customers are happy.

Lucas Kell wrote:
lol, you marmite guys do make me laugh. Everything people say that you don't like you calim to be tears, no matter how ridiculous you seem when saying it. If that's what you need to do to put up your own sense of superiority, then by all means be my guest. Some peon sitting there on the internet going "Marmitez are leet and you are just butthurt and tears HAR HAR HAR I love kai, waah!" isn't exactly runing my day. Maybe when you're all grown up you'll realise that.

You still cry like a mofo.

You are like this girl:

Lucas Kell wrote:
That's against not what I claimed. I claimed that if the ONLY statistic is ISK amount killed then Gevlon is better by your own measurements. I know you find that hard to understand but you can;t set a single measure for yourself then a different measure for everyone else and claim you are superior. If the context of the kill doesn't matter (like you claim), then Kai is far worse than Gevlon.

It's hilarious to feed you a couple of "you suck" posts then watch you fly off the handle all day in rage walls, but seriously kid, you need to grow up. Not everything you do is the best. Not everyone you know is the best. Get over the fact that rebirth sucked (which everyone knew) marmites suck (which everyone knows) and as far as Kai goes, he's best known for exploding into teary rage more than anything else.

Even though isk done in damage is important for us it's not what only matters. Like me, i only have a small 760 kills in total (witch isn't alot), but i still have a whole 360 billion isk done in damage witch is a nice isk / kill ratio. So again, alot more than just damage done in isk is going to be in the picture.

I'm not saying 'we' are the best at PVP in empire like you think i'm saying. I'm saying that we are doing an extremely good job for our clients.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#71 - 2014-07-17 02:55:37 UTC
Having worked with various merc alliances/corps in the past personally and by proxy, I think highly of many of them to include Marmites, Pursuit of Happiness, Break-A-Wish to name a few. They are good at what they do, even if they don't kill one target, the disruption they cause can be enormous to the targets "game". The sheer terror of losing ships and risk can many times keep their mark docked. The point is that they don't have to kill ships to win, because killing your willingness to undock is a win too in many cases. Also its laughable to think that sticking close to trade hubs/lanes make Mercs any less skilled in what they do. Why hunt, when the prey will eventually come to you? My only wish is to watch

Drops Mic

John Ending
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2014-07-17 04:06:55 UTC
My space guild has been wardecced by marmite for many months and I have never seen any of them outside a trade hub, they never even come to where we live so I would say: yes, worst mercs ever.
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#73 - 2014-07-17 06:26:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie wrote:
Inxentas Ultramar wrote:
No they don't. We've been decced a couple of times by Marmite. They are woefully incompetent and everybody knows it.

Eh, I don't understand why people go off on marmite so much. They camp hubs and pipes, and are supplemented by a handful of tiny roaming fleets. If you hire them that is what you are paying for. They will cut off market access for the target corp to a significant extent. If you want someone to go camp the targets in a specific system or bash their poses, maybe you should look somewhere else.

We go off on Marmite because that way you get free decs when you talk **** about them on the forums. Lol We have been decced again yesterday. Anyone want free potshots at Marmite? Our war is open for allies. Also, public courier contracting. Why waste time going to a hub yourself in the first place? Eve is sci-fi and teleshopping is entirely viable. What they are good at though, is weeding out undesirables from a corp. The occasional dec keeps us sharp, and forces us to pay attention to our newbies.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#74 - 2014-07-17 07:02:06 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
No, it's not what you "said", but that's what you meant while you don't want to admit it.
LOL, no , it's what you misunderstood. I pointed it out because NO customers have said anything.

NightmareX wrote:
Again, we don't have any rules on who to kill. We kill whatever that is blinky to us. Everything that's blinky to us will be killed on sight. Why should we care about what we kill under a war we have been contracted to do?
But you choose what is blinky to you! Not all of your wars are contracts, this has been made very clear.

NightmareX wrote:
Alot of our wars are customer driven while some of our wars are member driven. I can pay my alliance to war dec you just because i alone want to kill you.
And many of your wars are padding. Eve you yourself have admitted this. Keep your story straight at the very least.

NightmareX wrote:
You still cry like a mofo.
lol, grow up moron. Not everyone is crying when they don't agree that you are elite. You can't come up with a coherent argument so you just ***** and whine about how it must be tears.

NightmareX wrote:
Even though isk done in damage is important for us it's not what only matters. Like me, i only have a small 760 kills in total (witch isn't alot), but i still have a whole 360 billion isk done in damage witch is a nice isk / kill ratio. So again, alot more than just damage done in isk is going to be in the picture.

I'm not saying 'we' are the best at PVP in empire like you think i'm saying. I'm saying that we are doing an extremely good job for our clients.
LOL. Prove it then! Prove you are doing such a good job. Because all we see is a bunch of pansies hiding at stations pointing at hauler kills and smacktalking badly. When a half competent group comes along you hide in stations. Then you have a client come along with a complaint and you've gone into FULL damage control.

As for your isk/kill ratio, it's a padded ratio. Look at your kills. All in groups and most against targets that can't fight back. It means precisely zip. Basically you've whored in on plenty of kills and you are citing that as evidence of competence.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Muadd Dibb
Legendary Gentlemen's Club
#75 - 2014-07-17 07:14:38 UTC
I don't think Marmite can be classed as the worst merc corp ever.

There seems to be alot of pointing and nothing happening.

I'm presuming alot of Marmites decs come from the outside and they pay them to destroy ships no matter what shape size or form.

If your an idiot flying through a trade hub or up and down the pipe in a hauler or mission running, then your going to end up on there kill board if they see you. Also forming a fleet depending on numbers of who is on and location when they see a blob on there way to them can be at times not ready to fight. I don't think any of us want to be a lemming unless were drunk, so why engage a huge fleet when you know the maths just doesn't work.

Also if your stupid enough to fly a jump freighter from null whilst at war with them to high sec then your asking to be blown up.
A lot of people point there finger at marmite and state you are not elite but what do you yourself class as elite?.

War defines tactics and kills and also incorporates losses. Seager has fought them and won numerous times but at the end of the day the tactics from him defeated them. That doesn't mean to say they are not elite. Seager is elite at what he does and marmite are tbh elite at what they do.

Goons are elite at what they do because they wouldn't be in the position they are if they were not. Its like cane, he is elite at what he does and vegas is elite at what he does.

Luca is actually only elite in going on about how marmite are not elite in his mind.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#76 - 2014-07-17 07:27:16 UTC
Muadd Dibb wrote:
If your an idiot flying through a trade hub or up and down the pipe in a hauler or mission running, then your going to end up on there kill board if they see you. Also forming a fleet depending on numbers of who is on and location when they see a blob on there way to them can be at times not ready to fight. I don't think any of us want to be a lemming unless were drunk, so why engage a huge fleet when you know the maths just doesn't work.
Well that's pretty much what makes them the worst. All they do is camp hubs and pipes, so all you need to do to avoid them is not use Jita, Amarr and the pipe in between on an in corp character. So basically red frog > marmite. What's the use of a merc if they are so easy to avoid?

And while they claim to have a lot of clients, a lot of their wars are self funded. They pick targets they know they can either get a lot of kills out of or at least won't cause any losses so it looks like they have a lot on and get to keep their efficiency up. Of course they will continue to tell us they have thousands of clients all the time paying them for zero value wars.

Muadd Dibb wrote:
A lot of people point there finger at marmite and state you are not elite but what do you yourself class as elite?.
I'd class people who can fight against the odds regularly and win to be elite. If a corp a fifth your size dunks you, you are certainly not elite. Anyone can buff their killboard by killing haulers, this has been shown many times, so using that to claim your are elite is pretty dumb.

And I'm a null industrialist, so you won't find me claiming I'm an uber elite empire PvPer.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#77 - 2014-07-17 08:15:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Fybs
Lucas Kell wrote:

I'm a null industrialist.

So Lucas please remind us why you are relevant to marmite and C&P again.

Don't confuse kindness with weakness.

Beware the hand of Fybs.

Proud CEO of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#78 - 2014-07-17 08:55:14 UTC
Fybs wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I'm a null industrialist.
So Lucas please remind us why you are relevant to marmite and C&P again.
Because you guys can't help but respond when I troll you.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#79 - 2014-07-17 08:56:21 UTC
Lucas' relevance to Marmite is not subject of the discussion, straw man. Blink
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#80 - 2014-07-17 09:28:09 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Fybs wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I'm a null industrialist.
So Lucas please remind us why you are relevant to marmite and C&P again.
Because you guys can't help but respond when I troll you.

I respond simply because I'm bord at work so don't flatter yourself Lol

nice of you to admit your not relevant tho bud.

Don't confuse kindness with weakness.

Beware the hand of Fybs.

Proud CEO of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority