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PLEX nearing 800m--thoughts?

First post
Vincent Athena
#141 - 2014-07-15 15:16:18 UTC
Cidanel Afuran wrote:
I am asking this honestly as someone still pretty new to the game. I am just under 3m skillpoints, have moved to null and finally see how much ISK I can make per hour. That being said, I am not sure why anyone would ever grind for ISK to buy plex in game. The math doesn't add up to me. I consider 'grinding' anything I don't enjoy actively doing. Ratting/mining/etc. is a grind, but so is working landscaping IRL on a saturday.

If I grind in game, I can earn a plex in about 10 hours of work (around 70 mil ISK/hour).

If I take a job doing landscaping for a neighbor, I can earn a plex in about two hours work ($10/hour).

Why would I ever grind in game if I can earn my monthly plex in a fraction of the time outside the game? It isn't like anyone actually enjoys hours of grinding out the ISK needed to pay for it, do they?

For many players, ISK making activities are not grinding, but an enjoyable part of the game. It's like knitting, or solitaire, or fishing, or golf. A simple repetitive task that keeps your mind somewhat occupied while you watch TV, or chat with friends.

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Cidanel Afuran
Grant Village
#142 - 2014-07-15 18:07:00 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Cidanel Afuran wrote:
I am asking this honestly as someone still pretty new to the game. I am just under 3m skillpoints, have moved to null and finally see how much ISK I can make per hour. That being said, I am not sure why anyone would ever grind for ISK to buy plex in game. The math doesn't add up to me. I consider 'grinding' anything I don't enjoy actively doing. Ratting/mining/etc. is a grind, but so is working landscaping IRL on a saturday.

If I grind in game, I can earn a plex in about 10 hours of work (around 70 mil ISK/hour).

If I take a job doing landscaping for a neighbor, I can earn a plex in about two hours work ($10/hour).

Why would I ever grind in game if I can earn my monthly plex in a fraction of the time outside the game? It isn't like anyone actually enjoys hours of grinding out the ISK needed to pay for it, do they?

For many players, ISK making activities are not grinding, but an enjoyable part of the game. It's like knitting, or solitaire, or fishing, or golf. A simple repetitive task that keeps your mind somewhat occupied while you watch TV, or chat with friends.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I absolutely understand spending ISK on a plex if you earn it doing something you like in game. I was specifically taking about people who set out to 'grind 750mil out' in a session so that they can buy their monthly plex.

People who make their ISK doing things they enjoy aren't who I was talking about.