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Major lag when using ship fitting service from Orca or Ship Maintenance Array at POS.

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Sleepless Premonition
#1 - 2011-12-06 02:10:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Drazzz
I looked through the forum a bit and I'm not seeing anything on this. Everyone in my Alliance is experiencing this issue. Is this a known issue? It's taking almost a full minute to swap out one module.
#2 - 2011-12-06 06:06:23 UTC
Drazzz wrote:
I looked through the forum a bit and I'm not seeing anything on this. Everyone in my Alliance is experiencing this issue. Is this a known issue? It's taking almost a full minute to swap out one module.

You're not alone. I am also experiencing this at a starbase ship maintenance array. It was kind of slow before that patch, but now the whole client locks up for minutes just to change a single module. Maybe those DPS calculations are taking too long?
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2011-12-06 06:30:03 UTC
Momoro wrote:
Drazzz wrote:
I looked through the forum a bit and I'm not seeing anything on this. Everyone in my Alliance is experiencing this issue. Is this a known issue? It's taking almost a full minute to swap out one module.

You're not alone. I am also experiencing this at a starbase ship maintenance array. It was kind of slow before that patch, but now the whole client locks up for minutes just to change a single module. Maybe those DPS calculations are taking too long?

Here's the thread to chime in on. Yes it is horrible. I think it took close to 9 minutes to fit up a new drake using the SMA.

#4 - 2011-12-06 06:32:30 UTC
Having the same issues at POS ship maintenance. I treid moving module to cargo first, but it had no effect on the time and lag.
Dont DrinkandDance
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2011-12-06 08:00:34 UTC
The Frog Pond
#6 - 2011-12-06 11:58:23 UTC
Just noticed this issue last night.

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Spaaaace Sphere
Nex quod Principatus
#7 - 2011-12-06 13:58:39 UTC
Devs seem to be avoiding comment on this issue, and patches seem to be avoiding doing f*** all about it.

Enjoy the lag, it's here to stay, just like the various other bugs with ship maintenance arrays they've either ignored or "fixed" in a patch that only made it happen more often instead of fixing it (which is a hell of a "fix" by the way).
Reverse Transcription
#8 - 2011-12-06 23:28:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Trigalisk
Can we please have an official comment on this? This new SMA fitting lag is soul-crushing.

PC client.
Kallie Rae
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-12-07 00:30:07 UTC
Very slow here as well, seems to get worse the longer you are on.
Elder Ozzian
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-12-07 01:14:44 UTC
SMA lag is terrible and the workaround (clearing cache) helps you only for fitting 3-4 modules, untill you have to do it again or bare with the lag.

I disagree!

Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2011-12-07 11:43:53 UTC
Same here, refitting in space takes for evah!!!! and its really ******* up my game,
cause i live in a WH so i only fit/refit in space at an SMA or carrier/rorqual.

And i know im not the only 1 in WH space... CCP Fix this!!!!!
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2011-12-07 12:48:27 UTC
Confirming same issue.
Lilo Lalelu
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2011-12-07 15:39:01 UTC
Confirming this issue with the current version. At first I thought EVE crashed.

System spec is:
Windows 7 Professional 64bit
4 GB Ram
AMD Phenom X4 Processor
AMD HD6970 Graphics Card

Tell me if you need more information.
Elder Ozzian
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-12-07 23:06:24 UTC
Confirming that client update # 2 didn't solve the issue. After 30min of working fine, it started again.

I disagree!

Bruno Chowson
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2011-12-08 04:00:17 UTC
The lag tonight fitting at a POS was crazy bad. Each mod took about 30 seconds to load when fitted.
Mr Adama
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2011-12-10 03:43:42 UTC
BUMP (it's still F**K** up btw) Shocked
Murientor Tribe
#17 - 2011-12-10 21:31:13 UTC
confirmed it has broken ship fitting in my WH
Deus lmperator
Sick That Duck
#18 - 2011-12-12 14:51:20 UTC
Confirming everyone in my WH corp are also experiencing this problem.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2011-12-13 09:46:04 UTC  |  Edited by: LeHarfang
Bumped cause this is annoying. Most of my corp mates who had to use the ships maintenance array for fitting said the same thing.

I tried both using modules from my cargo hold and from a corp hangar array nearby and in both cases, the client becomes unresponsive (i am in windowed mod and the title bar shows the "doesn't respond" tag while the window becomes faded white) for something like 20-30 sec.

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Graph card: Asus EnGTX260 (release date of the used driver at the moment of posting: 2011-10-15)
Ram: 4GB DDR2
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.39 GHz
CCP Lemur
#20 - 2011-12-13 16:13:51 UTC
As mentioned in the various other threads about this: it will be fixed with the next patch (tomorrow). If it is not please file a bug report after the patch with the remaining issues.

QA Guy | Special Ops Picture up to your IMGination.

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