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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Alavaria Fera
#721 - 2014-07-11 21:25:11 UTC
Veskrashen wrote:
Ioci wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
You're headed for disappointment then, since that won't be happening.

U skeerd I break your blue donut?

Have no fear, see see pee pertekt you.

No, your 450mil Archons are based on a SiSi bug, which won't be ported to TQ. Thus, your entire gloating argument is based on a falsehood.

In short, you are bad, and should feel bad about it.

Haha, someone just checked the OP and didn't see the rest of the posts before they immediately posted blue donut arguments

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Cronus Maximus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#722 - 2014-07-11 22:55:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Cronus Maximus
Kagura Nikon wrote:

Without any incentive to people to split, absolutely NOTHING will happen on the short and medium term.

This is what I think a lot of people are missing here. You can make all the changes you want but unless those changes ALSO include or are preceded by incentives to split up into smaller groups nothing will really happen.

I think the foremost issue here is Power Projection, because it allows a smaller group of people with more power(Capitals) to overwhelm multiple groups with less power. If those smaller groups cannot be fought off at basically the same time(jump range nerf) then that helps the smaller group but it does not stop the more powerful group from simply dividing their forces and still overpowering the less powerful ones as the lack of defensive mobility is also a lack of offensive mobility(granted this ignores the advantage having the initiative grant, I feel the advantage of being on grid first and the spy networks of the major coalitions largely offsets this)

In order I feel the following changes need to happen.

1) The Crius industrial overhaul + the next step. Crius is looking great, but it needs to go further.

2) A Major resource and incentive overhaul to null and low sec.

3) A Significant Power Projection nerf. There have been more options than just the OP mentioned but whichever happens it has to be a mechanic that having N*X hulls, ISK or Pilots(not players) does not break.

I say Pilots not player because if the incentives are sufficiently changed than having N*X the players should mean there is not enough to go around to keep everyone happy.

Comets, moons, 'roids. I think these are the areas that need the most work before PP can get meaningfully fixed.
Wronghole Ministries
Delectatio Morosa.
#723 - 2014-07-11 23:53:05 UTC
If anyone here wants to see some of these ideas implemented to fix Sov, the old boys club, the power brokers, the key leadership behind the major alliances and coalitions need to get behind a petition to CCP.

Go ahead and scoff: that will never happen.

I say: how can it not happen?

All of these changes suggested here directly impact how the powers that be conduct business in 0.0. How can they possibly afford not to get involved?

Every day less players log in to EvE. This is a fact. Why? Because EVE is 100% dependent upon player-driven content. Less activity = less content.

Ask yourself: is your corp suffering from some level of inactivity? Join the club. Times that by a thousand and try to imagine how bad inactivity is for a coalition.

Now tell me sov-holding leadership is not interested in backing some serious changes to bring members back online.

If the blue donut can come together to fabricate staged PvP battles (thunderdome), why can't they agree to some critical changes to fix 0.0?

If you think CCP doesn't consider 0.0 a priority because the majority of players are HS bears, you couldn't be more wrong. I believe most HS bears play EvE because something like 0.0 exists. Its EVE's end game. When the end game goes down the drain, everything in between ceases to matter.

The EvE community has come together to critically affect CCP's game development plan. Its been done before - it can be done again.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#724 - 2014-07-12 00:57:09 UTC
WTB Fresh Cluster, sans Sov, Alliances and Standings (literally remove the standings crap entirely).
Cronus Maximus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#725 - 2014-07-12 00:57:33 UTC
Oshtree wrote:
If anyone here wants to see some of these ideas implemented to fix Sov, the old boys club, the power brokers, the key leadership behind the major alliances and coalitions need to get behind a petition to CCP.

Go ahead and scoff: that will never happen.

I say: how can it not happen?

All of these changes suggested here directly impact how the powers that be conduct business in 0.0. How can they possibly afford not to get involved?

Every day less players log in to EvE. This is a fact. Why? Because EVE is 100% dependent upon player-driven content. Less activity = less content.

Ask yourself: is your corp suffering from some level of inactivity? Join the club. Times that by a thousand and try to imagine how bad inactivity is for a coalition.

Now tell me sov-holding leadership is not interested in backing some serious changes to bring members back online.

If the blue donut can come together to fabricate staged PvP battles (thunderdome), why can't they agree to some critical changes to fix 0.0?

If you think CCP doesn't consider 0.0 a priority because the majority of players are HS bears, you couldn't be more wrong. I believe most HS bears play EvE because something like 0.0 exists. Its EVE's end game. When the end game goes down the drain, everything in between ceases to matter.

The EvE community has come together to critically affect CCP's game development plan. Its been done before - it can be done again.

Seems to me like a portion of those alliances is participating in this thread and CCP is certainly watching it.

All that remains to be done on our part is to have the most in depth and productive conversation possible.
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#726 - 2014-07-12 02:47:14 UTC
It would be nice to have at least some sort of framework or outline or boundary that CCP thinks they are willing to go to.

If they are unwilling to change the code behind sov, and only tweak a few stats here and there (jump range, isotope usage, sov costs, mineral density...), then it would be nice to start the talking process for that.

If the boundary goes further from what we know, (all the better!) then again, it would be nice to have a bit of direction for the conversation

CCP, any chance for some input?


Anthar Thebess
#727 - 2014-07-12 08:41:55 UTC
Dr Cedric wrote:
CCP, any chance for some input?

But i guess this will after they will rebalance capital ships for the fifth time.
Bad Girl Posse
#728 - 2014-07-12 10:53:02 UTC
Veskrashen wrote:
Ioci wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
You're headed for disappointment then, since that won't be happening.

U skeerd I break your blue donut?

Have no fear, see see pee pertekt you.

No, your 450mil Archons are based on a SiSi bug, which won't be ported to TQ. Thus, your entire gloating argument is based on a falsehood.

In short, you are bad, and should feel bad about it.

Maybe I should...

But I don't Lol

R.I.P. Vile Rat

#729 - 2014-07-12 14:20:23 UTC

Just throwing this out there for discussion, but I want to come at this from a slightly different angle just to explore the idea. (And I think this would have to go with some power projection nerfs too)

What if we just removed SOV and/or executor corps altogether?

Let anyone build a supper/get SOV benefits anywhere in 0.0 and let anyone put up deployables to upgrade any space. Get rid of this whole artificial concept of “official” SOV. Want a system, well take it. Move the other people out. But there’s no Ihub or structures to to shoot (grind) to get them to fight? Right, you want to fight them… move in. Actually place people or corps to live there until the other guy has to fight or leave. It’s the way much of lowsec and NPC Null works now and it generates fights all the time. But the “renters won’t fight”… well teach them or actually protect them then.

Next, one of the biggest complaints about 0.0 is that it's "stagnate". Not that nobody moves (or perhaps moves too much), just that the power blocks are set and only really seem to fall from internal pressures. Well why do things that help decrease those pressures? Many of the 0.0 pilots I talk to identify with their alliance more than their corps now, it seems the more tools we give to alliance management, the more alliances become the new corps. There just isn't much internal alliance drama outside of personal epeen grudges.

But what if you removed the executor corp (if you could?) and replaced it with a treaty system instead? Make the alliances more "loose" in their membership. That way the assets the mega alliances have now would still exist, but they would be even more in the hands of the corps that actually controlled them, and they would have to be given to the alliance voluntarily. With “SOV” now just being the corps that live somewhere and keep others out, the mega alliances would start to have huge internal pressures on them if they grew to big. Why would X corp now fly 30 jumps to protect Y corps moons, if Y is getting most of the income (or suspected to be hold some back from the alliance, see more political drama). Sure they might still, but they also might think twice out it. Or if the treaty that set up the alliance permitted it, X corp, could even attack Y corp to fight over assets within the alliance. If Z corp has most of the suppers, why should they risk them over M corps anoms? Would they abandon allies in a fight? And would the rest of the alliance care if they are dependent on Z corps suppers? Perhaps, or perhaps not, but the possibilities would all be there, possibilities that don't seem to happen much now.

It just seems that the more tools we give for helping alliances to manage themselves the less reasons people seem to have to fight one another outside of the personal grudges of a few alliance leaders. But “we will still have mega alliances, it will just be more work”, well how much work are you willing to do for what size? Is it worth all the “work” to organize 3000 people now if 1500 will do? Why not let the huge amount of effort to run huge alliance be an upper cap itself?
Manfred Sideous
#730 - 2014-07-12 16:29:19 UTC
I decided that I would leave the thread alone for a bit and see what others had to say without injecting my opinions and bias into it. I think the conversation has been good. You know it's a funny thing about Eve. Throughout our history as a game and as a community you can always gauge how important a issue is by what the community does. When you start seeing complete enemies unifying on a issue well **** is real. I can remember different things in the past that has brought us together culminating to the most visceral response "Monoclegate". So I think it's a great sign that we have people from all over Eve very interested very engaged and unified in our assertion that change HAS to happen.

I think changes that need to happen are much like a 3 legged stool. It requires changes to all three sides or the whole thing falls on its face. So let me layout the three legs to the stool.

Arrow Power Projection

ArrowSovereignty System

ArrowNullsec Industry & Resource Collection

I assert that in order to change nullsec in a meaningful way all three of these legs have to be attacked at the same time. All three have to remain in balance in order for nullsec to be able to function. If you change one it will have connotations on the others. For example we cannot simply change power projection without touching the other two. How would we supply ourselves with the goods and materials needed to survive in nullsec if there was no way to reasonably obtain them. Thats just a small & simple example.


Red Teufel
#731 - 2014-07-12 17:50:00 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
I decided that I would leave the thread alone for a bit and see what others had to say without injecting my opinions and bias into it. I think the conversation has been good. You know it's a funny thing about Eve. Throughout our history as a game and as a community you can always gauge how important a issue is by what the community does. When you start seeing complete enemies unifying on a issue well **** is real. I can remember different things in the past that has brought us together culminating to the most visceral response "Monoclegate". So I think it's a great sign that we have people from all over Eve very interested very engaged and unified in our assertion that change HAS to happen.

I think changes that need to happen are much like a 3 legged stool. It requires changes to all three sides or the whole thing falls on its face. So let me layout the three legs to the stool.

Arrow Power Projection

ArrowSovereignty System

ArrowNullsec Industry & Resource Collection

I assert that in order to change nullsec in a meaningful way all three of these legs have to be attacked at the same time. All three have to remain in balance in order for nullsec to be able to function. If you change one it will have connotations on the others. For example we cannot simply change power projection without touching the other two. How would we supply ourselves with the goods and materials needed to survive in nullsec if there was no way to reasonably obtain them. Thats just a small & simple example.

SoV needs something and I hope CCP doesn't mess it up.
Brothers At Arms
#732 - 2014-07-12 17:59:00 UTC
Really enjoying all the chat about this guys

I always thought that Cynos should be much more restrictive.

Spool ups definitely but not long ones. Around 30 seconds or so.

But on top of that either a mass limit or work like jump bridges with fuel used per mass of ship. Mainly to stop one cyno being able to just bring in everything.

with these two combined you need to be able hold the field with subcaps to allow your fleet to come through. You also need a reasonable amount of logistics to get the cynos in place first each time.

Any thoughts? If this has been discounted before as a dumb idea I'm willing to accept I'm dumb

If you've never tried PvP in EvE it's quite possible you've missed out on one of the greatest rushes available in modern gaming.

#733 - 2014-07-12 20:13:59 UTC
samualvimes wrote:
Really enjoying all the chat about this guys

I always thought that Cynos should be much more restrictive.

Spool ups definitely but not long ones. Around 30 seconds or so.

But on top of that either a mass limit or work like jump bridges with fuel used per mass of ship. Mainly to stop one cyno being able to just bring in everything.

with these two combined you need to be able hold the field with subcaps to allow your fleet to come through. You also need a reasonable amount of logistics to get the cynos in place first each time.

Any thoughts? If this has been discounted before as a dumb idea I'm willing to accept I'm dumb

I had an idea of having the ships being jumped to the cyno using the cyno ships capacitor based off of mass of whats coming through the cyno. This would allow people to neut out a cyno ship to prevent the entire fleet from jumping in, but the first couple ships jumping through could just cap xfer the cyno ship. The big thing about this is people wouldn't be able to use a rookie ship to instantly drop 250 battleships. It would actually give cap batteries some use as well on cyno boats to allow a larger fleet to jump through.

Lowering the average to make you look better since 2012.

Manfred Sideous
#734 - 2014-07-13 14:18:08 UTC
samualvimes wrote:
Really enjoying all the chat about this guys

I always thought that Cynos should be much more restrictive.

Spool ups definitely but not long ones. Around 30 seconds or so.

But on top of that either a mass limit or work like jump bridges with fuel used per mass of ship. Mainly to stop one cyno being able to just bring in everything.

with these two combined you need to be able hold the field with subcaps to allow your fleet to come through. You also need a reasonable amount of logistics to get the cynos in place first each time.

Any thoughts? If this has been discounted before as a dumb idea I'm willing to accept I'm dumb

This does nothing to stop power projection. Cyno goes up carrier jumps through with giant holds for ozone and lights cyno rest of caps come pouring in.


Manfred Sideous
#735 - 2014-07-13 14:21:22 UTC
Hopelesshobo wrote:
samualvimes wrote:
Really enjoying all the chat about this guys

I always thought that Cynos should be much more restrictive.

Spool ups definitely but not long ones. Around 30 seconds or so.

But on top of that either a mass limit or work like jump bridges with fuel used per mass of ship. Mainly to stop one cyno being able to just bring in everything.

with these two combined you need to be able hold the field with subcaps to allow your fleet to come through. You also need a reasonable amount of logistics to get the cynos in place first each time.

Any thoughts? If this has been discounted before as a dumb idea I'm willing to accept I'm dumb

I had an idea of having the ships being jumped to the cyno using the cyno ships capacitor based off of mass of whats coming through the cyno. This would allow people to neut out a cyno ship to prevent the entire fleet from jumping in, but the first couple ships jumping through could just cap xfer the cyno ship. The big thing about this is people wouldn't be able to use a rookie ship to instantly drop 250 battleships. It would actually give cap batteries some use as well on cyno boats to allow a larger fleet to jump through.

Too easily gamed. The first ship through will just light a cyno and cap inject to maintain it.


Mario Putzo
#736 - 2014-07-13 20:09:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
You know I was thinking about the last couple days. I don't see an issue with Jump Freighters to be quite honest. They don't project any real power, you still need pilots to be in whatever system the JF goes to. I don't believe JF's are a crutch, but I also don't think removing them provides any real saving grace. In fact removing them would likely amount to a reduction in overall activity. Perhaps this is what you desire in 0.0 I don't know. But removing JF without putting in a reliable metric for moving **** will make certain areas of this game dry up pretty fast. I think that while some of the stuff mentioned is an improvement that JFs are fine as they are in the grand scheme of things.

I think when you look at everything, it all comes back to how sov works at its core. Not the ease of moving around, not the ease of getting stuff, thats all symptoms of a problem.Sov control should be based more on activity rather than paying bills and saving timers. In my ideal situation you would have a fleet per region active, with wings in constellations, and fleets patrolling systems.

This helps move people around, if someone could for example set up a gate camp in one of your systems, and have a mining op and a ratting/plexing thing going on, they should be able to over time flip control of that system, unless you actively defend it or use it to counter balance what they do. If that was the case you would want as many people out patrolling an area as possible to keep your space clear of infaltrators as well as keep up activity in the region.

I think that while reducing the ability for fleets to move so far so fast would be an improvement not only to spreading EVE out, but also allow for smaller groups to play a larger role in sov null.

This would lead to a rise in PVE OPS as PVE activity would become a part of dictating sov control. But having more miners or plexers in a system also increases potential PVP activity, ultimately you would need a balance of PVP and PVE in order to maintain control...and if you wanted to control a whole region, or many many regions, you would need to have pilots spread throughout your space, instead of hold up in a few key staging systems.

A quick example of trackable activity stats would be similar to what CCP did with the Gecko contest. Track activity through corp or alliance API and each day at down time determine if the API who did the most activity matches the API holding the sov. If it does, the guys keep the sov, if it doesn't it the system becomes vulnerable after the down time, and there is a full day period where people can attack structures, or attempt to reassert dominance in activity.
Anthar Thebess
#737 - 2014-07-13 21:38:04 UTC
JF are part of power projection, a very important one.

IF CCP ever will nerf the cyno you can also power project using their cargo space.

Lets assume you want to move 200 people from point A to point B.
Moving people is easy, and should be quite easy after those changes.
So the only what do you need is 200 interceptors , and people will arrive safe and fast.

Now those people need ships.
So Attack Cruisers, why?
10k m3 packaged.
Rest of equipment and T1 Rigs <1k m3
300k m3 in each JF, this gives 27 ships for each person.
So 8 JF is capable to move ships for those people, and some additional equipment.
In those 8 JF there will be still enough place for a small tower, fuel , and installations to fit those ships.

Yes this is more demanding op than current , pack up carrier and jump to cyno , but it is still possible , and will be abused.

Now we have 2 blocks.
NCPL base on capitals
CFC base on numbers.

Nerfing capitals, and leaving JF intact could be just unfair for NCPL.

I already suggested new gates, and different gate sizes.
Whole idea, is that we move stuff in this kind of way :
- jump freighter to nearest "smugglers gate" , or place where JF is safe.
- split stuff to smaller industrial ships capable of moving goods by smugglers gate to lowsec , or to a place where next JF will be capable to pick it up, or directly to higsec if it is close enough.

No more 1-4 pilots doing logistics for the whole alliance.
You will have to actually guard those industrials.

Mario Putzo
#738 - 2014-07-13 21:55:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
JFs are not the problem, step out of the vacuum for a minute and just look at what a JFless environment will do. People will just stop playing, because building locally will be ******* as ******** as it is today. You either import materials, or you import completed product, because you can not produce everything yourself. The only problem with JF's is it greatly empowers death cloning. Get rid of death cloning and JF's do not have any real offensive threat capacity.

The real problem is the sov system. timers most notably. If you can't hold space actively over the course of a day you don't deserve the space indefinitely. Timers completely negate the actual use of space.

"We got SBU'd and have a timer, give everyone notice and say be ready to go in 5 days when the only timer that matters is up." ~ Some brilliant tactician I am sure.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#739 - 2014-07-13 23:12:13 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
JFs are not the problem, step out of the vacuum for a minute and just look at what a JFless environment will do. People will just stop playing, because building locally will be ******* as ******** as it is today. You either import materials, or you import completed product, because you can not produce everything yourself. The only problem with JF's is it greatly empowers death cloning. Get rid of death cloning and JF's do not have any real offensive threat capacity.

The real problem is the sov system. timers most notably. If you can't hold space actively over the course of a day you don't deserve the space indefinitely. Timers completely negate the actual use of space.

"We got SBU'd and have a timer, give everyone notice and say be ready to go in 5 days when the only timer that matters is up." ~ Some brilliant tactician I am sure.


30 pages of people bending over backwards to nerf JFs for some strange reason. People proposed fuel alchemy, magical fuel teleporting npcs, and other ridiculous notions which just don't make sense in the wider context of eve. You "fix" (debatable) one thing and break twelve others.

There are two paradigms you can take in a sov system. Dynamic Sov or Stagnant Sov.

Stagnant Sov
is what you have now in nullsec. Horrific ehp grinds with timers measured in days. Multiply that by every single system in a given region, and you seriously ask why there's no sov level conflict, why everything stagnates? If you make sov warfare a miserable thing, are you really surprised when players en mass choose the status quo?

Dynamic Sov is what you have (or had before the latest batch of changes in Kronos) in fac war. By now everyone knows about cyclical fac war. First Gallente takes all of caldari sov, then caldari rally and strike back. Minmatar asserted dominance, then Amarr surged, and Minmatar regrouped to gain dominance again. Change, potentially rapid change, was the name of the game.

During the first gallente offensive where we took all Caldari systems, we would occasionally have supers knock out a hub for us on some nights. It was nice, but not necessary because a small number of subcaps could reasonably kill the hub and flip a system too.

The reason you have massive super fleets, dread fleets, etc. is that you must have them in order to do the horrific structure grind in sov in a timely fashion. Moreover, fail one timer, and you have to do the whole thing over again. And your opponent has days in advance to form up. You need to bring the hammer; there is no alternative. And you need to do this for each system, every system that your opponent contests.

Reduce sov structure ehp, reduce timer duration, draw inspiration from fac war to create a system where sov changes can happen quickly, and power projection will solve itself. Why drop a super fleet when 40 cruisers can knock out an objective in the time it takes you to move your super fleet? Even if a massive coalition was to send out fifty 40-man fleets to reinforce a region or two, when they leave my small group will simply retake our home. Occupancy correlating to ownership will become a fact of life and renting will go the way of the dodo.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#740 - 2014-07-14 01:28:51 UTC
First let me say that these ideas are not all good ones, we all have opinions but I think we all agree that SOV needs to be fixed. With that said even though some or all of these ideas are bad, maybe someone can take one of the bad/good ideas and evolve it into something that will help contribute to the problems with sov.

Few ideas on how to acquire sov. Maybe make sov activity based. You could think about this on a system based, constellation, or region based. Use the rats killed or asteroids mined as a way to acquire the sov. If you did it system based you could use the sec status as a way to set guidelines for the amounts to hold system. You could do daily amounts like the system upgrades or make it weekly/bi-weekly. If amount is not met then system becomes un-sov. If someone wanted to take the system they would come in and do structure grinds.
If it was constellation based maybe make it 2 structures for that constellation, and let the alliance/corp holding the sov choose the systems that had these structures so they could better defend it.
If it was region based same concept but make it 5-10 structures for the whole region.

I like the idea of removing jump freighters, and nerfing the range of jump drives to like 5-8 jumps of adjacent stargates. I think it would also be a good idea to make titan pilots have to choose to either jump or bridge with a cooldown timer. For example if i chose to bridge in a fleet, i couldnt jump my titan or bridge again for a set amount of time like 10 mins or something that seems reasonable.

I also dont see the point of so many sov systems that are not getting used, so maybe take away 10-15% of systems in a region.

How about nerfing/buffing moon goo??? Just a few ideas on this. Put all types of moons in every sec space even high sec. But nerf the amount that moon harvesters mine by 50-70%, then give bonuses to moon harvesters on a system sec status (high sec would get no bonuses).
For example

low sec bonus
0.4 10%
0.3 15%
0.2 20%
0.1 25%
0.0 30%
0.1 35%
etc etc
Of course not every system would have good moons or any moons, i just mean put more into the game and ccp/the eve community could figure out which % values would be fair.

If we make sov more dangerous but easier to acquire, we also need to make it more profitable, so maybe like wormholes give system bonuses that contribute to ore mined or rat bounties, or player dps increased to NPC's only.

Like i said i dont believe that these ideas are good ones, but if a player or ccp employee can take an idea/concept and evolve it into something that helps then please do it. Im just trying to help.