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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#681 - 2014-07-10 23:07:54 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Karash Amerius wrote:
How about getting rid of WTZ as well as blocking any sort of tacticals 30km from a gate?

I mean...if we really do want to make Eve bigger.

(Sorry, could not resist) /bittervet

Sorry i cannot resist.. People will make a bookmark 100km behind gate and warp to 100 ;)

Only way to have a non warp to zero would be making ALL warps imprecise by around 10 km.

Prevent bookmarks within 120km of a gate. Fixed.

Another note on logistics. In both the world wars the germans tried desperately to cut off england's supply line from america - the north atlantic shipping lanes. The frigate class ship was(re)invented as a long range escort to defend against u-boat attacks. Ships were lost on both sides but the supply line was kept open and England prevailed. Without those supplies, they would have lost to the invaders.

That's the kind of EvE I want to be playing. Content for small fleets raiding supply lines to cut off a foe and force a retreat, or a fight.

At the moment, logistics is almost untouchable and it perpetuates the fights to the point only boredom causes a win or a loss.

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#682 - 2014-07-10 23:15:20 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
The goon tag under his name basically put a lot of salt on any opinion he states defendign the status quo. And no I ma not wrong, my ideas are well tough, maybe you are unabler to grasp them, but I can understand taht since I am far superior intellectaually (although challanged gramatically due to my dislexia) ina level that is hard to be understood by most.

holy dunning-krueger effect batman

also there is a cure for dyslexia, it is called "The Spell Checker That Exists In Every Modern Web Browser"

but i am sure that a genius-level intellect such as yourself didn't need to be told that
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#683 - 2014-07-11 00:02:09 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
I'd like to ask does anyone think its reasonable that a single player with a jumpfreighter can just jump back and forth from nullsec to empire and buy literally anything from empire and bring it back. Does that seem like a immersive experience? I mean where do you live that Joe the Lorry driver goes off and supplies you and all your mates with what you need to live and survive from a single point.

This is a total driveby comment on my part, but... I call it

Sure, it's not your neighbor Timmy the Truck Driver, (although it might be!) but there isn't much difference between these two setups:
1) Order stuff on web site; pay
2) Amazon Fulfillment Services puts together a package at a distribution center
3) UPS moves the package from the distribution center to the local post office
4) UPS has the USPS do final-mile deliveries because it's cheaper for them
5) Package arrives on your doorstep

1) Buy stuff on purchasing alt in Jita
2) Contract stuff to Red Frog Freight
3) Red Frog Freight transports package to alliance hisec JF endpoint
4) Alliance JF service jumps stuff from hisec to your home in nullsec
5) Remote-contract stuff from purchasing alt to your nullsec character

Sometimes alliance freight even goes all the way to a hub, which would be equivalent (in this example) to Amazon just handing things straight to the postal service.

Sure, it's not just Timmy the Truck Driver, but that's just because people like to go home at the end of the day. If the fulfillment center were close, he absolutely could go get the packages for you and all your neighbors and deliver them... assuming he was the one Amazon contracted with, of course.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#684 - 2014-07-11 00:24:35 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Querns wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
The goon tag under his name basically put a lot of salt on any opinion he states defendign the status quo.

Deconstructing a single idea due to its poor design is not the same thing as "defendign the status quo." I am not rejecting any changes to the status quo out of hand; merely attempting to cinch off an obviously faulty line of thinking before it gains traction and infects others.

Goons are my Grrr space enemies but they are just people , good people playing a video game together as a community.

They are not being particularly constructive in this thread, though. After all, to say that you are only capable of punching holes in other people's theories is also saying that you are not imaginative enough to come up with solutions of your own. Such is tiring to read and liable to misinterpretation.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#685 - 2014-07-11 02:23:05 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
So, rather than criticize further I'm going to propose an alternative set of changes that I believe will better resolve the issues raised by the OP. These suggestions will be based on three core concepts:

1) Logistics to deep null via JF should be possible. However, that does not mean it should be cost effective.
2) Supers, Titans, Carriers, and Dreads are currently the most mobile combat ships in the game. This does not make sense.
3) Null sec industry needs buffs to low-end production beyond what is proposed in Crius.

The proposed changes are:

Arrow (A) Cap all pilots and cap ships to 11 LY of Travel or per day.

Example: If Alice jumps an archon 5 LY, both Alice and the Archon are now limited to an additional 6 LY on that day. If Alice leaves the Archon, and Bob hops into that Archon, Bob inherits the Archon's limitation of 6 LY for that day. If Alice were to hop into a Nyx, that Nyx would inherit Alice's limitation of 6 LY for the day as well.

So If someone moved a Hel 11 LY and then either switched to another ship or put another pilot in the Hel, neither the new pilot or the new ship would be able to jump anywhere.

Arrow (B) Titan Bridging uses the same cap. If you make a bridge that spans 6 LY, you loose 6 of your LY for that day.

Arrow (C) JF fuel consumption and fuel bay are both increased by 100% over Crius values.

Arrow (D) Titans and Supers loose 50% of their raw HP. They also loose EWAR immunity (standard points,webs, Tracking disruptors, ECM, damps all work against supers and titans).

Arrow (E) Titan tracking is buffed. Due to loss of Ewar immunity, Titans can also receive remote tracking links. Titans and Supers would be able to receive remote sebos as well.

Arrow (F) Increase the yield of low end minerals (e.g. Trit) mined and refined in nullsec such that mining low ends in nullsec is significantly more viable. Say, increase low-end yield by a factor of five.

Arrow (G) Station destruction, because it needs to happen.

These changes would result in a few immediate consequences. First, it would Take no less than 5 days for an entity to deploy supers or titans from say Etherium Reach to Delve or Aridia. Once Deployed, said said supers, titans, and caps would be limited to a maximum range of one 5.5 LY hotdrop + 5.5 LY return trip per day unless POS's had been sorted in the target system negating the need for a return trip. Obviously, multiple smaller jumps could also occur instead. Likewise, your ally's supers wouldn't be able to cross the galaxy in an instant to save you if you **** up.

Second, If a smaller entity knows that the bulk of the N3PL and CFC supers are deployed 20 LY away, smaller entities will be more inclined to use their shiny toys for stupid things. Effectively, you reduce the "And Then PL Dropped Supers" effect and give the little guy a chance to do something stupid.

Third, Titans especially will be something to be feared. While the new tracking Titan is more powerful than before, it is also VERY limited in effective range. And it needs lots of subcap support to deal with Ewar that WILL be present. Insufficient support = overwhelmed by ewar.

Fourth, Subcaps will be the kings of mobility again. If you can't take on their supers and Caps directly, attack a target +11 LY away. If hostile supers move across the galaxy (50+ LY) to invade your space, it will take take them a minimum of 5 day to return to their home regions. Send a couple squads of subcaps to reinforce their home regions while the enemies' super fleet is away. A nerf to sov structure EHP may also be in order.

Fifth, JF Logistics would be possible, but expensive. If an alliance was inclined to move to Stain (for example) they could make the move from Amarr lowsec to Stain in a single trip. But that trip would cost them 300 Mil per round trip from the edge of Amarr Lowsec to the edge of Stain. Costs would increase the deeper they went. In this way, you could initially take some combat and industrial ships, but once you unpack you'll want to setup mining for all of the ores that you need (including mining the new improved low ends) and production for all of your ships.

T2 Mats and non-regional fuel would have to be imported, but a JF can actually hold quite a bit of those, so it wouldn't be *that* expensive to setup. The vast majority of towers would probably shift to regional ice, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it adds a certain amount of flavor imo.

I'm aware some of the changes can be gamed by having multiple different pilots sitting in different caps/jf's per account, however I believe this problem will be largely self limiting. JFs will be an expensive asset to use frequently, and the improved low ends should make nullsec mining and production far more localized and attractive. Carrot and stick, if you will. No matter how many combat caps you have, the total area you cover per day with each cap+cap pilot group will be limited.

Anyway, I'm sure the idea is terrible and the post is far too long, but that's what the Eve-O forums are for, so why not?
Manfred Sideous
#686 - 2014-07-11 03:20:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Manfred Sideous
PotatoOverdose wrote:
So, rather than criticize further I'm going to propose an alternative set of changes that I believe will better resolve the issues raised by the OP. These suggestions will be based on three core concepts:

1) Logistics to deep null via JF should be possible. However, that does not mean it should be cost effective.
2) Supers, Titans, Carriers, and Dreads are currently the most mobile combat ships in the game. This does not make sense.
3) Null sec industry needs buffs to low-end production beyond what is proposed in Crius.

The proposed changes are:

Arrow (A) Cap all pilots and cap ships to 11 LY of Travel or per day.

Example: If Alice jumps an archon 5 LY, both Alice and the Archon are now limited to an additional 6 LY on that day. If Alice leaves the Archon, and Bob hops into that Archon, Bob inherits the Archon's limitation of 6 LY for that day. If Alice were to hop into a Nyx, that Nyx would inherit Alice's limitation of 6 LY for the day as well.

So If someone moved a Hel 11 LY and then either switched to another ship or put another pilot in the Hel, neither the new pilot or the new ship would be able to jump anywhere.

Arrow (B) Titan Bridging uses the same cap. If you make a bridge that spans 6 LY, you loose 6 of your LY for that day.

Arrow (C) JF fuel consumption and fuel bay are both increased by 100% over Crius values.

Arrow (D) Titans and Supers loose 50% of their raw HP. They also loose EWAR immunity (standard points,webs, Tracking disruptors, ECM, damps all work against supers and titans).

Arrow (E) Titan tracking is buffed. Due to loss of Ewar immunity, Titans can also receive remote tracking links. Titans and Supers would be able to receive remote sebos as well.

Arrow (F) Increase the yield of low end minerals (e.g. Trit) mined and refined in nullsec such that mining low ends in nullsec is significantly more viable. Say, increase low-end yield by a factor of five.

Arrow (G) Station destruction, because it needs to happen.

These changes would result in a few immediate consequences. First, it would Take no less than 5 days for an entity to deploy supers or titans from say Etherium Reach to Delve or Aridia. Once Deployed, said said supers, titans, and caps would be limited to a maximum range of one 5.5 LY hotdrop + 5.5 LY return trip per day unless POS's had been sorted in the target system negating the need for a return trip. Obviously, multiple smaller jumps could also occur instead. Likewise, your ally's supers wouldn't be able to cross the galaxy in an instant to save you if you **** up.

Second, If a smaller entity knows that the bulk of the N3PL and CFC supers are deployed 20 LY away, smaller entities will be more inclined to use their shiny toys for stupid things. Effectively, you reduce the "And Then PL Dropped Supers" effect and give the little guy a chance to do something stupid.

Third, Titans especially will be something to be feared. While the new tracking Titan is more powerful than before, it is also VERY limited in effective range. And it needs lots of subcap support to deal with Ewar that WILL be present. Insufficient support = overwhelmed by ewar.

Fourth, Subcaps will be the kings of mobility again. If you can't take on their supers and Caps directly, attack a target +11 LY away. If hostile supers move across the galaxy (50+ LY) to invade your space, it will take take them a minimum of 5 day to return to their home regions. Send a couple squads of subcaps to reinforce their home regions while the enemies' super fleet is away. A nerf to sov structure EHP may also be in order.

Fifth, JF Logistics would be possible, but expensive. If an alliance was inclined to move to Stain (for example) they could make the move from Amarr lowsec to Stain in a single trip. But that trip would cost them 300 Mil per round trip from the edge of Amarr Lowsec to the edge of Stain. Costs would increase the deeper they went. In this way, you could initially take some combat and industrial ships, but once you unpack you'll want to setup mining for all of the ores that you need (including mining the new improved low ends) and production for all of your ships.

T2 Mats and non-regional fuel would have to be imported, but a JF can actually hold quite a bit of those, so it wouldn't be *that* expensive to setup. The vast majority of towers would probably shift to regional ice, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it adds a certain amount of flavor imo.

I'm aware some of the changes can be gamed by having multiple different pilots sitting in different caps/jf's per account, however I believe this problem will be largely self limiting. JFs will be an expensive asset to use frequently, and the improved low ends should make nullsec mining and production far more localized and attractive. Carrot and stick, if you will. No matter how many combat caps you have, the total area you cover per day with each cap+cap pilot group will be limited.

Anyway, I'm sure the idea is terrible and the post is far too long, but that's what the Eve-O forums are for, so why not?

Well you went 11ly today john time for you to logoff and go play a different game.

Well we live in Omist we can't afford the jump fuel to even bring in supplies to keep the supers that will be here in a few days from destroying us.

I can't undock , this tracking titan is killing us and I only have this one ship left to fight with.

I understand the spirit of what you are trying to do. But it only hurts the little guy people who live further from empire. It also tells people who trained for ships for very long periods and saved lots of isk that they can only play with them for a fraction of the day and then they must logoff and go play another game.


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#687 - 2014-07-11 03:40:13 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Manfred Sideous wrote:

Well you went 11ly today john time for you to logoff and go play a different game.

There should be more to eve than just caps. If there isn't maybe it is time to play another game? Maybe there's a better way to deal with capital power projection, but so far I haven't seen it.
Manfred Sideous wrote:

Well we live in Omist we can't afford the jump fuel to even bring in supplies to keep the supers that will be here in a few days from destroying us.

Perhaps, but if you know they're coming and can't defeat their supers, why not be somewhere else? Say hitting your opponents money moons or their home regions with subcaps? Lots of options appear on the table when "and then X dropped supers" isn't the norm anymore.

Also, the people living in omist would be way more screwed with your changes than my changes, I think.
Manfred Sideous wrote:

I can't undock , this tracking titan is killing us and I only have this one ship left to fight with.

So get a few friends to damp his ass down to zero lock range. No Ewar immunity. Blink
Manfred Sideous wrote:

I understand the spirit of what you are trying to do. But it only hurts the little guy people who live further from empire. It also tells people who trained for ships for very long periods and saved lots of isk that they can only play with them for a fraction of the day and then they must logoff and go play another game.

You are of course correct. My proposed changes are far from perfect. However, I think the little guy would be far better off with a jump freighter that can actually do the whole jump freighting thing it does now, even if it is more expensive. As opposed to the "you can only hit neighboring systems" which would limit all the little guys in eve to low sec, syndicate, or renting.

Edit: With regards to supers and titans, you have a fair point. But they ARE a huge part of the problem with the current situation in eve. That needs to be recognized, and I don't think having super blobs take gates is the answer.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#688 - 2014-07-11 03:56:23 UTC
Zappity wrote:

They are not being particularly constructive in this thread, though. After all, to say that you are only capable of punching holes in other people's theories is also saying that you are not imaginative enough to come up with solutions of your own. Such is tiring to read and liable to misinterpretation.

Two points.

  • Having holes punched in arguments is a good thing, either you address the holes and so make your argument stronger, or you admit it's a bad argument and go back to the drawing board.
  • Having your own idea is not necessary for the above to be constructive and useful.

And actually a third - I have plenty of ideas and solutions of my own. A couple of them are even half finished drafts over on my blog. It's just a matter of finding the time... Ugh

PotatoOverdose wrote:

There should be more to eve than just caps. If there isn't maybe it is time to play another game? Maybe there's a better way to deal with capital power projection, but so far I haven't seen it.

We could just delete them instead. Roll

You need to consider what you're saying when you say better way. A better way will not only solve the problem, but creating interesting gameplay & gameplay choices for all parties, including those you're seeking to nerf.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Manfred Sideous
#689 - 2014-07-11 04:10:51 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Zappity wrote:

They are not being particularly constructive in this thread, though. After all, to say that you are only capable of punching holes in other people's theories is also saying that you are not imaginative enough to come up with solutions of your own. Such is tiring to read and liable to misinterpretation.

Two points.

  • Having holes punched in arguments is a good thing, either you address the holes and so make your argument stronger, or you admit it's a bad argument and go back to the drawing board.
  • Having your own idea is not necessary for the above to be constructive and useful.

And actually a third - I have plenty of ideas and solutions of my own. A couple of them are even half finished drafts over on my blog. It's just a matter of finding the time... Ugh

PotatoOverdose wrote:

There should be more to eve than just caps. If there isn't maybe it is time to play another game? Maybe there's a better way to deal with capital power projection, but so far I haven't seen it.

We could just delete them instead. Roll

You need to consider what you're saying when you say better way. A better way will not only solve the problem, but creating interesting gameplay & gameplay choices for all parties, including those you're seeking to nerf.

Mynnna to the rescue.


Manfred Sideous
#690 - 2014-07-11 04:13:12 UTC
Edited Op*

Arrow Deathclone changes to only closest station with dockable access or players birth system.


Manfred Sideous
#691 - 2014-07-11 04:15:35 UTC
Im curious to hear what roleplayers have to say about these changes. Any CVA or etc in the thread?


Capt Harlock
Bob's Bait and Tackle
I Showed You My Probes... Please Respond...
#692 - 2014-07-11 04:17:45 UTC
FIX lives!

we are still around manfred.. =)
drop in to spooky central and say hi to band of builders.. =)
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#693 - 2014-07-11 04:33:05 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Querns wrote:
It is adorable, seeing all the attempts to artificially limit the size of an organization.

I can say its adorable seeing the attempts to justify a situation that benefits only some in disregard for the problem we are trying to solve.

As I said, I understand that fear is part of human nature and people want to band together to compensate for their sense of lack of security. But this game must be fun, and super large blocks are NOT fun.

If they cannot be constrained, or gently pushed towards splitting, then there is nothign to do here. And in here I mean in whole eve online 0.0 future. Be happy to sit in your tomb of boredom. But other people are more capable of putting the welfare of the game they like ahead of their own fear of having to face difficulties in game

The topic of this thread is power projection, not alliance/coalition size. The latter has no real boundary based on game mechanics so I just can't help but think you are trying to bring in your own personal bias on this.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#694 - 2014-07-11 04:39:35 UTC
Just removing jump bridges will go a long way towards "fixing" EVE. Capitals without sub cap support can be dealt with.

I too remember those days, except I used to live in lowsec. A lowsec which was filled with life and activity, and in some cases was busier than many popular high sec systems. Mission hubs, mining hubs, trade lanes, gate camping, breaking gate camps, regular patrols etc. were all part of lowsec life as well. So was territorial control and security.

In those days we could count the amount of capitals in our region on one hand. The only Titan bridge we ever saw was an occasional BOB fleet moving through our space.

Then the proliferation of capitals got so bad that everyone and their dog had a capital, and lowsec died. It died because there is always bigger fish that never misses an opportunity to drop on a weaker neighbor for lols. They could come in and annihilate any active system at a drop of a hat. No warning, no time to setup camps at choke points, no way to counter the instant death from beyond.

Welcome to EVE 2.0, where you're either one of the biggest fishes, or it's lapdog.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#695 - 2014-07-11 04:41:57 UTC
Retar Aveymone wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

I think part of what Manny is getting at, and he can comment if I'm wrong, is that part of his goal is to make current logistics alot less important. That is instead of making a Jita run to buy 500 cruiser hulls and move them out to null, you'd source those cruiser hulls out in null itself. Now logistics would entail moving the hulls from your production yards to where you need them, which in theory could be shorter distance. Maybe.

Note in Manny's initial set of posts he talks about mining ops in null. This has two benefits:

1. Logistics in its current form could change and be reduced dramatically.
2. These guys out running around in mining ships, freighters, industrials and so forth make for juicy targets.

The latter will hopefully draw in hostile gangs, which in turn would provide an opportunity for a defense fleet. In other words, more opportunity for small to medium sized engagements.

The fundamental distinction, I think, between Manny one the one side and Mynnna and myself, among others, on the other is how you get to this point. I think we all agree that we'd like 0.0 to be more self-sufficient and less dependent on the pipeline to empire.

However, Manny tends to approach this by saying "sever the pipeline, then people will be forced to adapt and produce locally". I think we argue that people need to be incentivized to produce locally, and then they simply won't need that logistical backbone anymore and you can start slowly nerfing it. I think that our approach is better because I think there's already too little incentive to try to break into null, so you can't force behaviors by making it harder. Instead you've got to do things like the Crius industry buffs that make people start to reorganize how they make things and create more local 0.0 mining and industry.

The regionality of certain resources poses an unavoidable problem to really killing the logistical links. Manny solves that through essentially writing it out of the game - alchemy, NPC, whatever, the end result is that the interregion trade is effectively killed off. I disagree with that, I think that the interlocking economy is neat and that properly buffed 0.0 industry will make it far more expensive to import finished products than build locally, so you'll only use importing for regional trade.

A much better solution for Manny's "no jumps allowed" thing than alchemy or npcs, incidentally, would be a JF variant that could only hold fuel or only hold moongoo that retained long-jump capability. I don't like that idea, but it's much better than just axing trade entirely.

I agree with most of what you are saying, a number of pages back I made this point myself. Create incentives to utilize null space, even the low true sec systems. Trying to take away current means of doing something hoping players will then start to utilize their space strikes me as particularly risky, in that some people might decide not to do that and go play another game.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#696 - 2014-07-11 05:20:49 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
mynnna wrote:

You need to consider what you're saying when you say better way. A better way will not only solve the problem, but creating interesting gameplay & gameplay choices for all parties, including those you're seeking to nerf.

I would hope the same level of thought and consideration would be given to the entities whose gameplay & gameplay choices would be removed should some of Manny's proposals ever get implemented in-game.

I am sure that the CFC or PL would have no issues securing freighter and capital convoys through nullsec entry systems. I am equally sure that a small npc 0.0 entity attempting to do the same will always be prey to the bigger fish. Eve isn't fair and so on, but I am not so eager to see my own choice of gameplay rendered obsolete.

And I think that is exactly what would happen, especially when someone in this thread tells me to use wormholes for null-hisec logistics. This I have done in the past, and I know most (including myself) would not choose do do it again given the time commitment involved. I am likewise familiar with the difficulties that smaller entities face when trying to support themselves locally through industry.

At the end of the day anyone can propose any changes they want, but don't pretend to be helping the little guy when said changes would render him obsolete. Cool
Dr Cedric
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#697 - 2014-07-11 05:40:51 UTC
Sheesh, 3 days ago this was 7 pages long, now its at 34! I love that we are talking about Sov changes and making that part of the game new again!

Quick few ideas here:

For power projection: Add a random decay/destabilization factor to Cyno's. You never know how many ships will make it through before it collapses. On top of this, if there was a minimal distance that the next cyno could be lit at, like maybe 5 AU or something, then it would slow things down abit. Also, perhaps a max # of cyno fields able to be lit in a system would make things spread out as well. What this seems to cause, from my perspective, is that the group has to be more spread out, and in that way, more vulnerable. Also, a single cyno field in a system (although it could be easily abused) means that if you want to get the next cyno lit quickly, you'll use a recon for it (ship specialization is good, m'kay!) It also means the possibility of ships arriving in Waves rather than on big drop. Maybe that would be nice for the server.

A far as the single cyno idea go, perhaps one is a little steep, maybe 2 or 3? Something like that. I think for sure, the fact that a cyno could all of a sudden die out once too many ships have passed through (and nobody knows EXACTLY how many ships/how much mass that is) could make moving large fleets difficult. It probably wouldn't affect the small guy that much, or the logistician using a JF. Food for thought.

Also, somewhere in pages 8-10, somebody mentioned, and I strongly agree, that sov should be based on the space holders' activities in the system. I won't shamelessly link my original proposal, suffice to say, I roughly fleshed out a system that does exactly that. If renters or groups that are focuses solely on one aspect of eve (PL and PvP for example) it would be easy enough in a "points for sovereignty" system to let "friendly" (standings based relationships) groups acrue points for your sov, without actually giving them sov. Could be an interesting income method if you think about it... "We promise to get your sov index up by 200% in the next 2 weeks, the cost is a low low 1.5B... )

So, thats it for now


Amarr Empire
#698 - 2014-07-11 06:49:38 UTC
It feels as if the discussion is now somewhat cirkular. I am going to end my involmenet in the thread by condensing the message we want to send to CCP.

1. Power projection in all it's forms needs a major nerf. EVE should be big and attacks very far from home should take many hours just in travel time. Some sort of revamp needs to be done to jump bridges, jump drives and clones. A new system, or an extension of an old system, is needed to allow small enteties to resupply even if they are far from empire.

2. In addition to allowing small amounts of supplies to be moved long distance more systems need to be in place to facilitate local production. More low-ends per hour in the belts. Dispersed tech2 materials rather then a few ultra-valuable moons. "Alchemy" to transform local ice products to other racial fuels.

3. Sovereignty needs a major overhaul. "Blocks of EHP" needs to be gone. Replaced by a system of "lived in sovereignty" - if you use the space you own it. Any rule that changes the amount of stars you can own however is bad, if people wants to have 11k big alliances it is their right.

I am ending with the note that the people I played with as a child managed to stomp FIX (before BoB helped them) and take space from the original NC despite severe numerical disadvantage - and barely any caps. I want a version of those days back too.
Smugest Sniper
neko island
Deedspace Consortium
#699 - 2014-07-11 07:19:10 UTC
I think people should know that capital proliferation is gonna get pretty sexy soon, as with coming changes it will be faster, cheaper, and easier to start building capitals for new people than ever before in Null-sec with the current changes to Amarr Outposts.

450mil or less Carriers at production cost.Twisted

Have a nice Day.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#700 - 2014-07-11 07:26:28 UTC
Smugest Sniper wrote:
I think people should know that capital proliferation is gonna get pretty sexy soon, as with coming changes it will be faster, cheaper, and easier to start building capitals for new people than ever before in Null-sec with the current changes to Amarr Outposts.

450mil or less Carriers at production cost.Twisted

Have a nice Day.

The 30% material reduction that's enab is a bug on sisi and won't be on live.

Have a nice Day.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal