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PLEX nearing 800m--thoughts?

First post
Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#41 - 2014-07-10 07:47:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Angsty Teenager
Mature playerbase means people can make isk efficiently. We don't have enough people coming into the game who are in a position where selling plex for isk makes sense.

800 mil is really nothing when you look at how fast you can make isk in the game. Even doing ****** level 4's in highsec will get you enough money for a plex in 1-2 days. Less than 10% of your playtime each month dedicated to paying for a plex. I mean the sad part for me is that it unironically makes more sense for me to pay for plex through game isk rather than work in real-life for the plex.

Rather annoying really since I'm far too lazy to make isk via PVE and I cbf to put effort into things to make money. Feels bad when you need a cyno alt and you plex one of your cyno accounts, use it once, and then don't use it for the rest of the month.

Frankly I think the better question to ask is why plex is still 800mil and not much higher already.
erg cz
Federal Jegerouns
#42 - 2014-07-10 08:31:33 UTC
Angsty Teenager wrote:
Even doing ****** level 4's in highsec will get you enough money for a plex in 1-2 days.

Teenager's wet dreams. 400 milions per day in high sec missions is not a stable income. Even using SoE LP store you can make about 40-50 milions per mission in average. And that include time consuming looting and salvaging. If you just blitz missions they will give you 20-30 milions. Of cause some will give you much more, but they also take much more time, than the average one. 15-20 missions per day is a full time job, not a game. Even if you are so good, that you can blitz 2-3 missions per hour.

Angsty Teenager wrote:

Rather annoying really since I'm far too lazy to make isk via PVE

That why boy talking nonesence. 1-2 days for PLEX in high sec with current price would mean that ppl are able to pay 820 * 15 = over 12 bilions for the PLEX. Which is too much even for chineese server.
Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#43 - 2014-07-10 08:46:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Angsty Teenager
erg cz wrote:

You clearly don't know anything about this game. If you can't do more than 2-3 missions per hour I dunno what's wrong with your brain but you probably should get checked for some sort of mental degeneracy.

I almost feel bad for you, so I'll help you out trying to understand how you should not suck. So a long time ago, when I first started playing, the first thing I did was train for an abaddon, and my goal was to be able to get a plex in a month (at the time they were 300 mil), and never pay real money for this thing. I ended up paying for my sub twice, and by month 4, I had a ****** abaddon fit. I used this abaddon fit to blitz missions for Carthum Conglomerate.

Why Carthurm Conglomerate? Well, the main reason was/is that you can buy 5 run imperial navy enam blueprints from the LP store, and at the time you could make roughtly 2.5k isk/LP off of that item if you sold them, which is pretty good for a highsec LP store. Now, even though I was a new player, I am not dumb so I understood that the value in missions lay not in the loot, salvage, or bounties, but instead in the LP reward. As I recall, the LP reward was between 5-10k for the missions I was doing. I would turn down bad missions, and at the time I would manage to do about 5-6 missions per hour in a ****** meta fit abaddon with huge cap problems.

This made me relatively good money for being ~4 months old, to the turn of about 40-50k LP per hour. Just converting this alone into navy enams made me about 100 mil per hour, and of course you had mission isk rewards adding on top and the occasional lucrative storyline mission.

So I'm not inclined to believe what you say at all with regard to highsec missions. I will grant that this was a long time ago, but nothing has changed in missions significantly outside of drone aggro, which doesn't matter for an abaddon. I was using a ****** ship, with a ****** fit, and ****** skills, but the reason it worked was because I knew the money was in blitzing the missions, and for many missions, this simply involved killing only a couple things, and not clearing the mission.

400mil per day is easy in highsec L4's. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's not doable or stable. In fact it's probably one of the most stable sources of income there is. Maybe you won't get as great LP conversion rates as I did, but I was also using a ****** ship. With a proper blitz fit tengu/ishtar/mach what have you, I'm quite certain rates upwards of 100 mil/hour are easily attainable.

Plex prices will never be 12bil either, since nobody is going to spend a whole month slaving in the game to buy a plex. But certainly 1-2 days is not that much right now, especially considering this could be dispersed over an entire month in chunks of 1-2 missions per day. I suppose part of the reason plex prices are low is because people like you are too dumb to figure out how to make isk from the easiest endeavors in eve.
Uncle Traveling Matt
Sapphire Dragon Industries
#44 - 2014-07-10 11:19:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Uncle Traveling Matt
erg cz wrote:

Angsty Teenager wrote:

You clearly don't know anything about this game. If you can't do more than 2-3 missions per hour I dunno what's wrong with your brain but you probably should get checked for some sort of mental degeneracy.

Look out, we have ourselves a bad-ass here.
X ATM092
The Hatchery
RAZOR Alliance
#45 - 2014-07-10 12:24:49 UTC
Still, the man is touching upon a point in a roundabout way. Making isk in eve has never been simpler, the creation of tools such as fuzzworks have made high isk/lp conversions possible for the masses, minmatar fw has achieved stable dominance as the isk making faction, incursions have been pretty much worked out and people hold your hands through them while renting (read afk botting anoms) has never been easier to get into.

The amount of work needed for an idiot to make 800m is considerably less than it was for the same idiot 3 years ago to make 400m.
#46 - 2014-07-10 13:03:16 UTC
X ATM092 wrote:
Still, the man is touching upon a point in a roundabout way. Making isk in eve has never been simpler, the creation of tools such as fuzzworks have made high isk/lp conversions possible for the masses, minmatar fw has achieved stable dominance as the isk making faction, incursions have been pretty much worked out and people hold your hands through them while renting (read afk botting anoms) has never been easier to get into.

The amount of work needed for an idiot to make 800m is considerably less than it was for the same idiot 3 years ago to make 400m.

Wich is the only reason why plex can even rise to the current level , yet we have people complaining all over the boards for CCP to ''do something'' . Offcourse it's easier to ask a developer to step in then actually using your brain just for a moment to figure out that '' your isk per hour ratio SUCKS big time compared to others'' and that it's about time to change the way you earn your isk because it really has become an iskgrind in the current way you do it.

But then who wants to think in a game where it is so much easier to generate income by just warping to a belt , lock roids , watch tv''.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#47 - 2014-07-10 13:59:19 UTC
flakeys wrote:

Wich is the only reason why plex can even rise to the current level , yet we have people complaining all over the boards for CCP to ''do something'' . Offcourse it's easier to ask a developer to step in then actually using your brain just for a moment to figure out that '' your isk per hour ratio SUCKS big time compared to others'' and that it's about time to change the way you earn your isk because it really has become an iskgrind in the current way you do it.

But then who wants to think in a game where it is so much easier to generate income by just warping to a belt , lock roids , watch tv''.

Console yourself thinking that EvE is stil relatively "elite" in its player base. I am also playing ESO and they have just butchered the one fun thing in that game (challenging veteran levels) to cater to the masses who could not manage FIVE keys.
#48 - 2014-07-10 14:13:50 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
flakeys wrote:

Wich is the only reason why plex can even rise to the current level , yet we have people complaining all over the boards for CCP to ''do something'' . Offcourse it's easier to ask a developer to step in then actually using your brain just for a moment to figure out that '' your isk per hour ratio SUCKS big time compared to others'' and that it's about time to change the way you earn your isk because it really has become an iskgrind in the current way you do it.

But then who wants to think in a game where it is so much easier to generate income by just warping to a belt , lock roids , watch tv''.

Console yourself thinking that EvE is stil relatively "elite" in its player base. I am also playing ESO and they have just butchered the one fun thing in that game (challenging veteran levels) to cater to the masses who could not manage FIVE keys.

Well some say its because of the kids , i like to think that it's because there are more and more ''old farts '' like me who can't keep up with the new generation Lol.

I bought the new battlefield when it came out , took me half an hour to realise that ''i have become slower then a turtle in shooters'' Big smile.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#49 - 2014-07-10 16:55:37 UTC
You can tell that most of the people in this thread are old school vets. It's only "easy" to make big ISK if you've got all the skills, tools, and accounts necessary to do so.

I challenge each of you to start a fresh 14-day trial (no Power of Two, no PLEX), andstart playing the game like a total noob. Don't transfer ISK or assets between characters. Don't help your new character out with your previously existing characters. Don't accept ISK or assets from existing friends/corpmates. Don't join your current corp. For bonus points, don't use special information/experience that you have access to for the purpose of playing the market. Play as a true noob.

When you have enough ISK to have a stable of ships for your tasks, plus some backups for PvP, and enough for PLEX, THEN tell everyone how "easy" it is.



Test Alliance Please Ignore
#50 - 2014-07-10 17:16:12 UTC
Zaxix wrote:
You can tell that most of the people in this thread are old school vets. It's only "easy" to make big ISK if you've got all the skills, tools, and accounts necessary to do so.

I challenge each of you to start a fresh 14-day trial (no Power of Two, no PLEX), andstart playing the game like a total noob. Don't transfer ISK or assets between characters. Don't help your new character out with your previously existing characters. Don't accept ISK or assets from existing friends/corpmates. Don't join your current corp. For bonus points, don't use special information/experience that you have access to for the purpose of playing the market. Play as a true noob.

When you have enough ISK to have a stable of ships for your tasks, plus some backups for PvP, and enough for PLEX, THEN tell everyone how "easy" it is.

The biggest stumbling block to a noob is a: knowing what to do, and b: having the skills to do that.

It takes very little time to train into a T1 hauler, form a corp, or start station trading. If they take that seed capital and reinvest it wisely, they can have enough isk for a PLEX within the first month.

Hell, once can make a crap-ton of money with nothing but PI and a Nereus.

#51 - 2014-07-10 17:17:57 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Zaxix wrote:
You can tell that most of the people in this thread are old school vets. It's only "easy" to make big ISK if you've got all the skills, tools, and accounts necessary to do so.

I challenge each of you to start a fresh 14-day trial (no Power of Two, no PLEX), andstart playing the game like a total noob. Don't transfer ISK or assets between characters. Don't help your new character out with your previously existing characters. Don't accept ISK or assets from existing friends/corpmates. Don't join your current corp. For bonus points, don't use special information/experience that you have access to for the purpose of playing the market. Play as a true noob.

When you have enough ISK to have a stable of ships for your tasks, plus some backups for PvP, and enough for PLEX, THEN tell everyone how "easy" it is.

The thing is a LOT of the people complaining are old enough to make decent isk.I'm not talking about '''newbro's '' , for example the last one i responded to who was complaining on GD about the plex prices was a guy who ''had problems with plex because he could not fund his MOM-holder''.That guy was even older then i am in eve.Anyone who is older then a year in eve can make isk easy enough.And anyone with half a brain can do that even sooner when he starts playing with the market instead of locking npc's or roids.

And as i have pointed out a zillion times , plex is a CHOICE you make and ''us old vets'' know that because we still remember the time there was no PLEX in the game.
You can perfectly pay with cash to keep your subbs going.And yes people complain they don't have enough cash for that , while everyone and their mom is walking with mobile phones worth more then all the phones i have had in my entire life.

In reallity people don't think eve is WORTH paying rl cash these days so they mostly use plex .It's the same people who complain about plex that are the cause why it is so high.As with everything , you want to lower the price of an item then stop buying the damned thing .
Besides being a chef in a kitchen i also work in a fishshop , our best selling fish is the most expensive one we have and everyday people come in and complain how expensive that type of fish is ... and then they buy exactly that one and walk out the door moaning about what it costed.Offer and demand , it is SO simple .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Daniel Plain
#52 - 2014-07-10 17:31:31 UTC
Uncle Traveling Matt wrote:
erg cz wrote:

Angsty Teenager wrote:

You clearly don't know anything about this game. If you can't do more than 2-3 missions per hour I dunno what's wrong with your brain but you probably should get checked for some sort of mental degeneracy.

Look out, we have ourselves a bad-ass here.

he's right though. i could probably blitz more than three lvl4s per hour playing with my nose on a windows 8 tablet.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Lady Zarrina
New Eden Browncoats
#53 - 2014-07-10 17:34:14 UTC
My small stock pile of PLEX is almost gone. The daily login numbers always seem to be in the low 20's. Does everyone PLEX all their accounts now? The demand seems to be increasing while the login numbers are decreasing (It is summer, numbers are usually low I think). Then again, I still only train one character per account. I guess that 20 could be close to 40 or 50 PLEX wise if everyone is training multiple characters per account?

We need our economist back, let us know what is going on.

EVE: All about Flying Frisky and Making Iskie

Lun Garemoko
#54 - 2014-07-10 18:06:51 UTC
Lady Zarrina wrote:
We need our economist back, let us know what is going on.

Keynesian spotted.
Wreck It
Whatever Brah
#55 - 2014-07-10 18:15:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Wreck It
Lun Garemoko wrote:
Lady Zarrina wrote:
We need our economist back, let us know what is going on.

Keynesian spotted.


Trickle Down Economics
State War Academy
Caldari State
#56 - 2014-07-10 18:54:51 UTC
Some of what you say is true, Flakeys. I can't help but notice two separate people both put station trading as the way to make ISK for noobs. This assumes they know what to trade and how. But more to the point, if that's the only way to make significant ISK as a noob, that's a problem. Station trading is the least game-like feature of EVE. People who come to blow stuff up aren't going to be interested in trading. This is one of those classic EVE contradictory "here's how you must play in the sandbox" moments. If there's only one or two ways to do something, that's not really a sandbox, is it? (There's also the side issue of what happens if everyone does as suggested and becomes a trader.)

Beyond that, though, EVE really requires alts and alt accounts. That means more PLEX. The "old bros" are complaining because it's getting harder and harder to keep those accounts up and running. Sure your example case is old and has a super-holding toon. He probably has 3 to 5 accounts total, like most/many people who have caps/JFs do. To keep funding them, he's looking at 2.5b to 4.2b to keep it running. At what point does he get to play the game instead of grinding ISK?

PLEX is a choice, sure. I'm willing to pay for one account per month. But, how many people are willing to plunk down $10 per account, per month for multiple accounts (assuming they're willing to commit to a year)? How about $15? Our example would be looking at $30 to $50 on the low end and $45 to $60 on the high end. That's significant money for a GAME. I paid $50 for GW2, once. The fewer accounts people have, the harder it gets to do all those things that alts make possible. The fewer accounts people have, the harder it gets to make ISK. The harder it is to make ISK, the harder it is to PLEX accounts. It's a downward spiral.

I think the market-minded players have it in their heads that if that happens, demand for PLEX will drop, and prices will drop. Problem fixed. Except that as soon as people come back in, the price will go up again. At some point, EVE just becomes a gigantic hassle (and a boring one at that).



Baron Chauman
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2014-07-10 19:26:04 UTC
X ATM092 wrote:
fuzzworks have made high isk/lp conversions possible for the masses,

Leading to less isk/LP for the better stuff.

X ATM092 wrote:
minmatar fw has achieved stable dominance as the isk making faction,

Leading to crap isk/LP for the stuff in their FW store.

X ATM092 wrote:
incursions have been pretty much worked out and people hold your hands through them

Leading to contesting drama and people killing off the mom so people can't farm them as effectively. These all balance out by market forces. The more idiots that do them, the less profitable it gets for everyone.

X ATM092 wrote:
while renting (read afk botting anoms) has never been easier to get into.

This is plain ISK printing and does not balance out very well. But doubt average idiots run bots for long, could be wrong, have no experience with it.

X ATM092 wrote:
The amount of work needed for an idiot to make 800m is considerably less than it was for the same idiot 3 years ago to make 400m.

But if you look at the increases in the last year or so, what has been made that much easier for the average idi... pilot? Null ratting has been nerfed repeatedly. Incursions were nerfed at some point, not sure when. FW farming was nerfed recently and in the past. Exploration has only been made easier, but we've also had price crashes for the loot and daily Astero kills in null.

I don't buy this. Maybe you have more people trying to make enough ISK to plex accounts but it's not easier. Rather it makes it harder because of more competition over the sources of good ISK.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#58 - 2014-07-10 19:26:56 UTC
At current Jita prices, a PLEX costs something like 27 million isk per day.

If you can't even make 27 million isk per account per day, You shouldn't be PLEXing in the 1st place.
Net 7
#59 - 2014-07-10 19:32:49 UTC
Marcus Alvin Tivianne wrote:
Trin Javidan wrote:

Yeah rite.... ccp openly admitted they "interfere" in the plex market

They've admitted to releasing PLEX that were on banned accounts, which would have otherwise hit the market at some point or been used, but I see no reason to assume CCP would poof them into existence. That's essentially comping someone's monthly sub fee.

Trin Javidan wrote:

The higher it go's the lesser accounts i keep plexed up

So what? If you aren't able to pay CCP or have someone else pay CCP in your stead, they're not gaining anything by simply handing you free game time in the form of seeding PLEX themselves.

Trin Javidan wrote:

Isbox + the rental state of 0.0 is the problem. More people than before have easy access to isk that drives up the demand of PLEX

I don't think isbox is the issue, just a symptom. Neither is renting, which is merely an arrangement between bears and pvp'ers to utilize space that they both want to enjoy. The issue at hand is merely multi-account usership and plex faucets in general. More and more players over the years have discovered two things about EVE:

1. If not absolutely vital for your niche in the game, it's highly preferable that you have more than one account, and many professions scale extremely well with account numbers with or without the aid of isbox. This brings plays who have a short-term windfall of isk + a power of two deal or some other promotion to cash in immediately on more accounts. Only much later when many more players do this is the aggregate effect being felt.

2. ISK faucets are plentiful and easy to tap into. Mission farming, anom ratting, and other isk faucets are staples of pve content and they continuously flood the market with new isk. What's more, even ship destruction itself generates more isk by way of the insurance system. So unless a pilot is dumb enough to buy an insurance plan and let it expire, even if they purchase no insurance at all, the demise of their ship is yet-another isk faucet. Minerals and modules are destroyed, but the supply of isk in the game economy goes up, therefor prices in general rise.

So what we're dealing with here isn't a mere speculative bubble, although i'm sure speculation is feeding into the loop at this point. What we're seeing is the culmination of years upon years of making multiclienting the norm, the popular culture of the "I plex all my accounts so I play for free," meme, and the onerous effects of universal inflation due to unchecked isk faucets.

Given that we're seeing this much of a price hike now, in the summer, when traditionally prices would be lower due to decreased activity; I think it's safe to say that come fall we're either going to see billion isk plex or a fundamental change in how a lot of the more casual multi-client users play the game. They will either have to adapt to a more farming-intensive lifestyle or they will need to cut back on the number of accounts they support. Considering the latter could be a serious competitive disadvantage, I think many players will try to ride out the storm on their savings first, meaning that we'll see critical mass only when those stores of isk have been significantly dented.

Except according to the economist, eve is in DE-flation, not IN-flation

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Bad Girl Posse
#60 - 2014-07-10 19:39:45 UTC
Zaxix wrote:
You can tell that most of the people in this thread are old school vets. It's only "easy" to make big ISK if you've got all the skills, tools, and accounts necessary to do so.

I challenge each of you to start a fresh 14-day trial (no Power of Two, no PLEX), andstart playing the game like a total noob. Don't transfer ISK or assets between characters. Don't help your new character out with your previously existing characters. Don't accept ISK or assets from existing friends/corpmates. Don't join your current corp. For bonus points, don't use special information/experience that you have access to for the purpose of playing the market. Play as a true noob.

When you have enough ISK to have a stable of ships for your tasks, plus some backups for PvP, and enough for PLEX, THEN tell everyone how "easy" it is.

I agree completely but that's only reason to see PLEX go higher. New players shouldn't be Plexing their accounts. They should be selling Plex. EVE is not free to play.

R.I.P. Vile Rat