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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Mario Putzo
#601 - 2014-07-09 23:48:02 UTC
^ Right because when changing the mechanics of how NS currently operates CCP couldn't ever look at changing the mechanics of how production could be enhanced to help facilitate the changes.

Can I use your vacuum mine is broken.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#602 - 2014-07-09 23:51:37 UTC
Cronus Maximus wrote:

This is to all say nothing of the wormholes Manfred mentioned while I was typing this.

First of all, running logistics through Wormholes (from stain specifically) is something I have personally done. Extensively. If you legit believe that people will play this game to do THAT on a regular basis, you are horrendously out of touch. At best they'll move to low or blue-up as I mentioned before, which brings us back to stagnation, yay. At worst they'll unsub, but vOv.

Cronus Maximus wrote:

I understand what you are saying about the little guys needing access but I think that you are only looking at the effect this has on the little guy, not both parties.

Lets for argument sake just say CFC / N3 / PL want no one in null sec, or traveling through their space to get to other space behind it. Right now you are correct that you can simply bypass that space(albeit just barely so in some cases) and I'd also agree that it becomes much harder to do so later on.

But now we have to consider that the same force keeping you from bypassing is also channeling the efforts CFC / N3 / PL have to make to keep you out. For every single choke point that you want to get through they need warm bodies sitting there, or VERY close by to stop you, I can't just sit in VFK and wait for the cyno to go up. Because if I do you are 10 jumps on before I get there.

So now we have some guys living deeper in the territory and some at the borders keeping them secure, but does even that work? now its not just you that wants into null, its every single small alliance in NPC null that is hammer on my door and forcing me to alarm clock. Can the combined forces of all the little groups in null beat a bloc? Almost definitely not, but if a large pool of resources are being spent just keeping people out what about those already in? I open myself up to attack if my combat pilots are forward deployed constantly.

Here's the thing though: If I can only move stuff when the blocs are busy touching each other (and even then at great risk), I'm not gonna live in NPC null. Why would I choose to live in a place where my supply lines are interdicted 90% of the time? I'll move to low sec.

Is that what we want? People moving out of NPC Null into Lowsec? Because that's what's gonna happen.
Mario Putzo
#603 - 2014-07-10 00:00:40 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:

Here's the thing though: If I can only move stuff when the blocs are busy touching each other (and even then at great risk), I'm not gonna live in NPC null. Why would I choose to live in a place where my supply lines are interdicted 90% of the time? I'll move to low sec.

Is that what we want? People moving out of NPC Null into Lowsec? Because that's what's gonna happen.

Better yet, get rid of NPC null altogether, and just make it new conquerable space.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#604 - 2014-07-10 00:01:13 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
^ Right because when changing the mechanics of how NS currently operates CCP couldn't ever look at changing the mechanics of how production could be enhanced to help facilitate the changes.

Can I use your vacuum mine is broken. much of eve are we going to change to accomodate sov blocs? I mean FFS we're already assuming that fuel alchemy is gonna be implemented which will affect every single region (Hisec (towers, ice mining), WH's (towers), Lowsec (Caps and towers), NPC 0.0 (Caps and Towers), Sov (Caps and Towers)). Jump drive changes will additionally affect Low, NPC, and Sov but also the T2 market in Hisec.

Let's screw with everything just because we cant stop the guys with caps in null sec from setting everyone blue.

Manfred Sideous wrote:

Hello Potato my name is Alchemy you can use me like a cheap ***** to take one thing and it turn it into another.

**** it, ALCHEMY ALL THE THINGS! You get some alchemy! And you get some alchemy! NEED FUEL? ALCHEMY THAT **** BRO. Alchemy for EVERYBODY!

Please, take a step back and recognize your solution is terrible if your plan is to alchemy everything. Please and thank you.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#605 - 2014-07-10 00:03:07 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:

Better yet, get rid of NPC null altogether, and just make it new conquerable space.

Good luck with that.
Manfred Sideous
#606 - 2014-07-10 00:08:01 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Manfred Sideous wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:

Really? I'll just moon mine/siphon the vast swathes of dyspro or hafnium/other moon goo required to produce my T2 guns, ammo, and ships from my local region since every type of moon goo is available in every region. Sure.

Hi let me introduce you to Alchemy & Wormhole.

Hello Potato my name is Alchemy you can use me like a cheap ***** to take one thing and it turn it into another.

Hi Potato im Wormhole you can also use me like your little slave to find shortcuts from one place to another.

Using Alchemy to fill all of your needs for t2 production. Right, good luck with that.

Using wormholes for all of your null-empire logistical needs. Right.........Been there, done that, not doing it again.

I take it you don't actually have any counter points to the post above yours? Unless you REALLY think a full T2 production line is viable with alchemy alone. In that case: lol.

Then again, this coming from the guy that's fine with faster-than-battleship roaming and refitting nidhoggurs, I'm not surprised. It's good that you dropped the whole "helping the little guy" facade though. Much more honest now.

Look I have not been able to reason with you. You see things your way I and others see them differently. Believe it or not I want people like you in null sec. I want more of you. In fact I would think it would be awesome if nullsec was comprised of small groups like yours . However we will never get there or anywhere close with the current set of rules. Ultimately CCP is going to decide which direction to go. They use part of my ideas or anyones ideas ITT or they might just have another way of doing things we havn't even considered. All we can do is try to have a intelligent discussion about it that might perhaps give them a view of perspective or ideas they may not have discovered themselves. I think nullsec could be self sustaining without being dependant on the tether to empire. You have to use your imagination to explore that scenario. It can't be based off what you currently know and accept as normal. In regards to your comment about nidhoggers there is always going to be some op ship in the game. The thing thats constant is that thing thats op changes has changed many times before and will continue to change.


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#607 - 2014-07-10 00:18:06 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Good Stuff

Look, I agree with what you're generally going for, but disagree with some of the details. Specifically:

-Alchemy Fuel and T2 production line based mostly on alchemy. Alchemy all the things is bad. Alchemy was introduced as a band-aid for supply issues, not a permenant solution for all our woes.
-Cutting NPC 0.0 supply lines. People will just move to lowsec, no one is going to stay in a particular area if they're cut off from supplies 90% of the time.
-Complete independence from hisec: Might be possible for an alliance with many thousands of characters at it's disposal. Never possible for the little guy though.

Those are three simple points which I feel need to be addressed in any sort of global eve revamp. Because that's what this is. Your not proposing just a change to jump drives. Fuel alchemy itself is a MASSIVE change.

edit: Anyway I've said my piece. Feel free to ignore any/all of it as you see fit.
#608 - 2014-07-10 00:23:03 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Peopel with supers already in low sec and that are with accounts suspended. Are they stuck there when they return? Not saying there is no sulution, but we need one.

If this is the single, overriding concern as to why changes should not be made to the capital ship classes in regards to the mechanics by which they operate, any changes at any level will never work and we are left with the status quo.
Mario Putzo
#609 - 2014-07-10 00:25:28 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
^ Right because when changing the mechanics of how NS currently operates CCP couldn't ever look at changing the mechanics of how production could be enhanced to help facilitate the changes.

Can I use your vacuum mine is broken. much of eve are we going to change to accomodate sov blocs?

Well considering that Sov Blocks represent the largest % of accounts (including their lowsec and highsec alts) I would think changing enough to either maintain, or grow the game. Since Conflict is EVE's primary selling point, I would think enough to either add new accessible and engageable conflict scenarios.

The game is not working as it is right now, and the single largest consumer of product in EVE gets smaller every day (that consumer is NS).

It doesn't take someone with very strong math skills to understand that as NS activity declines, as does the rest of this game.

So I would think entertaining massive changes to the games climate to facilitate an increase or at the least maintaining current Nullsec volume would be a very important issue.

As I said a few pages ago, if nothing changes, then the only guys left playing will be the Mining Bots wondering why no one is buying their trit.

Of course that assumes that NS is the only region to get a look at in a restructuring of EVEs mechanics. The game is old, the content is stale, and it is time for a shake up, and as someone who has pretty much exclusively played in LowSec, fixing NS is #1 on my priority list, because the road to NS is through LS and that road has been pretty freaking barren for the last 2-3 years.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#610 - 2014-07-10 00:28:29 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote: much of eve are we going to change to accomodate sov blocs?

Well considering that Sov Blocks represent the largest % of accounts (including their lowsec and highsec alts)

Not to be overly pedantic, but [citation needed].
Cronus Maximus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#611 - 2014-07-10 01:30:38 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:

Here's the thing though: If I can only move stuff when the blocs are busy touching each other (and even then at great risk), I'm not gonna live in NPC null. Why would I choose to live in a place where my supply lines are interdicted 90% of the time? I'll move to low sec.

Is that what we want? People moving out of NPC Null into Lowsec? Because that's what's gonna happen.

My point was not that you COULD get though SOMETIMES, but the pressures that you and many others like you TRYING to get through makes a situation wherein its less advantageous to stop you and more advantageous to just stay in space closer to home that is more defensible.

I'm a bit busy with guests at the moment but I'll try to go more into depth on this later this evening as I am not sure I can fully communicate them now.
Dirt Nap Squad
#612 - 2014-07-10 03:10:34 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
Manny it is ok they dont have the full picture. Most of the people who are against the idea have never played the game when it was the norm or they are vets and realize how much isk they are making and how easy it is. They don't realize good people are leaving cause the game is not what it use to be. Fleets are not about navigation and the rule never fly what you cant afford to lose no longer applies. It is sad the second generation of eve does not know the game that made it great. This by far is the single most important change CCP has to look at . Get us back to the gates and making EVE big again and the"WARS" NOT FIGHTS EPIC not a dunking match. The game was regional once it can be regional again but it has to be a hard change and create a challenge for all eve players and removing the jump ability and bridging ability of all ships would reset the table and make it so. Call me shallow but playing this game was so much more fun when that was the case.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#613 - 2014-07-10 05:42:42 UTC
Is the secret to make the game less appealing for big coalitions? Sov null is ****** yes we get it ad nauseum. Heavily penalise systems with no use. Sov decay. Higher upkeep. Easier to capture. Gate guns for aov owners.

Lots of things.
Amarr Empire
#614 - 2014-07-10 05:55:22 UTC
Nidhoggurs: Nerf warp speed. Wanna use 1000 nids 60 jumps away, have fun travelling for 12 hours, call it 8 hours with rigs.

Suppies for little guy: I already posted this idea but apperanlty in invisible ink. Don't make this nerf to blops, rather increase their bridge range even more. Then the little guy can bring in T2 cruisers and mining barges one at the time with blockade runners.

Moon goo: Remove moon goo, seriosly, let passive income die in fire. Make those materials come from PI, hacking and mining anoms so that eveyone can do it.

Depleting resources: Sounds good on paper but how would it affect 1-station alliances? They work their space for weeks to make their sov as strong as possible and just as it becomes strong enough that a larger entity might not bother, then you get nothing but frig spawns in your anoms and have to go take new sov and start over?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#615 - 2014-07-10 06:18:38 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:

-Alchemy Fuel and T2 production line based mostly on alchemy. Alchemy all the things is bad. Alchemy was introduced as a band-aid for supply issues, not a permenant solution for all our woes..

Point of order: No opinion either way on "alchemy for ______" but Alchemy was originally introduced as a bandaid and later expanded as part of a comprehensive system to balance moongoo without making "super-moons". Regardless, why limit your thinking? Right now it's a woefully inefficient system meant as a pressure relief valve, but these new additions could easily just be "isotope plus cheap catalyst equals another isotope"

Manny it is ok they dont have the full picture. Most of the people who are against the idea have never played the game when it was the norm or they are vets and realize how much isk they are making and how easy it is. They don't realize good people are leaving cause the game is not what it use to be. Fleets are not about navigation and the rule never fly what you cant afford to lose no longer applies. It is sad the second generation of eve does not know the game that made it great. This by far is the single most important change CCP has to look at . Get us back to the gates and making EVE big again and the"WARS" NOT FIGHTS EPIC not a dunking match. The game was regional once it can be regional again but it has to be a hard change and create a challenge for all eve players and removing the jump ability and bridging ability of all ships would reset the table and make it so. Call me shallow but playing this game was so much more fun when that was the case.

The amount of hubris contained in this post is astonishing. Not terribly surprising though P

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Cronus Maximus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#616 - 2014-07-10 06:43:23 UTC
mynnna wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:

-Alchemy Fuel and T2 production line based mostly on alchemy. Alchemy all the things is bad. Alchemy was introduced as a band-aid for supply issues, not a permenant solution for all our woes..

Point of order: No opinion either way on "alchemy for ______" but Alchemy was originally introduced as a bandaid and later expanded as part of a comprehensive system to balance moongoo without making "super-moons". Regardless, why limit your thinking? Right now it's a woefully inefficient system meant as a pressure relief valve, but these new additions could easily just be "isotope plus cheap catalyst equals another isotope"

I mentioned the catalyst idea earlier I think it would be interesting to have to import "nitrogen distillates" from other areas of null to your local area and combine with the local ice to make nitrotopes. Make it rather small and its a quick but tense wormhole trip away for the little guy or a blackops raid for the alliance players. Either way that is content being created.
Anthar Thebess
#617 - 2014-07-10 08:20:47 UTC
Just to bump this topic.

I already suggested ealier to create new gate connections from each sov region to nearest NPC space.
If this NPC space don't have connection to lowsec/higsec create them.

Idea was also to create different gate sizes so those new gates will have class limit , and will only allow moving of up to cruiser and non capital industrial ships.

This way there will be always a way to move in and out goods.
There will be place for ground control, patrols, piracy , and what is most important.
For fun.

Ofcourse after nerfing jump drives.
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#618 - 2014-07-10 08:39:13 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:

**** it, ALCHEMY ALL THE THINGS! You get some alchemy! And you get some alchemy! NEED FUEL? ALCHEMY THAT **** BRO. Alchemy for EVERYBODY!

Why alchemy when you can just fill Blockade Runners full of moon goo (instead of jump freighters).

PotatoOverdose wrote:

Here's the thing though: If I can only move stuff when the blocs are busy touching each other (and even then at great risk), I'm not gonna live in NPC null. Why would I choose to live in a place where my supply lines are interdicted 90% of the time? I'll move to low sec.

Is that what we want? People moving out of NPC Null into Lowsec? Because that's what's gonna happen.

Here's the thing, do you really think it's possible to interdict supply lines 90% of the time? Without being able to jump across the universe in minutes how much space will the current large blocks (or at least the corps) be able to maintain AND be able to lock down supply lines. How many people would they have to dedicate to the shipping lanes constantly to be able to effectively lock them down from groups of whatever sizes?

Expecting this to happen is extremely unrealistic.

On the other hand, expecting people to engage the shipping lane defense force would not be unrealistic. Nor would informing/hiring people to attack said entity from a different front to recall those pilots.

The only thing that we need to really worry about is pod express. But that could be taken care of to a major extent by requiring pilots to have to actually be in the station they want to install their med clone.

The biggest benefits to this change would be the inability for huge coalitions to be effective. Currently all the capitals/supers have such mobility that they're able to be counted collectively throughout all of space. With jump drives effectiveness gone, you'll have localized capital forces that'll have to be moved around to be effective. And because of their slow nature, either you'll just be able to circumvent a capital force, or the capital force will be limited to defending a very small range of the most important systems. And strategy will play a much larger role in wars, where a smaller amount of pilots can do a much larger amount of damage than could have happened previously with just a little bit of strategy.
Anthar Thebess
#619 - 2014-07-10 08:44:36 UTC
Erutpar Ambient wrote:

The only thing that we need to really worry about is pod express. But that could be taken care of to a major extent by requiring pilots to have to actually be in the station they want to install their med clone.

I also suggested this , but to also expanded to to remote main cloning bay changes.

So you cannot change cloning station to other one in nullsec or lowsec , just to the one you are actually in.
You can store more than 1 clone on each station.
You don't have clone change timer to those on station - you just pay isk.

This way power projection by death cloning will be also limited , as you cannot pod yourself to timers, and get back the same way after the ops.

I think this could be implemented even now if we exclude more than 1 clone on the station.
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#620 - 2014-07-10 08:47:11 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Just to bump this topic.

I already suggested ealier to create new gate connections from each sov region to nearest NPC space.
If this NPC space don't have connection to lowsec/higsec create them.

Idea was also to create different gate sizes so those new gates will have class limit , and will only allow moving of up to cruiser and non capital industrial ships.

This way there will be always a way to move in and out goods.
There will be place for ground control, patrols, piracy , and what is most important.
For fun.

Ofcourse after nerfing jump drives.

Who knows, maybe in the future we can build small destructible Jump Gates with low mass allowances to sneak around space.
Maybe we could start manufacturing structures using nanites sort of like they do in "Total Annihilation", nanolathing the materials and the more ships you have doing it the faster it constructs. And obviously it wouldn't have a "disable/reinforce" it would just be destroyed like a ship, or maybe they'd be hackable for them to be used against the installer. The possibilities are endless!