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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#521 - 2014-07-09 10:08:58 UTC
Dhaq wrote:
Additionally, people keep quoting the number of members the large coalitions/alliances currently have and how they would use those numbers in any other system that is put into place. But if a system is made that allowed for more entities to be involved, how many groups would leave the larger coalitions to form smaller ones?

So the argument "durdurdur CFC/PL/N3 has 10,000 people and will still stomp anyone", is little more than chest thumping and irrelevant. If you think that all those members will still stand beneath you given the opportunity to do more, what do you think will happen?

That is why we need systems where having too many blues become a hindrance.

If for example , sov was based on your PVP activity, havign too many blues would be bad, because you would not have things to kill. If the alliance maintenance fees took the number of players that can dock at your stations on an exponential multiplier, then suddenly having lots of blues become non pratical.

On my eyes, these types of changes are mandatory. You can curb power projection as much as you want, but without that, the now stablished power block s will never split.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Anthar Thebess
#522 - 2014-07-09 11:00:57 UTC
Making eve BIG again, by changing jump drives, jump bridges and all similar stuff will solve issue in to many blue or blobs.

Changing to activity based sov will also solve issues about renters , as long as activity will be based on alliance members, especially on sov holding corp members.

Yes people will find a way to overcome this.
Big and strong aliances and coalitions will have still dozens of smaller alliances that will be controlled by them and holding some space near their core holdings.

But this will not be regions any more, as relocating to timers will be nightmare , and renters will not be to interested in defending structures and you can easily lower their activity by roaming , or living in their space.

What we need is CCP opening dialogue to players , not only to CSM , as like you see in this and other similar topics CSM members often represent will of their alliance leadership - and in most cases actions of this leaderships put current sov mechanic in current situation.

What is worrying me , is that this kind of discussion is raised by players for years.

Yet , almost nothing have changed.
Dev's posted that they are looking at this topic comparing player thoughts with their own ideas.
But that don't put us anywhere.

Can CCP commit their self that sov changes will be made within next 2 -3 years, as probably within next year we get 2-3 frigate and cruiser rebalances.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#523 - 2014-07-09 11:29:37 UTC
I am still skeptical about the power projection solvign the too many blues. It will just make attacking a corner of a too large coalition easier because the other parts cannot reinforce them asap. But it does NOTHING to make people WANT to split from said blocs. IT will still be worse to be in a smaller group than i na larger group.

NErfign power projection and mobility only reduces the advantages of having a larger bloc, but still does not give any bennefit for wantign to split from a power bloc you are on.

If your plan is to make peopel bored because they do nto get fights within a 1 hour travel time so they want to spli, I fear the main effect will be losing players BEFORE they admit spliting from the larger group . Mainly because the first alliance the slips out.. it gets a bullseye painted on its forehead.

Your proposals are needed, but not enough. You must not think only on how the mechanics will work and expect peopel to react as you would react. You need to remember this is a psycological game and people will react in other ways. A lot of them will only answer to PUSH into a direction, and reducign the pull into the other direction will not be enough.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Anthar Thebess
#524 - 2014-07-09 11:50:46 UTC
Well , that's the difference between people looking for PVE or PVP content , and to what degree they want to have it.

If 10 alliances will just want to rat/ mine/ produce - nothing holds them from creating coalition that will have every one blue in region or two.

If you want to have skirmishes each time you login - you will do probably something different.

What will change when you compare this to NOW ?

Well big blocks have large quantity of space that no one use , they keep it because it is cheap when you include current power projection ( you can be every where almost instantly ).

Without this possibility , when moving to some timer will take you 2-3 hours, and will cost you adequately to LY you will have to travel most of the empty space will be free to take for smaller groups , as they by just living there will be able to take ownership of every thing valuable at first , and then the sov.

Let say that increased upkeep of constellation in different region cost you 25bil / month - it is far so you pay much more .
You get from renters 5bil and from the moons 30bil ( so this have to be very , very rich constellation)

Now small group move in , put poses, and camp the renters inside of the station.
Reinforce all income towers.
What will you do ?

Now :
- put 1-2 cynos, reinforce everything, and come at main timers to save your poses.
- if this small group will try something else more , they are in your hotdrop range, you need just 10 minutes to ping for the people.

After proposed changes:
- you will think , if going there is worth your time.
One way trip is 2-3 hours , will cost you 10bil in fuel and you have to stay there probably to be on all offensive and defensive timers.
You will have to calculate, how long you can stay there, and do you really want to come back 3 days later to attend new timers.

20th Legion
#525 - 2014-07-09 12:05:00 UTC
Nice post Bro,

In my humble opinion the underlying effect of the Capitols has been the lessening of the challenges that null sec used to create. It was never easy to take a region of space and then develop it. It was then even harder to secure it and make it reasonably safe so the wallets could grow. The challenges provided volumes of content for the players involved and was an ongoing never ending task keeping large numbers of players involved and busy.

In addition it kept it more local, rarely did an Alliance go after sovereignty in a region 80 jumps away, they dealt with the day to day growth and expansion close by. The challenges also regulated the moves that an Alliance would or could make. Taking a region was hard work unlike today when a power block can flip a region limited only by the timers with their 200 plus Super fleet half way across the map.

I could speak volumes of the what, how and who of the old days in Eve only to be called nostalgic, however it is important to say that when my old school vet bros talk about the old days they don’t talk about the grind of say escorting freighters across dangerous space or how much of an ordeal it was to get that POS moved in and set up. They talk about how much fun they used to have and how fulfilling it was to work together, take risks together and die together defending what we called home.

I don’t have an ultimate answer although I have spent hundreds of hours pondering it. I do however yield a lot of serious consideration when the FC of one of the largest Capitol Fleets in the game talks about the changes needed to them and their cause and effect on the game. He speaks from a perspective that only a very small handful of people can.

Bottom line, it is time for serious changes and that is something most of us can agree on.
Anthar Thebess
#526 - 2014-07-09 12:19:23 UTC

Well exactly that's the point.
If you are group living elsewhere, you will be not able to maintain proper activity in the system.

For example transporting ihubs , upgrades - you will not be able to do it without using every WH possibility - and without living in this part of eve you will not be knowing that 8j away there is a WH that will allow you to bring replacement upgrade.

Camping out people LIVING in some , by group not interested in replacing them will be hard as hell.

They have stocked up stuff - you have to move yours , will this much of effort will be worth , just to put few renters that you will have to defend next day you move your forces away?

There will be local coalitions,
There will be NIP's in local groups
But what is most important - there will be a lot of content between them.
There will be backstabbing, there will be small scale capital brawls every day.

Simply there will be fun, and not " they have 600 people already in system, and more on titans - stand down" and "no fight today again , they stand down".

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#527 - 2014-07-09 12:29:14 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Well , that's the difference between people looking for PVE or PVP content , and to what degree they want to have it.

If 10 alliances will just want to rat/ mine/ produce - nothing holds them from creating coalition that will have every one blue in region or two.

If you want to have skirmishes each time you login - you will do probably something different.

What will change when you compare this to NOW ?

Well big blocks have large quantity of space that no one use , they keep it because it is cheap when you include current power projection ( you can be every where almost instantly ).

Without this possibility , when moving to some timer will take you 2-3 hours, and will cost you adequately to LY you will have to travel most of the empty space will be free to take for smaller groups , as they by just living there will be able to take ownership of every thing valuable at first , and then the sov.

Let say that increased upkeep of constellation in different region cost you 25bil / month - it is far so you pay much more .
You get from renters 5bil and from the moons 30bil ( so this have to be very , very rich constellation)

Now small group move in , put poses, and camp the renters inside of the station.
Reinforce all income towers.
What will you do ?

Now :
- put 1-2 cynos, reinforce everything, and come at main timers to save your poses.
- if this small group will try something else more , they are in your hotdrop range, you need just 10 minutes to ping for the people.

After proposed changes:
- you will think , if going there is worth your time.
One way trip is 2-3 hours , will cost you 10bil in fuel and you have to stay there probably to be on all offensive and defensive timers.
You will have to calculate, how long you can stay there, and do you really want to come back 3 days later to attend new timers.

Your proposal will just split into several alliances still blue to each other trying to use more effectively the space in an economic point of view. Will change nothing on the standing listings. Just make people take more time to get to a fight. That doe snot make any incentive for smaller groups to exist.

They will STIL be smahed as soon as they try to stablish themselves if they do nto want to be blue .. why? Because people will just have capitals in more stations aroudn their blue donut and just jump clone there.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Anthar Thebess
#528 - 2014-07-09 12:49:49 UTC
It will take "EFFORT"
How much time you are willing to spend , just to hit someone?
Find enough people that will spend 2h-3h just to relocate somewhere.
Next find a good reason why to spend a lot of assets to do it - without possibility to earn more because of this actions.
I give you a hint : because people will want to have fun.

Yes you are right there will be people that will just wonder around eve and attack others - but that's about in this game.

As for smaller groups , well you have many blue in vast territory - few regions.
There are no jump bridges, there are no titan bridges , or they work in a way that you cannot abuse , or even use them as you are blue but in different alliance.

Capitals, have different range, different mechanic, they for example have to use regional gates.

Summarizing , we are talking about big relocation of assets , this is why this will take 2-3h , you are using gates ... something my go wrong, someone my bomb you , attack one of the groups while you are still moving by smaller groups.

Yet every thing went well .....
You and 500 of your friends arrived to save a timer on a r64 moon, you outbloob your enemy , so he don't attack.
You pomp the tower, restront it and start to move home.

This is next 2-3 hours of moving ops.
Enemy might chaise you , as you are using gates , he will hunt for stranglers, try to disturb your movement.

When you are halfway home , he drops dreads , and reinforce the tower again, and 2-3 more in the same constellation, but on totally different timers.

Nothing you cannot handle, but will those 500 people tomorrow again come to save those timers , and spend 4-5hours just on moving ops.

No one want to live there, as this is just far from their ratting grounds, and even more , in those 500 people fleet you are again missing 2 of your blue alliances - they just don't want to come as this is to far for them, and they live 2 regions away from you.

What the reason to have them blue?

What about roams?
Nothing will relay change , they are usually gate by gate any way , but when there will not be so much empty space , there will be more people to have fun with.

Cryptologix Inc.
#529 - 2014-07-09 13:13:28 UTC
Mashka Cybertrona wrote:

The question then is, why play in a way none of us enjoy?

If we all want the same thing, small/medium sized fleet roaming and good fights, why not make an agreement with the good fight in mind. Declare a deployment zone/Hunting ground (like catch right now) and put some loose mechanics in play to make it interesting.

NIP across the region, no towers to be placed from any external entities. Let HERO keep their space.

No fleets larger than 50, multiple independent fleets are ok. Hell you could even run NPSI (not purple shoot instantly).

Agreement to not use Meta-gaming such as the use of spies, keep it fun and spontaneous.

It would be an experience but it would never happen. Too many enjoy the metagame. Too many enjoy never honouring a 1v1 just so they can farm "tears". Too many enjoy scamming and lieing or griefing highsec haulers and missioners while grinding Level 4's or hauling on an alt account.

What you are appealing to is the nature of extended human cooperation as exemplified in the Prisoner's Dilemma

This only works in a very limited capacity in EVE due to the facility of having several identities, even at the same time. In full pay to play MMO's (When Everquest 2 was pay to play it was possible to *burn* ones reputation and be blacklisted by the players) the dilemma can go a bit further due to the expense of garnering new accounts (unless the player acquires them illegally, but that's moot here), but the free to play nature of EVE allowing the ultra rich to train armies of alt accounts with in game wealth makes trust a pretty hard commodity to come by.

CCP has successfully influenced player behaviour in the past by changing the rules of the game, however usually in not the intended way. I'm sure they recognise this and are not going to make any knee-jerk changes but try to think very carefully about how the players who control the sov game will respond.


Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#530 - 2014-07-09 13:15:46 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
It will take "EFFORT"
How much time you are willing to spend , just to hit someone?
Find enough people that will spend 2h-3h just to relocate somewhere.
Next find a good reason why to spend a lot of assets to do it - without possibility to earn more because of this actions.
I give you a hint : because people will want to have fun.

Yes you are right there will be people that will just wonder around eve and attack others - but that's about in this game.

As for smaller groups , well you have many blue in vast territory - few regions.
There are no jump bridges, there are no titan bridges , or they work in a way that you cannot abuse , or even use them as you are blue but in different alliance.

Capitals, have different range, different mechanic, they for example have to use regional gates.

Summarizing , we are talking about big relocation of assets , this is why this will take 2-3h , you are using gates ... something my go wrong, someone my bomb you , attack one of the groups while you are still moving by smaller groups.

Yet every thing went well .....
You and 500 of your friends arrived to save a timer on a r64 moon, you outbloob your enemy , so he don't attack.
You pomp the tower, restront it and start to move home.

This is next 2-3 hours of moving ops.
Enemy might chaise you , as you are using gates , he will hunt for stranglers, try to disturb your movement.

When you are halfway home , he drops dreads , and reinforce the tower again, and 2-3 more in the same constellation, but on totally different timers.

Nothing you cannot handle, but will those 500 people tomorrow again come to save those timers , and spend 4-5hours just on moving ops.

No one want to live there, as this is just far from their ratting grounds, and even more , in those 500 people fleet you are again missing 2 of your blue alliances - they just don't want to come as this is to far for them, and they live 2 regions away from you.

What the reason to have them blue?

What about roams?
Nothing will relay change , they are usually gate by gate any way , but when there will not be so much empty space , there will be more people to have fun with.

Again, I foreseee a lot of peopel leaving the game before your scenario reaches the positive effect. Need something to make it reacht he positive part BEFORE that loss is too great. SOVIET UNION collapsed, that did not made NATO split.... safety after achieved is hard to let go. Its human nature.

BUT if leavign NATO woudl ahve given great economical bennefits we woudlhave seen NATO disintegrate within 5 years.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Anthar Thebess
#531 - 2014-07-09 13:30:52 UTC
But why people will leave the game?
They will still keep all the regions they relay live in.
Just most of the current renting space will be occupied by smaller alliances , as defending space without living in it will be logistical and financial nightmare.

What will change for one person in case of mobility.
Yes moving capitals will be a bit more hard, but moving 1-2 ships by gates will take the same amount of time.

Fleet movements without titan and titan bridges will be hard and time consuming.

1. Moving 500 people gate by gate will cause some TIDI.
2. They have to move by group, or you loose many ships to smaller gangs
3. They will be more vulnerable to bombers , as there will be more gates someone might catch you 67 jumps by gates as some of the people cannot go into the higsec.

Give 30 minutes for people to gather in VFK
Make 2 minutes per system while warping : 67*2=134
Now add few minutes every few constellations , that you have to gather all your pilots as someone got tackled by natives, or there are bubbles on the gates.
Now add time when you have to be waiting as someone got dropped, and he is logging in.
Time for people that got lost along the way.
And many more situations that can happen.

Look that many jumps on this route is using long jumps by regional gates.

Now multiply all this time by 2 if you want to take capitals along this route.

Eve will become big, not unreachable but big.

Remember - you have to get back.
Wentworth III
Oblivion Watch
#532 - 2014-07-09 13:40:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Wentworth III
Wentworth III wrote:
Why not just limit the amount of times a capital can make cross-regional jumps to like 2 or 1 per every 2 days ? That way they can be used in combat still, but couldn't, say, move from delve to tribute in 15 minutes.

I think this probably got overlooked but I seriously can't see any downside to this.
Rogue Inferno.
Pandemic Horde
#533 - 2014-07-09 13:45:53 UTC
0.0 Stagnation or : How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

There is a theory in real world. It is why earth is turning into a **** hole. It is called `Tragedy of Commons`. In short it means that common resources was and always exploited by everyone. Because if you exploit more it's benefits are greater for you. So everybody tries to exploit it. Until the common resource dries up. At that moment your investment in the area turns **** and you lose your resource source.

In an ideal world, people should consume enough resource so it recycles (grows) back , so consuming the resource becomes sustainable. (This is interestingly the state of the EvE . EvE is actually never dries up.)

But in real world, this theory is doom and gloom of the earth. Earth resources are destined to stop earth economical growth in very near future.. 2070 or so.

And this is the number 1 reason on earth for starting wars (Resource wars aka 1st and 2nd world war, middle east and what not).

So what this is all about.. What about EvE?

In EvE, commons are infinite. You can mine same moon for years without a drop in efficiency. You can farm a constellation by ratting and mining... If anything it will make systems better as they upgrade according to your ratting and mining operations.

So is it wrong? Well .. It makes 0.0 so static. Same towers are mining same minerals for years. You can make a small heaven in a few constellation for your pve guys and they can exploit it to eternity(or untill CCP goes bankrupt).

Don't get me wrong I know people wants stability. We are humans but also mammals who want to have homes instinctively. We want to upgrade our stations, systems etc.

But we need `tragedy` to shake up the 0.0

Ill try to explain it in different concepts :

Ratting : For example, a system can deliver 2 bil isk (numbers must be calculated with statistical data I just throw it here) a day at most... If you over rat the system. System starts to dry up. After a week its military rating goes down. If you under rat let's say more than 1 bil isk but under 2 bil isk.. military rating goes up.
You can have tons of money making systems in a constellation so it shouldn't kill ratting instantly. You should just manage it. Move around systems etc. Let's say macro manage your ratting empire.

Mining : Same principle if you mine 1 bil unit to 2 bil unit, u make it better. Over 2 bil worse(ofcourse I make up these numbers I need better tools of CCP to see what is overmining but you can easily see that most of high sec will dry up pretty soon and even in high sec wars will start for mining grounds.Twisted ).

Moon mining : This is a deal breaker.. They should dry up. They should start up 200% capacity of today's moons. In their half life %100 and when they end %0. Best part when a moon is mined out a new one should be allocated to another moon in all of the eve... (or region). This will **** ppl of. Make a gold rush for new moons. Make constant moon scanning very important part of moon mining. Make big fishes cry out in pain and attack anyone who starts a new mining operation.

Industry : Factories may loose slots ever so slow due to overcrowding and empty factories may gain new slots. It will be nerf to some parts of highsec again. but also make it shift too. It will force industry to be liquid. Make ppl carry their BPOs around etc.

Hehehe it is wall of text so here is;


Add economic attrition to game. When u over mine,rat,moon mine it should just dry up. So this will cause great wars.

Further readings (nobel prize to govern the commons)
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#534 - 2014-07-09 13:51:38 UTC
You have a good point. Making resources deplenish and unreliable creates tensions.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Living Ghost
#535 - 2014-07-09 13:54:19 UTC  |  Edited by: bartos100
i think most of the problems with current 0.0 is mostly due to the massive grind sov warefare has become

i would sugest a revamp of the sov system

my idea is the following
(all numbers concerning timers are up for debate)

first link ownership of the station to the sov owner the corp that has sov also owns the station

next take the Ihub and turn every possible upgrade into an anchorable structure on its own
ownership of the upgrades is also linked to sov so if you take the sov you get all the upgrades that are in the system as well
every upgrade can be dissabled by hostile forces either temporary of permanent requiring a new upgrade

all stations get an option to selfdestruct that can be activated by the owner it results in a station husk and every player that has some assets in that station will get a notification
at the husk all assets that where in the station are still in it and the player/corp that owns the assets can collect them there if they want you don't lose anything
the husk can be used to build any new outpost on top of it thus also giving the option for the owner to change what kind of outpost they have in the system

now for the most important part : how to take sov from someone :)

first all sov can be attcked except a system where all conecting systems are owned by the same allience
so if an allience has a system with 3 gates and all 3 of the systems it connects to are also owned by that same allience the system in the center is "safe" meaning that if someone wants to take it they will first have to take any of the 3 systems conecting to it

any other system is always vulnerable to attack

to attack a system all you have to do is go to the TCU and start warp disrupting it with any warp disruption mod available however it only works if there is an uncloaked ship not belonging to the owning allience within 150Km of the TCU
once you start disrupting the members of the owning allience get a notification and after 10 min you start "damaging" the TCU at a set rate 30min after that it goes into the first reff timer
ref timers could stay as they currently are to give defenders some advantage
after the first timer there is a second after that the TCU and everything conected to it schanges hands the attacker can then chose what to do either claim the system for their own or burn it to the ground destroying everything conected to the TCU (upgrades and/or station)

now what can the defenders do ?

when someone is attacking the TCU the only thing they have to do to stop the disruption timer is to have 1 uncloaked ship within 150Km of the TCU of course blowing up the attacker also works :)

as for the upgrades they get the same system but only 1 ref timer and the time needed to disrupt it depends on the upgrade

i think those changes will give some serious problems for large coalitions as they can not defend 200 systems at the same time unlees they have 200 small gangs running around

those changes will turn sov warefare from a numbers game to a highly complex tactical war

at least that is my idea feel free to poke holes in it so i can try to refine the idea
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#536 - 2014-07-09 13:59:14 UTC
Mashka Cybertrona wrote:
I asked the question to some people on coms tonight, I want to ask you all the same question;

If we all want the same thing, small/medium sized fleet roaming and good fights, why not make an agreement with the good fight in mind. Declare a deployment zone/Hunting ground (like catch right now) and put some loose mechanics in play to make it interesting.

NIP across the region, no towers to be placed from any external entities. Let HERO keep their space.

No fleets larger than 50, multiple independent fleets are ok. Hell you could even run NPSI (not purple shoot instantly).

Agreement to not use Meta-gaming such as the use of spies, keep it fun and spontaneous.

Anyone that decides to try and screw up the fun and break the rules will have the entire CFC and N3 to deal with.

Each entity would declare a staging system on the fringe of the deployment zone, players for all factions would be welcome to come and pvp in a setting created by the players for the players.

Set our fictional differences aside, trust each other to turn EvE back into a playable game by working together to produce an environment/deployment that we can all enjoy without having to grind endless amounts of sov space and/or fight in heavy TIDI.

What an experience that would be.

A pipedream there for sure. There's no way a group with an opportunity to put down a tower (either for moon goo revenue or for tactical/strategic advantage) will pass up on that opportunity.

And you can guarantee that pretty much everyone will continue to use at least twelve spies regardless of any agreement.
And CFC/N3 etc certainly would never limit to 50 in a fleet. Maybe that might be their first wave but you can guarantee, every time, they will bring everyone they can. Who wouldn't do this? Everyone wants to win, doesn't matter how.
#537 - 2014-07-09 14:05:41 UTC
Ejderdisi wrote:
Good Stuff

I agree. We have already seen this done with ice belts. WH are similar to a degree. It should be the same with everything else. Static, infinite resources produce laziness and complacency.

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#538 - 2014-07-09 14:22:51 UTC
Dhaq wrote:
Ejderdisi wrote:
Good Stuff

I agree. We have already seen this done with ice belts. WH are similar to a degree. It should be the same with everything else. Static, infinite resources produce laziness and complacency.

They produce predictability.. and that leads to stagnation. But before implementign an automatic depletionof resources and reseeding in the universe you need to make sure that the mechanics make impossible to 1 or 2 groups to control ALL space (makign irrelevant where int that space the resources are)

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Dirt Nap Squad
#539 - 2014-07-09 15:04:27 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
They fixed tech issue, but not the passive moon resource gathering. The article below was written 2.5 years ago. The moon passive collection can remain if we get rid of jump drives.

During my CSM video blog series.

1. Remove Titan bridging.

2. Remove all jump drives in caps and super caps. Allow them to go thru gates / jump bridges and super cap pilots to dock and get out of their coffins. This will ramp up regional placement of fleets and increase regional fighting. This will return us to the back to the good old days of fighting. It would establish battle lines and increase troop movement. Supers are immune to bubbles but allow the focus beam to fitted to more class of ships but lack the bubble side of the mod.

3. Industrial ships can jump in a region only before having to go thru a regional gate and then jump again. They can not use JB.

4. EGGS, HuBs and all civ building should be made smaller and fit in a jump freighter. Fire gators can go thru a JB but jump freighters can't. Allow stations to go boom tastic

5. Give my black ops the ability to warp cloaked and you can keep the bridge and jump mechanic.

Manny when we were fighting together we use to chat about the good old days and how fun it was building a group and fighting the regional fight. The slow progression of a war and so on. Now do to the atom bomb (super caps and bridging ). The fun of war is gone and we a re now in what we call a Cold War. I hope they fix this soon and get this game back to the gates and re establish the game board of eve and make it big again.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#540 - 2014-07-09 15:38:06 UTC
They fixed tech issue, but not the passive moon resource gathering. The article below was written 2.5 years ago. The moon passive collection can remain if we get rid of jump drives.

During my CSM video blog series.

1. Remove Titan bridging.

2. Remove all jump drives in caps and super caps. Allow them to go thru gates / jump bridges and super cap pilots to dock and get out of their coffins. This will ramp up regional placement of fleets and increase regional fighting. This will return us to the back to the good old days of fighting. It would establish battle lines and increase troop movement. Supers are immune to bubbles but allow the focus beam to fitted to more class of ships but lack the bubble side of the mod.

3. Industrial ships can jump in a region only before having to go thru a regional gate and then jump again. They can not use JB.

4. EGGS, HuBs and all civ building should be made smaller and fit in a jump freighter. Fire gators can go thru a JB but jump freighters can't. Allow stations to go boom tastic

5. Give my black ops the ability to warp cloaked and you can keep the bridge and jump mechanic.

Manny when we were fighting together we use to chat about the good old days and how fun it was building a group and fighting the regional fight. The slow progression of a war and so on. Now do to the atom bomb (super caps and bridging ). The fun of war is gone and we a re now in what we call a Cold War. I hope they fix this soon and get this game back to the gates and re establish the game board of eve and make it big again.

again.. how you then fix the capital ships strained in our out of the low sec pockets surrounded by high sec?

I really doubt ANY proposal to remove jump drives will ever go trough simply because of that.

Changing eve geography would be a solution but would cause MASSIVE side effects.

The changes cannot be binary. Nothing like that will ever be accepted by CCP.

Think on something that create difficulties and rewards for other actions....

The same thing with station destruction. You need to solve the issue of people having their possessions inside the station and that do not log in durign whatever grace period you might think on giving them. If you magically evacuate stuff to lwo sec then that will be exploited surely.

People need to think more on the hard situations, and not only think on concepts that tackle only the most common ground.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"