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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Mario Putzo
#481 - 2014-07-08 23:34:02 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Just to reiterate my point here, having NPCs magically run/"exchange" fuel to remote null outposts is a complete Non-starter.

Players should have to deliver those topes to your outposts, not NPCs. Player driven economy is important. You should probably rework your idea with that in mind. All those off-racial towers and caps? Players need to supply them and every part of the supply chain leading to them, not NPCs.

Having NPC's deliver goods does not limit the player driven market. It simply reduces player service opportunity. Organizations like Black Frog would likely get hit, but people would still buy and sell, create and destroy the same products as they do today.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#482 - 2014-07-08 23:36:09 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Mario Putzo wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Just to reiterate my point here, having NPCs magically run/"exchange" fuel to remote null outposts is a complete Non-starter.

Players should have to deliver those topes to your outposts, not NPCs. Player driven economy is important. You should probably rework your idea with that in mind. All those off-racial towers and caps? Players need to supply them and every part of the supply chain leading to them, not NPCs.

Having NPC's deliver goods does not limit the player driven market. It simply reduces player service opportunity. Organizations like Black Frog would likely get hit, but people would still buy and sell, create and destroy the same products as they do today.

So we're fine with NPCs magically exchanging fuel between Amarr and some god forsaken null sec system, why can't those same NPCs exchange modules, ammo, and ships?

Bringing goods to market is as much a part of the market as selling them. You can't have a grocery store without the trucks to bring the groceries to the store.
Manfred Sideous
#483 - 2014-07-08 23:36:52 UTC
I'd like to ask does anyone think its reasonable that a single player with a jumpfreighter can just jump back and forth from nullsec to empire and buy literally anything from empire and bring it back. Does that seem like a immersive experience? I mean where do you live that Joe the Lorry driver goes off and supplies you and all your mates with what you need to live and survive from a single point.


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#484 - 2014-07-08 23:39:55 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
I'd like to ask does anyone think its reasonable that a single player with a jumpfreighter can just jump back and forth from nullsec to empire and buy literally anything from empire and bring it back. Does that seem like a immersive experience? I mean where do you live that Joe the Lorry driver goes off and supplies you and all your mates with what you need to live and survive from a single point.

Is it more reasonable for an NPC to magically teleport Helium from Amarr to VFK and Nitrogen from VFK back to Amarr? That's what your "exchange" system amounts to, and it's a lot worse than the current jump freighter actually jumping their ship back and forth.
Manfred Sideous
#485 - 2014-07-08 23:40:37 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Just to reiterate my point here, having NPCs magically run/"exchange" fuel to remote null outposts is a complete Non-starter.

Players should have to deliver those topes to your outposts, not NPCs. Player driven economy is important. You should probably rework your idea with that in mind. All those off-racial towers and caps? Players need to supply them and every part of the supply chain leading to them, not NPCs.

Having NPC's deliver goods does not limit the player driven market. It simply reduces player service opportunity. Organizations like Black Frog would likely get hit, but people would still buy and sell, create and destroy the same products as they do today.

So we're fine with NPCs magically echanging fuel between Amarr and some god forsaken null sec system, why can't those same NPCs exchange modules, ammo, and ships?

Bringing goods to market is as much a part of the market as selling them. You can't have a grocery store without the trucks to bring the groceries to the store.

Because you can produce those T1 modules ships and ammo locally with locally sourced materials. Now when you get to the T2 ships and modules that where you would need the exchange because not all of those materials could be sourced locally but you can exchange your locally sourced T2 resources for foreign resource.

The only flaw in this is T3 because that only comes from WH. So the T3 specific ingredients to build T3 would have to be sourced from empire or by another means.


Manfred Sideous
#486 - 2014-07-08 23:43:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Manfred Sideous
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Manfred Sideous wrote:
I'd like to ask does anyone think its reasonable that a single player with a jumpfreighter can just jump back and forth from nullsec to empire and buy literally anything from empire and bring it back. Does that seem like a immersive experience? I mean where do you live that Joe the Lorry driver goes off and supplies you and all your mates with what you need to live and survive from a single point.

Is it more reasonable for an NPC to magically teleport Helium from Amarr to VFK and Nitrogen from VFK back to Amarr? That's what your "exchange" system amounts to, and it's a lot worse than the current jump freighter actually jumping their ship back and forth.

Is this NPC going to transplant your war stocks and fuel and all the things you need to a foreign deployment zone like a jumpfreighter can and does? Is the NPC going to resupply you so you don't have to worry about attrition in a conflict zone like a jumpfreighter does? Or a jumpbridge network or a Titan bridge.


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#487 - 2014-07-08 23:44:43 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Look, I don't know how else to say this: If your system requires NPCs to magically teleport Isotopes between all of the stations in Eve, then your system is bad. It goes against the very nature of Eve.

Go back and rework it without the magical isotope teleporting NPCs, please.
Yroc Jannseen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#488 - 2014-07-08 23:51:26 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
NPCs wouldn't be selling anything. It would be a barter/exchange system with market averages setting the value of the item bartered. You couldn't exchange your loot for some topes or minerals. You could exchange locally mined resources for resources not available locally. So Helium for Hydrogen , Nitrogen , Oxygen Isotopes. Things like that. The exchange rate fluctuates daily based off what the gamewide market average is. So if your Helium is worth 1k p/u and the isotope you want to exchange for is 500 you would receive 2 units. HTH

So basically you are talk about cutting off null regions economically from the rest of the game but keeping the existing racial/geographic variances that exist in items.

So let's take something like Mercury, which basically doesn't exist in the west. If I'm now in the west my main/only way of obtaining this is "bartering" with NPC's. The price is based on a global average price. Well the only spot that Mercury is being sold/traded is in the East. What's to stop a group in the East from now driving up the price they are selling Mercury to each other, to the point it becomes 2 x Technetium/Caesium so they can now go and barter for double the tech/cae?

I guess they wouldn't bother because there would be no point in producing more than they need locally, because selling to the wider world would be prohibitively expensive/difficult
Mario Putzo
#489 - 2014-07-08 23:52:29 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Just to reiterate my point here, having NPCs magically run/"exchange" fuel to remote null outposts is a complete Non-starter.

Players should have to deliver those topes to your outposts, not NPCs. Player driven economy is important. You should probably rework your idea with that in mind. All those off-racial towers and caps? Players need to supply them and every part of the supply chain leading to them, not NPCs.

Having NPC's deliver goods does not limit the player driven market. It simply reduces player service opportunity. Organizations like Black Frog would likely get hit, but people would still buy and sell, create and destroy the same products as they do today.

So we're fine with NPCs magically echanging fuel between Amarr and some god forsaken null sec system, why can't those same NPCs exchange modules, ammo, and ships?

Bringing goods to market is as much a part of the market as selling them. You can't have a grocery store without the trucks to bring the groceries to the store.

No I am fine with NPCs delivering goods to and from locations in EVE in exchange for some form of equalized commodity.

If I buy an Item from the market, the guy who put it on market still gets his ISK.
If I sell an item on the market, the guy who buys it still pays me ISK.

The only thing being altered is how the item gets from point A to point B.

If JD's are reduced significantly in ability, then you will see a stark fall off in delivery services. Or an outrageous influx in pricing by players performing the service. Goods will no longer move from Jita to the far corners of space, because who the hell wants to jump 30 jumps to drop off some power converters to some dude in NS that probably kill you anyway.

If you remove the capacity for JF's to exist you must fill that void with a reliable alternative method for getting goods moved around the galaxy. Otherwise your precious player economy will fall apart. You can't just take access of product away from the largest consumers in the game and expect the economy to remain the same as it is today.

I think NPC trading should have been implemented long ago anyway. If I buy something from market I should have the following options.

Get it myself
Pay another player to get it
Or select an option to have it delivered by NPC over the course of X number of hours and/or days.

If I lose potential for the first 2 options, you better hope I can still get items, or I just won't play because seriously, have you ever tried moving freighters around with ****. Forget about losing your ship, try losing your mind from the sheer irritation that is going 10 jumps, let alone 20+
Manfred Sideous
#490 - 2014-07-08 23:53:45 UTC
Yroc Jannseen wrote:
Manfred Sideous wrote:
NPCs wouldn't be selling anything. It would be a barter/exchange system with market averages setting the value of the item bartered. You couldn't exchange your loot for some topes or minerals. You could exchange locally mined resources for resources not available locally. So Helium for Hydrogen , Nitrogen , Oxygen Isotopes. Things like that. The exchange rate fluctuates daily based off what the gamewide market average is. So if your Helium is worth 1k p/u and the isotope you want to exchange for is 500 you would receive 2 units. HTH

So basically you are talk about cutting off null regions economically from the rest of the game but keeping the existing racial/geographic variances that exist in items.

So let's take something like Mercury, which basically doesn't exist in the west. If I'm now in the west my main/only way of obtaining this is "bartering" with NPC's. The price is based on a global average price. Well the only spot that Mercury is being sold/traded is in the East. What's to stop a group in the East from now driving up the price they are selling Mercury to each other, to the point it becomes 2 x Technetium/Caesium so they can now go and barter for double the tech/cae?

I guess they wouldn't bother because there would be no point in producing more than they need locally, because selling to the wider world would be prohibitively expensive/difficult

Except that empire and lowsec doesn't get trade NPC's so they will still need use it and buy it on the market.


School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#491 - 2014-07-08 23:57:43 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:

No I am fine with NPCs delivering goods to and from locations in EVE in exchange for some form of equalized commodity.

You may be fine with NPCs magically teleporting Isotopes between all of the stations in Eve, I however am not. And I seriously doubt CCP will entertain the idea either.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#492 - 2014-07-09 00:07:26 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Mario Putzo wrote:

Get it myself
Pay another player to get it
Or select an option to have it delivered by NPC over the course of X number of hours and/or days.

If I lose potential for the first 2 options, you better hope I can still get items, or I just won't play because seriously, have you ever tried moving freighters around with ****. Forget about losing your ship, try losing your mind from the sheer irritation that is going 10 jumps, let alone 20+

So, we have NPCs providing un-interdictable isotope trade between all the stations of Eve. Wonderful. That's totally not worse than what we currently have. Hell, at least Jump Freighters actually die once in a blue moon.

Unless your NPCs go gate to gate in freighters, or cyno to cyno in jump freighters (where players can gank/interdict them), then the proposed system is MUCH worse than the current one.

You know, I never thought I'd have to explain why magical isotope teleporting NPCs are a bad idea, but there you have it.
Mario Putzo
#493 - 2014-07-09 00:11:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:

No I am fine with NPCs delivering goods to and from locations in EVE in exchange for some form of equalized commodity.

You may be fine with NPCs magically teleporting Isotopes between all of the stations in Eve, I however am not. And I seriously doubt CCP will entertain the idea either.

Ya but your argument against it is pretty irrational and devoid of any concrete reasoning. Yes delivery groups like Black Frog will see a large reduction in profitability. But they are not at the core of the economy, they are enablers of the economy. The economy doesn't fluctuate depending on what Black Frog does, the economy fluctuates depending on what players create, consume and destroy.

I am sure if the idea was fleshed out more than just NPC Trading and actually developed into a concrete system CCP would give it a look, heck lord knows we could use some more ISK sinks in this game.

PotatoOverdose wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:

Get it myself
Pay another player to get it
Or select an option to have it delivered by NPC over the course of X number of hours and/or days.

If I lose potential for the first 2 options, you better hope I can still get items, or I just won't play because seriously, have you ever tried moving freighters around with ****. Forget about losing your ship, try losing your mind from the sheer irritation that is going 10 jumps, let alone 20+

So, we have NPCs providing un-interdictable isotope trade between all the stations of Eve. Wonderful. That's totally not worse than what we currently have. Hell, at least Jump Freighters actually die once in a blue moon.

Unless your NPCs go gate to gate in freighters, or cyno to cyno in jump freighters (where players can gank/interdict them), then the proposed system is MUCH worse than the current one.

You know, I never thought I'd have to explain why magical isotope teleporting NPCs are a bad idea, but there you have it.

Or you just allow them to deliver from buy orders making players stock the market as they currently do with sell orders, thus making NPCs only fill the role held by a very few individuals in EVE who already transport stuff around with impunity as is.
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#494 - 2014-07-09 00:24:27 UTC
Removed some off topic posts.

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#495 - 2014-07-09 00:25:23 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
Mario Putzo wrote:

Or you just allow them to deliver from buy orders making players stock the market as they currently do with sell orders, thus making NPCs only fill the role held by a very few individuals in EVE who already transport stuff around with impunity as is.

So....completely un-interdictable trade is still a go. Ok.....

Look, moving isotopes around with impunity is just as much a problem as moving ships or ammo around with impunity. It's still power projection. Getting fuel to your off-racial POS with absolute impunity makes holding and extracting wealth from your sov sprawl that much easier. Moving fuel with impunity allows you to more readily supply caps which are the subject of the proposed changes.

On the one hand, we say nerf the ability to move things with impunity. On the other, you make moving fuel even easier than it was before, allowing for many of the same excesses.

But NPCs moving goods with impunity will never happen. You know why? Look at how CCP reacted to freighters autopiloting to zero in Hi-sec. You really think CCP will let NPC freighters move topes around with impunity in Nullsec? What?
Mario Putzo
#496 - 2014-07-09 00:42:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
PotatoOverdose wrote:
[quote=Mario Putzo]
But NPCs moving goods with impunity will never happen. You know why? Look at how CCP reacted to freighters autopiloting to zero in Hi-sec. You really think CCP will let NPC freighters move topes around with impunity in Nullsec? What?

Sure they will if it means people will continue to play the game.

People are leaving the game right now because it is stagnant. CCP has to address the fact that the Dominion Sov experience has run its course. Its done, the people in NS do not want to fight over it anymore, mostly because there is no reason to, and it is relatively impractical. Couple big fights, some ooh and ahh, then several weeks of grinding a region.

If CCP seriously wants to address the issues with NS they will need to essentially limit the capacity of current NS entities from what they are today. This means massive changes to how sov works, and the ease of which one can move throughout New Eden. In order to provide a foothold for the next generation of Sov (lets call it 3rd Gen since round 1 was back in the old POS days) new entities must be able to establish a foothold with similar equality in accessibility. (Otherwise you just end up back where you are today).

Now once you start reducing the ease of transport in EVE, which absolutely must happen to facilitate accessibility for newer entities to emerge, CCP will need to counter balance that with mechanics that still allow NS groups to maintain their relative rate of consumption. If you make the game to tedious for people to acquire basic necessities then you already begin alienating them from day 1.

People will not tolerate jumping 30 jumps back and forth in order to acquire minerals, materials or even products. People will just say **** it, and quit because it would be absolute bullshit, and nor is the current method of moving stuff an effective format because it again leaves the current paradigm in NS as is and limits accessibility for new players. So if CCP wishes to retain people, and CCP wishes to grow the game over another decade, then they absolutely would have to consider a variable method of getting Items from point A to point B, because ultimately this game comes down to Create, Consume, Destroy. If those metrics can not be met or maintained, then this game ultimately falls apart until the only guys playing are mining bots who wonder why no one will buy their trit anymore.

Is NPC Transport feasible. Yes. Does it have a valid position within potential future game mechanics. Yes. Is it the only solution. No.
Cronus Maximus
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#497 - 2014-07-09 01:06:21 UTC
NPCs Should Trade 'Topes!

That's not player Driven!

Cutting off realistic access to other isotopes is not reasonable, but neither is having to import through dozens of gates.

So we want a player driven solution that allows local sourcing of isotopes without invoking magic NPCs or preventing some form of interdiction.

Why not alchemy? If I can turn moo goo into different moo goo then surely turning some Nitrogen 'topes into Helium 'topes should be easy. Either have the process incur a small loss, or if you want to allow for greater interaction then require a reactant that can be sourced either locally in mass or imported from the racial area you want to react into. Maybe both these are options maybe only one.

In one scenario we have an additional mining operation that can be specifically targeted. Enemy just got back from a long deployment and jumped around a lot? Send in the covops to drive them nuts and put a chokehold on them while you beat their ally who can't get help senseless.

In the other we have you guarding your borders to prevent ninja extraction of a resource that if you maintain control of gives you power over your enemies, or a bargaining chip with allies.

Onerous? maybe. Content creating? maybe, if the balance is right. 100% based in fake internet science? Definitely.

This is just off the cuff so if someone has a different take along the same lines I'd be interested to hear it.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#498 - 2014-07-09 01:09:20 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
I'd like to ask does anyone think its reasonable that a single player with a jumpfreighter can just jump back and forth from nullsec to empire and buy literally anything from empire and bring it back. Does that seem like a immersive experience? I mean where do you live that Joe the Lorry driver goes off and supplies you and all your mates with what you need to live and survive from a single point.

It's better than NPCs. At least the jump freighter is going back and forth, and for things like fuel it's going back and forth a lot (and each time risking the wrath of CODE or miniluv).

However you've mostly got the cause and effect backwards. People import because 0.0 is terrible for industry. Crius is changing this and it's possible that in the future industry in 0.0 will be effective enough you can start tampering down the effectiveness of the logistical links to empire. But you can't kill the links, then fix local industry: you'll just wind up with a dead 0.0. Once there's a contingent of nullsec industrialists campaigining to kill jump freighters to get rid of those pesky importers the situation might be at a point where it's discussable.

However you still have to get around the problem that T2 REQUIRES the ability to shuffle great amounts of fuel out to 0.0, and then raws back, as moon minerals are regional. You can't sever those links without breaking the whole process for everyone. And those links, as unimmersive as you think they are, provide infinitely more gameplay than npc stations that trade you hafnium for technetium.
Manfred Sideous
#499 - 2014-07-09 01:15:59 UTC
Cronus Maximus wrote:
NPCs Should Trade 'Topes!

That's not player Driven!

Cutting off realistic access to other isotopes is not reasonable, but neither is having to import through dozens of gates.

So we want a player driven solution that allows local sourcing of isotopes without invoking magic NPCs or preventing some form of interdiction.

Why not alchemy? If I can turn moo goo into different moo goo then surely turning some Nitrogen 'topes into Helium 'topes should be easy. Either have the process incur a small loss, or if you want to allow for greater interaction then require a reactant that can be sourced either locally in mass or imported from the racial area you want to react into. Maybe both these are options maybe only one.

In one scenario we have an additional mining operation that can be specifically targeted. Enemy just got back from a long deployment and jumped around a lot? Send in the covops to drive them nuts and put a chokehold on them while you beat their ally who can't get help senseless.

In the other we have you guarding your borders to prevent ninja extraction of a resource that if you maintain control of gives you power over your enemies, or a bargaining chip with allies.

Onerous? maybe. Content creating? maybe, if the balance is right. 100% based in fake internet science? Definitely.

This is just off the cuff so if someone has a different take along the same lines I'd be interested to hear it.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner this man wins


Mario Putzo
#500 - 2014-07-09 01:17:48 UTC
Cronus Maximus wrote:
NPCs Should Trade 'Topes!

That's not player Driven!

Cutting off realistic access to other isotopes is not reasonable, but neither is having to import through dozens of gates.

So we want a player driven solution that allows local sourcing of isotopes without invoking magic NPCs or preventing some form of interdiction.

Why not alchemy? If I can turn moo goo into different moo goo then surely turning some Nitrogen 'topes into Helium 'topes should be easy. Either have the process incur a small loss, or if you want to allow for greater interaction then require a reactant that can be sourced either locally in mass or imported from the racial area you want to react into. Maybe both these are options maybe only one.

In one scenario we have an additional mining operation that can be specifically targeted. Enemy just got back from a long deployment and jumped around a lot? Send in the covops to drive them nuts and put a chokehold on them while you beat their ally who can't get help senseless.

In the other we have you guarding your borders to prevent ninja extraction of a resource that if you maintain control of gives you power over your enemies, or a bargaining chip with allies.

Onerous? maybe. Content creating? maybe, if the balance is right. 100% based in fake internet science? Definitely.

This is just off the cuff so if someone has a different take along the same lines I'd be interested to hear it.

And this is a good idea.