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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#441 - 2014-07-08 18:58:16 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Sov Mechanics idea:

In my opinion, null sec needs to relate more to Faction Warfare, just scaled up.

In FW, the earliest newbie in a frigate can make an impact to the warzone, and he can be solo.

Right because a solo newbie in a frig should be able to pose a real threat to an alliance of 1,000+ members.


"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#442 - 2014-07-08 19:02:47 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Power Projection: (Separate post for different idea)

Caps should be only be able to jump to a cyno within 5 jumps.

Might want to rework this. Right now dreads cannot cross even a single jump in some areas (e.g. B-D in Cloud Ring to J5A in Fountain). Your idea would make power projection in that case easier, not harder.

Come to think of it, Manny's idea of even a single jump, in that specific context would make power projection easier. Maybe a light year limit is still needed.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Bogna Markowska
Jeb z Dzidy
#443 - 2014-07-08 19:11:48 UTC
changes to jump drive that could actualy work (not like the chages that sugested the OP)

jump drive:

-a jump drive can store energy for 2 jump (a jump still use cap) and it takes 3-6h regenerate for 1 jump
-add mods that speed this up but they need to be active mods so u can't be docked or cloaked (my proposition is that be a hi-slot mod)
-add rigs that add 1 more jump
-add role bonus to JF to significantly decrease that timer (to like 15-30 min)
-titan bridge can also store only 2 bridge (bridge and jump are separate so u can jump twice and bridge twice)

so now:
-u can stil jump on someone and run home.
-it takes longer to move capital fleet on long distances
-u need to think twice if u whant to get in a fight on the second jump
Cap'n Schmitty
#444 - 2014-07-08 19:12:53 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Sov Mechanics idea:

In my opinion, null sec needs to relate more to Faction Warfare, just scaled up.

In FW, the earliest newbie in a frigate can make an impact to the warzone, and he can be solo.

Right because a solo newbie in a frig should be able to pose a real threat to an alliance of 1,000+ members.


Real threat, certainly not. Under such a mechanic, you shouldn't be able to take a system just by running novice plexes (indeed, the difficulty might be related to both current sov level and sec).

But in a relatively unused system, he might be an annoyance, and annoyances start fights.
Manfred Sideous
#445 - 2014-07-08 19:26:58 UTC
I am trying to catch up on all the discussion and post. But man so many good ideas and everyone is being very constructive. Lets keep this going. Lets make this thread the most peaceful constructive threadnaught that CCP is forced to look at in whole. I may not like or agree with all ideas in this thread (itt). However knowledge grows by challenging existing knowledge opinion and thought so keep it coming.


Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#446 - 2014-07-08 19:33:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Cap'n Schmitty wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Sov Mechanics idea:

In my opinion, null sec needs to relate more to Faction Warfare, just scaled up.

In FW, the earliest newbie in a frigate can make an impact to the warzone, and he can be solo.

Right because a solo newbie in a frig should be able to pose a real threat to an alliance of 1,000+ members.


Real threat, certainly not. Under such a mechanic, you shouldn't be able to take a system just by running novice plexes (indeed, the difficulty might be related to both current sov level and sec).

But in a relatively unused system, he might be an annoyance, and annoyances start fights.

You already have this, able to be an annoyance (heck go look at the afk cloaking camper threads). Problem is most people simply turtle up and only do things that are low risk in null (and if you aren't your are daft, since those high risk things you can do in null you can also do in empire without the risk or substantially reduced risk).

I think where Manny is trying to go is that people start also doing risky things in null either because they have too, or the benefits outweigh the costs. Once you get to this point, roaming hostile gangs become viable, as do roaming/gate camping defense fleets.

And part of the problem is that CCP has stated that they think null needs to be dependent on empire. While some dependence is probably reasonable, right now null is almost totally dependent (aside from moon goo, officer mods, and high end ores). Manny's vision is at least somewhat hostile to this, that null can become more self-supporting. Lets go back to Manny's early posts on this:

Manfred Sideous wrote:
Now bringing everything in from empire to survive in nullsec is hard as hell unless you want to do freighter ops all day. So the answer is you will want miners and builders in your home to supply your markets with the goods you need/want to survive. Perhaps you are really good at producing making things.

When Manny says, "you will want miners and builders in your home," he means alliances will want those dirty nasty carebear industrialists in their alliance, in their systems, shooting rocks, researching BPOs and installing jobs. Alliance and corp chat will not only have conversations about PvP and RL, but about whether or not your hulks should be fit for tank or max yield or to what level a BPO should be researched, etc. For many alliances this would be a cultural shift that might not even be possible.

But these same nasty dirty carebears also become potential targets. Hopefully, they'll also become something like yeomen farmers--i.e. normally they are out there gathering resources for making stuff (the alliance needs, and for a profit no less), but when trouble starts they can reship into combat ships and you can have your fights.

Clarification: when I write, "dirty nasty carebear industrialists," I am being sarcastic. I have several dirty nasty carebear industrialist alts, that are rarely utilized in my alliance except as cyno alts. I'd love for them to be useful out in null sec.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#447 - 2014-07-08 19:35:32 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
I am trying to catch up on all the discussion and post. But man so many good ideas and everyone is being very constructive. Lets keep this going. Lets make this thread the most peaceful constructive threadnaught that CCP is forced to look at in whole. I may not like or agree with all ideas in this thread (itt). However knowledge grows by challenging existing knowledge opinion and thought so keep it coming.

Agree wholeheartedly.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Shadow Tycho
Amarr Empire
#448 - 2014-07-08 19:41:46 UTC
Hey so, i play in wormholes so im not as effected by the cap power projection thing as other people, but i was talking with my mates and had a idea and was told to post it here cause we all thought it was cool, so here goes.

rather than buffing or nerfing caps themselves, it seems to me a lot of the problem could be solved by buffing system wide cyno jammers.

  • Buff system wide cyno jammers so that you can not jump through a system that you can not jump into.
  • Have high sec act as cyno jammed systems in this regard.
  • Give jump freighters immunity to this effect(but not portals).

This makes cyno blocking upgrades have a distance beyond the system that they are in, which makes sense its not like if you get 100AU from the system upgrade suddenly you can cyno stuff in.

Off the cuff i would say the sphere of inhibition should be dependant on the mass of stars(currently unused thing thats in game)
big stars would prevent huge area's from being jumped through. tiny ones would not. Basicly the star's gravity well is poisoned for cyno's by the upgrade. for a star like ours that would be about 52,500 AU(about halfway through the oort cloud) or .8 light years.

Ideally this would make it so big empires could make fortresses, with walls that prevent people from getting in(and out) with out using gates.
It would become hard to have just one system as a staging point as systems around it could be walled off preventing mobility... and making people fight for this.
In essence, the problem with jumping is that subspace or hyper space or whatever the movement plane you use to jump in eve is fundamentally flat moving in every direction is equally easy. If you give it contours, that creates superior positions and then that in turn creates jockeying and things to fight over. This could even be used to set up traps, locking a fleet in hostile space.

The biggest things in game that might be needed to be changed to make this a truly interesting rebalance would be solar masses, but no one really cares if they get upgraded to a different start or downgraded to a white dwarf do they?

Various capitals being balanced i don't know anything about but i think this would be cool.
my 2 cents.
Addendum: to be clear jump freighters shouldn't be allowed to jump into jammed systems, just through their sphere of influence like they can now.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#449 - 2014-07-08 19:58:27 UTC
Ejderdisi wrote:
Small alliance logistical operations : You can not jump your freighter as easily. You have to announce your passage to alliance so no one else use it for that hour. IT means to all SPIES too. Good luck. Ah due to restriction you can not even bring in your escort fleet with you.. But as long as you are safe that there are no one in next JB system and you believe in your alliance mates and scouts, you can try to make a run for it.

Anyone moving a freighter in nullsec is doing it to move freighter-sized assets: alliance assets. Alliance assets warrant titan bridging. This is just another "nobody without titans is allowed to play in 0.0" idea because nobody takes jbs with a freighter unless all the titans are asleep and they're deep in their own space. Even if you're just going to the other system and back (like moving mins) you'd use a JF because it's faster for the m3 usually.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#450 - 2014-07-08 20:11:13 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Going to just leave these here to help shape the discussion a bit - they are indicative of how CCP was thinking about sov and nullsec, at least once upon a time. I have no idea if any of it is still relevant but from my perspective there's a bunch of good direction here, and frankly a lot of the principles are getting echoed here already, without realizing it.

Thanks for the links. I remember reading those devblogs as I took a nulsec vacation back then. It allowed me to believe that maybe CCP was working on nulsec iteration and that it might improve. That and The 99 Percent kept me from leaving the game.

After 3 years it is interesting to see how many of those goals CCP has failed or succeeded on.

I like what has been done with exploration. Industry look like its on the right track. Hopefully logistics will be following.

The objectives for small gang pvp are non-existent in nulsec and have been for 10 years. It is strictly the real of nofuks given pvp.

For large fleets there aren't any objectives in nulsec other than to dunk on someone weaker than you and hope you don't get hot-dropped by one of several bored super-capital heavy alliances. Thanks to lots of rebalance work, there are more options available for fleet comps. Kudos.

Everyone involved in this sort of fight should feel like they're glad they took the time and effort to get involved, and that it left them feeling satisfied. People should not be sitting at a starbase for three hours, warping into a fight and getting instapopped before they've really done anything. Winning and losing should matter, but taking part should be valuable too.

The sitting waiting for hours then getting instapopped part is everything wrong with large-scale pvp in eve. It is why drone assist got nerfed and why titan tracking got nerfed.

Small holding does not exist anymore. It is literally dead.

Sov is broken on literally every point.

Intel is broken on nearly every point.

Home. RIP Tribe. RIP Period Basis. Catch just isn't catching my interest.

Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#451 - 2014-07-08 20:20:53 UTC
Dhaq wrote:
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:

This gives you power projection within 5 jumps of your cap home base. It will take 10 mins to go 10 jumps, 20 mins to go 15j, 30 mins to go 20j, etc. This allows smaller alliances to be able to bring their full might to their borders relatively quickly, but larger alliances will have to sacrifice more and more. Think about the time you will need in order to jump your capitals back to your home base as well.

So it takes 2 hours to get there. They crush your face. Two hours to get back and everyone is home in time for dinner. Nothing has changed but a slight delay in your fate. Or anyone else's fate unless your part of the Big Three.

Until the equation isn't Caps > everything, nothing will change.

The issue here is that the larger alliance is spending 2 hours to get all the way to where you are. If you don't somehow have intel of them spending two hours to get to you, you need to learn how to play. When they arrive, you leave, and when they leave, you come back. Classic guerrilla tactics. They spend 4 hours traveling while you spend 4 hours hitting their system. Either they have to commit to defending the system with a constant presence (drives PvP) or let it fall (consequence of not splitting forces/ too large alliance). This also assuming that there won't be a single structure they have to defend at a pre-determined time to keep the system. It should be in constant flux. Mining, doing DED sites, industry, (defending FW targets in my other idea), just living and doing things in a system, should bring it up.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Sov Mechanics idea:

In my opinion, null sec needs to relate more to Faction Warfare, just scaled up.

In FW, the earliest newbie in a frigate can make an impact to the warzone, and he can be solo.

Right because a solo newbie in a frig should be able to pose a real threat to an alliance of 1,000+ members.


Wow take my words out of context much?
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
In my opinion, null sec needs to relate more to Faction Warfare, just scaled up.

In FW, the earliest newbie in a frigate can make an impact to the warzone, and he can be solo.
In null-sec, make that a slightly experienced player in a cruiser can make an impact and he can be in a small gang, ~5 people. Say 1500dps needed, easily achievable with 4-5 Cruisers, 7 Destroyers, or 15ish Frigates.

Read the bolded part. You know, the very next sentence in my proposal. Anyway, one person in one ship no matter how small should make a difference in the warzone. He might not be a "real" threat when he first starts, but you leave one person alone and given enough time he will be a real threat. This is what drives people to come stop him, and then more people to attack, and then more people to attack both of them, and then you get escalation, and then you have constant PvP'ing at all ship types and in all group sizes.

Also, AFK cloakers do not exist in offensive plexes any more. Hell, even AFK ships have disappeared. I suggest you update yourself with the new FW changes.
Smugest Sniper
neko island
Deedspace Consortium
#452 - 2014-07-08 20:40:53 UTC
mynnna wrote:

tl;dr: Importing from highsec means drawing on the mining power of "every miner in highsec", and (based on old diagoras numbers) there are something like three times as many of them as there are miners in all of nullsec, but any given corp or alliance obviously only gets a tiny fraction of that and trit production in nullsec is (from the best trit/m3 ratio ore) about 6-7 times what you get in highsec, with the end result being that local production means having a miniscule fraction of the output that you have available to you by importing.

Is that about the gist of what you're saying?

Yes, it's literally a man-hours of resource collection game.


To be fair, the fact that CCP buffed compressed ore so as to leave compression/importation mechanisms available despite the refining nerf means they realize and acknowledge this. I think.

I don't think there's anything to be concerned with around your point about looking down on miners and so forth. If it's worth the time and effort people in nullsec will mine and do industry and so forth and just look down on those doing the same in empire. It's not exactly a large culture shift for the common "Industrial players are a bunch of whiny entitled carebears who contribute nothing and expect everything" attitude to become "Most industrial players are a bunch of whiny entitled carebears who contribute nothing and expect everything but I'm a valued member overcoming the challenges for the betterment of my alliance"

Pretty much, though I can tell you from first hand experience that when you are trying to mine for 8-16 hours a day, or need to have that level of output to make any serious amount of product required on an alliance level then have your system camped for 30 minutes every 2-3 hours, or worse have one of your miners get caught, it hurts you pretty bad.

Then have your PVP elitists complaining about supply, fittings, and availability of ships when they don't help defend your space (to name names -A- in 09, and HONOR/HERO this year for me) and ***** incessantly about how **** you are at PVP when you are in a mining barge that dies incredibly fast to any kind of real gang and interceptors being bubble immune making things so much harder to mount home defense.
Manfred Sideous
#453 - 2014-07-08 20:43:19 UTC
Op Updated due to ongoing discussions.


Manfred Sideous
#454 - 2014-07-08 20:49:53 UTC
Yun Kuai wrote:

JB moved away from POS and are now anchored on a planet
JB networks are limited to intra-constellation only
Maximum of 2 JB per constellation regardless of who owns them
Only alliance (corp if no alliance) members can access the JB


I think if we limit Jumpbridges to only reaching a adjacent system then that is a enough of a hit. I think sov owners should be able to have their JB at a pos. I mean they are spending the isk and maintaining the Jumpbridge it should have some reasonable means of defense.

As far as limiting to only the alliance that owns it I think think with the nerf to jumpbridges only reaching a adjacent system that the owner should retain the right on who uses their jumpbridge.


Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#455 - 2014-07-08 21:01:56 UTC
I guess I don't get the whole "jump bridges must be neutered" thing floating around. Ever since jump bridges were limited to one per system, these travel corridors are very easy to interdict -- simply focus your efforts on the gates between two links. It's certainly more interdictable than a titan bridge, which can not only reach farther, but can utilize beacons to more covertly move pilots between systems (in that a cyno is not required, which is broadcast to everyone in the game.) Compare this to jump bridges, which, by and large, do not change their links, and are typically published publicly, or at least widely enough to make their existence common knowledge. Hell; you can even divine the destination of a jump bridge by getting within 2500 meters of it and right clicking, even if you are hostile to the jump bridge haver in question!

Certainly, jump bridges are an advantage, but their use today is a symptom of the sprawl required to maintain a nullsec empire today, not the cause. Case in point: we prefer to use wormholes for moving our troops over large distances, despite the fact that we have an expansive jump bridge network. The jump bridge network is too easy to disrupt to be a reliable troop transport mechanism, so we use an alternative.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#456 - 2014-07-08 21:10:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Kynric
Bogna Markowska wrote:
changes to jump drive that could actualy work (not like the chages that sugested the OP)

jump drive:

-a jump drive can store energy for 2 jump (a jump still use cap) and it takes 3-6h regenerate for 1 jump
-add mods that speed this up but they need to be active mods so u can't be docked or cloaked (my proposition is that be a hi-slot mod)
-add rigs that add 1 more jump
-add role bonus to JF to significantly decrease that timer (to like 15-30 min)
-titan bridge can also store only 2 bridge (bridge and jump are separate so u can jump twice and bridge twice)

so now:
-u can stil jump on someone and run home.
-it takes longer to move capital fleet on long distances
-u need to think twice if u whant to get in a fight on the second jump

All of this seems really complicated. Why not just cut the jump range in lightyears to a third of its current distance. Geography would then naturally restrict the projection even further as routes become greatly constrained it would not be a simple matter to move a significant distance.

As for jump bridges limit their connections to within the constellation and increase their power/cpu requirement such that they take up nearly all available pos resources. This would allow small gangs to camp them in much the same way as they do gates.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#457 - 2014-07-08 21:15:27 UTC
Kynric wrote:
As for jump bridges limit their connections to within the constellation and increase their power/cpu requirement such that they take up nearly all available pos resources. This would allow small gangs to camp them in much the same way as they do gates.

You're greatly overestimating the offensive power of a POS. A 10 man gang of ishtars and 2-3 scimitars can incapacitate all the guns on a bridge tower easily and leave the bridge online, allowing anyone to camp anyone coming out of the bridge at will. This happens pretty much on a daily basis along our travel corridors.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#458 - 2014-07-08 21:34:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Kynric
Querns wrote:
Kynric wrote:
As for jump bridges limit their connections to within the constellation and increase their power/cpu requirement such that they take up nearly all available pos resources. This would allow small gangs to camp them in much the same way as they do gates.

You're greatly overestimating the offensive power of a POS. A 10 man gang of ishtars and 2-3 scimitars can incapacitate all the guns on a bridge tower easily and leave the bridge online, allowing anyone to camp anyone coming out of the bridge at will. This happens pretty much on a daily basis along our travel corridors.

That's a bit bigger than the gangs I roam with and incaping mods sounds like unpleasant and time consuming structure grinding. A jump bridge is at some level a player made stargate. As it stands now with defenses it is something a lot stronger and harder to camp than a normal gate.

The entire point of this thread was to suggest ways to reduce projection, which is perhaps not a goal everyone agrees with. However, if that is the goal than increasing the vulnerability to camping would be a way, especially if it was neutered to the point that a duo or trio could make a nuisance of themselves. Seems odd that the player made stargate (jump bridge) would be much less vulnerable to harassment than the usual gates.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#459 - 2014-07-08 21:54:28 UTC
Kynric wrote:
Querns wrote:
Kynric wrote:
As for jump bridges limit their connections to within the constellation and increase their power/cpu requirement such that they take up nearly all available pos resources. This would allow small gangs to camp them in much the same way as they do gates.

You're greatly overestimating the offensive power of a POS. A 10 man gang of ishtars and 2-3 scimitars can incapacitate all the guns on a bridge tower easily and leave the bridge online, allowing anyone to camp anyone coming out of the bridge at will. This happens pretty much on a daily basis along our travel corridors.

That's a bit bigger than the gangs I roam with and incaping mods sounds like unpleasant and time consuming structure grinding. A jump bridge is at some level a player made stargate. As it stands now with defenses it is something a lot stronger and harder to camp than a normal gate.

The entire point of this thread was to suggest ways to reduce projection, which is perhaps not a goal everyone agrees with. However, if that is the goal than increasing the vulnerability to camping would be a way, especially if it was neutered to the point that a duo or trio could make a nuisance of themselves. Seems odd that the player made stargate (jump bridge) would be much less vulnerable to harassment than the usual gates.

You can also bypass the guns on a pos completely by setting up a drag 400km+ off the jump bridge, if you don't want to shoot guns. You can camp with one character doing this.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#460 - 2014-07-08 21:59:52 UTC
jack1974 wrote:
Another solution to power projection is similar to escalations.

ArrowA SUBCAP Cyno will allow the mass of any subcap to come through its tunnel but is limited to the use of only 1 capital ship. 1 Capital ship coming through the tunnel would result in the cyno overheating and burning out. can only fit to subcaps

ArrowA CAPITAL Cyno will allow the mass of any subcap, carrier, or dread to come through the tunnel. 1 Supercapital may come through the tunnel but then the cyno would overheat and burnout.can only fit to capital ships

ArrowA SUPERCAPITAL Cyno will allow the mass of any supercap, carrier, dread, subcap to come through its tunnel without overheating.can only fit to super capitals

Supporting ideas:
Ideacynos will now be sized small/medium/large. This would make it impossible for a hound to fit a supercapital cyno in its highs. Larger cynos means more LO

Ideain order for a super to come on grid there would have to be a sacrificial carrier cyno(limited to 1 super) or a super lit cyno. In order for there to be a carrier on grid there would have to be a subcap lit cyno. This would ensure a version of subcap dominance in order to ESCALATE to supers.

Ideasupers can no longer get across the universe in 20 minutes. If you want to move a super fleet you will consequently need a super cyno for each mid. Since cyno's last a while the fleet will have to wait for the cyno to end or they risk losing the super that lit the cyno. This would apply to carriers/dreads too.


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