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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#421 - 2014-07-08 15:46:34 UTC
jack1974 wrote:
Another solution to power projection is similar to escalations.

ArrowA SUBCAP Cyno will allow the mass of any subcap to come through its tunnel but is limited to the use of only 1 capital ship. 1 Capital ship coming through the tunnel would result in the cyno overheating and burning out. can only fit to subcaps

ArrowA CAPITAL Cyno will allow the mass of any subcap, carrier, or dread to come through the tunnel. 1 Supercapital may come through the tunnel but then the cyno would overheat and burnout.can only fit to capital ships

ArrowA SUPERCAPITAL Cyno will allow the mass of any supercap, carrier, dread, subcap to come through its tunnel without overheating.can only fit to super capitals

Supporting ideas:
Ideacynos will now be sized small/medium/large. This would make it impossible for a hound to fit a supercapital cyno in its highs. Larger cynos means more LO

Ideain order for a super to come on grid there would have to be a sacrificial carrier cyno(limited to 1 super) or a super lit cyno. In order for there to be a carrier on grid there would have to be a subcap lit cyno. This would ensure a version of subcap dominance in order to ESCALATE to supers.

Ideasupers can no longer get across the universe in 20 minutes. If you want to move a super fleet you will consequently need a super cyno for each mid. Since cyno's last a while the fleet will have to wait for the cyno to end or they risk losing the super that lit the cyno. This would apply to carriers/dreads too.

Very interesting, this does slow down the epic speed caps and supers project their power me likey....

#422 - 2014-07-08 15:47:19 UTC
Additionally, people keep quoting the number of members the large coalitions/alliances currently have and how they would use those numbers in any other system that is put into place. But if a system is made that allowed for more entities to be involved, how many groups would leave the larger coalitions to form smaller ones?

So the argument "durdurdur CFC/PL/N3 has 10,000 people and will still stomp anyone", is little more than chest thumping and irrelevant. If you think that all those members will still stand beneath you given the opportunity to do more, what do you think will happen?
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#423 - 2014-07-08 16:01:05 UTC
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The Rules:
4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

21. Posting regarding RMT (Real Money Trading) is prohibited.

Posts discussing, linking to, or advertising RMT, including but not limited to the sale of in game items, assets, currency, characters or game accounts for real life money are strictly prohibited.

31. Rumor mongering is prohibited.

Rumor threads and posts which are based off no actual solid information and are designed to either troll or annoy other users will be locked and removed. These kinds of threads and posts are detrimental to the well being and spirit of the EVE Online Community, and can create undue panic among forum users, as well as adding to the workload of our moderators.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Kyle Brutor
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#424 - 2014-07-08 16:15:27 UTC
Without going into too much detail into the problem of power projection itself, I'd like to introduce you to my simple concept to control it. This is simply a concept that I would be interested in hearing feedback on. I don't know whether it would be good or bad for the game but it wouldn't be as drastic as a change as some of the other ideas mentioned here.

Idea: all jump drive capable ships have a calibration amount that recharges kind of like capacitor does. The points of calibration are based upon how many light years the ship can jump. The exact numbers for capacity and recharge rate could be debated but an example would be that a ship could jump 50 light years and their calibration recharges at 10 light years per hour. (I don't know if those are even close to reasonable numbers, I just picked random ones.) Maybe even have skills that can increase the capacity and recharge rate as well. It would basically put a hard limit on to how far ships could jump within a certain time frame but also leave choices available. For instance, you may decide to jump into a fight but not have the calibration to jump out to even the nearest star system for at least 15 minutes. Moving across the galaxy would have to actually be a thing that takes a little bit of time and planning.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#425 - 2014-07-08 16:23:39 UTC
Kyle Brutor wrote:
Without going into too much detail into the problem of power projection itself, I'd like to introduce you to my simple concept to control it. This is simply a concept that I would be interested in hearing feedback on. I don't know whether it would be good or bad for the game but it wouldn't be as drastic as a change as some of the other ideas mentioned here.

Idea: all jump drive capable ships have a calibration amount that recharges kind of like capacitor does. The points of calibration are based upon how many light years the ship can jump. The exact numbers for capacity and recharge rate could be debated but an example would be that a ship could jump 50 light years and their calibration recharges at 10 light years per hour. (I don't know if those are even close to reasonable numbers, I just picked random ones.) Maybe even have skills that can increase the capacity and recharge rate as well. It would basically put a hard limit on to how far ships could jump within a certain time frame but also leave choices available. For instance, you may decide to jump into a fight but not have the calibration to jump out to even the nearest star system for at least 15 minutes. Moving across the galaxy would have to actually be a thing that takes a little bit of time and planning.

This is not a meaningful restriction; I can use multiple hulls and pilots to achieve the same travel that I do today, while people who cannot afford multiple hulls and pilots are screwed.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Kyle Brutor
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#426 - 2014-07-08 16:27:02 UTC
Querns wrote:
Kyle Brutor wrote:
Without going into too much detail into the problem of power projection itself, I'd like to introduce you to my simple concept to control it. This is simply a concept that I would be interested in hearing feedback on. I don't know whether it would be good or bad for the game but it wouldn't be as drastic as a change as some of the other ideas mentioned here.

Idea: all jump drive capable ships have a calibration amount that recharges kind of like capacitor does. The points of calibration are based upon how many light years the ship can jump. The exact numbers for capacity and recharge rate could be debated but an example would be that a ship could jump 50 light years and their calibration recharges at 10 light years per hour. (I don't know if those are even close to reasonable numbers, I just picked random ones.) Maybe even have skills that can increase the capacity and recharge rate as well. It would basically put a hard limit on to how far ships could jump within a certain time frame but also leave choices available. For instance, you may decide to jump into a fight but not have the calibration to jump out to even the nearest star system for at least 15 minutes. Moving across the galaxy would have to actually be a thing that takes a little bit of time and planning.

This is not a meaningful restriction; I can use multiple hulls and pilots to achieve the same travel that I do today, while people who cannot afford multiple hulls and pilots are screwed.

Well, I was actually thinking based upon a character, not a ship. It would be a neurological limit. Your brain can't handle all the jumping, much like how you can't jump clone but every so often.
Yroc Jannseen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#427 - 2014-07-08 16:30:14 UTC
Kyle Brutor wrote:
Without going into too much detail into the problem of power projection itself, I'd like to introduce you to my simple concept to control it. This is simply a concept that I would be interested in hearing feedback on. I don't know whether it would be good or bad for the game but it wouldn't be as drastic as a change as some of the other ideas mentioned here.

Idea: all jump drive capable ships have a calibration amount that recharges kind of like capacitor does. The points of calibration are based upon how many light years the ship can jump. The exact numbers for capacity and recharge rate could be debated but an example would be that a ship could jump 50 light years and their calibration recharges at 10 light years per hour. (I don't know if those are even close to reasonable numbers, I just picked random ones.) Maybe even have skills that can increase the capacity and recharge rate as well. It would basically put a hard limit on to how far ships could jump within a certain time frame but also leave choices available. For instance, you may decide to jump into a fight but not have the calibration to jump out to even the nearest star system for at least 15 minutes. Moving across the galaxy would have to actually be a thing that takes a little bit of time and planning.

You are essentially describing what the capacitor already does. The only difference being that you also have to juggle the capacitor with the mods you're using. One of the big advantages of the Naglfar is the fact that projectiles don't use cap.

The other big difference is that capital move ops most of the time use station cynos, so refilling capacitor is a matter of docking and undocking.

If you want a limitation like this, than you simply need to manipulate cap re-gen rates, usage and or the cap needed to jump. Adding a whole new mechanic that you need to monitor just seems messy.
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#428 - 2014-07-08 16:35:58 UTC
Sov Mechanics idea:
The SOV mechanics system needs a way for small groups to be able to hurt and effectively take systems that are undefended without having to invest huge ships or unnecessary amounts of time. However, it also needs a way for large groups to completely smash small groups when they bring their full might against them. There should be no way a small group can stand up to a much larger one (in a head-on fight). However, because the large group concentrated all of their might into one system, they should be defenseless at their other border systems which may be lost.

In my opinion, null sec needs to relate more to Faction Warfare, just scaled up.

In FW, the earliest newbie in a frigate can make an impact to the warzone, and he can be solo.
In null-sec, make that a slightly experienced player in a cruiser can make an impact and he can be in a small gang, ~5 people. Say 1500dps needed, easily achievable with 4-5 Cruisers, 7 Destroyers, or 15ish Frigates.

Have many many small, medium, and large targets throughout the system. The small targets can be killed by small groups in cruisers in a short time, the mediums by BC/BS in a medium group, and larges in a large group. When I say short time, I mean in 15 minutes or less. This would allow small gangs to be able to make an impact on the sov without needing huge numbers or ship sizes. These targets are in no way limited to small ships however, so if a major organization wanted to quickly flip a system, they could bring in caps and BS's and kill the small and medium targets very quickly.

The idea for small, medium, and large targets allows small groups to have an impact and still be able to do some damage. Large targets will have more hp, but still doable in short periods of time if bringing a larger fleet, and will contribute more towards flipping a system.

The small rewards and small groups will lead to small gangs roaming around looking for similar sized gangs doing these sites, which will increase PvP in the area, which will in turn lead to pirate/non-affiliated groups looking to kill both sides.
Kyle Brutor
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#429 - 2014-07-08 16:40:04 UTC
Yroc Jannseen wrote:
Kyle Brutor wrote:
Without going into too much detail into the problem of power projection itself, I'd like to introduce you to my simple concept to control it. This is simply a concept that I would be interested in hearing feedback on. I don't know whether it would be good or bad for the game but it wouldn't be as drastic as a change as some of the other ideas mentioned here.

Idea: all jump drive capable ships have a calibration amount that recharges kind of like capacitor does. The points of calibration are based upon how many light years the ship can jump. The exact numbers for capacity and recharge rate could be debated but an example would be that a ship could jump 50 light years and their calibration recharges at 10 light years per hour. (I don't know if those are even close to reasonable numbers, I just picked random ones.) Maybe even have skills that can increase the capacity and recharge rate as well. It would basically put a hard limit on to how far ships could jump within a certain time frame but also leave choices available. For instance, you may decide to jump into a fight but not have the calibration to jump out to even the nearest star system for at least 15 minutes. Moving across the galaxy would have to actually be a thing that takes a little bit of time and planning.

You are essentially describing what the capacitor already does. The only difference being that you also have to juggle the capacitor with the mods you're using. One of the big advantages of the Naglfar is the fact that projectiles don't use cap.

The other big difference is that capital move ops most of the time use station cynos, so refilling capacitor is a matter of docking and undocking.

If you want a limitation like this, than you simply need to manipulate cap re-gen rates, usage and or the cap needed to jump. Adding a whole new mechanic that you need to monitor just seems messy.

Except the capacitor wasn't designed to limit the macro-maneuverability of jump drives, which is why the problem exists. This mechanic, while it is something else you have to watch occasionally, would not be modifiable and is designed to limit migration in the large scale. The capacitor is decent for what it does (which is limit short-term in-and-out jumping without sacrifice to combat effectiveness), but this would be completely independent.
Dirt Nap Squad
#430 - 2014-07-08 16:51:08 UTC
Welcome to the fight Manny great to see you still kicking. Ideas are sound and the game was more fun back in the day. Hope to see some of these come about. There are many vets wanting this to happen and have written many articles maybe this time it will work.

Ask your self this would you quit playing eve if you couldn't jump or be bridge to a cyno?

My answer is NO.

We lost our chess game board of old eve and replaced it with the game of checkers with only 8 squares.
Antillie Sa'Kan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#431 - 2014-07-08 17:04:39 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Harvey James wrote:
removing the OP mechanic that jumpbridges/jumpdrives are would mostly fix power projection and would immediately create far more gameplay in general .. the things people actually want .. pretty simple solution CCP just be brave enough too do it

The catch is to change things so nullsec are not reliant to a tether to empire to survive. That means they need to be able to attract miners and builders to be able to supply them with needed goods and services. I don't think people will mind giving up jumpbridges and jumpdrives as we know them now for a more vibrant and healthy nullsec. I say that if there are mechanics to supplement for how we do things now. Or we can be self reliant in nullsec without the tether to empire.

I personally benefit greatly from the current status quo. My alliance is one of the richest and best oufitted and most powerful in the game. However I love this game and care for its welfare. The current status quo is not conducive to a healthy or vibrant nullsec that encourages player growth. Because the bar for entry is so high and the lack of content drivers is so low. Myself a 10 year veteran and willing to adapt to a whole new way of doing things if it means that we end up with a more vibrant and healthier nullsec and by extension game.

This man understands what is wrong with nullsec.
Yroc Jannseen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#432 - 2014-07-08 17:06:35 UTC
Kyle Brutor wrote:

Except the capacitor wasn't designed to limit the macro-maneuverability of jump drives, which is why the problem exists. This mechanic, while it is something else you have to watch occasionally, would not be modifiable and is designed to limit migration in the large scale. The capacitor is decent for what it does (which is limit short-term in-and-out jumping without sacrifice to combat effectiveness), but this would be completely independent.

You are talking about an arbitrary mechanic that doesn't create interesting choices. Would things take longer ? Yes, but is it because the players made a choice or are sacrificing something? No. By having it effected by skill all you are doing is adding something like "Jump Time Calibration V" as a required skill for capital fleets.

As it is now if you are in a carrier you can't run more than one rep and stay cap stable without sacrificing some tank. Okay, so what if you penalized carriers drone damage and Drone Damage mods suddenly used Cap? Well now you can't apply damage without losing the ability to jump out.

What if dreads could no longer fit Capacitor boosters as we know them now, but instead could use a Capital Capacitor Booster that burned Liquid Ozone or stront or heavy water. Well now you can either take up part of your fuel bay with capacitor booster fuel or refit to other cap mods and sacrifice tank/DPS.

What if certain capital modules increased the capacitor % needed to jump? There's been more than a few cap pilots who can't remember what jump cap is now that it's a static number, so if it was suddenly something that changed they'd have even more of a problem.

If you can't light a cyno on a station and you eliminate the ability of capital fleets to just regen cap by docking and undocking, things would get interesting. Add on top of that more ways to penalize the capacitor on capitals and you can further restrict their movement or make those restrictions based on a players choices.

And before someone brings up Supers and says "oh they don't have that restriction and they can move across the galaxy in 7 minutes", sorry, no the CFC at least, has never been able to move a super fleet across the galaxy quickly or easily. It is always a big thing that takes days to plan.
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#433 - 2014-07-08 17:33:23 UTC
Power Projection: (Separate post for different idea)
You shouldn't be able to move across the galaxy in one jump. But I don't believe Cyno's should be eliminated, just limited.

Caps should be only be able to jump to a cyno within 5 jumps. And in order to cyno jump, they need to spool up their jump drives which takes 5-10 minutes, leaving them defenseless, unable to activate other modules, massive signatures, but able to cancel it at any time. An outbound cyno does not need to be lit to spool up. They will be able to jump through regular stargates.

This gives you power projection within 5 jumps of your cap home base. It will take 10 mins to go 10 jumps, 20 mins to go 15j, 30 mins to go 20j, etc. This allows smaller alliances to be able to bring their full might to their borders relatively quickly, but larger alliances will have to sacrifice more and more. Think about the time you will need in order to jump your capitals back to your home base as well.

As an intel perspective, you could easily get warning of an incoming cap fleet by having scouts roaming the systems 5j's out from you. The massive signatures the capitals will be giving up by spooling up their cyno drives should be a huge indication about an impending cyno drop and the defending fleet should be able to take effective actions against it. "Sneak" attacks could be possible, by jumping in from 6 jumps away, and taking the gate instead of jumping straight into the target system.

Jump freighters should be given a role bonus, maybe they get 10 jumps/cyno. I really don't know how to make logistics difficult/dangerous yet not a stupidly ridiculous and annoying hassle that has to be done on a weekly basis. Maybe have them keep the 5J limit, but can spool up faster. So interceptors and quick thinkers will be able to see that a JF is doing a run, and try to scan&catch it when it spools up 5 J down the line.

In order to facilitate smaller groups, I believe Smuggler/Mini Gates should be implemented. These gates would be restricted to smaller mass warships (BC's maybe/Cruisers and under) and will connect many systems together in order to implement massive shortcuts that smaller ships can take. Every system should have at least one regular stargate to it, but having a smuggler gate would allow smaller craft and raiding parties to hit deep, avoid gate camps, and lose heavy opposition. These gates should be shortcuts through null-sec and should allow interceptors and other small craft to travel through null sec relatively quickly and sometimes safer (but not both). There should still be bottlenecks with only stargates connecting them, but maybe a lone smugglers gate 3 jumps away that allows you to spend a little more time traveling but safer.
-Overlaps too much with wormholes? Maybe, but wormholes require you to fit a probe launcher which significantly disrupts any PvP build, and the destinations aren't constant.
Cap'n Schmitty
#434 - 2014-07-08 17:43:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cap'n Schmitty
I've only skimmed half this thread, so this idea may have already been discussed and found to be terrible, but here's a little food for thought if nothing else:

What if capitals could only cyno within a constellation, but could use constellation and region sized gates? Supers, a step up, could cyno between constellations (though perhaps with a nerfed range or only allowed to jump 1-2 constellations away at a time?) but must use region-sized gates to go between regions.

A small group could own a constellation and be easily able to move their capital assets around to fend off attackers. If they want to take more space, they'd have to expend some more effort and risk a little more to move their capitals out (and back in). However, it would also be easier to defend against an invasion involving caps, since there's only a set number of places they could enter from - the defenders could entrench themselves on their constellation gates in hopes of killing caps that the attackers bring through. Could make for interesting small capital/support skirmishes on gates.

Supers might be a bigger problem... enough dreads could take down one or two, but if someone really wanted to they could jump a bigger gang of supers in anywhere. Of course, those supers would have to come in without support and wait for the smaller ships to arrive with them, which could provide some interesting strategic problems?

Other interesting ideas could come of it too, though I'm at work and don't really have time to list many. The downside is large fleets of caps and supers can still move fairly well together, they'd just be slower. Juggernauts could still steamroll through your space if they wanted to, but they'd be spread thinner and potentially left vulnerable in other areas while they're attacking.

Edit - I didn't mention bridges and freighters/JFs because I haven't quite figured out how they'd fit into this model. But it's something to start from at least.

#435 - 2014-07-08 17:55:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Dhaq
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:

This gives you power projection within 5 jumps of your cap home base. It will take 10 mins to go 10 jumps, 20 mins to go 15j, 30 mins to go 20j, etc. This allows smaller alliances to be able to bring their full might to their borders relatively quickly, but larger alliances will have to sacrifice more and more. Think about the time you will need in order to jump your capitals back to your home base as well.

So it takes 2 hours to get there. They crush your face. Two hours to get back and everyone is home in time for dinner. Nothing has changed but a slight delay in your fate. Or anyone else's fate unless your part of the Big Three.

Until the equation isn't Caps > everything, nothing will change.
Phoenix Jones
Small-Arms Fire
#436 - 2014-07-08 17:58:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Phoenix Jones
I would just do this.

Change Jump Drives Completely by taking these steps.

1) All Jump Drive Capable ships are limited to jumping within the Constellation they are in (exceptions and expansions below).
2) Jumping a ship no longer requires a cyno alt (no more lightbulb sub 900,000 noob ship toon)
3) Jump Drive Capable ships can target a system within the constellation they are in, and jump directly into it. There drop off point will be somewhere random in the system (somewhere between 1,000,000 km to 2 au from the sun).
4) Inter constellation jumping is no longer possible (can't jump drive from one constellation to another).
5) to change constellations, you have to jump the constellation gate (so yes Capitals can now jump through inter-constellation gates). For example. If I wanted to go from HED-GP to QSM-LM. I would first have to Jump to 36N, then warp to the gate, and jump THROUGH it.
6) Jump Drive Calibration no longer affects Carriers, Dreadnoughts, Supercarriers, Titans (no longer needed).
7) Jump Drive Calibration only affects the following ships. (Jump Freighters, Rorqual).
8) Ships with Jump Drive Calibration can inter regional jump.

Jump Bridge (pos mod).
1) Jump Bridge range is to next door constellation only (to clarify, anchor a jump bridge, its destination can only be to the next door constellation).

Black Ops.
1) Inter Constellation Jump Portal possible, Inter region jumps impossible. Black Ops Range is determined by the Skill Jump Portal Generation. Skill is modified as follows. Distance increased by 4 jumps per level. To clarify. You cannot jump to a new region using this skill. You can jump to nearby constellations and systems, but you can't traverse to a new region.

Titan Jump Bridge.

1) Same applies to the black ops jump bridge. It is constellation bound, and cannot jump to new regions. Range is the same as the black ops ship (based on skill, up to 20 jumps within the region.

To summarize.

1) Capitals, Super Capitals, Titans can now use Regional and Constellation gates. Gates within constellations are not usable (traveling inside of a constellation requires use of your jump drive, between two regions or between two constellations, you must use gates).

2) Inter-regional travel restricted to Jump Freighters and Rorquals (they can jump from 1 region to another without using region gates), all other ships must jump a region gate.

3) Cyno's no longer required. Jump Drives can now target systems directly (scouts highly advisable).

4) Hot Drops Limited to inter constellation battles (or you can slowboat your ship through gates to engage/escalate).

5) Regional Gate camp returns, escorts matter, scouting matters, projection is now constellation based instead of region based. Logistics made more difficult, but not impossible (in some cases easier as the distance traversed would be more significant).

This is a huge change. I'd do something like that or at least open up the discussion on reducing range, making regions matter, making constellations matter, making roaming matter. Its partially broken, the jump range of the rorqual and the jump freighters need to be looked at, but I would look at this as a path.

There is broken stuff here, but the coverage of a system should be more constellation based and not region based.


Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk Amarr branch.
Clever Use of Neutral Toons
#437 - 2014-07-08 18:00:03 UTC
So, according to the forums rules, we cant discuss the reason why 0.0 is stagnant.

So whatever, lets blow up some stations YEAH BABY YEAH!
#438 - 2014-07-08 18:05:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Dhaq
If null sec is so large that the majority of it is empty and that people just can't play without being able to skip most of the travel, then maybe null sec needs to shrink to a more manageable size for the amount of players it holds. Then if it starts to become too crowded, slowly expand it over time. There should be no need for jump drives.
Snape Dieboldmotor
Minotaur Congress
#439 - 2014-07-08 18:13:05 UTC
Attack the problem by providing more counters to supers. For example, create a sub_capital that can fit a doomsday device, or landmines that damage supers. In other words, give sub_capitals an anti super role.
#440 - 2014-07-08 18:20:03 UTC
Snape Dieboldmotor wrote:
Attack the problem by providing more counters to supers. For example, create a sub_capital that can fit a doomsday device, or landmines that damage supers. In other words, give sub_capitals an anti super role.

I started a thread about creating a larger version of the stealth bomber aimed at targeting capitals here.