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Changes to SOV , Power Projection & Nullsec Stagnation

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Ivory Kantenu
#341 - 2014-07-08 01:53:43 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Ivory Kantenu wrote:

Any Alliance / Coalition who would just give up their space to a bunch of randoms just for the sake of 'convenience', doesn't belong in Nullsec.

Didn't want that space anyway, etc.

If you aren't utilizing it then the cost goes up. What can you afford?

If you can't afford the space you're in, then your Alliance is getting closer to the point of death. Even then, renting has more than proven that income is easily obtained from those willing to part with their own. It's worked for various entities, and honestly, I think Renting will become even more popular with changes like these.

[i]Learn the basics of Wormhole Selling:[/i]

State War Academy
Caldari State
#342 - 2014-07-08 01:58:09 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Cherry Yeyo wrote:

Thats what I'm saying. Theres not enough value in any given system, constellation or region. Buff all 0.0 pve activities, mining, ratting, PI, plexes and let alliances tax them. Nerf passive income- moons, renters.

The renter thing is a sticky issue but if there was enough value in pve activities in 0.0 alliances could say to their leaders: Yo, dont rent that space out- we want to live there and work that space

Point income sources like moons are good things because they drive conflict; the problem with them is not the income itself or that it's "passive" (which is nonsensical garbage but we'll leave it be for now) but that their relatively low value (go ahead and calculate the hourly value of the 5b isk a dysprosium moon spits out in a month, I'll wait) means you have to take a lot of them to get income an organization can live on, and that the mechanics let you get away with taking a lot of them.

As to renters, also not inherently bad. Again, the problem with renting is the hourly value of the rental fee for any given system is tiny. 5b isk, even 10b isk a month? 10b isk a month is ~14m per hour. When you think about the value the renters themselves are getting out of it it's actually kind of hilarious how cheap renting is. So, all the huge quantities of unused space we take gets rented out and collectively becomes good money.

But, wave our hands, pretend everything's a lot more localized and holding five regions is a laughable idea, maybe you just hold one if you're our size (I don't think anyone can argue that in a "utilization matters" system that Goonswarm couldn't hold all of Deklein...), maybe less. But maybe you're entirely a PvP alliance, like Pandemic Legion. You just don't PvE enough to really bolster your space the way you need to. That's okay - rent it out, rely on the renters to get the utilization you need, plus put some cash in your pocket. In that case renting is really a hell of a lot more symbiotic relationship than it is now, as both parties have something the other needs and if you just go and play absentee landlord, people ****ing all over your bears are, in short order, going to render your space exceedingly vulnerable to attack.

So tl;dr neither moons nor renters are inherently bad on their own right now, nor would they be bad things in the kind of future Manny's envisioning.

Myxx wrote:
mynnna wrote:
Manfred Sideous wrote:

I would caution smugglers gates and streamlining gate travel as it could only strengthen power projection. People who live in the outlying areas of space should do so because its more remote and space further from empire should be richer. Again the idea with a power projection nerf would be to create new mechanics that allow nullsec groups to get rid of the tether to empire.

Unfortunately nullsec is much too flat right now and the regions that supposedly should be richer to make this work, aren't.

The other thing with the point you're making about gates is that it's true if they're player built and then put up everywhere. If they were for whatever reason NPC gates, carefully placed and limited to facilitate an option for travel into deep nullsec, that'd be another matter. Yes you could cut twenty, thirty jumps off your freighter convoy, but man isn't that an obvious route to take with no way around once you're on it, it'd be a shame if someone were waiting for you.

That's why you have an escort fleet with a competent FC.

Not that Goonswarm would know anything about that. Maybe you can get DBRB to help with that.

That was a joke. haha. fat chance. :GladOS:

Where did I say anything about lack of escort? Freighter running along one of those superhighways unescorted is just as vulnerable as a freighter flying anywhere else in nullsec, hth. Now, are you going to actually read what you reply to and make useful points that make sense or are you just here to spit nonsensical grrgoon garbage?

Ivory Kantenu wrote:

If you can't afford the space you're in, then your Alliance is getting closer to the point of death. Even then, renting has more than proven that income is easily obtained from those willing to part with their own. It's worked for various entities, and honestly, I think Renting will become even more popular with changes like these.

It would and that's not a bad thing. Read above.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Manfred Sideous
#343 - 2014-07-08 01:58:40 UTC
Ivory Kantenu wrote:
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Ivory Kantenu wrote:

Any Alliance / Coalition who would just give up their space to a bunch of randoms just for the sake of 'convenience', doesn't belong in Nullsec.

Didn't want that space anyway, etc.

If you aren't utilizing it then the cost goes up. What can you afford?

If you can't afford the space you're in, then your Alliance is getting closer to the point of death. Even then, renting has more than proven that income is easily obtained from those willing to part with their own. It's worked for various entities, and honestly, I think Renting will become even more popular with changes like these.

Why would someone pay you when they can hold space elsewhere on there own. Maybe you come try to take it from them they hire mercs to stop you. You seem to think you can still just jump around or that attrition won't play into conflict.


Dr Pepper Sales Team
#344 - 2014-07-08 02:01:31 UTC
Ivory Kantenu wrote:
MagicToes wrote:
@ Ivory

Yes, but the point is that it isn't so easy to get so much of a coalitions combat capability on field so quickly. Increasing the effort getting accross the universe is the kind of cost that would be effective at thinning out fleets so smaller entities can be effective. The risk thing works both ways too, if the major power block sends a large amount of its combat capability to protect a supply line that will leave other areas exposed and vulnerable to damage.

I seriously cannot see if we're making it 'Harder for larger entities to move' how smaller are going to have any easier of a time. Theyre still bound by the same rules and restrictions. Any 'power bloc' will have the ability to move things en-masse when required. And with the current way Sov works, your second point is moot. The amount of time it takes for you to actually damage sov outside of maybe reffing a tower or incapping a structure is silly. It's all minor, and nothing major like reffing a station or ihub is an instantaneous thing. If it were, holding Sov would be arguably pointless, and it would take nothing to headshot a primary system.

If anything, this makes it WORSE for smaller entities. So now they've committed to attacking something, and then end up failing. How are they going to properly handle a retreat / pull out when the larger one can just camp them into a region of space, or just more easily pick off their supply lines?

Because small entities wouldn't be living in one place and then trying to protect some asset far away... and the point of the thread isn't about the current sov system ;) one of Manny's suggestions was being able to do more immediate damage to a sov defender.

The threat isn't that goonies or n3 or whoever turn up, the threat is that they can so easily cover vast distances with huge force at very little risk to anything on another front.
Ivory Kantenu
#345 - 2014-07-08 02:04:04 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Ivory Kantenu wrote:
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Ivory Kantenu wrote:

Any Alliance / Coalition who would just give up their space to a bunch of randoms just for the sake of 'convenience', doesn't belong in Nullsec.

Didn't want that space anyway, etc.

If you aren't utilizing it then the cost goes up. What can you afford?

If you can't afford the space you're in, then your Alliance is getting closer to the point of death. Even then, renting has more than proven that income is easily obtained from those willing to part with their own. It's worked for various entities, and honestly, I think Renting will become even more popular with changes like these.

Why would someone pay you when they can hold space elsewhere on there own. Maybe you come try to take it from them they hire mercs to stop you. You seem to think you can still just jump around or that attrition won't play into conflict.

I never said 'Hey were dying, let's start renting' will work in this situation. I apologize if I worded it poorly, because even I can see it now. However, those who are looking to make ends meet and do have a feasible force to defend their space will, or have at least, considered renting out un-used space. No space within anyone sov is rarely 'un-used'. It will always hold some purpose, be it chokepoint to certain areas, or easily used to drop a station for researching / etc that the constellation might lack. Everything has value to it in 0.0. There are very few areas that you can point to and say 'That's completely useless, why don't we just drop sov?'. Having any sort of backdoor into your space that easily claimable is just outright insane regardless.

[i]Learn the basics of Wormhole Selling:[/i]

Brave Collective
#346 - 2014-07-08 02:05:21 UTC
Your changes are very dramatic, that being said I will not say some are not needed. I believe the game needs to back track to 2009ish and before! Titans/Supers killed a lot of the game play that happened and required more and more pople to bunch together to make their Super Fleet "the biggest". I miss the Large Dread fights and such.
I think with a bit of rewind with SOV/Big toys could cure a bit of the Grouping of people. More people would prob branch off to do things!
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#347 - 2014-07-08 02:06:05 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
You aren't across the universe for months on end.

Why not? Deathclone to staging system across the universe and stay there. I'll grant you that staging systems will be chosen differently for logistical concerns then they are currently, but nothing stops you from sending your coalition or a portion of it across the map.

Taking gates? Bubbles? Who cares. Get 2000 nullified T3s instead of 2000 ishtars. Big deal. T3s are cheap.

People tunnel vision on jump drives a lot when they talk about power projection. There's more than one way to project power in Eve.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#348 - 2014-07-08 02:13:00 UTC

We need to make holding large areas of space challenging while making it so the fewer systems you still do hold on to can support a large number of pilots. Here we go:

1. Taking Sov require activity: % ownership determines who owns the system. Multiple entities can hold % control at the same time. You need 75% ownership before ownership flips (think democracy/anarchy from TPP). Stations and the iHub flips when ownership flips. For every aniom run, X m3 of ore mined, x mods/ships produced your % ownership goes up by a small percentage. Overall, it should take a day or two to take a completely inactive system from someone. Every day it loses a flat 10% ownership to the local pirates as upkeep that goes up every day there is not activity (10, 15, 20, etc). Simple to recover from if you are active. If you are not you will soon find your hundreds of systems falling in to pirate control to be taken by someone who is more active in the area.
Pluses: No more EHP grind. Make money while taking SOV. Difficult to hold regions of space.

2. No more notifications: You should only know that someone is taking your space if you actively patrol your space. No more anchored POS notifications, No more POS RF'ed notifications, no % ownership reports, etc. unless you pass through the system to get any reports.
Pluses: Smaller entities can take inactive systems without alerting the afk overlords. No need to hold large areas of space to see if anyone anchors a POS.

3. Ring mining: No more moon mining. Shift all moon goo to asteroids.
Pluses: No more need to hold large swaths of space to control valueable moons. No more SOV holders complaining about the amount of effort it takes to keep those moons running.

4. Redo anioms: Think incursions. Each systems can be above HQ, HQ, Assault, or Vanguard system. Each system starts out spawning 5 beacons. Each beacon is the gate to an aniom. Above HQ system is essentially 80-100 man fleet sized incursions with difficulty bumped up to accommodate.
4b. Roamers can destroy these beacons in around 5 minutes with a 30 man fleet (2 min to RF, 3 minute RF timer that counts up as people warp away, post RF timer you can finish it off quickly) with a reasonable fleet. Each beacon destroyed disallows that beacon to respawn for an exponential amount of time (then 30 minutes after for the first, 1, 2, 4, 8 hours for the rest) and has a small bounty payout (250-500 mil isk divided up across roamer fleet)to the roamers. The roamers also gain a small amount of system control for each beacon destroyed. SOV holder can buy back beacons early at escalating costs (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 bil isk).
4c. Player owned stations can have mission agents. Standard lvl 1-4 missions for those who don't want to do anioms or too new.
4d. Each system has an iHub. From there you can purchase beacons, upgrade to HQ, HQ, assault, and VG for an flat isk fee, hire more mission agents, reassign them to different stations, buy belt upgrades, etc.
Pluses: Fewer systems can support large numbers of pilots which means you need less space for PvE (upwards of 500 pilots in the above HQ systems). Fleets required to do the anioms are premade PvP fleets with active people to defend space. Roamers have an incentive to roam. SOV holder wants to prevent destruction of the beacons so they can make isk.

5. Make alliances in game entities with the ability to have a tax.
Pluses: Allows for a more coordinated and fair taxation of pilots if the alliance chooses to use it. Taking away moon goo and such so there should be a way to still easily gain alliance level isk.

6. Nerf power projection: Now that capital ships are pretty much useless for taking/holding SOV they will pretty much be only used for PvP. I am a big fan of non-JF capitals needed to take gates to get around with 2 full range jumps every 4-6 hours or so. Makes it so you can still get from place to place, just not quickly or safely, while preserving the ability to hot drop. Titan bridges work the same (2 bridges in 4-6 hours). The countdown timer is tied to characters. JFs get unlimited jumps as they are needed to haul in lots of minerals and such.
Pluses: Caps are useless when it comes to taking SOV. So having 1000+ supers won't make you any better at SOV grinding. Other than that "localized conflicts are better" etc.

All told smaller entities can take less wanted space. Large alliances can support large numbers of pilots with far less space and without moon goo. Power projection is fixed. Roamers have an incentive to roam. SOV holders have an incentive to defend. Did I miss anything?
The Scope
#349 - 2014-07-08 02:32:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Myxx
mynnna wrote:

Where did I say anything about lack of escort? Freighter running along one of those superhighways unescorted is just as vulnerable as a freighter flying anywhere else in nullsec, hth. Now, are you going to actually read what you reply to and make useful points that make sense or are you just here to spit nonsensical grrgoon garbage?

If you're looking for security for your freighters... you will not find it in changes like these. Honestly, thats perfectly fine. There was a time in EVE where escorting freighters ten or even thirty jumps into nullsec was a common thing. Sure, losses happened. That is part of the allure - its risky as hell. But, back then, it was the ONLY way to supply fleets in nullsec with the fuel, ammo and mods that were needed. And honestly? It worked well like that. Over quite a long period of time I have watched the game slowly stagnate from a game where 100-200 others could go to nullsec and take over a small constellation, and basically succeed as a small group in the sov game... to the point we are at right now.

I'm not even going to mince words, but your alliance in specific, Mynna, has played a large role in promoting the stagnation. Not the only alliance by far, but it is a large one. It would be nice if you took a step back and could try to divorce your own desire for profit for you and your alliance, to one that is actually able to look at how best to better the game going forward.

The basic points are these:

Force projection across the entire universe needs a heavy nerf. by heavy, I mean to suggest that it should take a long time (2h+) to get today's supercapitals and capital fleets a third of the way across the universe. That is to say, it should take what I consider to be a fairly average gameplay session to move a massive fleet from one end of the universe to the other. That is, roughly, 6-8 hours.

Jump bridges should just... die. Remove them outright. Why? Because just look at provi. Its absurd as to how efficent you can make a region. It should not be that easy, or efficient for anyone. Moving across an entire region should take time and a fair amount of planning.

Capitals and supercapitals should not be the primary answer in the toolbox of escalation of a fight. Their proliferation as it is right now pretty much means that if you don't have a fleet of supercaps, backed up by dreads and carriers... you will die. Hilariously. In fact, it should be very difficult, if not prohibitively so, to move a fleet of supercaps multiple regions. They should be more or less inclined to stick to particular regions, and moving them should be both costly and difficult. In other words, if a supercap fleet is about to come down on you, you should have advanced notice that is painfully obvious to everyone, in order to start retreating. It should not be a simple matter of 'cyno up! jump~'

Starbases need to die. Or be replaced with something that doesn't suck.

It should cost far more to own two regions than to own one. In other words, the more space you 'own' or are blue to people that own nearby space, your costs should inflate to a point that its impractical to keep blue lists or to try to settle more space.

Tl;dr: The more land you have, and the more bigger toys you own, should basically make it painful and highly impractical to exist as a coalition or alliance.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#350 - 2014-07-08 02:42:40 UTC
Myxx wrote:

I'm not even going to mince words, but your alliance in specific, Mynna, has played a large role in promoting the stagnation. Not the only alliance by far, but it is a large one. It would be nice if you took a step back and could try to divorce your own desire for profit for you

"Possibly interesting alternative routes for movement in null" = "profit for me".

Get out.

Tl;dr: The more land you have, and the more bigger toys you own, should basically make it painful and highly impractical to exist as a coalition or alliance.

"People who don't play in small groups as I prefer should not exist." What was that about personal motives again?

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Manfred Sideous
#351 - 2014-07-08 02:48:10 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Manfred Sideous wrote:
You aren't across the universe for months on end.

Why not? Deathclone to staging system across the universe and stay there. I'll grant you that staging systems will be chosen differently for logistical concerns then they are currently, but nothing stops you from sending your coalition or a portion of it across the map.

Taking gates? Bubbles? Who cares. Get 2000 nullified T3s instead of 2000 ishtars. Big deal. T3s are cheap.

People tunnel vision on jump drives a lot when they talk about power projection. There's more than one way to project power in Eve.

So you are going to move 2000 T3s and replacements to sustain a deployment in some other part of the game that you wont be able to hold? At the cost of empty homespace that people are hacking your moon miners , reactors , factory lines RFing things. Your indexes are dropping from lack of activity so your sov cost is going up and your sov structures are losing resist making them easier to kill? Hmm ok


Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#352 - 2014-07-08 02:50:57 UTC
Handcuffing everyone into creating content/conflict closer to where they live would just seem to make the game smaller which, to me, would just make it frustrating and boring to play. Soooo....why not make it bigger?

Yes I'm going to go there but before I do I wanted to mention the system upgrades. Why do they need to be tied to SOV? Can't they just upgrade the system when they are anchored and used as intended? I'll be the first to admit that I don't know as much as most about "SOV Upgrades" but I'm sure CCP can figure a way to keep them running as intended after they..........get rid of SOV.Shocked

SOV seems to be the only reason I keep hearing for these Coalitions and SC blobs to exist so if CCP got rid of it wouldn't we have the following happen:

Manfred Sideous wrote:
"We want to break up the coalitions to give room for the little guy and for newer groups to have a chance in nullsec."
Now the little guys can deploy to those hundreds of unused stations/outposts across 0.0 and actually use the space. 30,000 renters can say "**** you" to the man and fight to keep their current station and systems etc.

Manfred Sideous wrote:
"Because lets face it is your alliance going to keep its blue list if you literally have to travel a hour or more in 1 direction to find PVP content? Maybe so and if they do you will atrophy from lack of pvp content."
With all the stations/outposts open in 0.0 and corps having the option to upgrade systems you're going to see pirating come back, and new local Alliances, or even just Corps, using only the space that they can police/manage.

Manfred Sideous wrote:
"O also you can’t just deploy your alliance to another part of the game thats hostile to get easy content while your blue home is safe. Because if you do that your sov cost goes up as your indexes fall and your structures become easier to destroy "
How about someone can just move in while your gone? Why all the costs, indexes, and shooting structures again and again etc.....Roll

Clean the SOV slate and open 0.0 up to breath and get new life into it. Let the blood flow and after a year step back to see if making outposts destructible makes sense still. Now I know most of you are going to go bat **** crazy over "docking games" and station services being available to "everyone" but with all the effort you'd put into crying about the "best SOV" system, with that gone, put your efforts into the "best station" services system for those who live there vs. those who don't etc.

If you "live" in system does it mean you have to fuel the station and therefore the docking radius is bigger for you but a kick out station for everyone else? If you "live" is the system does it mean you're the only ones that can put clones there etc.? Like I said, with a little effort the benefits to "living" in a system can translate well to what the station can offer if we put our heads to it instead of proudly looking over the hundreds of unused stations littering 0.0 ffs.

I gotta say that the moment you handcuff a SC/Titan pilot to going system by system to move, it might be the last time you see them log in. If you're trying to solve SC proliferation, that might be the way to do it. Keep the jump ranges the same as they are now.

Make jump bridges Alliance only and not tied to SOV. Who cares if they run a chain around EVE, its more beacons for pirates to camp etc. Cyno Jammers and other "SOV" items can be tweaked to work without needing SOV.

The folks that keep coming up with these complicated and intricate ways to “fix” SOV just stagnate the process. Focus on adding new content drivers rather than trying to fix something that's "never going to work as intended".

Sorry for the rant, just can't believe that this issue has lasted this long in a game advertised as a sand box as we look out over the slab of concrete we have produced with the "game mechanics" we have on hand.

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

State War Academy
Caldari State
#353 - 2014-07-08 02:53:08 UTC
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Ivory Kantenu wrote:
Manfred Sideous wrote:
Ivory Kantenu wrote:

Any Alliance / Coalition who would just give up their space to a bunch of randoms just for the sake of 'convenience', doesn't belong in Nullsec.

Didn't want that space anyway, etc.

If you aren't utilizing it then the cost goes up. What can you afford?

If you can't afford the space you're in, then your Alliance is getting closer to the point of death. Even then, renting has more than proven that income is easily obtained from those willing to part with their own. It's worked for various entities, and honestly, I think Renting will become even more popular with changes like these.

Why would someone pay you when they can hold space elsewhere on there own. Maybe you come try to take it from them they hire mercs to stop you. You seem to think you can still just jump around or that attrition won't play into conflict.

Perhaps they're carebears, industrialists, pure PvErs who would rather a stable, mutually rewarding relationship than rely on the fickle whims of mercenaries. Frankly, some rent so the pvp group they buddy up with has an operations budget is probably cheaper than mercs and they'd likely get it back by selling their pals ships and equipment.

Something related: treaties. If you're going to have utilization matter, there ought be a mechanism to formally assign that usage to someone else's claim.

It probably goes without saying that you can expand on the usage thing both to further promote further upgrades of space (five levels is boring, lots more potential there) as well as develop the idea of "hostile usage" or something. If someone is not only stopping you from using your space, but using it in your stead...that should matter.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Nex Killer
Caldari State
#354 - 2014-07-08 02:59:37 UTC
X_D on reddit said this and I think its a good idea.

X_D - Reddit Post wrote:
Are you guys ready for this?

All capitals / supercapitals / titans / whatever can now go through regional gates. Maybe all gates if it helps, idk w/e

You can no longer jump drive in between regions, but can still jump within the same region (Catch -> Catch is okay, Catch -> Providence isn't).

Regional gates now become the only way to travel between regions, creating bottlenecks to defend/scout/whatever on.

If you want to stage in a region, you have to actually take and hold sov in said region, preferably on the border system(s).

X_D - Reddit Post wrote:
You could start getting crazy and making it so holding an entire region gave some kind of bonus or something as well, incentivise holding a region completely, and encourage other entities to try and prevent you from holding said region. This would allow a small dedicated group to sneak in and say, knock out a system over a day or three and totally **** everything up if they don't defend it.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#355 - 2014-07-08 03:02:20 UTC
Myxx wrote:

If you're looking for security for your freighters... you will not find it in changes like these. Honestly, thats perfectly fine. There was a time in EVE where escorting freighters ten or even thirty jumps into nullsec was a common thing.

I doubt it. Even if it was, it was never a smart thing and it died out quickly.

Myxx wrote:

I'm not even going to mince words, but your alliance in specific, Mynna, has played a large role in promoting the stagnation. Not the only alliance by far, but it is a large one. It would be nice if you took a step back and could try to divorce your own desire for profit for you and your alliance, to one that is actually able to look at how best to better the game going forward.

Of course we have. Playing to win given the current game promotes stagnation, and what we do that the collection of nobodies in your corp history does not is win.

Give us a way to win that does not promote stagnation and we will make chaos reign while continuing to win.
Manfred Sideous
#356 - 2014-07-08 03:04:53 UTC
mynnna wrote:

Perhaps they're carebears, industrialists, pure PvErs who would rather a stable, mutually rewarding relationship than rely on the fickle whims of mercenaries. Frankly, some rent so the pvp group they buddy up with has an operations budget is probably cheaper than mercs and they'd likely get it back by selling their pals ships and equipment.

Something related: treaties. If you're going to have utilization matter, there ought be a mechanism to formally assign that usage to someone else's claim.

It probably goes without saying that you can expand on the usage thing both to further promote further upgrades of space (five levels is boring, lots more potential there) as well as develop the idea of "hostile usage" or something. If someone is not only stopping you from using your space, but using it in your stead...that should matter.

Perhaps they have a identity they don't want to dilute by becoming co-dependant on someone else. Perhaps they don't want to bend the knee to a space fuhrer. I think most rent because realistically they have no alternative with the current status quo. What would happen post changes cannot be accurately predicted by anyone.


State War Academy
Caldari State
#357 - 2014-07-08 03:07:15 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Nex Killer wrote:
X_D on reddit said this and I think its a good idea.

X_D - Reddit Post wrote:
Are you guys ready for this?

All capitals / supercapitals / titans / whatever can now go through regional gates. Maybe all gates if it helps, idk w/e

You can no longer jump drive in between regions, but can still jump within the same region (Catch -> Catch is okay, Catch -> Providence isn't).

Regional gates now become the only way to travel between regions, creating bottlenecks to defend/scout/whatever on.

If you want to stage in a region, you have to actually take and hold sov in said region, preferably on the border system(s).

X_D - Reddit Post wrote:
You could start getting crazy and making it so holding an entire region gave some kind of bonus or something as well, incentivise holding a region completely, and encourage other entities to try and prevent you from holding said region. This would allow a small dedicated group to sneak in and say, knock out a system over a day or three and totally **** everything up if they don't defend it.

Sort of assuming this to mean "no restrictions but capitals have to use gates to cross between regions."

It'd be interesting. I guarantee you that what'd happen is that each region would have a mini-bloc (or single alliance, depending on size) that overwhelms and crushes everyone else within the bounds of that region, so inside any given region you join them or die. Between regions, open warfare, maybe. Basically, the current EVE meta writ small, albeit with more inter-regional conflict.

Could be interesting.

Manfred Sideous wrote:
mynnna wrote:

Perhaps they're carebears, industrialists, pure PvErs who would rather a stable, mutually rewarding relationship than rely on the fickle whims of mercenaries. Frankly, some rent so the pvp group they buddy up with has an operations budget is probably cheaper than mercs and they'd likely get it back by selling their pals ships and equipment.

Something related: treaties. If you're going to have utilization matter, there ought be a mechanism to formally assign that usage to someone else's claim.

It probably goes without saying that you can expand on the usage thing both to further promote further upgrades of space (five levels is boring, lots more potential there) as well as develop the idea of "hostile usage" or something. If someone is not only stopping you from using your space, but using it in your stead...that should matter.

Perhaps they have a identity they don't want to dilute by becoming co-dependant on someone else. Perhaps they don't want to bend the knee to a space fuhrer. I think most rent because realistically they have no alternative with the current status quo. What would happen post changes cannot be accurately predicted by anyone.

Indeed, and I have no doubt some groups currently renting could and would strike out on their own if the system were more allowing, but I think this "bend the knee to a space fuhrur" stuff is being stuck inside current thinking a bit much. I'm dead certain we'd see that and the symbiotic relationship like I'd said and hybrid groups (like, frankly, us) and everything in between.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#358 - 2014-07-08 03:10:26 UTC
Lucas Quaan wrote:
Cyaron wars wrote:
Lucas Quaan wrote:
Querns wrote:
Andraea Sarstae wrote:
You can achieve much of what you want with some smaller changes:

  1. Jump drive cool downs on combat capitals

This is not a meaningful restriction, as I can just own multiple hulls and/or pilots (depending on implementation) and use them Pony Express style to achieve the same gameplay as today. These types of restrictions just gate gameplay out for pilots with less money or time (typically, but not always newer players) with no real meaningful restriction for the time or money richer players.

So lets cater to the rich and organised who can just burn 30j with interceptors to their 500 BS cache in the warzone instead.

This thread has AIDS and most of the suggestions in it are hilariously disconnected from the one thing that matters in terms of having power to project in the first place: warm bodies. If I can simply stockpile ships in strategic locations then you can nerf jumpdrives or logistics or exotic dancers however much you like, the little guy will still get stomped by those with more people.

If your end goal is a more diverse null sec, then you need to address reasons to diversify, not arbitrary limitations on distance that only hurt the small and poor anyway.

Burning a fleet far away from home make it very vulnerable to ambush, even if it's inty fleet. None of the FCs is protected from retards in fleet and number of retards in fleet grows with geometric proportion compared to size of the fleet. That itself will encourage people to camp the route from point A to point B in order to kill strugglers, slowpokes etc. Also don't forget that in order to stockpile ships somewhere u must deliver them there first, which won't be an easy task as well.

It still favours the big player who can just put enough players over at point B to mine and build the crap on site if needed under this new regime.

My point, which is very simple, is that no arbitrary limitation on projection will have any bearing on how much power I have in the first place and the little guy, whom all these grand plans claim to help, will still get stomped by the numbers.

You could not be more wrong.

A small group enters null in the current situation. Boom! 1,100 warm bodies show up from all over the north, west and south side of the coalition block to engage in glorious battle with the 150 newbros. The small group has no choice due the impossible odds they could win against that.

Now if those 1,100 had to make a strategic choice on amassing everyone into one system and abandoning their assets from all those distant regions away...

Do you honestly think they will still burn 1,100 from three corners of the game to deal with 150 guys? Considering that some will have to engage in combat along the way. Things that will slow them down and possibly kill them, thus forcing them to start over. Also not to be ignored is while they are out, their territory and assets are left undefended and ripe for the taking?

Unless of course, you like the current situation where they can zip (almost completely immune to any danger) to anywhere, camp in a fraction of their force (netting little to no fights) and zip back home in time for lunch. All the while their territory and assets were in no danger what so ever... just like the way things are right now.
Alternative Splicing
Captain Content and The Contenteers
#359 - 2014-07-08 03:14:45 UTC
Just a thought experiment: what if all/some of these changes Manfred is proposing do not affect all of null space, but just certain regions? It looks like that could create some very interesting situations where projection stops at the entry systems, and everything within must be fought, won and protected the old fashioned way. Obviously it would really help if he numbers on the structures were adjusted within the confines of one of these zones. Just as an experiment, it would be fun to see what happens.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#360 - 2014-07-08 03:20:37 UTC  |  Edited by: mynnna
Alternative Splicing wrote:
Just a thought experiment: what if all/some of these changes Manfred is proposing do not affect all of null space, but just certain regions? It looks like that could create some very interesting situations where projection stops at the entry systems, and everything within must be fought, won and protected the old fashioned way. Obviously it would really help if he numbers on the structures were adjusted within the confines of one of these zones. Just as an experiment, it would be fun to see what happens.

The groups living in those regions would get crushed by the coalitions that'd continue to exist elsewhere, as new rules or not they'd still have an overwhelming advantage in basically every way.

Variations by region or constellation or even system in the "terrain" would be intersting but at some basic level everyone has to be playing by the same set of rules.

E: either that or the area with the different, more restrictive rules has to be designed as to invalidate the rules of the more permissive region. In regular parlance, we call that wspace.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal