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Mining Fleet with Orca Boost

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Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2014-07-04 00:58:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Lar Tadaruwa
I just went to my first mining fleet with Orca boost in 3 years.
(Yes, it should be better, even though it could and will get worst.)

Anyways, I made about 3.8m from Ice in 30 minutes or so.
It probably took less than 1 hour.

Still, I'd make more from PLEX instead of paying time to test the results.
One I have enough PLEX purchased from EVE's store, around $200 or $400 worth, then I can make ISK.
It would give me about as much as my equivalent costs.

I will then add in the equation the costs of fighting on the forums to protect the information posted.

I forgot to test if I could use the Maintenance Bay to fit my ship with Ice Miner.

It was fairly risky though, and even more risky to publish this on the forums so I will keep the rest secret.
Either way, it costed me $10 + 1 pop which is worth about 466 million ISK or more than 100 times more.

I cannot access it today since there is no system available.

The ice will be usable for jump fuel though, despite that it is cheaper to buy it at this time.

Also, the new systems I use have no lag at 3 multi-clients.
I could probably run 4 or 5 easily which will greatly improve my fleet powers, capacity and potentials.

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#2 - 2014-07-04 05:09:37 UTC
Since I have no idea what you are talking about, I suggest you go to the forest and kill low-level boars to pay for your game time.
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#3 - 2014-07-04 05:58:04 UTC
Yep, fighting on forums to protect information costs more and more these days.

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Nalelmir Ahashion
Industrial Management and Engineering
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#4 - 2014-07-04 11:33:07 UTC
let's skip to TL;DR
you mined ice with fleet + orca boost.
you made 3.8 mill in 30 minutes.

solo mining veldspar I can make 5-6 mill in 15-20 minutes without boosts.
min-max which ores I take + refining + orca boosts I can make **** load more then that.

bottom line: you fleet is broken.
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#5 - 2014-07-04 11:44:43 UTC
Reading other threads created by OP helps to clarify any doubts you could have regarding content of this one :)

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Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2014-07-05 18:52:56 UTC
Not to mention, the weekend gathering event, with the place fully loaded, except one system left for me and no EVE-client.

Notes to you, not to self:
1. The reason I put a hyphen on EVE-client is because it makes the sentence fit to 21 words.

2. Yes, EVE-client is an architecture based design.

Anyways, or in other news, the fleet is not broken, and it runs a High Sec POS which I never saw before.
I plan on getting my bomber back-in-the-game as support (also Covert Ops V for solo Exploration and 7b loot).

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Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#7 - 2014-07-06 09:44:46 UTC
Why 21 words?

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Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-07-06 10:12:23 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Why 21 words?

Dont ask.
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#9 - 2014-07-06 10:25:57 UTC
That's the only thing I dared to ask about, I no longer hope to understand what Lar writes about but that's something new, I had to ask.

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Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#10 - 2014-07-06 11:11:00 UTC
You're supposed to sell the ice, not sniff it... Brainfreeze should not be taken lightly.
Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-07-06 16:26:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Lar Tadaruwa
Barton Breau wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Why 21 words?

Dont ask.

Well sure.
Actually, or funny enough, firstly it was not originally presented to me in a question form.
Secondly, it is designed to improve business by making it more comprehensible by making it easier to understand.

Please feel free to ask on the limit of the human brain in regards to written communication and why I should put graphics to people who are not admin and not put graphics to people who are admin.

Regardless, this delves more into the realm of the subconscious and how the human brain responds to communication in certain conditions.
That explains in parts social conflicts and conflict of interest between clerks and laborer and management and owners.

EVE Online Billboard News - Quafe Free-delivery offer! - Buy Quafe for Futility contest.  +Answer the Quafe Quiz to win.

Gorinia Sanford
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2014-07-06 17:13:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Gorinia Sanford
I have no idea what exactly he's talking about, but with my skills and fitting on my Mack for ice mining, my cycle time is 96.1 seconds unboosted. I got boosts last night from a kind individual that gave me a cycle time of 65.4 seconds. Resulting in one full load every 20 minutes, for a total of 105 units of ice. So for that hour, I earned roughly 25 million isk.

I don't know what he's talking about, but I find ice mining very profitable. The ice belt in question is one jump over from where I mine, so every other load I haul back, I pop over in a shuttle to see if it's up and if so, go mine ice until the belt's gone and return to mining ore. The thing I like about ice mining is while I'm orbitting that rock, collecting ice, I can be researching things, placing trade orders that are within range of my skills, etc.

And like that one guy said above, I can make more than the OP mining various ores in the belts of my home system. Whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong evidently.
Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-07-06 18:31:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Lar Tadaruwa
Gorinia Sanford wrote:
And like that one guy said above, I can make more than the OP mining various ores in the belts of my home system. Whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong evidently.

So that means that if I'm doing something right, even if it is detecting an idea, I'm doing it wrong?
Or according to you that is.
I count over 10 or 20 of those posts with the same or similar statement.
It is rather not healthy.
It suggests that no matter how good or right it is interpreted as doing something wrong.
Not constructive criticism.

In fact, it suggests that if I am to find a way to make more money with PLEX and avoid loses playing, it would be something I do wrong.
It doesn't concur the fact that it would be even more wrong to play and follow your suggestion and lose more.
In fact, your logic would only lead to hell.

EVE Online Billboard News - Quafe Free-delivery offer! - Buy Quafe for Futility contest.  +Answer the Quafe Quiz to win.

Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2014-07-06 18:51:45 UTC

Lar, since you apparently aren't asking questions, don't want feedback or advice and aren't helping others, maybe start a blog and put all this stuff there instead of on various forum posts.
Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-07-06 19:26:36 UTC
Elena Thiesant wrote:

Lar, since you apparently aren't asking questions, don't want feedback or advice and aren't helping others, maybe start a blog and put all this stuff there instead of on various forum posts.

So I could put no matter what is wrong?
Why can't I use the feedback and the results to the conditions affecting my organism?
Is there some kind of psychological reason for it or am I generally speaking?

How is that not helping others that they see the transparency behind statements made to make people like me feel as if they did something wrong when they try to communicate?

EVE Online Billboard News - Quafe Free-delivery offer! - Buy Quafe for Futility contest.  +Answer the Quafe Quiz to win.

Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#16 - 2014-07-06 19:40:27 UTC
Lar Tadaruwa wrote:
Elena Thiesant wrote:

Lar, since you apparently aren't asking questions, don't want feedback or advice and aren't helping others, maybe start a blog and put all this stuff there instead of on various forum posts.

So I could put no matter what is wrong?
Why can't I use the feedback and the results to the conditions affecting my organism?
Is there some kind of psychological reason for it or am I generally speaking?

How is that not helping others that they see the transparency behind statements made to make people like me feel as if they did something wrong when they try to communicate?

My hovercraft is full of eels
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#17 - 2014-07-06 19:49:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Barton Breau
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2014-07-06 19:56:32 UTC
If this is a product of a translator of some kind, i want it :)

Keep up the good work.
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#19 - 2014-07-06 20:59:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Schmata Bastanold
Lar Tadaruwa wrote:

So that means that if I'm doing something right, even if it is detecting an idea, I'm doing it wrong?
Or according to you that is.
I count over 10 or 20 of those posts with the same or similar statement.
It is rather not healthy.
It suggests that no matter how good or right it is interpreted as doing something wrong.
Not constructive criticism.

I have no idea what comes out on your side of translator you use but our side is patato. And I can honestly say that although I'm not native English speaker I have no problems with understanding other posters and communicating my message to them in basically 99.99% of cases. But you dear Lar, you are an enigma. I bet that I am not the only one who reads your posts simply for amusement and brain exercise. That might be a reason you don't get feedback or "constructive criticism" you might expect.

And to be even more precise in most of your posts you are not even asking about any feedback or advice, you are just stating a matter of fact: this skill to that level, this ship for this activity, etc. And even in those cases relationships between skills and ships and activities remain your sweet secret because for all of us they just don't make any sense at all. Example: bomber character as support (for what, mining?) + CovOps V for exploration and 7b loot (WFT that loot came from?)

I don't know whether you blocked me or not and you can see this post or not but c'mon dude forums are not your twitter or blog, when new thread appears it supposed to be either question or opening for discussion. And in your case it is always gibberish mumbo jumbo.

And yes, if for 30 minutes you made 3.8mil from mining ice you are doing it wrong no matter how you slice it. Frakk, 30 minutes of drilling veldspar with decent skills brings you 5 mil without any fleet boosts.

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Lar Tadaruwa
State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-07-06 23:36:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Lar Tadaruwa
It doesn't make any sense at all that I would be allowed to make ISK. (not according to me, but according to many motivation posts.) It is much better that I be led into lies, spread by innocent people, be compelled, and looted.

Schmata Bastanold wrote:

Example: bomber character as support (for what, mining?) + CovOps V for exploration and 7b loot (WFT that loot came from?)

1. Bomber Character as support for Mission, in level 4 mission for DPS required to take out pirate Machariel type BS.
2. CovOps V for exploration, well yes, let me give you the run down for that.
They also receive a bonus to the scan time of both recon and scan probes, making them adept at quickly locating safespotted targets, as well as scanning down exploration sites.
Exploration is the act of finding otherwise concealed sites or objects in space. These may include deadspace sites, complexes, wormholes, or cloud/asteroid belts.
Designed for commando and espionage operation, its main strength is the ability to travel unseen through enemy territory and to avoid unfavorable encounters.

The Helios is mainly a scanning frigate with very little combat skills. Its primary uses are scanning down anomalies and signatures quickly with its good scanning bonuses. As of the Crucible expansion you can now fit tech 2 probe launchers for an additional 5% scan bonus. The Helios also is an invaluable asset to scouting systems and survey probing moons for valuable moon-mining opportunities. Its fast speed compared to other covert-ops frigates means its practically uncatchable in gate-camps when coupled with cloaking and micro-warp-drive tactics on bubbled gates.
Covert ops 5?#2Posted: 2012.06.10 17:41 |
So going for level 5 depends on what you plan.
- It helps a lot when fitting cov op frig; you get 0CPU usage for cloak which is almost a must for any good cov. op. setup AND 10% to strength of scan drones is helpful for scanning high-end anomaly.
- Also 15% to torp damage and 5% to bomb is nice to have when flying stealth bomber.
Now if you don't fly these ships often then there are better skills to learn.
Covert Ops Skill Bonus:
-97.5% to -100% reduced CPU need for cloaking device
10% increase to scan strength of probes
-10% bonus to survey probe flight time
So, at level V, = 50% + to scan strenght and the bomber level bonus for covops too.!

New threads don't have to be questions, and they are opened to discussion, not to mumbo jumbo and 93% + worst.

One would have to keep records of facts as you state yourself, as those facts are twisted and hidden.
It becomes even more evident that those who are not in line with the scheme of lies are going to get attacked.
There have been many target of choice and even volunteer targets acting as decoy and diversion.

Schmata Bastanold wrote:
And yes, if for 30 minutes you made 3.8mil from mining ice you are doing it wrong no matter how you slice it. Frakk, 30 minutes of drilling veldspar with decent skills brings you 5 mil without any fleet boosts.

It is not wrong. It would be wrong to say that in English, yes.
Don't believe those who try to put you in this path.

However, the truth that appears from this test is that, at 760m ISK for 12 hours or 63m ISK per hour, 5m or 20m or 40m is still under ISK wise.
It is even more so under time wise.
I don't take long to trade PLEX for ISK in Jita and if I use my trader specialist I get another few percent digit bonus.
About 20% more per 5 trades.

Btw, your posts are hidden so I find it less disturbing if I have to read.

7b loot question, that comes from the PLEX I'd have gotten instead of wasting my time testing solution that don't pay 1% on my PLEX time (not to say dime).

EVE Online Billboard News - Quafe Free-delivery offer! - Buy Quafe for Futility contest.  +Answer the Quafe Quiz to win.

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