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What would you say if you woke up to the Avatar above you in your bed?

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Christina Project
Screaming Head in a Box.
#10221 - 2014-07-02 14:48:12 UTC
Not only has Sol never touched you ...

Next time you want me to lick your toes
because ot makes you get off ...

... it's double the price!

[i]"Don't look into another human's bowl to see how much he has ... ... look into his bowl to see if he has enough !" - Sol[/i]

Devara Biotech
#10222 - 2014-07-02 14:53:27 UTC
Fine. I guess I can spare another 1000isk per night.


Solecist Project
#10223 - 2014-07-02 14:54:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Solecist Project
Mizhir wrote:
Fine. I guess I can spare another 1000isk per night.

Ooohhh look who's butthurt.

Shouldn't have had her slap it so hard... ;)

That ringing in your ears you're experiencing right now is the last gasping breathe of a dying inner ear as it got thoroughly PULVERISED by the point roaring over your head at supersonic speeds. - Tippia

Zoe Kaltana
Kaltana Industries
#10224 - 2014-07-02 17:24:18 UTC
So you are trying to say that everytime you score you earn yourself a freckle? Blink
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#10225 - 2014-07-02 18:05:58 UTC
nom nom nom nom, ahhhhhhh.

nom nom nom nom, ahhhhhh.

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Cynter DeVries
Spheroidal Projections
#10226 - 2014-07-03 02:49:53 UTC the mirror? Three? Uhh... That's your head...

Cynter's Law of feature suggestion: Thou shalt not suggest NPCs do something players could do instead.

Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#10227 - 2014-07-03 06:42:46 UTC
*Jiggle jiggle, swing swing, boing boing*

May you move slower, please? You're distracting me...

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Nose' Feliciano
#10228 - 2014-07-03 10:41:53 UTC
See. I told you nose-sex was great.
Zoe Kaltana
Kaltana Industries
#10229 - 2014-07-03 12:09:56 UTC
You really like to stick your nose in...things...ain't you? Blink
Anna Hathaway
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10230 - 2014-07-04 04:16:02 UTC
Ow... That's attached, dear.
Ragnar Severasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10231 - 2014-07-04 21:55:50 UTC
Uh... I'll just go on the couch I guess. Just don't break anything, okay?
Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#10232 - 2014-07-04 22:08:15 UTC
ASLEEP? You just fell ASLEEP? Dammit...

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Ragnar Severasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10233 - 2014-07-04 22:09:49 UTC
You had to wake me up?
Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#10234 - 2014-07-04 22:23:18 UTC
EXCUSE ME. I'll be having a shower now. Evil

And don't count on having breakfast tomorrow.

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Gaellia Bonaventure
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#10235 - 2014-07-04 22:32:02 UTC
No, dearie, we don't look for scissors, we scissor.

Bring your possibles.

Ragnar Severasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10236 - 2014-07-04 22:34:31 UTC
How do people keep getting in my house!? You know what, I'm not going to question it anymore!
Healthy Mary
#10237 - 2014-07-05 00:19:43 UTC
You wear your sunglasses at night? Well... I wear nothing, and you're not seeing any of it. Cool
Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#10238 - 2014-07-05 03:12:25 UTC
I woke up with a smile Mary so i'll tackle you if you try to leave without another night of the same

Concord Approved Trader

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#10239 - 2014-07-05 03:22:28 UTC
Can....can we just... stay here?

Like this. Forever?

*morning-style puppy eyes*

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#10240 - 2014-07-05 03:42:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Boom Boom Longtime
Exudes puppy eyes back at Erica and promises the best morning cuddles ever if you'd consent to another day of partying before you break my heart

Concord Approved Trader