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EVE end game, a Rich Man's Game?

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2014-07-02 04:17:54 UTC  |  Edited by: THCS
Sup all,

I want to start a discussion on Eve endgame and the cost of eve in terms of plex, time and RL $...

The inflated plexs price is putting a serious clamp on people's budget and I feel it kind of alienating the old veterans who are trying to enjoy end-game content and have loads of high-value capitals at risk. As a semi-casual player and full-time worker that doesn't want to play $540/ year or 480 hrs of my time just to keep a float in eve, its pretty hard to keep up with and enjoy eve content.

Playing eve has gotten pretty expensive for a 100+ mil SP /super/ and cap toon and doesn't seem to be slowing down.

Lets face it: Owning capitals capitals requires support toons. Players who don't want to shell out $15-20 a month need to buy plexs in game to support their capitals and accounts. With the increased cost of plexs recently, I don't think Capital pilots can sustain their accounts for long without eating into their ISK or RL savings or taking out a loads of time out of RL to put toward grinding for isk.

Lets do the math shall we? An average player plays 10-20 hrs a week and owns 2-3 accounts in eve; at current plex sell and buy order bids, that's 2.2 bil isk a month to keep them active. An average pilot makes roughly 60-100 mil/hr from ratting. To earn a plex, it takes 7-12 hrs to plex one account. That's on average 36 hrs of play time to pay off just the plex for subscription and also does not include operating costs and risk of ship loss.

My rough estimate is that it takes 40 hrs of grinding to pay off one's sub for 3 accounts. That's 3 weeks of free continuously effort we have to put towards eve!!

Idk, I kinda want eve developers to bring price of plexs down because this inflation trend is really putty a strain on my RL time and In-game budget. Do any of you Eve Vets share the same sentiment?
Deebo Singleton
#2 - 2014-07-02 04:21:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Deebo Singleton
In on the ground floor.


THCS wrote:

The inflated plexs price is putting a serious clamp on people's budget and I feel it kind of alienating the old veterans who are trying to enjoy end-game content and have loads of high-value capitals at risk. As a semi-casual player and full-time worker that doesn't want to play $540/ year or 480 hrs of my time just to keep a float in eve, its pretty hard to keep up with and enjoy eve content.

Playing eve has gotten pretty expensive for a 100+ mil SP /super/ and cap toon and doesn't seem to be slowing down.

Lets face it: Owning capitals capitals requires support toons. Players who don't want to shell out $15-20 a month need to buy plexs in game to support their capitals and accounts. With the increased cost of plexs recently, I don't think Capital pilots can sustain their accounts for long without eating into their ISK or RL savings or taking out a loads of time out of RL to put toward grinding for isk.

I don't think anyone piloting a ship worth that many billion isk can rightly call himself casual or gripe about lacking income for that matter. What the hell are you doing to make that little isk? If you can't be arsed to pay CCP or pay someone else spacebux so they'll pay CCP for you, then you don't get to have an active account. Sorry Charlie, them the brakes. Someone has to power the servers and keep them running, and your casual cap usership ain't gunna pay the bills.

THCS wrote:

Lets do the math shall we? An average player plays 10-20 hrs a week and owns 2-3 accounts in eve; at current plex sell and buy order bids, that's 2.2 bil isk a month to keep them active. An average pilot makes roughly 60-100 mil/hr from ratting. To earn a plex, it takes 7-12 hrs to plex one account. That's on average 36 hrs of play time to pay off just the plex for subscription and also does not include operating costs and risk of ship loss.

My rough estimate is that it takes 40 hrs of grinding to pay off one's sub for 3 accounts. That's 3 weeks of free continuously effort we have to put towards eve!!

Idk, I kinda want eve developers to bring price of plexs down because this inflation trend is really putty a strain on my RL time and In-game budget. Does any Eve Vets share the same sentiment?

Oh lawd have mercy, someone might have to pay real money for at least one of their accounts if they wanna cut down on their chores! Again, spacebux or realbux, this is a business. You're not here because you're entitled to spaceship comabt. You're here because CCP is being paid for you to enjoy said spaceship combat. The time factor to farm a PLEX is wholly irrelavent to this fact. Even if it costs a trillion isk to buy a PLEX you'd still either have to farm your brains out or shell out a few shekels irl.

I can go ahead and let you know ahead of time CCP isn't going to inject tons of free game time into the economy for you. If anyone shares that sentiment with you, they're equally delusional.

TL;DR: You are not entitled to free videogames because you feel that you've been around long enough to deserve it. The current price of PLEX is a reflection of the fact that making isk is easier and demand for them is higher than ever. Therefor you're competing with other irl poors for all those "I gotcha bro," tickets in the market. My suggestion for you is this: Either see some of those assets that a "casual," player would never need, close an account or two, OR dig down deep into those empty pockets and find an extra ducket or two. Life ain't fair, nothing is free, you're on your own kid. Get to it.
#3 - 2014-07-02 04:36:55 UTC
Capitals are intended for large scale pvp and will share cynos. Outside of a wh there is no content for them that is remotely challenging (forget the word endgame) and either using the carrier or a pair of ishtars with the 2 accounts will shoot a plex worth of bounties in 7 hours, ie it's hardly a painful task to sub 1 and plex 1 right now.
3 R Corporation
#4 - 2014-07-02 04:38:54 UTC
THCS wrote:

Idk, I kinda want eve developers to bring price of plexs down because this inflation trend is really putty a strain on my RL time and In-game budget. Do any of you Eve Vets share the same sentiment?

Funny, CCP wants to keep the price high, because the more isk a PLEX is worth the easier it is to sell one for real cash.
Sunlight...Through The Blight.
#5 - 2014-07-02 04:50:41 UTC
I was always under the impression that EvE was a sandbox...

And as such...

The only "endgame" in EvE is the one you make for yourself.

So if you are shelling out that much "cost" for what you consider "endgame," then perhaps you should re-evaluate the "endgame" you chose for yourself.

Happy to help.

Big smileRollPirate

Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Cherry Yeyo
#6 - 2014-07-02 04:56:21 UTC
Ask Vince where the trillion isk per month from renters is going? And can yall get a subsidy to help keep your supercaps subbed..


Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2014-07-02 05:06:03 UTC
Cherry Yeyo wrote:
Ask Vince where the trillion isk per month from renters is going? And can yall get a subsidy to help keep your supercaps subbed..

Why would I ask Vince for anything? NC are a solid group of corps who bankroll their players. Why would I ask for a subsidy from him?

Kenshin is doing a great job; I'm just getting exhausted ratting to keep up with plexing.
Alavaria Fera
#8 - 2014-07-02 05:09:10 UTC
Caps seem to be used like line ships now, what with carrier blobs sitting on things and repping them.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#9 - 2014-07-02 05:13:03 UTC
Cherry Yeyo wrote:
Ask Vince where the trillion isk per month from renters is going? And can yall get a subsidy to help keep your supercaps subbed..

Ain't the money goes the same way that they go in any Ponzi scheme? Big smile

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

Check out the Minarchist Space Project

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2014-07-02 05:27:10 UTC
Deebo Singleton wrote:
In on the ground floor.


THCS wrote:

The inflated plexs price is putting a serious clamp on people's budget and I feel it kind of alienating the old veterans who are trying to enjoy end-game content and have loads of high-value capitals at risk. As a semi-casual player and full-time worker that doesn't want to play $540/ year or 480 hrs of my time just to keep a float in eve, its pretty hard to keep up with and enjoy eve content.

Playing eve has gotten pretty expensive for a 100+ mil SP /super/ and cap toon and doesn't seem to be slowing down.

Lets face it: Owning capitals capitals requires support toons. Players who don't want to shell out $15-20 a month need to buy plexs in game to support their capitals and accounts. With the increased cost of plexs recently, I don't think Capital pilots can sustain their accounts for long without eating into their ISK or RL savings or taking out a loads of time out of RL to put toward grinding for isk.

I don't think anyone piloting a ship worth that many billion isk can rightly call himself casual or gripe about lacking income for that matter. What the hell are you doing to make that little isk? If you can't be arsed to pay CCP or pay someone else spacebux so they'll pay CCP for you, then you don't get to have an active account. Sorry Charlie, them the brakes. Someone has to power the servers and keep them running, and your casual cap usership ain't gunna pay the bills.

THCS wrote:

Lets do the math shall we? An average player plays 10-20 hrs a week and owns 2-3 accounts in eve; at current plex sell and buy order bids, that's 2.2 bil isk a month to keep them active. An average pilot makes roughly 60-100 mil/hr from ratting. To earn a plex, it takes 7-12 hrs to plex one account. That's on average 36 hrs of play time to pay off just the plex for subscription and also does not include operating costs and risk of ship loss.

My rough estimate is that it takes 40 hrs of grinding to pay off one's sub for 3 accounts. That's 3 weeks of free continuously effort we have to put towards eve!!

Idk, I kinda want eve developers to bring price of plexs down because this inflation trend is really putty a strain on my RL time and In-game budget. Does any Eve Vets share the same sentiment?

Oh lawd have mercy, someone might have to pay real money for at least one of their accounts if they wanna cut down on their chores! Again, spacebux or realbux, this is a business. You're not here because you're entitled to spaceship comabt. You're here because CCP is being paid for you to enjoy said spaceship combat. The time factor to farm a PLEX is wholly irrelavent to this fact. Even if it costs a trillion isk to buy a PLEX you'd still either have to farm your brains out or shell out a few shekels irl.

I can go ahead and let you know ahead of time CCP isn't going to inject tons of free game time into the economy for you. If anyone shares that sentiment with you, they're equally delusional.

TL;DR: You are not entitled to free videogames because you feel that you've been around long enough to deserve it. The current price of PLEX is a reflection of the fact that making isk is easier and demand for them is higher than ever. Therefor you're competing with other irl poors for all those "I gotcha bro," tickets in the market. My suggestion for you is this: Either see some of those assets that a "casual," player would never need, close an account or two, OR dig down deep into those empty pockets and find an extra ducket or two. Life ain't fair, nothing is free, you're on your own kid. Get to it.

TL;DR. You rambling to much and its sarcastic so I'm just gonna ignore as its 2 am in the morning.
Invisible Exchequer
#11 - 2014-07-02 05:32:48 UTC
THCS wrote:

My rough estimate is that it takes 40 hrs of grinding to pay off one's sub for 3 accounts. That's 3 weeks of free continuously effort we have to put towards eve!!

Idk, I kinda want eve developers to bring price of plexs down because this inflation trend is really putty a strain on my RL time and In-game budget. Do any of you Eve Vets share the same sentiment?

40 hours of grinding / 3 accounts = 13hrs/account (or 13h of them all being logged in at the same time)

Not quite 3 weeks is it?

Unless you only play each account on its own.

or, @800m/PLEX, 26m/day, or 10m/h of your 80 hour game month.
Paranoid Loyd
#12 - 2014-07-02 05:52:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd

Rich man's game? Roll

Who wouldn't gladly pay $1.50/day for the entertainment this game provides?

Well, besides entitled brats such as yourself.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Net 7
#13 - 2014-07-02 05:57:09 UTC
where is this odd math coming from?

When i was in my c5 that had a c3 static, i could net 300m in an hour running anons in my static. thats all the loot. If i cycled i could net the money for a plex in 2 hours. so in one day or 8 hours i could technically plex 4 accounts. Lets add in making about 100m a day or so off pi with 4 accounts. AND if i had done cap escalations i could net about a billion in 1 hour.

This whole 'grinding for plex' thing is a lie. Its stupid simple to make 700m isk. you can do it in a single day., or in a c3 in 2 hours.

there is no end game in eve.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Epiphany Achura
Federation Clone Services LTD.
#14 - 2014-07-02 05:58:00 UTC
Deebo Singleton wrote:
In on the ground floor.


THCS wrote:

The inflated plexs price is putting a serious clamp on people's budget and I feel it kind of alienating the old veterans who are trying to enjoy end-game content and have loads of high-value capitals at risk. As a semi-casual player and full-time worker that doesn't want to play $540/ year or 480 hrs of my time just to keep a float in eve, its pretty hard to keep up with and enjoy eve content.

Playing eve has gotten pretty expensive for a 100+ mil SP /super/ and cap toon and doesn't seem to be slowing down.

Lets face it: Owning capitals capitals requires support toons. Players who don't want to shell out $15-20 a month need to buy plexs in game to support their capitals and accounts. With the increased cost of plexs recently, I don't think Capital pilots can sustain their accounts for long without eating into their ISK or RL savings or taking out a loads of time out of RL to put toward grinding for isk.

I don't think anyone piloting a ship worth that many billion isk can rightly call himself casual or gripe about lacking income for that matter. What the hell are you doing to make that little isk? If you can't be arsed to pay CCP or pay someone else spacebux so they'll pay CCP for you, then you don't get to have an active account. Sorry Charlie, them the brakes. Someone has to power the servers and keep them running, and your casual cap usership ain't gunna pay the bills.

THCS wrote:

Lets do the math shall we? An average player plays 10-20 hrs a week and owns 2-3 accounts in eve; at current plex sell and buy order bids, that's 2.2 bil isk a month to keep them active. An average pilot makes roughly 60-100 mil/hr from ratting. To earn a plex, it takes 7-12 hrs to plex one account. That's on average 36 hrs of play time to pay off just the plex for subscription and also does not include operating costs and risk of ship loss.

My rough estimate is that it takes 40 hrs of grinding to pay off one's sub for 3 accounts. That's 3 weeks of free continuously effort we have to put towards eve!!

Idk, I kinda want eve developers to bring price of plexs down because this inflation trend is really putty a strain on my RL time and In-game budget. Does any Eve Vets share the same sentiment?

Oh lawd have mercy, someone might have to pay real money for at least one of their accounts if they wanna cut down on their chores! Again, spacebux or realbux, this is a business. You're not here because you're entitled to spaceship comabt. You're here because CCP is being paid for you to enjoy said spaceship combat. The time factor to farm a PLEX is wholly irrelavent to this fact. Even if it costs a trillion isk to buy a PLEX you'd still either have to farm your brains out or shell out a few shekels irl.

I can go ahead and let you know ahead of time CCP isn't going to inject tons of free game time into the economy for you. If anyone shares that sentiment with you, they're equally delusional.

TL;DR: You are not entitled to free videogames because you feel that you've been around long enough to deserve it. The current price of PLEX is a reflection of the fact that making isk is easier and demand for them is higher than ever. Therefor you're competing with other irl poors for all those "I gotcha bro," tickets in the market. My suggestion for you is this: Either see some of those assets that a "casual," player would never need, close an account or two, OR dig down deep into those empty pockets and find an extra ducket or two. Life ain't fair, nothing is free, you're on your own kid. Get to it.

I...I....think I love you. Well put
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2014-07-02 05:59:16 UTC
If somebody starts another plex rant i am going to eat every fukking ckicken in the thread!

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#16 - 2014-07-02 06:03:21 UTC
End game: Escape life and relax, stress down.

★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

Visit my in-game channel 'Holy Veldspar'

Twitter @ChribbaVeldspar

Steve Celeste
#17 - 2014-07-02 06:12:06 UTC
THCS wrote:
The inflated plexs price is putting a serious clamp on people's budget

Eve is NOT free to play.

If you can't afford it, you can't play it.
Victor Andall
#18 - 2014-07-02 06:22:14 UTC
"The biggest ships are the endgame."


And by "wow", I mean go back to it.

I just undocked for the first time and someone challenged me to a duel. Wat do?

19.08.2014 - Dinsdale gets slammed by CCP Falcon. Never forget.

Pine Marten
#19 - 2014-07-02 06:23:51 UTC
lol rly? eve endgame is renting out space and having your gametime paid for you by moongoo and rent fees.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2014-07-02 06:31:25 UTC
I own two capital ships.
I have one cyno alt.
I don't even use my cyno alt, like, ever.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

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