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Getting Free Gank Kills Courtesy The CODE. Alliance

Eagle's Talon's
#101 - 2014-06-23 23:16:09 UTC
Come on Bossy CODE. move along into the feeding stalls.

Just like cattle.

CODE. knows it will never be able to leave Aufay for better grazing pastures as CODE. is too lazy to go any further than a few AU from the barn.

James315 has left his herd behind and no longer cares for them...otherwise he would herd them in his home region.

Untended cattle become the property of whom ever rounds them up and is able to keep them penned up so they don't damage the rest of the grazing fields.

Since Bossy CODE. is Aufay now we should divide the herd up and manage them and send them into low sector to find new grazing fields there to bring their new ranchers wealth and new calf's to train and then put into the fields.

Let's see we have BOSSY ANGUS BEEF CODE. and BOSSY HOLSTEIN MILK MAKER CODE....nice much beef and milk can BOSSY CODE. make for their new ranchers?
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#102 - 2014-06-23 23:29:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Tengu Grib
This thread has devolved into a few intelligent people having discussions on varying tactics to try to white knight or at least make some money off of Code. , and, Dryson spouting insane nonsense.

You sound like a fool Dryson, just stop. And by stop I mean don't stop, your ranting tears are hilarious.

You're really doing nothing to draw anyone to your cause though. If anything, more people will join CODE because of you. So... Stealth Code recruitment thread?

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#103 - 2014-06-24 19:57:01 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Gotcha! Very good explanation, but couldn't one spawn of Concord be able to kill multiple ships? After all they instapop ships, so I would assume they could kill ships in quick succession. Isn't that what happens? The onsite Concord kills the first ship, then the second, and so on. What I am getting from DJentropy is that a new Concord has to spawn to deal with additional ships.

No, each concord spawn deals with one criminal only. Once they are done, then they respond to a second criminal, but that second response has the same response timer, even though they are already on grid and actively responding. However if every active criminal on grid already has a concord unit en-route to respond to them, they will sit there on grid waiting for a new criminal to flag.

Now I have to ask, doesn't that sound kind of effed up? I realize that is the mechanic, but that is a bit like the police responding to a shootout, one officer shows up shoots one criminal and then just stands around looking like a goon.
412nv Yaken
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#104 - 2014-06-26 05:11:59 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Come on Bossy CODE. move along into the feeding stalls.

Just like cattle.

CODE. knows it will never be able to leave Aufay for better grazing pastures as CODE. is too lazy to go any further than a few AU from the barn.

James315 has left his herd behind and no longer cares for them...otherwise he would herd them in his home region.

Untended cattle become the property of whom ever rounds them up and is able to keep them penned up so they don't damage the rest of the grazing fields.

Since Bossy CODE. is Aufay now we should divide the herd up and manage them and send them into low sector to find new grazing fields there to bring their new ranchers wealth and new calf's to train and then put into the fields.

Let's see we have BOSSY ANGUS BEEF CODE. and BOSSY HOLSTEIN MILK MAKER CODE....nice much beef and milk can BOSSY CODE. make for their new ranchers?

I dont even

A True Champion of High Security Space

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
#105 - 2014-06-26 12:29:58 UTC  |  Edited by: DJentropy Ovaert
DrysonBennington wrote:
Come on Bossy CODE. move along into the feeding stalls.

Just like cattle.

CODE. knows it will never be able to leave Aufay for better grazing pastures as CODE. is too lazy to go any further than a few AU from the barn.

James315 has left his herd behind and no longer cares for them...otherwise he would herd them in his home region.

Untended cattle become the property of whom ever rounds them up and is able to keep them penned up so they don't damage the rest of the grazing fields.

Since Bossy CODE. is Aufay now we should divide the herd up and manage them and send them into low sector to find new grazing fields there to bring their new ranchers wealth and new calf's to train and then put into the fields.

Let's see we have BOSSY ANGUS BEEF CODE. and BOSSY HOLSTEIN MILK MAKER CODE....nice much beef and milk can BOSSY CODE. make for their new ranchers?


I am just stunned to no end. I offer a detailed guide to his "technique" and explain using multiple examples and easy to understand explanations of game mechanics, and the response is...... well, this.

Though, we must remember this is from the same man who had to be educated at great length over a period of days that his other strategy of purchasing ESS (Encounter Surveillance System) units and deploying them at high-sec gates was the best idea - due to his crew being able to collect larger bounties by scratching our paint in the time it takes concord to kill us. Dryson is cursed with a very strong desire to take a very active role in leadership of..... something..... and he will not allow his refusal to even learn the most basic in game mechanics to stand in his way.

No, i'm not kidding. And read it out loud, it's funnier when you say it more then once. Trust me.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#106 - 2014-06-26 16:16:24 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Tengu Grib wrote:
Estella Osoka wrote:
Gotcha! Very good explanation, but couldn't one spawn of Concord be able to kill multiple ships? After all they instapop ships, so I would assume they could kill ships in quick succession. Isn't that what happens? The onsite Concord kills the first ship, then the second, and so on. What I am getting from DJentropy is that a new Concord has to spawn to deal with additional ships.

No, each concord spawn deals with one criminal only. Once they are done, then they respond to a second criminal, but that second response has the same response timer, even though they are already on grid and actively responding. However if every active criminal on grid already has a concord unit en-route to respond to them, they will sit there on grid waiting for a new criminal to flag.

Now I have to ask, doesn't that sound kind of effed up? I realize that is the mechanic, but that is a bit like the police responding to a shootout, one officer shows up shoots one criminal and then just stands around looking like a goon.

I cannot disagree with you, but I'm glad it works the way it does.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Eagle's Talon's
#107 - 2014-06-29 19:30:03 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
It should be known to all of New Eden that any and all High Sector Gankers even those who say that they gank solo are considered to be part of the CODE. Alliance without regards to their independent nature.

Still penned up in Aufay I see.

Because its easy and takes less time than a mining operation.

Shameful display of PvP.

I hope CODE enters into the Tournaments so we can all laugh at their brilliant display of Blob Warfare.

Taking control of the chaos is the goal of the High Protectorate Ranger so that the chaos will be extinguished before the eyes of those ganked and the real serenity of peace restored instead of falsely created chaos and hope that is created by the chaotic only to better their own laziness.
DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
#108 - 2014-06-29 22:35:02 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
It should be known to all of New Eden that any and all High Sector Gankers even those who say that they gank solo are considered to be part of the CODE. Alliance without regards to their independent nature.

I have no idea what you were even trying to say here. So all solo gankers are CODE. alliance members? Read what you said out loud and give it another shot for us, please.

DrysonBennington wrote:

I hope CODE enters into the Tournaments so we can all laugh at their brilliant display of Blob Warfare.

Umm, the alliances in the upcoming AT have already been announced, CODE. alliance is part of it, and you should look over the rules - it's hard to engage in "Blob Warfare" when you have a system of teams that are matched pretty darn evenly by a very specific set of rules :)

DrysonBennington wrote:

Taking control of the chaos is the goal of the High Protectorate Ranger so that the chaos will be extinguished before the eyes of those ganked and the real serenity of peace restored instead of falsely created chaos and hope that is created by the chaotic only to better their own laziness.

100million ISK to the first person to diagram this sentence. For real. Provide a screencap of a proper sentence diagram to be considered.
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2014-06-29 22:40:03 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Rather to be long winded and full of life than small minded and full of scrim.

Wut ? .
DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
#110 - 2014-06-29 22:45:18 UTC
Scrimtar wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:
Rather to be long winded and full of life than small minded and full of scrim.

Wut ? .

rofl I just shot coffee out of my nose, how did I miss that one?

"Full of scrim" = what does that even MEAN, damn it?

Dryson, please get back here and post moar, ok?
Gallente Federation
#111 - 2014-06-29 22:51:09 UTC
DJentropy Ovaert wrote:
Scrimtar wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:
Rather to be long u and full of life than small minded and full of scrim.

Wut ? .

rofl I just shot coffee out of my nose, how did I miss that one?

"Full of scrim" = what does that even MEAN, damn it?

Dryson, please get back here and post moar, ok?

I was reading all this with my main i saw this and couldn't resist so logged in my alt. XD
John E Normus
New Order Logistics
#112 - 2014-06-29 22:55:03 UTC
Paynus Maiassus wrote:
Has anyone tried this? Does it work?

Your Orca was delicious tonight. Never stop poasting.

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
#113 - 2014-07-01 02:24:36 UTC
Scrimtar wrote:
DJentropy Ovaert wrote:
Scrimtar wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:
Rather to be long u and full of life than small minded and full of scrim.

Wut ? .

rofl I just shot coffee out of my nose, how did I miss that one?

"Full of scrim" = what does that even MEAN, damn it?

Dryson, please get back here and post moar, ok?

I was reading all this with my main i saw this and couldn't resist so logged in my alt. XD



I see what you did there.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#114 - 2014-07-01 06:49:48 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:

Taking control of the chaos is the goal of the High Protectorate Ranger so that the chaos will be extinguished before the eyes of those ganked and the real serenity of peace restored instead of falsely created chaos and hope that is created by the chaotic only to better their own laziness.

I agree Dryson, CODE. does create hope. It's not false hope though. The White Knights generate false hope for themselves, each other, and the odd carebear who isn't too AFK to notice. It amuses me that with all that CODE. does, it's detractors still resort to petty name calling and often, outright lies.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Eagle's Talon's
#115 - 2014-07-01 10:16:04 UTC
It has come to the attention of those resisting the CODE. Alliances delusional attacks in High Sector that they are in fact part of Goonswarms attempt to force High Sector players into a state of compliance with the will of Goonswarm in order for Goonswarm to have more of a presence in High Sector so they can reign supreme in Null space.

The connection between CODE and Goons can be proven as I have a kill mail on one of their advisors they sent in with a blob recently which was most likely meant as a training exercise to indoctrinate the Goon into the tactics used by CODE that the same tactics could be used by Goon elsewhere

It is rather apparent that if Goonswarm is supplying CODE with ISK to conduct their ganks that many new High Sector gankers will be joining CODE in its rampage across New Eden.

CODE. has become more than a nuisance and is now considered the Scourge of High Sector.

It is therefore necessary that all Alliances, Corporations and Independents against Goonswarm to engage in acts of hostility against CODE. Alliance in order to ensure that Goonswarm does not conquer High Sector for its Low and Null Space Empirical designs.
Eagle's Talon's
#116 - 2014-07-01 10:23:24 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:

Taking control of the chaos is the goal of the High Protectorate Ranger so that the chaos will be extinguished before the eyes of those ganked and the real serenity of peace restored instead of falsely created chaos and hope that is created by the chaotic only to better their own laziness.

I agree Dryson, CODE. does create hope. It's not false hope though. The White Knights generate false hope for themselves, each other, and the odd carebear who isn't too AFK to notice. It amuses me that with all that CODE. does, it's detractors still resort to petty name calling and often, outright lies.

...and how does CODE create hope?

All CODE does is ganks AFK freighters, Orca's and any other ship that it thinks is a botter.....

Ah...the real delusional of CODE has been discovered.....CODE hates AFK'ers because CODE wants everyone to believe in doing only one thing at any one time and that multi-tasking is a sin because it involves Liberal thinking.

CODE is nothing more than single tracked Conservatives who want people glued to the monitor so they can project their delusion of God, AKA Kane, being the single and most important factor that determines their every move, their every though and their very existence. ......nothing short of false hope.

Less than false hope because the same method has been played out time and time again...eon after eon....with only the insanity of the hopeless, that being CODE, being real.
Logan PewPew
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#117 - 2014-07-01 15:32:23 UTC
Tengu Grib wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:
There is no such thing as James315 walking around in High Sector as your savior because any such notion conveys an anti-Christ mentality of someone saying that they are James from a religious textbook when in fact they are nothing more than the twisted and rotted flesh of someone from the past.

Your prophet is based on someone from the past who has died.

You make no sense. James 315 is an active Eve Online character. Where did this talk of an anti-Christ come from? And when did this suddenly become about religion?

Well, to be fair, the religiousity of the whole CODE thing is a bit weird but i also think that it's all tongue 'n cheek for the majority of codies.
Logan PewPew
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#118 - 2014-07-01 15:38:56 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
It has come to the attention of those resisting the CODE. Alliances delusional attacks in High Sector that they are in fact part of Goonswarms attempt to force High Sector players into a state of compliance with the will of Goonswarm in order for Goonswarm to have more of a presence in High Sector so they can reign supreme in Null space.

The connection between CODE and Goons can be proven as I have a kill mail on one of their advisors they sent in with a blob recently which was most likely meant as a training exercise to indoctrinate the Goon into the tactics used by CODE that the same tactics could be used by Goon elsewhere

It is rather apparent that if Goonswarm is supplying CODE with ISK to conduct their ganks that many new High Sector gankers will be joining CODE in its rampage across New Eden.

CODE. has become more than a nuisance and is now considered the Scourge of High Sector.

It is therefore necessary that all Alliances, Corporations and Independents against Goonswarm to engage in acts of hostility against CODE. Alliance in order to ensure that Goonswarm does not conquer High Sector for its Low and Null Space Empirical designs.

I'm not sure where to begin are you seriously this invested in the whole HiSec anti-ganking thing? You do realize that fighting back is exactly what they want, right?

IMO, the best possible way for you to get your pound of flesh is to just become impossible (or practically impossible) to gank.

Content is content and i think you should forge ahead withwhat you're doing but in reality the best way to "win" this fight is to never give it in the first place.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#119 - 2014-07-01 16:20:57 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:

Your accusations against CODE. demonstrate your lack of understanding of what CODE. is, and why it exists. Go ahead, mistake CODE. for Goons, it's not entirely innacurate, there are many Goons who fly with CODE.. But to think that CODE. is an extension of Goonswarm is a mistake. CODE. transcends corporations, alliances, even Coalitions. Anyone and everyone is welcome to fly with the New Order. Your rants are evidence of the reason we do what we do, people like you are the very reason the New Order is necessary to bring hope to high sec of a better future. We strive to save all of EVE from your delusions.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Voyager Arran
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#120 - 2014-07-02 02:45:36 UTC
Hisec is actually a Goonswarm front. All of it. The ganking and general chicanery are just cover operations to keep the True Justice of New Eden from figuring out the ruse.