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Windows disappearing randomly

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#161 - 2011-12-06 14:21:01 UTC
The bug is still present in all window modes, with multiple clients using XP. I too had about 25 to 30 minutes of relief from this bug after todays patch then it hit me again. After it came back i tried dumping the cache again with no results, i tried going back to different window modes and different graphics settings. the problem persists.

Mara Ziyal
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#162 - 2011-12-06 14:30:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Ziyal
The update from today did not fix the bug!
And window modes are NOT a fix for the problem either. They just decrease the likelyhood of the bug kicking in. Whats even worse, if you get the bug in windowed mode you have to restart the game because alt tab wont help to fix it then.

Maybe this screen can help you devs, because it shows what mess actually is happeneing when the bug kicks in. Client informations from skills to corp informations are thrown alll over the screen even when the according window arent open.
#163 - 2011-12-06 15:04:16 UTC  |  Edited by: ISquishWorms
Recode the UI it is broken. My client freezes for 30 seconds every now and then before all the UI windows vanish and then it unfreezes and redraws all the UI windows. This is getting really annoying. Sad

Edit: Yes I cleared my cache and settings.

‘No, this isn't it at all. Make it more... psssshhhh’.

Space Pirate Harlock
Arcadia Crew
#164 - 2011-12-06 15:23:26 UTC
Intel Core i3-540/ 4gb ram/ GeForce 450GTS
winxp pro 32bit SP3 / latest DX/ 285.58 driver

interface windows still disappearing
Just Laxing
#165 - 2011-12-06 15:41:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Lakkeri
Bug still here. Bugreport 121815.
Not confirmed, but maybe time of unbugged playing depends on total ui windows opened in all clients. More windows = faster bugs appearance
not welcome you are
#166 - 2011-12-06 15:49:13 UTC
I must confirm the bug is still present in the patched version.

System is:

Windows XP SP 3
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650
client in fullscreen mode
Multiboxing 2 accounts with alt-tabbing

I want to contribute, that when the UI-windows are in an unstable state (they are seemingly disappearing randomly) one can always press Ctrl-Shift-Tab to minimize all windows. This minimized mode is all fine and i can not observe any glitches after pressing Ctrl-Shift-Tab. Maximizing one window after another again very ofter triggers the bug again - at some seemingly aritrary window. The window that triggers the disapperance of the UI cannot be maximized without closing other windows (i'm not certain but a session change might have helped sometimes). When the UI is in an unstable state already the drawing of probably a single UI-element (such as highlighting a single line in the Overview by mouse hoovering) can trigger the disappearance of parts or the whole UI.

After some time the situation deteriorates so far that there is no way - but to relog. When exiting Eve while the UI is in such an unstable state (which is not that simple without seeing any UI elements), quite regularily some Eve online aritfacts remain on the windows desktop.

Mutliboxing greatly reduces the time to trigger the bug (it's usually a matter of less then a minute) but repeatedly switching to the Windows Desktop while using a single client can also trigger the bug. I can also confirm that the disapearance of parts or the whole UI could already be triggered in Incarna - but it took very much longer to trigger the bug.
Bobby Newmark
Burgas Space School
#167 - 2011-12-06 16:03:07 UTC
Is there anybody who have the problem and its not with SP3 on his XP ? Mabye something in the SP3 is the big problem 8-)
Jacques Arakasi
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#168 - 2011-12-06 16:07:25 UTC
Bobby Newmark wrote:
Is there anybody who have the problem and its not with SP3 on his XP ? Mabye something in the SP3 is the big problem 8-)

I run on sp2 and sp3 both have same issue since crucible deployment
CCP Paradox
#169 - 2011-12-06 16:11:58 UTC
I am still on this, and have been the last few days. Yes, we can still get it, but at a decreased rate from before. I can only seem to force it during a dock/undock. And that's after a manic alt-tabbing.
Our main problem, is that our logs *ahem* show nothing of use. We're currently connecting some debugging tools to find out exactly what happens in detail.

Just from my experience of this, when I change from Fullscreen to windowed when I have the problem, the UI gets redrawn and appears fine. Or if I have it in windowed, I go fullscreen, or resize the client window. So if you get affected, I would advise you try those first.

Really sorry, I have no clue why it is only affecting the WinXP base, but we are desperately working on a fix.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

#170 - 2011-12-06 16:20:46 UTC
if you have thie bug an use tap to minimize the windows in EVE you can maximise everyone expeckt the top-right one without the windows disapper....

btw deinstall an reinstall of EVE doesn´t work
Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#171 - 2011-12-06 16:27:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Professor Alphane
Ok I'm going to publish what 'seems' ( 15 mins screen swapping in dock) to have worked for me.

Now the issue rermained after the patch and I was loath to do a reinstall (couldn't see the point unless it was a patching issue in the first place) but CCP's GM did put me onto the hidden cache folder that is installed on my windows.

Also note I am now running multiple instances of one client as this might be important.

So the Patch 'activation' method goes something like --

Clear your cache ( should you have trouble doing this because of lack of UI I would suggets 'EVE launcher' a free download that when provided with your client path will give you an out of game 'clear cache' option')

Open My Computer

Locate and check the radio button 'Tools- Folder options- view - advanced settings - show hidden files and folders'

then Navigate to

C:/Documents and Settings/*Your Username*/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP

Delete this whole folder ( don't worry EVE client will repopulate on restart)

Feel free to start your client and I hope you have some succsess, as I say this 'activation' method has had only limited testing so far but I'm usually able to recreate the bug fairly quickly and haven't been able to since clearing the 'hiddden' cache.

Good luck and feel free to let me know how you get on

/ Edit


[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]

True Reign
#172 - 2011-12-06 17:46:43 UTC
Same here bug not fixed with the patch today.


Just Laxing
#173 - 2011-12-06 18:02:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Lakkeri
Professor Alphane wrote:
Ok I'm going to publish what 'seems' ( 15 mins screen swapping in dock) to have worked for me.

Now the issue rermained after the patch and I was loath to do a reinstall (couldn't see the point unless it was a patching issue in the first place) but CCP's GM did put me onto the hidden cache folder that is installed on my windows.

Also note I am now running multiple instances of one client as this might be important.

So the Patch 'activation' method goes something like --

Clear your cache ( should you have trouble doing this because of lack of UI I would suggets 'EVE launcher' a free download that when provided with your client path will give you an out of game 'clear cache' option')

Open My Computer

Locate and check the radio button 'Tools- Folder options- view - advanced settings - show hidden files and folders'

then Navigate to

C:/Documents and Settings/*Your Username*/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP

Delete this whole folder ( don't worry EVE client will repopulate on restart)

Feel free to start your client and I hope you have some succsess, as I say this 'activation' method has had only limited testing so far but I'm usually able to recreate the bug fairly quickly and haven't been able to since clearing the 'hiddden' cache.

Good luck and feel free to let me know how you get on

Conformed for 10 minutes already (i could reproduce bug in 15 seconds before) - manual cache cleaning helps. Testing further.
UPD: Further testing reveals bug still here.
not welcome you are
#174 - 2011-12-06 18:09:03 UTC  |  Edited by: JohnWilliamLee
Professor Alphane wrote:
Ok I'm going to publish what 'seems' ( 15 mins screen swapping in dock) to have worked for me.

Now the issue rermained after the patch and I was loath to do a reinstall (couldn't see the point unless it was a patching issue in the first place) but CCP's GM did put me onto the hidden cache folder that is installed on my windows.

Also note I am now running multiple instances of one client as this might be important.

So the Patch 'activation' method goes something like --

Clear your cache ( should you have trouble doing this because of lack of UI I would suggets 'EVE launcher' a free download that when provided with your client path will give you an out of game 'clear cache' option')

Open My Computer

Locate and check the radio button 'Tools- Folder options- view - advanced settings - show hidden files and folders'

then Navigate to

C:/Documents and Settings/*Your Username*/Local Settings/Application Data/CCP

Delete this whole folder ( don't worry EVE client will repopulate on restart)

Feel free to start your client and I hope you have some succsess, as I say this 'activation' method has had only limited testing so far but I'm usually able to recreate the bug fairly quickly and haven't been able to since clearing the 'hiddden' cache.

Good luck and feel free to let me know how you get on

this did improve things dramatically 5min of continuious jumping with 2 clients did trigger some glitches but they where seemingly of a different kind and where all recoverable. The downside of this approach is, you will have to go through a 30min client setup session for each of your chars.

I only renamed my hidden cache folder (that triggered UI Bug on Win XP) - maybe it can be of any use for debugging purposes.

update 1:
Well after more extensive testing - the bug does definitly reappear for me as well. Nonetheless things are better in so far - that the UI can often be "fixed" by alt tabbing to the desktop and then going back to eve. Furthermore session changes (jumpgates and docking) often "fix" the UI of the maximized eve client. Thus after several hours of testing I could not really reach a totally unusable state of the EVE client. But extensive use of Ctrl-Shift-Tab and Alt-Tabing between the destop and the client are no pleasure either.

update 2:
What could have been the reason why I thought that clearing the hidden cache fixes the problem? Well i did the initial testing on a clean eve client with only about 5 UI-windows open (the channels and the overview). After reconfiguring my eve client there are at least 12 UI-windows active. Aditionally - as I was in testing mode I only used a single jumpgate for each client to trigger the bug, but a dock -jump cycle triggers the bug much faster for me.So in order to reproduce the bug I would have two clients running in fullscreen mode - both have a lot of non-minimized UI-windows and then let the minimized client perform a session change - alternating between a station and a gate. Usually after a single cycle I have the bug in the formerly minimized client that has just performed a session change.
Just Laxing
#175 - 2011-12-06 18:14:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Lakkeri
Lakkeri wrote:

Conformed for 10 minutes already (i could reproduce bug in 15 seconds before) - manual cache cleaning helps. Testing further.

Fail. Got lost windows again, with new look in one of clients - windows i could recover getting textures leaked.

UPD: Looks like if i'm unloading one of clients - second one goes ok. Somehow they messing up wit eachones textures or video memory blocks
True Reign
#176 - 2011-12-06 19:56:07 UTC  |  Edited by: NEPWarArrow
I did what JohnWilliamLee said to do on both pc's bug still there.

1st pc
cpu athlon II x4 quad core
gpu: nividia g-force 9600 gt 1 gb
os: xp sp3
ram: 4 gb

2snd pc
CPU: amd athlon II x4 quad core
GPU: nvidia g-force 8400 gs 1 gb
os xp sp3
ram .2 gb


Rockbiter Industries
#177 - 2011-12-06 20:46:02 UTC
Not going to write that again - my post is here...

Today - The Power of Two Tomorrow - 2 Hulks and an Orca

Mor Wihn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#178 - 2011-12-06 20:51:40 UTC
using one client fullscreen and one client windowed and being very careful to not hit alt-tab (using the start menu key to go to windowed client and clicking the taskbar to go to the fullscreen one) seems to 'help' but does not resolve it. Setting graphics to optimize for memory has made the biggest impact.

I live in a wormhole, and very rarely session change so that seems to have nothing to do with this bug, unless its just a stress point.

one more vote for a resource leak...

My normal play routine involves setting PI on like 10 different planets, and then for the rest of the evening, frequently holding open a half dozen corp hangar windows in a pos as i go about my business. It doesn't take long for the bug to kick in playing like this.

However, last night, I played differently. I logged on and immediately started PVE'ing with both toons - never touching the PI or opening mass windows. I played for a good 3-4 hours while being very mindful of keeping unused ingame windows minimized or closed before the bug introduced itself. And, surprisingly, the person I was running with, and had not experienced this issue yet, had it happen to him like 5 minutes later (coincidence). He's a windows 7 user.

And there is some sort of cross-client aspect to the issue. I did something that opened a modal window in my windowed client and then went to my fullscreen client and the bug was present. Even the minimize-all trick or tab-tab or nothing could get me control back until I went back to the windowed version and closed that modal window. I'd be looking for (forgive my rustiness if I get the terms wrong) named semaphores, shared locks, etc and such that exist globally.

And (again rusty) didn't windows vista start allowing more than 64k OS handles? Make sure they're getting closed.
Tauren Tom
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#179 - 2011-12-06 21:53:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tauren Tom
Issue continues to persist on both Windows XP Sp3 machine and Windows 7 as mentioned in my post on page one of this thread.

Ran one client, tabbed out to answer a message in MSN and tabbed back to find all windows partially rendered and attempted to tab out and back in again to see if it fixed itself only to completely blank my screen with the exception of the hangar and my ship in spin mode. Must ctrl alt del to close program since you cannot even see the esc menu. And as mentioned in my last update on this issue, only when EvE is open and the graphical glitch is present does it act like there is a movement restriction being imposed upon my cursor as it is bound in the lower left side of the screen and unable to move outside of a 2"x2" area of the corner, limiting me to keyboard navigation until I open the task manager and exit the ctrl alt del menu on XP pro.

At this point, I'm on the verge of cancelling my accounts since i can barely maintain graphics long enough to add a skill to queue before the UI glitches. Three(3) accounts which I cannot play. Atleast 2 of which I have set to 3 month recurring and one set to monthly recurring. Can't mission, can't pvp and I'm forced to waste my time on SiSi as that is the only stable client I can play on. (Strangely SiSi has been unaffected by crucibles myriad UI issues. Though I never adjusted the UI scaling on SiSi. it has remained at 100% while TQ had been adjusted to 90% and then shortly thereafter these graphical issues arose. Even reverting TQ to 100% did nothing to resolve or even slow the propagation of the glitches.)

I will agree it appears there's some sort of resource leak if this is affecting the performance of the machine even outside of the game client with another window activated prior to opening the CTRL ALT DEL menu. Especially since it affects cursor boundaries. Almost as though the entire User Interface was shifted down and to the left of my screen beyond a displayable point.
In the grand scheme of things... You're all pubbies. So HTFU.   "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses." - Elwood Blues
Professor Alphane
Les Corsaires Diable
#180 - 2011-12-06 22:08:20 UTC
Sorry to say deleting cache folder failed to solve my problems in the long run Roll

[center]YOU MUST THINK FIRST....[/center] [center]"I sit with the broken angels clutching at straws and nursing our scars.." - Marillion [/center] [center]The wise man watches the rise and fall of fools from afar[/center]