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Rate the Avatar above you

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Devara Biotech
#12561 - 2014-06-28 13:19:37 UTC

I like the new style. It's different than most and you make that hairstyle look really great.



Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#12562 - 2014-06-28 14:55:27 UTC

Last time I saw you you had a tattoo on your forehead- it looks better now!

Also, Maybe the eyes could point towards the camera.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#12563 - 2014-06-28 19:28:01 UTC
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:
you all are beneath me!

Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci wrote:
you all are beneath me, but I'll be friendly this time Big smile

Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12564 - 2014-06-28 19:39:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Matilda Cecilia Fock
...and these are my reasons! -Tanthalassa wins.

Impressive boobscape that leaves little to imagination. Will say 7.5/10. (Edited because I noticed that they're not under full lighting).

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Zoe Kaltana
Kaltana Industries
#12565 - 2014-06-28 19:46:13 UTC
Almost perfect, I really like it.
The light could be a tad brighter so you better stand out from the background...and perhaps a different light-type that makes a more smooth & consistent shadow on your neck.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12566 - 2014-06-28 20:05:48 UTC
Zoe Kaltana wrote:
Almost perfect, I really like it.
The light could be a tad brighter so you better stand out from the background...and perhaps a different light-type that makes a more smooth & consistent shadow on your neck.

Houm, what can one say, both Matildas hit the 9/10, but makes you wonder what happened to Ishtanchuk Fazmarai. Locked up in the bar cellar?

As for Zoe, no change in a while, still 9/10 also
Devara Biotech
#12567 - 2014-06-28 22:01:48 UTC

One of the best. Very unique look and expression.



Ariane Vikna
Second Origin
#12568 - 2014-06-28 22:17:53 UTC
8/10 Smile

Cesha Xenon
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12569 - 2014-06-28 23:47:42 UTC
@Ariane Vikna
That puzzled look... And you must be the Snow White, since I don't see any beard :)

Kristina Volkanov
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12570 - 2014-06-29 01:54:56 UTC

Simply amazing expression 10/10 :D
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#12571 - 2014-06-29 05:21:42 UTC
Awesome composition, pose and expression Big smile

Colonel Selene
#12572 - 2014-06-29 05:27:52 UTC
You look like a pedo with that face

10/10 for achieving pedo face


Devara Biotech
#12573 - 2014-06-29 10:07:37 UTC
Colonel Selene wrote:
You look like a pedo with that face

10/10 for achieving pedo face

I have heard he has cake in the van Roll

7/10 because Grrr Selene was better than Kate-clone-Selene. But still cute


Tilde Duchateau
The Vendunari
End of Life
#12574 - 2014-06-29 13:01:54 UTC
9/10. Would've given a 10 but she whipped me too hard.

Jackhammer subtlety. Bitches love cannons. This Is My Jam.

Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12575 - 2014-06-29 13:27:15 UTC
Errr... something looks wrong with the head tilt, it's not unnatural exactly, but maybe the neck is visually too thin and the head looks like it's about to fall off... it's not a bad avatar but doesn't psssshhhh enough. Will say 7/10.

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Zoe Kaltana
Kaltana Industries
#12576 - 2014-06-29 15:51:52 UTC
The shadow and light look perfect now 10/10 +1 for puffy cheeks ;)
Quinn Hatfield
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12577 - 2014-07-01 20:04:12 UTC
Looks kind of pissed off, 8/10

I don't burn bridges, I merely steal a bolt a day.

Nose' Feliciano
#12578 - 2014-07-01 22:34:41 UTC
Looks like she is trying to hide the fact that she just farted...but you cant that past me.

10/10 for effort
Tilde Duchateau
The Vendunari
End of Life
#12579 - 2014-07-01 22:44:55 UTC
That nose is too glorious 11/10

Jackhammer subtlety. Bitches love cannons. This Is My Jam.

Kristina Volkanov
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12580 - 2014-07-02 03:26:18 UTC
The tattoos and piercings are really nice, not a fan of the red eye shadow, maybe try black? 9/10 :3