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wts minmatar, amarr, gallente and mining toon

#1 - 2014-06-17 23:37:28 UTC
this toon has 112,903,874 sp. 2 remaps, positive wallet, security status 2.0, no kill rights, location jita'of'eve convo or mail me

here is just a few skills at lev.5

recon ships 5
heavy assault cruisers 5
gallente strategic cruiser 5
gallente battleship+amarr 5
covert ops 5
command ship 5
amarr+gallente battlecruiser 5
amarr+gallente subsystems all lev. 5
exhumers 5
marauders 5 (in 2 days)

here is a list of ships u can fly for 3 races minmatar, amarr, gallente

hac x3
heavy interdiction cruiser x3
logistics x3
recon x3
strategic cruiser (only 2 amarr,gallente)
navy fact. cruiser all but caracal+osprey///pirate fact. cruiser all but gila+phantasm
standard cruiser x3
standard destroyers x3
interdictors (only gallente)
assault frigs. x3
cov.ops x3
electronic attack ships x3
interceptors x3
standard frigs. x3
navy fact.frigs all but hookbill/////pirate fact.frigs all but worm+ succubus
mining barges- all i was able to fly them ships before skill change (mining frigate) i do not have
standard battlecruiser x3
navy fact. cruiser all but drake
commmand ships (only amarr+gallente) i was able to fly them ships before sp. change i have none of the warfare skills
standard battleships x3
navy fact.battleships all but raven+scorp.////piratr fact. battleships all but snake+nightmare
black ops+marauders (only amarr+gallente

you can use all t2 combat drones for all races heavy,medium,light and sentry drones

caps freightger-prov.
carrier than.nyx (if u wish to fly another carrier other then faction and caldari. you only need race skill book to fly it .examp. say u want to fly aeon you only need amarr carrier skill book to fly it. or the hel-minmatar carrier is all you need)
dread-moros ( again same as carrier if u wish to fly another all you need is the race skill book to fly ship)
jump freighter-ark

special edition ships just about all only the ones with caldari skills you can't fly and the industrial ships.

You can refine all common hi sec. mins and mods at spacelane patrol with 0 waste. also bistot, crokit for low.sec.

your also good with bpo's m.e,copies you have 9 or 10 slots. not for sure if its 9 or 10

10.8m in drone skills//28.8 in gunnery// 35.0 in spaceship command. have a look at eveboard to see all skills

buyout 35b
#2 - 2014-06-22 18:11:34 UTC
#3 - 2014-06-23 23:04:09 UTC
sfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsf Shaishi
#4 - 2014-06-27 15:53:10 UTC
Shadow Secrets
#5 - 2014-06-27 17:17:01 UTC
29Bil b/o
#6 - 2014-06-28 10:03:32 UTC
Shadow Secrets
#7 - 2014-06-28 10:10:54 UTC
31bil is my last price can't aford more then that
Shadow Secrets
#8 - 2014-06-28 16:58:34 UTC
Confirm i won the buy out and i send you the isk so you can start the transfer
#9 - 2014-06-28 17:17:13 UTC
confirm nihevil has won buy out for 31b
Shadow Secrets
#10 - 2014-06-28 17:27:45 UTC
ISK send