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Rate the Avatar above you

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Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#12521 - 2014-06-21 22:11:18 UTC
Quinn Hatfield wrote:
@ Zimmy Zeta

Hawt, in a creepy and ebil kind of way. You look like you have handcuffs and a ball gag in cargo Lol


Oh, don't worry, there's no such thing in my cargo.
I don't believe in taking prisoners.

Your picture:

Freckels and brown hair gioves her some kind of natural "girl-next-door" look.
I think the probelm is that you have too many colours in your portrait. My golden rule is there should be only one primary and one secondary colour, not more (Neurale had only one). Like in the old comic books, where each character had his own 2-colour scheme. But maybe that's just me.
so 7/10, but you should really try to experiment with the colours a little.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Cecilia Matilda Fock
The I and F Taxation Trust
#12522 - 2014-06-21 22:23:50 UTC
Very spooky, you make the background look like the gates to something nasty. I really like the pose and angle. And the spooky face. Will say 9/10.
Sgt AngelWisper Mortis
Shadow Angels Of Requiem
#12523 - 2014-06-21 23:00:27 UTC
@ Cecilia Matilda Fock


Not a bad look tho perhaps a little pale with the lighting and background, just add a little color and it can look great Bear

Your darkest secret can be someone else's desired wish._

Colonel Selene
#12524 - 2014-06-22 06:10:46 UTC

Too tired to say much else.


Catalytic morphisis
Deep Space Coalition
#12525 - 2014-06-22 08:21:19 UTC
Good use of lighting and facial features, I'll go 8/10 for this one, not completely plain but not damn right crazy.

Actual Link free and scout free solo PvP'er

Sgt AngelWisper Mortis
Shadow Angels Of Requiem
#12526 - 2014-06-22 08:27:46 UTC
Catalytic morphisis wrote:

I too have noticed the rats in the stations lately, damn infestation !
hehehe on a serious note tho, I do like those avatars that arnt always looking at the camera tho not everyone can pull it off, I like yours tho

8 1/2 /10 Cool

Your darkest secret can be someone else's desired wish._

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#12527 - 2014-06-22 08:46:06 UTC
Fantastic Smile

Outfit - Not many folks are able to pull that dress off very well, you have ^^

Framing/positioning is very good.

Lighting perfect.

Facial sculpting is wonderful and you've done a superb job with her makeup (love those eyes) Hairstyle is great, also a hard one to make look purrty.

She's gorgeous. Only thing at all that lets it down imo is the background - doesn't suit her and kinda distracts.

9.999999/10 Big smile

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#12528 - 2014-06-22 08:49:51 UTC  |  Edited by: NightCrawler 85

Your portrait looks...evil. In a good way.
Not a person you want to mess with, but still draws attention like an evil queen or assassin Smile

10/10.. wouldent change a thing.
Cecilia Matilda Fock
The I and F Taxation Trust
#12529 - 2014-06-22 13:07:24 UTC
Houm... that background, remove it. Albeit it fits the lighting of the face, it just overloads the portrait. The twist fot he enck looks borderline uncomfortable, but not as bad as some others. Will say 8/10 because the avatar herself is good, just the background spoils the combination.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#12530 - 2014-06-22 15:33:21 UTC
There's something funky going on with the shadow on your left cheek, and the very tip of your hair on the same side is clipping into your head.
the lighting could be a lot better.

That said she's a healthy looking Minmatar woman,
she's well made, not to my taste but I'd certainly expect a good price for her provided she's house trained.
Sivney Quincannon
#12531 - 2014-06-22 15:36:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Sivney Quincannon

Really have enjoyed the look of this avatar since I first noticed it. Easy 8/10 but I sort of wish your eyes were looking more toward the camera. If changed, easy 10.


Oops, your post in before mine. So love your ebil avatar! 10/10.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12532 - 2014-06-22 17:27:23 UTC
@Sivney Quincannon

Oh, what a gaze. Quite memorable.
It makes me wonder what I did wrong to be stared down like this, though.

Good composition, pose and display of the tattoo Smile

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#12533 - 2014-06-22 17:40:48 UTC
10/10 :D
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#12534 - 2014-06-22 17:45:05 UTC
Brigitte wrote:
10/10 :D

Really like how your toon looks like a teenager despite being as old as eve.
love it, you get balance 8/10
Commissar Kate
#12535 - 2014-06-22 17:45:28 UTC
Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12536 - 2014-06-22 21:53:48 UTC
Kate's avatar is fascinatingly simple. There is nothing individually notorious with it, and yet the combination it's unique and unmistakeable (well, maybe with Seleene's). I will say 9/10 for a zen avatar, albeit I recall she ahd some more interesting one some days ago.

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#12537 - 2014-06-22 23:51:17 UTC
5/10...Are you naked? Shocked
Colonel Selene
#12538 - 2014-06-22 23:53:01 UTC
You have clothes on.... 5/10


Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12539 - 2014-06-23 06:33:43 UTC
Seleene's avatar is fascinatingly grrr. There is nothing individually notorious with it, and yet the combination it's unique and unmistakeable (well, maybe with Kate's). I will say 9/10 for a grrr avatar, albeit I am under the impression to have rated a similar portrait not so long ago.

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Zoe Kaltana
Kaltana Industries
#12540 - 2014-06-23 09:11:14 UTC
10/10 you are naked. Big smile