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CODE. Alliance Q&A and Diplomatic contact details (Open QA session)

Dally Lama
#41 - 2014-06-21 11:01:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Dally Lama
Ria Nieyli wrote:
DJentropy Ovaert wrote:
Ria Nieyli wrote:
Do you think that CODE. would be more popular among the general population of highsec miners if it was marketed as a labour union?

Excellent question!

I think it's quite possible, and there's even some propaganda in the works to supply that kind of branding.

Check out:

For an idea of what I am talking about :)

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. The current narative antagonises the entire group and creates the dynamic of them directly competing with the movement. Changing the focus to competing with non-union miners should in theory boost participation numbers and improve the disposition of the individual. You could probably even get them to build you some Catalysts for free each month if you sugarcoat it nicely.


It is quite a breathe of fresh air to see some CODE. members opening up to people outside their community. Many of us have always loved the notion of ganking and keeping people in check, but have refused to support the New Order due to their rather judgmental and childish outlook towards industrial players.

The rhetoric on unfortunately still antagonizes the group. I'm not referencing those who deserve it - if someone is going to be a whiney *****, I thoroughly enjoy James' rhetoric against them.
Unfortunately James has kind of lost his mind a bit, in that he basically deludes himself that every player who becomes a victim of CODE. is a whiney carebear that needs to be taught a lesson. I've even seen him call a freighter pilot a carebear before, when his cargo was nothing but ships and mods for PVP fits. In his latest article he calls a player a "natural whiner" for simply being confused about the nature of the scam, rofl.

Perhaps some of you can speak with James about this, as there are many players such as myself who would love to get involved with CODE. but unfortunately still view the leadership in a very negative light (understandably).
Erica Dusette
Division 13
#42 - 2014-06-22 12:00:42 UTC
My sister and I were fortunate enough to encounter Mr Ovaert in our travels today and were left charmed, impressed and flattered.

When spotted in the local channel of an out-of-the-way system in the middle of nowhere we asked him for an autograph. Not only did he oblige with a smile but he also offered us a free Catalyst!

Afterwards we enjoyed some small talk and pleasantries, along with killboard spruiking, before continuing on our way.

A diplomat in every sense, we would endorse Mr Ovaert's service and/or product without hesitation.

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Madame Trout
#43 - 2014-06-22 12:37:00 UTC
Dally Lama wrote:
Ria Nieyli wrote:
DJentropy Ovaert wrote:
Ria Nieyli wrote:
Do you think that CODE. would be more popular among the general population of highsec miners if it was marketed as a labour union?

Excellent question!

I think it's quite possible, and there's even some propaganda in the works to supply that kind of branding.

Check out:

For an idea of what I am talking about :)

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. The current narative antagonises the entire group and creates the dynamic of them directly competing with the movement. Changing the focus to competing with non-union miners should in theory boost participation numbers and improve the disposition of the individual. You could probably even get them to build you some Catalysts for free each month if you sugarcoat it nicely.


It is quite a breathe of fresh air to see some CODE. members opening up to people outside their community. Many of us have always loved the notion of ganking and keeping people in check, but have refused to support the New Order due to their rather judgmental and childish outlook towards industrial players.

The rhetoric on unfortunately still antagonizes the group. I'm not referencing those who deserve it - if someone is going to be a whiney *****, I thoroughly enjoy James' rhetoric against them.
Unfortunately James has kind of lost his mind a bit, in that he basically deludes himself that every player who becomes a victim of CODE. is a whiney carebear that needs to be taught a lesson. I've even seen him call a freighter pilot a carebear before, when his cargo was nothing but ships and mods for PVP fits. In his latest article he calls a player a "natural whiner" for simply being confused about the nature of the scam, rofl.

Perhaps some of you can speak with James about this, as there are many players such as myself who would love to get involved with CODE. but unfortunately still view the leadership in a very negative light (understandably).

This, 100%.

If it weren't for the likes of loyal and 412, I'd be more than happy to bring my happy band of regulators into CODE.
Vhelnik Cojoin
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#44 - 2014-06-22 20:45:52 UTC
Dally Lama wrote:
It is quite a breathe of fresh air to see some CODE. members opening up to people outside their community. Many of us have always loved the notion of ganking and keeping people in check, but have refused to support the New Order due to their rather judgmental and childish outlook towards industrial players.

I have been idly wondering if the CODE. leadership actually believe their own narrative, or whether they deliberately paint an over-the-top monochrome picture of their adversaries. In a manner of speaking they are trying to herd cats, so a simple, clear and loud message may be easier to get across.

Either that, or the none-too-bright industrialists and miners, who are easy to catch and AWOX, are all they ever see and meet.

Have you Communicated with your fellow capsuleers today? It is good for the EvE-oconomy and o-kay for you.

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#45 - 2014-06-22 22:22:17 UTC
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley wrote:
Hey hey o/,

How do you guys feel about the persistent [albeit incorrect] labeling of all non-consensual PvP as "ganking" by the White Knight crowd? Ganking, as I've come to understand it, is a suicide tactic that involves a DPS race against CONCORD's response time for profit.

An excellent question.

I feel it really comes down to a simple matter of semantics and regardless of what label that applied to a specific PVP engagement, if one chooses to call it "ganking" or "elite PVP" or "extreme diplomacy" is more a matter of personal style then any specific set of conditions.

However, I would have to say that most people I know tend to define "ganking" in EVE as attacking a ship with the knowledge that conditions that will result in the loss of the attackers ship as well. If the target is say, a war target or suspect flagged or part of a limited engagement - that's not really "ganking" to me - that's just combat.

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#46 - 2014-06-22 22:26:34 UTC
Erica Dusette wrote:
My sister and I were fortunate enough to encounter Mr Ovaert in our travels today and were left charmed, impressed and flattered.

When spotted in the local channel of an out-of-the-way system in the middle of nowhere we asked him for an autograph. Not only did he oblige with a smile but he also offered us a free Catalyst!

Afterwards we enjoyed some small talk and pleasantries, along with killboard spruiking, before continuing on our way.

A diplomat in every sense, we would endorse Mr Ovaert's service and/or product without hesitation.

And it was nothing but a pleasure to meet you both! Any friendly faces who happen to spot me lurking about out there are always welcome to a free catalyst, pleasant conversation while a GCC timer ticks down or discounted prices on Strip Mining and Mining Laser Upgrade modules (In "like-new" condition, barely used and only dropped once!)

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#47 - 2014-06-22 22:38:50 UTC
Madame Trout wrote:

If it weren't for the likes of loyal and 412, I'd be more than happy to bring my happy band of regulators into CODE.

Of course, I am not going to ask you to go into any detail about your dislike of loyal or 412 - as that is something that sounds personal and really should probably not be shared with the public.

However - please consider that the CODE. alliance only has one single requirement for corporate membership - belief in the CODE and a solid roster of players who have have kill boards that show their dedication to enforcement. One of the things that makes the CODE. alliance special (and this is one of the very core concepts of the New Order itself!) - as a group we really tend to have no need for and often a dislike for strong central leadership and "rules" that are created. We have all the rules we need - they are all there in the CODE itself.

Member corporations in the CODE. alliance are free to manage themselves in any way they see fit - as long as the purpose and main focus of the corporation is directed towards enforcing the CODE. We really don't care *how* any member corp chooses to govern itself - we focus simply on the results that the member corp produces.

That being said - there would be no requirement to engage with or take part in activities with other members of the alliance that you would prefer not to work with. That being said - hostilities or rude behavior towards other member corporations are not tolerated.

If you feel your group of players has what it takes and would like to be considered for entry into the alliance - please drop myself a in-game evemail with some basic details about your group and feel free to include any specific questions or concerns - I will make sure that myself and the other diplomats of the alliance discuss it as soon as possible and see if your membership is something that would strengthen the New Order, the CODE. alliance, and of course - your member corporation!
DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#48 - 2014-06-22 23:07:14 UTC
Vhelnik Cojoin wrote:

I have been idly wondering if the CODE. leadership actually believe their own narrative, or whether they deliberately paint an over-the-top monochrome picture of their adversaries. In a manner of speaking they are trying to herd cats, so a simple, clear and loud message may be easier to get across.

Either that, or the none-too-bright industrialists and miners, who are easy to catch and AWOX, are all they ever see and meet.

As much as I hate to answer a question (and a good question, at that!) by posing 2 questions - I really can't think of another way to field this one.

What do you think? After reading over the blog and taking a close look at the alliance, it's member corporations, some random player bios - do you think that we literally have formed our own psudo-religion and found a large group of players who have been converted into something like the EVE equivalent of holy warriors of the Crusades who due to their faith have devoted their lives into spreading a psudo-religion by the use of violence and have a common belief that every single miner, freighter, auto piloting ship, etc. that does not display a valid permit literally means that every single time the player behind that ship is the lowest form of life in the entire galaxy?

Or, do you think it is possible that a really fun group of people who enjoy PVP and who have a great time reminding people that high-sec is not "safe" and PVP combat can happen at any time have taken a delight in the general humor, sarcasm, pun and wit that is a signature of the style of James 315 - then decided to come together and form an Alliance that would further the narrative of the New Order and produce a lot of fun content by presenting a narrative that is based on reality but often tends to present a almost comedic and "war time propaganda" style of story telling simply due to a lot of us finding it to be totally awesome and a lot of fun and something that keeps us logging in, fleeting up, and having a great time? And perhaps a lot of people that are part of the alliance may feel that players who choose to operate only in high-sec space and who tend to never even bother to develop a basic understanding of game mechanics have managed to actually convince CCP to make game changes that feel like the start of a depressing path that seems like it may end in parts of EVE becoming a "themepark" style experience where reward is obtained without any risk or effort?

I hope that helps xD That's a tricky one to answer.

Of course, it's vital to remember that James 315 controls all of high-sec, operating without a permit will not be tolerated, and that agents of the New Order are armed with the most powerful doomsday weapon in all of eve - full faith in the CODE - and due to this faith literally cannot be defeated in battle. Everyone knows that. :-)
Qaping Pi
#49 - 2014-06-23 01:23:17 UTC
Hello Sir,

I run a small, family-owned business out of Amarr space dealing mainly with resource renewal and clearing the space lanes of debris (including wrecks, ooooh so dangerous). While we are mostly "carebearish" in our endeavors, we do admire from afar the content generation that organizations as yourselves are so adept at creating; hi sec is a more interesting place because of it.

My question is, does CODE. allow "guests" to fly with them at times, to let them see different aspects of the New Eden experience?

If these types of outreach operations are allowed and known, perhaps it may help those who are less empathetic towards your cause put themselves in your proverbial shoes.
Clara Pond
Never Not Snazzy
#50 - 2014-06-23 01:32:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Clara Pond
Ms Pi, I would not presume to answer officially for DJ, but as an example in my recent adventures in the Gamis system I personally welcomed Code enforcement interns. We had a lot of fun and it was enlightening for all concerned.

It was particularly interesting to have one intern tell me that while she had previously bought into the narrative of CODE being evil, she was pleasantly surprised to find us unfailingly polite, affable and intoxicatingly rogueish.
New Miner's Union
#51 - 2014-06-24 09:50:25 UTC
I was passing through Balle not 2 hours ago and noticed a guy in local comms asking questions pertaining to the Code. I informed him that this open and honest thread should be where he should ask the main question. He was scared of retaliations so asked a grown up to enquire on his behalf.

It appears he is writing a book to be titled " baby sitting beyond the law" his name was Mr S Epoch. He would like to know which lube, if any, is preferred by the good pilots when administering the code's will upon those who seek to flought it's guidance.

many thanks on behalf of Mr Epoch,

Sol epoch
#52 - 2014-06-24 09:57:59 UTC
Dilligafmofo wrote:
I was passing through Balle not 2 hours ago and noticed a guy in local comms asking questions pertaining to the Code. I informed him that this open and honest thread should be where he should ask the main question. He was scared of retaliations so asked a grown up to enquire on his behalf.

It appears he is writing a book to be titled " baby sitting beyond the law" his name was Mr S Epoch. He would like to know which lube, if any, is preferred by the good pilots when administering the code's will upon those who seek to flought it's guidance.

many thanks on behalf of Mr Epoch,

Still trying to be relevant I see and living in the fantasy world you always have. How is your boyfriend Pritch doing? I saw you two bumming around a couple of weeks ago it wasn't something you should do in public.
DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#53 - 2014-06-26 12:08:33 UTC
Qaping Pi wrote:
Hello Sir,

I run a small, family-owned business out of Amarr space dealing mainly with resource renewal and clearing the space lanes of debris (including wrecks, ooooh so dangerous). While we are mostly "carebearish" in our endeavors, we do admire from afar the content generation that organizations as yourselves are so adept at creating; hi sec is a more interesting place because of it.

My question is, does CODE. allow "guests" to fly with them at times, to let them see different aspects of the New Eden experience?

If these types of outreach operations are allowed and known, perhaps it may help those who are less empathetic towards your cause put themselves in your proverbial shoes.

We do!

Any member of the EVE community is welcome to join the "minerbumping" channel in game (password is, you guessed it - 315) - many members of the CODE. alliance hang out there. Please remember to read and obey the channel rules, of course.

As for "guests" flying with us - the New Order is vast and the CODE. alliance (though a very large majority of the New Order) is NOT the New Order, we are simply an alliance that proclaims itself to the part of the New Order. Any player, corp, or alliance is welcome to do the same - all that is required is to follow the CODE and make high-sec a better place.

If you would like to fly as a "guest" my best advice would be to hang out in that channel, get to know people a little and get a feel for the structure, and train yourself to fly something that could be of some use - perhaps a scouting ship or a Catalyst? Chances are, there will be someone who would love to have you along for the ride. I know I would.
More Quafe Please
#54 - 2014-06-27 02:41:34 UTC
DJentropy Ovaert wrote:
Madame Trout wrote:

If it weren't for the likes of loyal and 412, I'd be more than happy to bring my happy band of regulators into CODE.

Of course, I am not going to ask you to go into any detail about your dislike of loyal or 412 - as that is something that sounds personal and really should probably not be shared with the public.

It seems to more of an issue with attitude and an air of elitism in general when it comes to some of the more famous or infamous upholders. And it certainly has shown before in public. This coming from an independent agent.

I myself have apparently ended up on loyal's "naughty list" twice; once without even my own knowledge of why and again due to a misunderstanding. He can be an abrasive individual when 'instigated.' Seeing as this is the CODE. alliance thread it might be worth noting.

In general a select few have shown themselves to be quite unprofessional or uncommunicative; both public and private.

Have you had your daily dose of Quafe?

A compliant miner is a happy miner. Get your mining permit today.

DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#55 - 2014-06-27 14:19:26 UTC
More Quafe Please wrote:

It seems to more of an issue with attitude and an air of elitism in general when it comes to some of the more famous or infamous upholders. And it certainly has shown before in public. This coming from an independent agent.

I myself have apparently ended up on loyal's "naughty list" twice; once without even my own knowledge of why and again due to a misunderstanding. He can be an abrasive individual when 'instigated.' Seeing as this is the CODE. alliance thread it might be worth noting.

In general a select few have shown themselves to be quite unprofessional or uncommunicative; both public and private.

I totally see your point and get where you are coming from.

I work with Loyal and 412 on various projects and fleet operations quite often, and have always had a great time with them and really enjoy hanging out with them.

That being said - we are just like any other group of players. Some of us are going to find others to have attitudes that we don't like, be it feeling they are elitist, or rude, or smug, etc... That's always going to happen, and no matter what - some people are not going to like the way others behave.

The good part, however, is to remember that the New Order is not the CODE. Alliance, and that working with the New Order does not require any corporate or alliance level membership.

And finally - anyone who is familiar at all with the work that I do for the Alliance and for the New Order in general has always been to bring us all together under a common banner - causing a ton of high sec pew pew pew, many explosions, and lots of lol.
Radric Davids
Goonswarm Federation
#56 - 2014-06-27 14:42:42 UTC
There are plenty of non-CODE. guys who regularly participate in new order fleets and hang out on TS.

That's one of my favorite things about the new order - it doesn't matter what high/low/null sec alliance you are from or who your enemies are, if you believe in and want to help the new order, you are generally welcomed with open arms (not sure about the details here just my experience). I regularly participate in CODE. fleets alongside bitter enemies from nullsec and have a great time. The new order transcends corps, alliances and politics
DJentropy Ovaert
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#57 - 2014-06-27 15:32:07 UTC
Radric Davids wrote:
There are plenty of non-CODE. guys who regularly participate in new order fleets and hang out on TS.

That's one of my favorite things about the new order - it doesn't matter what high/low/null sec alliance you are from or who your enemies are, if you believe in and want to help the new order, you are generally welcomed with open arms (not sure about the details here just my experience). I regularly participate in CODE. fleets alongside bitter enemies from nullsec and have a great time. The new order transcends corps, alliances and politics

You are 100% correct and said this very well.

I've said it a thousand times but I will say it again:

the CODE. alliance is not the New Order - we simply are a part of the New Order. Any character, corp, alliance or other type of group is welcomed to do the same. The New Order does not care what nullsec power bloc you may be part of, and we sure don't care how many skill points you have - we are all simply unified by belief in the New Haliama Code of Conduct and having fun enforcing it :)
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