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Restrict NPC Corporation Posting Abilities.

First post First post
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#681 - 2014-06-20 23:32:31 UTC
Grobalobobob Bob wrote:
"faceless" alts in forum, faceless alts in EVE. All the same to me.

It's a play style. Players use alts in game to avoid reprisal. Posters use alts in forum to avoid reprisal.

Simple solution is to put a cooldown on switching alts, in both game and forum. Play an alt, have to wait 24hrs to play your main. (Bit like jump clones). Make alt usage a bit more tactical rather than just switch and swap.

The OP that you didn't read wrote:
E: All of you posting about play style please remember faceless NPC alt troll is not a play style its a forum rule/EULA/TOS violation.
"but, but, but, I don't have a point but want to insist this is a play style!" No it really isn't read the forum rules:

Would a cooldown really do anything? I think it would just delay the trolling maybe you have something their though.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#682 - 2014-06-20 23:50:05 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
So are you acknowledging that NPC corporations are not actual corporations? If that's the case they definitely do not deserve the same privileges enjoyed by player corporations.

I wander around all of the forums and aside from Sisi which I had forgotten about yes I think they should be excluded. It'd be CAOD rules so that means someone in a player corporation/alliance with 10+ members I'm not picking and choosing who exactly gets to speak but, setting a standard that must be met to post everywhere. The spirit of the idea is that NPC corporation members would be permitted to speak in essential forums like recruitment, new citizens and the bazaar. However because they are a disruptive force they would not be permitted elsewhere where their existence and participation is degrading the forum quality.

What ever happened to choices having meaning? Players choose to be a solo player so they forgo the advantages offered by having friends. Players choose to not meet the requirements to sit in a capital so they forgo the advantages granted by them. The same can be said of this suggestion, players choose to not meet the requirements to post everywhere so they may only post in essential areas.

If I could ignore by account the ignore button would be much more meaningful and useful. It makes intelligence gathering even easier than it already is but, it could be another part of the solution.

Ganking is also a play style but, I am not permitted to biomass and recreate my ganking characters after getting <-2.0 sec status. The forums are no different and with this suggestion a parallel will exist.
Your standard is entirely disconnected from the game. You speak of the forums mirroring in game consequence for play choices, but clearly and demonstrably that's not what your suggestion does for NPC corp members. If for some reason NPC corps were restricted to noob ships and couldn't manufacture, trade, train non-trial skills, or do much of anything that requires undocking then yes, your proposed forum restrictions would mirror in game consequences for NPC corps.

But that isn't the case. Playing the majority of game doesn't require being in a player corp and any forum section should carry no more restriction than the portion of the game it reflects. The meaning for choices you are trying to relate to doesn't exist.

The spirit of the suggestion is also flawed; I am not a new citizen, nor am I looking to sell this character or be recruited. None of those forums are essential or even useful to me. Your use of collective references is also flawed as there is considerable useful/relevant content coming from those you would exclude. To use your logic would require we all be banned from posting actually since there is likely no range of corp/alliance sizes which has seen none of it's members be disruptive or degrade forum quality.

If the nuke it from orbit approach is the right one, lets at least be consistent about it.
Maz Ngomo
#683 - 2014-06-20 23:52:08 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
The bolded part has already been discussed at length in the thread and its been established that they are part of the game. If you want to go on at this point search my posts and address one of my prior points. NPC alt posters are an acknowledged problem that have been addressed in one sub forum via CAOD rules.

On the contrary, your opinion doesn't constitute any 'establishment' that the forums are part of the game. What you claimed was:

"Its a medium provided for and by the game. It also requires an active subscription to post so for all intents and purposes its part of the game."

However the forums are provided by CCP as an out of game community tool, not as a direct extension of the game - hence the reason in-game actions are bannable offences here. The game and the forums are seperate entities.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#684 - 2014-06-20 23:59:08 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Your standard is entirely disconnected from the game. You speak of the forums mirroring in game consequence for play choices, but clearly and demonstrably that's not what your suggestion does for NPC corp members. If for some reason NPC corps were restricted to noob ships and couldn't manufacture, trade, train non-trial skills, or do much of anything that requires undocking then yes, your proposed forum restrictions would mirror in game consequences for NPC corps.

But that isn't the case. Playing the majority of game doesn't require being in a player corp and any forum section should carry no more restriction than the portion of the game it reflects. The meaning for choices you are trying to relate to doesn't exist.

The spirit of the suggestion is also flawed; I am not a new citizen, nor am I looking to sell this character or be recruited. None of those forums are essential or even useful to me. Your use of collective references is also flawed as there is considerable useful/relevant content coming from those you would exclude. To use your logic would require we all be banned from posting actually since there is likely no range of corp/alliance sizes which has seen none of it's members be disruptive or degrade forum quality.

If the nuke it from orbit approach is the right one, lets at least be consistent about it.

It does though, you are not allowed to use the faceless recyclable ganking alt and you are also not allowed to use the faceless recyclable npc alt forum troll. Keep in mind that under this suggestion NPC corporation members would still be permitted to read and post in essential areas so its not similar in any way to restricting npc corporation members to rookie ships. Keep in mind there are plenty of people that have echoed that idea in this thread and would be happy with the destruction of NPC corporations.

We've already been over this and I still feel doing away with 99% of the garbage but, also losing 1% of the gold is still worth doing. You have to raise a new point or some other angle if you want more than this from me.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#685 - 2014-06-21 00:02:11 UTC
Maz Ngomo wrote:

On the contrary, your opinion doesn't constitute any 'establishment' that the forums are part of the game. What you claimed was:

"Its a medium provided for and by the game. It also requires an active subscription to post so for all intents and purposes its part of the game."

However the forums are provided by CCP as an out of game community tool, not as a direct extension of the game - hence the reason in-game actions are bannable offences here. The game and the forums are seperate entities.

You need to quote the whole thing picking and choosing so your argument looks good is some sort of fallacy I don't care to look up right now. You are incorrect forum actions can get you banned entirely from the game as shown in the hallowed history of Goonswarm where Captain Gordon posted goatse on the forums and got purged from the game.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#686 - 2014-06-21 00:11:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
La Nariz wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Your standard is entirely disconnected from the game. You speak of the forums mirroring in game consequence for play choices, but clearly and demonstrably that's not what your suggestion does for NPC corp members. If for some reason NPC corps were restricted to noob ships and couldn't manufacture, trade, train non-trial skills, or do much of anything that requires undocking then yes, your proposed forum restrictions would mirror in game consequences for NPC corps.

But that isn't the case. Playing the majority of game doesn't require being in a player corp and any forum section should carry no more restriction than the portion of the game it reflects. The meaning for choices you are trying to relate to doesn't exist.

The spirit of the suggestion is also flawed; I am not a new citizen, nor am I looking to sell this character or be recruited. None of those forums are essential or even useful to me. Your use of collective references is also flawed as there is considerable useful/relevant content coming from those you would exclude. To use your logic would require we all be banned from posting actually since there is likely no range of corp/alliance sizes which has seen none of it's members be disruptive or degrade forum quality.

If the nuke it from orbit approach is the right one, lets at least be consistent about it.

It does though, you are not allowed to use the faceless recyclable ganking alt and you are also not allowed to use the faceless recyclable npc alt forum troll. Keep in mind that under this suggestion NPC corporation members would still be permitted to read and post in essential areas so its not similar in any way to restricting npc corporation members to rookie ships. Keep in mind there are plenty of people that have echoed that idea in this thread and would be happy with the destruction of NPC corporations.

Edit: The fact that you stated " you are also not allowed to use the faceless recyclable npc alt forum troll" would suggest your suggestion is unneeded since if only focused at cycled alt, there are already rules in place to deal with them.

We've already been over this and I still feel doing away with 99% of the garbage but, also losing 1% of the gold is still worth doing. You have to raise a new point or some other angle if you want more than this from me.
This only applies to recyclable alts. If I want to create an NPC alt to gank I am free to do so. There is nothing in the TOS or EULA preventing me from doing so nor is there anything stating that character has any need to move to a player corp. If your suggestion were against the cycling of alts that would be fine, but that is already covered by the game itself. Creating and playing on alts is entirely permissible, thus posting on them should remain permissible.

I'm aware there are people who have echoed your sentiment. I'm also aware that this is a meaningless metric. Group think is in it's entirety a non justification. Also I addressed how the forum areas you designated are in no way essential. They are dedicated purpose, those not in need of that purpose have no use of them.

Regarding the other point, we won't agree, but you haven't evolved the proposal or the counterpoints to actually get around the truth here. One such truth is that if there is room for disagreement that means a large part of your platform is opinion based, yet you keep trying to relay these "facts" as if they were actually that on top of still using collectives in an unsupported manner.
Maz Ngomo
#687 - 2014-06-21 00:12:32 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
You need to quote the whole thing picking and choosing so your argument looks good is some sort of fallacy I don't care to look up right now. You are incorrect forum actions can get you banned entirely from the game as shown in the hallowed history of Goonswarm where Captain Gordon posted goatse on the forums and got purged from the game.

With respect, that was all I could find regarding you referencing the topic. I'm well aware forum actions can get us banned since it is stated as such in the forum rules, but I fail to see why you bring that up.
Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#688 - 2014-06-21 00:13:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakaari Inkuran
And then he just goes back to auto-conflating npc posting with trolling as if they're exactly the same.

Nariz half this thread is your posts. Is this your personal blog or something?
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#689 - 2014-06-21 00:15:56 UTC
Maz Ngomo wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
You need to quote the whole thing picking and choosing so your argument looks good is some sort of fallacy I don't care to look up right now. You are incorrect forum actions can get you banned entirely from the game as shown in the hallowed history of Goonswarm where Captain Gordon posted goatse on the forums and got purged from the game.

With respect, that was all I could find regarding you referencing the topic. I'm well aware forum actions can get us banned since it is stated as such in the forum rules, but I fail to see why you bring that up.

I was under the impression from your post you were saying that game actions can get forum bans but, forum actions cannot get game bans therefore the forums are separate from the game. Which is not true at all.

Off the top of my head the forums are part of the game because:

1. It is provided by CCP for the game.

2. It cannot be used without an active subscription to the game.

3. Actions on it can get you banned from the game.

4. It directly interfaces with a part of the game, the player profile and standings.

5. It is directly related to the game and referenced through the EULA/TOS

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Hakaari Inkuran
State War Academy
Caldari State
#690 - 2014-06-21 00:16:46 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Maz Ngomo wrote:

On the contrary, your opinion doesn't constitute any 'establishment' that the forums are part of the game. What you claimed was:

"Its a medium provided for and by the game. It also requires an active subscription to post so for all intents and purposes its part of the game."

However the forums are provided by CCP as an out of game community tool, not as a direct extension of the game - hence the reason in-game actions are bannable offences here. The game and the forums are seperate entities.

You need to quote the whole thing picking and choosing so your argument looks good is some sort of fallacy I don't care to look up right now. You are incorrect forum actions can get you banned entirely from the game as shown in the hallowed history of Goonswarm where Captain Gordon posted goatse on the forums and got purged from the game.

Half your own posts contain egregious fallacies anyway so I can't see why you get to complain.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#691 - 2014-06-21 00:18:52 UTC
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:
And then he just goes back to auto-conflating npc posting with trolling as if they're exactly the same.

Nariz half this thread is your posts. Is this your personal blog or something?

Its my thread and I think the suggestion should be implemented so I'm going to give people that put effort into their posts good posts in return. I'm especially grateful for people like Tyberius Franklin that can argue against this idea without goonspiracy or other horrible things that show why npc alts should only be permitted to post in essential areas.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#692 - 2014-06-21 00:19:58 UTC
Hakaari Inkuran wrote:

Half your own posts contain egregious fallacies anyway so I can't see why you get to complain.

Go ahead and point them out and raise your own points then,crazed gesticulation only further supports my argument that npc alts should only be able to post in essential areas.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Chao3's Rogue Operatives Corp
#693 - 2014-06-21 00:37:21 UTC
Tracy Smith wrote:
The solo PVE players outnumber the rest of the community by 4 to 1. I don't have the info on the proportion of those players who remain in their NPC corps but I'm going to assume it's the majority, or at least a significant minority. I hope CCP isn't dumb enough to deny access to their forums to such a large proportion of their customers.

I would be curious to have your sources for that....
If it is true, this is great, and another reason why these voices should be heard..

I think there is another reason slightly related. You have players that play for free, because their income In game allow them to pay their subscription with plexes.
You have other players that pay their subscription with RL money.

I would think that the solo or small groups players' ISK income in General is probably significantly lower and more at risk than the players in the big alliances, who can be exploiting the richest parts of New Eden...

So Why would those that pay to,play be more likely to get limitations on their forums abilities, or be required to expose their in game identity, as they may be the ones that inject the cash to keep the game running...

Vote Borat Guereen for CSM XII

Check out the Minarchist Space Project

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#694 - 2014-06-21 00:39:14 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

If I want to create an NPC alt to gank I am free to do so. There is nothing in the TOS or EULA preventing me from doing so nor is there anything stating that character has any need to move to a player corp. If your suggestion were against the cycling of alts that would be fine, but that is already covered by the game itself. Creating and playing on alts is entirely permissible, thus posting on them should remain permissible.

I'm aware there are people who have echoed your sentiment. I'm also aware that this is a meaningless metric. Group think is in it's entirety a non justification. Also I addressed how the forum areas you designated are in no way essential. They are dedicated purpose, those not in need of that purpose have no use of them.

Regarding the other point, we won't agree, but you haven't evolved the proposal or the counterpoints to actually get around the truth here. One such truth is that if there is room for disagreement that means a large part of your platform is opinion based, yet you keep trying to relay these "facts" as if they were actually that on top of still using collectives in an unsupported manner.

The ability to recycle alts is my justification for why using the already existent ignore feature is not a solution to the whole problem.

I note that other people wish to be more harsh because we are continually getting more npc alts/ the same people being moronic freaking out and using whatever dogwhistles they want to claim this is the doom of npc corps. Its getting to the point that will go in the OP.

How is F&I, baazar, recruitment, and new citizens not essential? F&I would be the players voice in the direction of the game. The baazar would be buying/selling characters, an entire industry itself. Recruitment for finding other people to play with, which could be argued is essential for the games' continued existence. Finally new citizens is for the confused newbie who wants to ask a question.

I've acknowledged a con to the proposal we're losing 1% of the gold while getting rid of 99% of the garbage.

I didn't put this in my post so I'm going to assume its yours and the forum was acting up when you were finishing the edit:
"Edit: The fact that you stated " you are also not allowed to use the faceless recyclable npc alt forum troll" would suggest your suggestion is unneeded since if only focused at cycled alt, there are already rules in place to deal with them. "

It not focused on the cycled alt only an example of why ignore is not the tool to handle the problem.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Maz Ngomo
#695 - 2014-06-21 00:41:03 UTC
La Nariz wrote:

I was under the impression from your post you were saying that game actions can get forum bans but, forum actions cannot get game bans therefore the forums are separate from the game. Which is not true at all.

Off the top of my head the forums are part of the game because:

1. It is provided by CCP for the game.

2. It cannot be used without an active subscription to the game.

3. Actions on it can get you banned from the game.

4. It directly interfaces with a part of the game, the player profile and standings.

5. It is directly related to the game and referenced through the EULA/TOS

Ah I see, no that wasn't what I was implying at all and I apologise for not being clearer. I'm aware bans can go both ways, as it's a community behaviour issue and the forum rules are very clear on this. It's the same for most games where a blanket TOS/EULA is easier to apply and maintain than crafting seperate ones, however the rules governing the forums are very different than the ones applied to EVE itself. Forum access is restricted to paying customers simply to prevent spammers and other undesirables from outside the community from causing havoc and issues with the services - that's the same for every online game I've played. In itself that is meaningless, it's just a security and ease of use feature.

The actions being bannable issue is also not surprising, since simply banning a serious offender on a forum is not enough of a punishment to dissuade others from following suit. Likewise banning a person from the forum after banning them in-game is a logical progresssion to prevent the inevitable emotional backlash they might vent upon the forum users. Again this is not proof that CCP is saying the forums are EVE, it's a common sense approach to preventing an escalation in another format.

EVEMon, EFT, Chribba's multitudinous services etc., also interface with a part of the game (the API and player information), but they are not a part of the game. They are tools, much like the forum and EVE Gate are tools to interface with the community and facilitate the sharing of information or opinions. Incidentally, the forums are governed by the website terms of use (section 6, 'Chat, Bulletin Boards, and other Submissions'), not the game terms of use.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#696 - 2014-06-21 00:45:16 UTC
Saisin wrote:
Tracy Smith wrote:
The solo PVE players outnumber the rest of the community by 4 to 1. I don't have the info on the proportion of those players who remain in their NPC corps but I'm going to assume it's the majority, or at least a significant minority. I hope CCP isn't dumb enough to deny access to their forums to such a large proportion of their customers.

I would be curious to have your sources for that....
If it is true, this is great, and another reason why these voices should be heard..

I think there is another reason slightly related. You have players that play for free, because their income In game allow them to pay their subscription with plexes.
You have other players that pay their subscription with RL money.

I would think that the solo or small groups players' ISK income in General is probably significantly lower and more at risk than the players in the big alliances, who can be exploiting the richest parts of New Eden...

So Why would those that pay to,play be more likely to get limitations on their forums abilities, or be required to expose their in game identity, as they may be the ones that inject the cash to keep the game running...

How a subscription gets paid does not matter and people who pay with plex end up paying more in $$$ for their sub than those that pay with cash because a cash sub is 15.99 while a plex sub is 19.99. This is true for the US at least I do not know about other countries.

If you want to argue from a fiscal point this suggestion is golden because it does not necessitate the hiring of new employees, all of the coding is already done for it via CAOD, and it reduces employee forum workload allowing them to concentrate on other activities. You can further say that since CCP has acknowledged that people who play with social groups are more likely to remained in the game and continue playing that this suggestion should be enacted to encourage more players to join player run corporations in order to increase the chances of them finding social groups.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#697 - 2014-06-21 00:47:40 UTC
/me grins

Let us turn this proposal upside down and see what shakes out.

How about if a forum poster is banned his entire player corp (or alliance) suffer partial consequences, unable to post as well, for half the time of the ban or two weeks, whichever comes first.

NPC corps would be immune to this since they are full of people who probably do not know any better.

Oh how quiet it would get, in here. How much easier things would be for the ISD.

and consequences. Open your yap poorly, too often and your own corp might take action against you for muting their privilege of posting. How would that play out? Would everybody welcome as a new era of rational discourse in a polite society?


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#698 - 2014-06-21 00:52:41 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
/me grins

Let us turn this proposal upside down and see what shakes out.

How about if a forum poster is banned his entire player corp (or alliance) suffer partial consequences, unable to post as well, for half the time of the ban or two weeks, whichever comes first.

NPC corps would be immune to this since they are full of people who probably do not know any better.

Oh how quiet it would get, in here. How much easier things would be for the ISD.

and consequences. Open your yap poorly, too often and your own corp might take action against you for muting their privilege of posting. How would that play out? Would everybody welcome as a new era of rational discourse in a polite society?


That would be pretty hilarious you'd be weaponizing the forums and I guarantee you those of us that came from a forum community are far more adept and would succeed in getting other people banned. That should happen as an April fools week holiday event or something like that.

On a more serious note it pretty much breaks C&P among other things so you'd have to tailor in some exclusions to get it to work.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#699 - 2014-06-21 01:01:30 UTC
Maz Ngomo wrote:

Ah I see, no that wasn't what I was implying at all and I apologise for not being clearer. I'm aware bans can go both ways, as it's a community behaviour issue and the forum rules are very clear on this. It's the same for most games where a blanket TOS/EULA is easier to apply and maintain than crafting seperate ones, however the rules governing the forums are very different than the ones applied to EVE itself. Forum access is restricted to paying customers simply to prevent spammers and other undesirables from outside the community from causing havoc and issues with the services - that's the same for every online game I've played. In itself that is meaningless, it's just a security and ease of use feature.

The actions being bannable issue is also not surprising, since simply banning a serious offender on a forum is not enough of a punishment to dissuade others from following suit. Likewise banning a person from the forum after banning them in-game is a logical progresssion to prevent the inevitable emotional backlash they might vent upon the forum users. Again this is not proof that CCP is saying the forums are EVE, it's a common sense approach to preventing an escalation in another format.

EVEMon, EFT, Chribba's multitudinous services etc., also interface with a part of the game (the API and player information), but they are not a part of the game. They are tools, much like the forum and EVE Gate are tools to interface with the community and facilitate the sharing of information or opinions. Incidentally, the forums are governed by the website terms of use (section 6, 'Chat, Bulletin Boards, and other Submissions'), not the game terms of use.

I'm not sold on the idea that is only for paying customers in order to screen out undesirables from the outside and spammers. Spammers can be screened with catpcha-like objects and outsiders can still read the forums. I don't buy its there to isolate the forums but, I've been surprised before.

Its an acknowledgement that both "worlds" are blended and actions in either can affect the other. Which is basically saying its part of the game.

Those tools are awesome but they are also not provided by CCP.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#700 - 2014-06-21 01:11:37 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

If I want to create an NPC alt to gank I am free to do so. There is nothing in the TOS or EULA preventing me from doing so nor is there anything stating that character has any need to move to a player corp. If your suggestion were against the cycling of alts that would be fine, but that is already covered by the game itself. Creating and playing on alts is entirely permissible, thus posting on them should remain permissible.

I'm aware there are people who have echoed your sentiment. I'm also aware that this is a meaningless metric. Group think is in it's entirety a non justification. Also I addressed how the forum areas you designated are in no way essential. They are dedicated purpose, those not in need of that purpose have no use of them.

Regarding the other point, we won't agree, but you haven't evolved the proposal or the counterpoints to actually get around the truth here. One such truth is that if there is room for disagreement that means a large part of your platform is opinion based, yet you keep trying to relay these "facts" as if they were actually that on top of still using collectives in an unsupported manner.

The ability to recycle alts is my justification for why using the already existent ignore feature is not a solution to the whole problem.

I note that other people wish to be more harsh because we are continually getting more npc alts/ the same people being moronic freaking out and using whatever dogwhistles they want to claim this is the doom of npc corps. Its getting to the point that will go in the OP.

How is F&I, baazar, recruitment, and new citizens not essential? F&I would be the players voice in the direction of the game. The baazar would be buying/selling characters, an entire industry itself. Recruitment for finding other people to play with, which could be argued is essential for the games' continued existence. Finally new citizens is for the confused newbie who wants to ask a question.

I've acknowledged a con to the proposal we're losing 1% of the gold while getting rid of 99% of the garbage.

I didn't put this in my post so I'm going to assume its yours and the forum was acting up when you were finishing the edit:
"Edit: The fact that you stated " you are also not allowed to use the faceless recyclable npc alt forum troll" would suggest your suggestion is unneeded since if only focused at cycled alt, there are already rules in place to deal with them. "

It not focused on the cycled alt only an example of why ignore is not the tool to handle the problem.
Cycling alts is a banable offense. There are already more effective means than the block feature for such an offense, reporting the offender via petition. The block function wasn't intended to enforce alt cycling and thus shouldn't have ever been expected to.

If you want to deal with the the ramifications of NPC corps and how you feel they degrade the game, fine, post that and we can have that discussion in its own thread. This discussion relates to the justifications for banning them from the majority of forum participation. It requests that it be done so disproportionally to the level of in game participation restrictions.

Regarding the forum sections, yes, exactly, not essential. Essential for an individual is centered around an individual's gameplay. Now, regarding being essential for the forum as a whole, yes, they all serve their purpose, though in much the same way the other subsections serve theirs. They segregate relevant discussion by topic, thus making F&ID no more globally essential than EVE Information Center, or Ships & Modules.

One thing I'd like to request is your numbers to justify the 1% claim. A number of prolific good posters would be caught up by your proposal, so either you've set an easy to achieve bar on disruption, which would make a number of non excluded posters part of the problem, or your evaluation is largely anecdotal.

Lastly the statement from here in full: "It does though, you are not allowed to use the faceless recyclable ganking alt and you are also not allowed to use the faceless recyclable npc alt forum troll." If cycling is part of the justification, why not use the proper manner for dealing with it rather than call the wrong tool useless?