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[Summer 2014] Calling for feedback on Assembly Line Settings

First post
Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#81 - 2014-06-18 14:14:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Celly S
Catherine Laartii wrote:
I and many other would be very eager to hear about anything resembling a mechanic that allows for the hacking of offlined structures, and possibly by extension, the structures that are anchored to it. This would be an excellent mini-profession that we would all love to see happen, and would be a godsend to wormholers everywhere.

I wholeheartedly agree and think that it would be useful for more than just Wormholers too.

Of course, I wouldn't want to see something where a POS goes offline and 5 minutes later there are 15 people trying to hack it, that would just be silly even though it would make an interesting conflict driver in some cases, but let's say a POS goes offline and after 30 days (similar to the anchored secure cargo can destruction timer) it becomes hackable unless someone puts it online before that timer expires.
There could even be a notice when you click the tower in the overview:
"insert tower name here" Offline (29d 3h 42m)
and folks would be able to tell when they could attempt to hack it.
Require the hacker to fuel the pos and bring it online within a short period of time or it reverts back to the original owner.
no structures can be un-anchored, or accessed until the POS has been online for 24 hours, but, if the hack is successful and you fuel the thing up and online it, you get everything in it for your work.
Make the percentage of success of the hack low, (even if the person has good skills) that way people have to "work" for it, but if successful, the work will be worth it.

just a thought.

Celly Smunt

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Long Jump.
#82 - 2014-06-18 16:01:01 UTC
You should consider adding to the filter masks. I'd like to be able to restrict usage by something more specific than just corp/alliance. I'd like to see an interface like the Operator and Permitted settings pages in the Channel Settings UI for chat windows. That way, I don't have to let everyone in corp use it or figure out some standings scheme. I can just add or remove people at will.
Destiven Mare
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2014-06-18 18:41:32 UTC
Qalix wrote:
You should consider adding to the filter masks. I'd like to be able to restrict usage by something more specific than just corp/alliance. I'd like to see an interface like the Operator and Permitted settings pages in the Channel Settings UI for chat windows. That way, I don't have to let everyone in corp use it or figure out some standings scheme. I can just add or remove people at will.

Agreed. For outposts, the masks in place are woefully inadequate. As I mentioned earlier, I would like to see a mask based on office slot rental to avoid the current clickfest that is necessary atm to do that. I also agree that allowing a certain toon to use a line would be nice.
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#84 - 2014-06-30 16:20:52 UTC
Any idea when this might hit SiSi??

So far, I can't find a way at all to tax or restrict assembly lines in station
Destiven Mare
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2014-06-30 16:36:39 UTC
I'm 70/30 that this thread is dead. Sad really, some nifty ideas have come about as of late. I hope that I am incorrect.
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#86 - 2014-06-30 18:42:32 UTC
Destiven Mare wrote:
I'm 70/30 that this thread is dead. Sad really, some nifty ideas have come about as of late. I hope that I am incorrect.

I KNOW it is dead, but SOMETHING has to be done

Right now on SiSi, there isn't even a way for station owners to control tax or use of assembly lines other than to limit station access.
Red Bluesteel
State War Academy
Caldari State
#87 - 2014-07-02 07:29:43 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Hello people,

As you know it by now, we are focusing on industry for summer and bringing significant mechanic and UI changes to this feature as a whole.

There is one specific point we wish to receive your feedback on, which is assembly line settings.

Those settings (which are illustrated here) serve to control cost and access to POS / outpost industry lines.

We are thinking of streamlining this a bit by removing character and corporation security settings, which don't seem used that much in the first place.

We are also not certain of the usefulness of the "good standing discount %" and "bad standing surcharge %" entries since player groups usually do not want to allow access to such lines to their enemies in the first place. But we could be missing something.

Do you have any use for character and corporation security options? How useful is the good / bad standing surcharge options to you / your corporation / your alliance? Anything else you would like to change, add or remove on these settings?

Thanks for your time - and see you at Fanfest for those attending.

Can be completely removed. Didn't worked in the last >7 Years.

Kagehisa Shintaro wrote:
I could be way off the bat here but there isn't a need for a Security setting for using lines. But with the changes coming to Manufacturing I can see some Corporations downsizing their POS outlay somewhat. So the ability to perhaps (through Titles/Roles) set it so that people within a certain group in your Corp can operate the lines with priority over people not in that group might be useful.

For example, if we as a corp are building Dreadnoughts, and we use (currently 4) Component Assembly Arrays in our POS to build the parts, I would want those Corp members who are actively involved in building Corporate Dreads to have first use or reduced cost use of the lines, over someone in the Corp who is building a Dread to sell for personal profit.

I don't think that directly relates to security or standing settings atm, so apologies if it's way off the mark. But I think some way of managing Assembly Lines (or Labratory Slots) on Starbases is needed.

Make Sense...

But for this, you will be in need to overhaul the complete right management.
Decarthado Aurgnet
Imperial Combat Engineers
#88 - 2014-07-11 18:39:11 UTC
Laura Agathon wrote:
How about add an option for the usage fees to be charged to the pilot, and not the corporate wallet division that pilot happens to use?

This is something which I questioned from the very first time I installed a job at a POS. There's no reason this change can't or shouldn't be made.

Further, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to install POS jobs from a Personal Hangar Array. Quite the opposite, in fact. It'd encourage people to band together in R&D corps in order to reduce costs as opposed to the current model of encouraging people to have 1-man R&D corps because of the ever-present fact that somebody's going to steal your stuff when you're not even getting ganked for it while flying around in an industrial ship or whatever.

Niko Lorenzio wrote:


So the corporation will no longer be able to set tax or fees for members using installations at a POS?

We'll be spending a lot of time making sure people paid their POS access fees and manually adding/removing roles. Come on, CCP. You're better than this.

Remove T2 BPO's or make them inventable at extreme cost.

Eagle's Talon's
#89 - 2014-08-03 16:38:28 UTC
I like the new Assembly Line Mechanics. More streamlined and involved, more technical to weed out the shirkers.

When using workers we should have the ability to recruit workers from other systems but at a much higher price.

There should also be a way of enticing workers to come to a system that does not have any workers available.

This could be achieved by deploying a Worker Infrastructure Hub where LP from the local station agents could be converted into Worker Recruitment LP's that would then be donated to the Infrastructure Hub. When enough LP had been donated the WIH would transmit to other systems that said system was in need of workers.

The Infrastructure Base Flip would see Team's brought in and depending on the Infrastructure Hub size would determine how long they stayed for before retiring or being recruited to another system.

Small IH - one week - 10,000 LP needed to recruit / 1000 LP used per day by the Team
Medium IH - two weeks - 50,000 LP needed to recruit / 6000 LP used per day by the Team
Large IH - Three weeks - 100,000 LP needed to recruit / 13000 LP used per day by the Team

To keep the Team present longer than the normal work schedule a higher percentage of LP is needed to be contributed once the system has been flipped to recruit Teams.

Small IH - additional day 1500
Medium IH - additional day 7500
Large IH - additional day 15000

The Infrastructure Hubs could only be anchored at Moons without a POS could be operated by the owner of the IH or those that owner allows to contribute to the LP pool. If the owner allows multiple users other than theirselves to add LP the additional users are then added to a queue that when the Teams are finished with the primary LP contributor's jobs they would then move onto the next users jobs.

LP Trading would also come into play where a pilot could buy LP from another pilot for a certain amount of ISK.

First the pilot with the LP would convert the LP into an Assembly Line chit from the LP store with the total amount of LP to be sold imprinted on the LP Chit. The pilot would then sell the LP Chit to another pilot or in a Contract. Once sold the Assembly Line Chit would be reversed engineered by the purchasing pilot into Worker Recruitment LP's and then used within the Infrastructure Hub.