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Discussion: Adding Variance to 0.0 and Sovereignty

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-06-16 22:15:31 UTC
I have been playing EVE Online since 2005. I have witnessed the game change through my playing over the years and in many ways the changes have been great. In other ways some content of the game has decreased in popularity. The biggest of which in my opinion is Sovereignty. I am sure there have been tons of discussions and previous posts about this topic but I wanted to relay some thoughts I have had in regards to this topic over the years.


Moon Minerals tend to be a focal point. When wars are raged the most valuable moons are targeted to turn off the ISK machine that these moons can be. While this is a legitimate strategy it appears more and more that there is a monopoly on moons. The ownership of these assets are carved out in back rooms of these Coalitions of Alliances. How can one challenge the power of certain entities to get access to these resources?

Variability. Moon minerals should not be locked to their seed and they should have a life span. The mechanics already exist for this (to a lesser extent) with exploration (anomalies spawn and respawn) and planetary interaction (quantities vary). If Moon minerals were exhausted and had a range from say 1 month to 4 months this would add change and mobility to low sec and 0.0 landscape.

At certain points Dysprosium moons may have a higher spawn rate in a different region and that would shift wars for control over these assets. Perhaps in rare cases a moon could be spawned with 2 or 3 rarity minerals which could net more than average Dysprosium moon.

The point of this suggestion is to add variability to the value of specific regions. Currently if you have moon data for a region you can calculate its rough value in moons and that would be a constant. If you do this for every region you can find where the most value is in regards to owning space.

Universal Variants

To add to the flavor of all of eve areas there should be other variants that effect gameplay in an area. Perhaps similar to Wormholes but different. Who really knows the mysteries of the universe and why it works the way it does? Specific “events” could occur for a solar system or even more rare a region. These events would have negative and positive effects. Perhaps there is an event that is effecting an entire regions ability to utilize cyno. This creates change and a need to redraw supply lines as well as opens up an area for sub-capital fight fleets without fear of being hot dropped. Perhaps there are bonuses to anomaly outputs, ore, or additional officer spawns (even if it’s a 5-10% increase as to not flood the market). “Serpentis Officers have decided to increase their presence in X Constellation”

Some universal variants could last much longer while others may come and go. The point is not to destabilize or discourage long term settlement but to add more variety and benefits that shift and encourage player interaction.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2014-06-16 22:15:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalorian
Alliance Sov Costs

The other complaint I’ve seen a lot of is the fact that 0.0 is essentially dead and controlled by major players and there is no sign of that breaking up because the revenue from rental alliances and corporations is too good to rock the status quo.
People out in 0.0 want more battles and more people out there. People in empire that opportunistic want an opportunity to carve their own fortune in 0.0 without being instant blobbed.

I feel the rental aspect needs to be discouraged to an extent. While renting space is great for those that don’t want to PvP and reap the benefits of what 0.0 has to offer it has created a stagnant universe that many of the veteran pilots do not like (unless they are receiving a cut of that rental income of course).

The costs to online TCU’s should increase by the scale of the alliance while giving benefits to controlling segments such as a solar system / region.

  • Constellation – Say an alliance controls an entire solar system. There would be a decrease in the overall TCU costs as well as ihub costs. This gives smaller entities the opportunity to control a piece of 0.0 and actually utilize it and build it up.
  • Region – for the larger alliances and coalitions control of an entire region would provide less of a decrease in overall TCU costs as well as IHub costs but would still provide an incentive for a conquest.

These discounts would be offset as the alliance expanded its efforts. Let’s say alliance ABC successfully took control of a Constellation. They have started receiving the discounts that come with this. They now have their sights set on the adjacent Constellation. They drop an SBU and begin to challenge Sov of a system. Once they take Sov of said system it would then disrupt the opposing alliances (DEF) discounts for owning the entire constellation. It would also inadvertently increase the cost on that new TCU as war is expensive and they are fueling their own incursion / conquest of said constellation. Now Alliance DEF could respond by trying to counter and get a Sov system in ABC’s owned constellation to increase their costs of the war as well.

Moving on a larger scale control of a region would provide decreased TCU and IHUB costs. However it allows smaller alliances to drop SBU’s and try to punch holes at these larger alliances and blocs. Thus increasing the costs and penalties associated with owning such vast space. You could expand this to further player content where individuals could use similar devices like siphons but on TCU’s and IHUB’s that detract from the benefits of owning a constellation or solar system. Perhaps reduce IHUB effectiveness or left alone long enough can have a substantial increase in the cost to have sov
Simply put an entity should not own 0.0 space if they do not have the man power to control their borders/systems. They should only own what they can keep track of and defend (and this does not mean blob cap fleets).

Owning multiple regions by a single alliance would increase the multiplier for the costs of TCU’s owned by that alliance which would offset the benefits of owning multiple entire regions.

The idea here is to add more flavor to 0.0 space and more variance. Not necessarily to hit at the mass organizations. Add more fighting to 0.0 and making it so it isn’t so unsurmountable for a player to say I want to create my own little empire in 0.0. Add more hit and run tactics as well as more strategy to 0.0 outside of choke points and moons.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-06-16 22:16:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalorian
NPC Mini Incursions

To further add more gameplay and dynamics to 0.0 the NPC pirate factions could stage mini incursions in which they are disrupting travel in specific areas of unused 0.0 space. Why shouldn’t the Serpentis or Sansha want to expand their territory? What better way to expand territory than systems that are not being used (low traffic, low mining, low NPC kills etc..) Naturally these areas SHOULD build up in NPC pirate presence from the inactivity.

Perhaps these Pirate Factions setup their own gate camps and bubbles that require teamwork in reducing the presence and foothold of that NPC faction. This would cause a shift in where players are ratting or doing missioning and also provide focal points for PvP. In order to regain foothold you would have to clear out specific sites and slowly decrease their presence in the system through ratting, missions, and disrupting their logistics and what not.


The above suggestion in my opinion would cause coalitions to split into smaller alliances that control specific regions in order to avoid penalties. More alliances even if aligned in the same “bloc” means more politics and chances for upheaval and war. The costs of renting space would be higher and not be as beneficial to smaller organizations wanting to rent. This also decreases the revenue these larger blocs have to control massive amounts of space.

Add this to universal variance in which constellations and regions can receive benefits for different periods of time.
Then add the fact the moon minerals are limited on moons and are reseeded at expiration randomly across null sec and low sec. This shifts the “isk machine” in which the value of regions would change every 2-4 months. In order to find these moons instead of having to scan each one down there could be a system modification that could be installed that periodically sends down survey teams to look for new resources. I have personally done moon scanning before and it is a tedious process. I feel there is room for balance here.

Add in more player content from shifting NPC presence based on player activity will add further to the dynamic content that EVE can present soley to 0.0.

I am not suggesting all of these should be implemented at the same time or that all are good ideas. The sole purpose of this post is to generate more variability in 0.0 space and make it more challenging to control large chunks of space without using the space. Also to shift the ISK farms that exist in the moon industry to have them change at max on a quarterly basis. This will again add value to regions that would be dynamic and add more gameplay for smaller alliances.

Hopefully this will bring in some feedback and further thoughts in hopes that CCP may finally address the null sec situation and sov mechanics and breathe new life into what many consider the “end game”
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-06-16 22:18:00 UTC
Karen Avioras
The Raging Raccoons
#5 - 2014-06-16 22:18:07 UTC
Nine years playing eve and yet you can't find the correct subforum.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-06-16 22:32:39 UTC
In the end game mechanics wont really change anything, the state of null is player made
Carmen Electra
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#7 - 2014-06-16 22:34:32 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#8 - 2014-06-16 22:58:32 UTC
This seems like a Feature and/or an Idea.

If only we had a place for such things.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Higgs Foton
Mission And Mining Inc
#9 - 2014-06-16 23:08:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Higgs Foton
Stupid idea.

I think the cost of having sov should be made FREE.

Because higher sov costs will not lead to smaller territories for alliances, but for more organisation and even more renter empires and cash flows.

An alliance does not want to lose space, so they will find a way to make up for the bigger cost. In the course of the year the cost of rising sov has not led to a system with multiple warring factions, but to the current situation with basically two sides who have divided the cake between them. So why do you think rising the cost for sov will have a different outcome, while history shows us different?

Both powerblocks are very well and proffesionally organised, and the reason why they are that way is because CCP forced them to with the game mechanics. If they want to reverse that, they need to relinquish control. If alliances can have sov easily, they also don't need to hold vast swaths of territories for their renters.

It is really that simple. And once again someone proposes to make sov more expensive. I am pretty sure that step will make the CFC and N3 come to an agreement and the blue donut is a fact.

What needs to be done is add about 20 or 30 more null sec regions (and low sec) and reduce the cost of holding sov to ZERO. The big alliances of now will have no interest in conquering the new space, because there is no economic need for it, and new organisations can move in.

And blown up for lulz by roaming gangs. :)
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#10 - 2014-06-16 23:11:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Loraine Gess
Playing since 2005

Too stupid to look at system security or post in the right forum
Serene Repose
#11 - 2014-06-16 23:21:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
Karen Avioras wrote:
Nine years playing eve and yet you can't find the correct subforum.
Oh me oh my. Another candidate for the Somebody Stop Me From Thinking program.
Higgs, you're coming in at a close second. Don't do a Lindsey Lohan on us.

Speculation: The font of unintended consequence.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2014-06-16 23:37:12 UTC
Kalorian wrote:
I have been playing EVE Online since 2005. I have witnessed the game change through my playing over the years and in many ways the changes have been great. In other ways some content of the game has decreased in popularity. The biggest of which in my opinion is Sovereignty. I am sure there have been tons of discussions and previous posts about this topic but I wanted to relay some thoughts I have had in regards to this topic over the years.


Moon Minerals tend to be a focal point. When wars are raged the most valuable moons are targeted to turn off the ISK machine that these moons can be. While this is a legitimate strategy it appears more and more that there is a monopoly on moons. The ownership of these assets are carved out in back rooms of these Coalitions of Alliances. How can one challenge the power of certain entities to get access to these resources?

Variability. Moon minerals should not be locked to their seed and they should have a life span. The mechanics already exist for this (to a lesser extent) with exploration (anomalies spawn and respawn) and planetary interaction (quantities vary). If Moon minerals were exhausted and had a range from say 1 month to 4 months this would add change and mobility to low sec and 0.0 landscape.

At certain points Dysprosium moons may have a higher spawn rate in a different region and that would shift wars for control over these assets. Perhaps in rare cases a moon could be spawned with 2 or 3 rarity minerals which could net more than average Dysprosium moon.

The point of this suggestion is to add variability to the value of specific regions. Currently if you have moon data for a region you can calculate its rough value in moons and that would be a constant. If you do this for every region you can find where the most value is in regards to owning space.

I realize that you've put a lot of thought into this, but I don't see this as a solution as the number of moons in a given region is constant. Larger alliances/coalitions would not be affected as much by variance due to the number of moon's accessible, but smaller groups that hold a handful of systems could be wiped out due to over dependence on specific moons. I think this would do far more harm than good, and only benefit the largest actors in null sec.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Chopper Rollins
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#13 - 2014-06-17 00:09:59 UTC
Eve is a gigantic puzzle: what can you introduce to the game that doesn't immediately benefit only the already super rich?
With siphons and them space yurts i think we have a kind of answer: that which doesn't benefit anyone much at all.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Pine Marten
#14 - 2014-06-17 00:16:51 UTC
CCP is fine with the way things are otherwise they would have changed it long ago.

Does it matter that some dev's are sitting on the councils that rule these bloc's? Of course not.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2014-06-17 02:03:31 UTC
Higgs Foton wrote:
Stupid idea.

I think the cost of having sov should be made FREE.

Because higher sov costs will not lead to smaller territories for alliances, but for more organisation and even more renter empires and cash flows.

An alliance does not want to lose space, so they will find a way to make up for the bigger cost. In the course of the year the cost of rising sov has not led to a system with multiple warring factions, but to the current situation with basically two sides who have divided the cake between them. So why do you think rising the cost for sov will have a different outcome, while history shows us different?

This only makes the profit margin more beneficial to the large organizations renting out Sovereignty Space.

If you add more mechanics that allow smaller groups to truly be able to harass and find dents in a bloated organization you not only add a fun factor for small entities but an annoyance to having to deal with smaller forces causing havoc in your empty space.

Even if this emphasized renting it would make renting even more expensive to cover the costs of their bloated empire this making it more expensive to rent and require more isk from renters in which it is not as much as a benefit as it was.

Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
This seems like a Feature and/or an Idea.

That is a good point and if a moderator would like to move the post I have no objections. I posted it from work as I was leaving to head home and I only had the top segment of the forums in my view and figured it was a "general discussion" as it covered different facets of eve and not truly just sov but the factors of variance that could be added.

BeBopAReBop wrote:
I realize that you've put a lot of thought into this, but I don't see this as a solution as the number of moons in a given region is constant. Larger alliances/coalitions would not be affected as much by variance due to the number of moon's accessible, but smaller groups that hold a handful of systems could be wiped out due to over dependence on specific moons. I think this would do far more harm than good, and only benefit the largest actors in null sec.

I would think if anything EVE has taught us is that radnom really isn't completely random. It's more about luck in a sense. Just because a region has 300 moons doesn't mean it is going to get 10 Dysprosium moons distributed or multiple mineral moons. Yes more moons does = more chance. However there could be a stronger chance that moons are dumped with gases and rarity 8's than anything else.

I truly think moving around the moon resources randomly at depletion would slow down the isk machine many of these large blocs currently have in conjunction with making large chunks of sov more expensive to hold these would work hand in hand make holding several regions of space not worthwhile. Larger benefits for smaller alliances holding sov of a constellation or two etc.. some benefits for holding an entire region. They both directly take away from the larger organizations ability to sustain their infrastructure. It also adds in those achilles heel type of weak points for other player content to directly interefere and harrass with larger organizations.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2014-06-17 03:31:50 UTC
Pine Marten wrote:
CCP is fine with the way things are otherwise they would have changed it long ago.

Does it matter that some dev's are sitting on the councils that rule these bloc's? Of course not.

Just because a word ends with an s doesn't mean you have to stick an apostrophe in there.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#17 - 2014-06-17 03:35:55 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Just because a word end's with an 's doesn't mean you have to stick an apostrophe in there.

Fixed that for you Rhe's.
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#18 - 2014-06-17 03:57:04 UTC
I like how OP, even after being told how stupid he is, both directly and point by point, insists this would help small blocs. As if the larger blocs don't have the manpower to constantly re-scan their moons and break into 600 different bajillion alliances to keep costs down. I'd almost say he's a shill trying to argue for ways his alliance can get stronger, but then I remembered his alliance lost all its space and is currently hemorrhaging members.

So there is that.
Felicity Love
#19 - 2014-06-17 04:39:04 UTC
To summarize: "I'm not making enough ISK, ergo Null is broken." This "compression" stuff works on text, too. Roll

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Vardaugas Family
#20 - 2014-06-17 04:43:48 UTC
Smash moon goo monopolies: Make moons produce P0s and react them into P1s and moon materials. Now anyone can export P0s to a POS and react moon materials. Rarer moon materials may require several P0s and/or produce fewer moon materials per cycle with equal or more P0 need.

WTB: Wormhole to hide in.
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