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CODE's code?

Haedonism Bot
People for the Ethical Treatment of Rogue Drones
#81 - 2014-06-13 20:32:05 UTC
Vhelnik Cojoin wrote:

For instance 'AFK mining' in HiSec is not a thing, and hasn't been for quite a while. This is even more true after the launch of Kronos a few days ago. Given the small size of HiSec asteroids, and the cycle time of mining lasers, you cannot really turn the back to your client for more than a few moments at best. If the mining lasers are burning, then the pilot does tinker with the client at very regular intervals.

Try suicide ganking or bumping miners for awhile, and you'll see where you are wrong. It's extremely common for miners who have been ganked to float in their pod in the belt for several minutes after being ganked (assuming that you didn't blap the pod too, of course.) I would say that roughly 1 in 3 does this, in my experience. It is not uncommon for a pod to float there for the full 15 minutes needed for the ganker to wait out his GCC and return to finish it off.

Vote Sabriz Adoudel and Tora Bushido for CSMX. Keep the Evil in EVE!

John E Normus
New Order Logistics
#82 - 2014-06-13 21:15:21 UTC
Vhelnik Cojoin wrote:
*) Ignorant of the problems with neutrals near his mining barge.
*) Possibly not a native English speaker. My little group of mining friends have tested this. Non-native English speakers may not react to hails in English from me, yet they will if we can figure out what their language of choice is (check player and corp bio) and have someone able to speak it.
*) Possibly multi-boxing and currently Alt-Tabbed. Have known a fair share of low- or nullsec pilots, who mine in HiSec for a bit of ISK on the side, while simultaneously being in a PvP fleet.
*) Actually using illegal botting software.

*) Bots are ignorant.
*) Bots aren't native English speakers.
*) *GASP, say no more.

You are a natural bro. Until you decide to join the winning team please send James 315 10 million isk and put "permit" as the reason. TIA

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#83 - 2014-06-13 22:03:42 UTC
Thanks a lot CODE. Now Dryson is crapping up the Warfare & Tactics forum, and my militia. Thanks a heap. Roll
Alternative Splicing
Captain Content and The Contenteers
#84 - 2014-06-13 23:01:52 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Thanks a lot CODE. Now Dryson is crapping up the Warfare & Tactics forum, and my militia. Thanks a heap. Roll

The blind leading the blind ensures the white knight menace will never actually pose a threat to the Knights of the New Order.
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#85 - 2014-06-14 03:16:51 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Thanks a lot CODE. Now Dryson is crapping up the Warfare & Tactics forum, and my militia. Thanks a heap. Roll

you should check out local when we are hitting freighters and hes in system.

Apparently we are real life murderers and rapists.
Shelom Severasse
Legion Ascending
#86 - 2014-06-14 03:29:39 UTC
412nv Yaken wrote:
Fragglewump wrote:
lol well they all so should stop people from going afk in station as well because people waiting out side of station to kill them. CODE are just weak pilots that dont have the minerals to go up against PVP pilots. they are just gankers

I'm sorry our game play troubles you so deeply. However PvP is player vs player, seeing as we are killing players, not npcs you are incorrect. I belive we have some of the most elite pvpers in the game and this has been covered in many threads before.

As for op, I don't understand ur question, the market is like a shop where people go to buy things, think sitting on a shelf. This cannot be compared to Autopiloting through space or afk mining. As you are letting the game do all the work for you. The market player has already done the work to get to that point for their potential reward, where by autopikoting is letting the game get the reward for you .

let's be honest the only reason you think you can autopilot is because u feel highsec is safe, we are the reminder it isn't and shouldn't be. I would suggest 're reading the code for your answers, as they are found in there.

"..most elite players in the game.."
Subject 4927
Kenshin Shogunate.
#87 - 2014-06-14 06:15:43 UTC
412nv Yaken wrote:
I belive we have some of the most elite pvpers in the game

Sweet mother of christ you did not just-

Vhelnik Cojoin
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#88 - 2014-06-14 11:21:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Vhelnik Cojoin
Haedonism Bot wrote:
Try suicide ganking or bumping miners for awhile, and you'll see where you are wrong. It's extremely common for miners who have been ganked to float in their pod in the belt for several minutes after being ganked (assuming that you didn't blap the pod too, of course.) I would say that roughly 1 in 3 does this, in my experience. It is not uncommon for a pod to float there for the full 15 minutes needed for the ganker to wait out his GCC and return to finish it off.

What you describe is technically possible, particularly since the launch of Kronos. Though it takes an extreme level of low skills and other 'optimal' conditions to do so.

With T1 fittings, a Kronos nerfed Retriever, absolutely lowest level I skills required to fit and fly, no drones nor fleet boost and the largest Veldspar asteroids you will find in HiSec, you can get the cycle time until you run out of yield in a single asteroid up to around 25 minutes.

(This is the point, where some people stopped reading the last time I mentioned this...)

"25 minutes?! Raaah! AFKKILLKILL!"


The 'yield' by doing so - if you can even call it that - is at a stretch a pathetic 7M ISK/hour, and you'd need to cherry pick the few asteroids with up around 100'000 units of Veld within to keep mining for this amount of time. You cannot keep doing this all day, as you will run out of sufficiently sized rocks to munch. Most rocks you will find in HiSec are about half this size, and as skills improve the time to mining laser 'burnout' drops considerably.

By comparison, at the other end of the scale, a level V Hulk with full Orca boost fills up in about 2m45s. On top of this you will practically always end up 'staggering' your mining lasers and cutting cycles short due to the odd and random asteroid sizes. So here you end up having to tinker with your ship at least once a minute or so on average, about the time it takes to kill a tough NPC battleship in a L4 mission (skill dependent).

All other combinations of barges, skills and boosts are somewhere in between these extremes. Yet in practice, for any sensible yield, mining is hardly 'afk' all day long, or even for 15 minutes at a time. Not even close. For instance on a Mackinaw the average 'tinker time' is about 2 minutes or slightly longer, post Kronos.

PS: You may occasionally see an abomination, where a player mines one asteroid with a single mining laser fitted to a cargo expanded T1 industrial. Takes an absolute eternity to exhaust a single large asteroid that way. Please put those pilots out of their misery when you can.

Have you Communicated with your fellow capsuleers today? It is good for the EvE-oconomy and o-kay for you.

Vhelnik Cojoin
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#89 - 2014-06-14 11:23:04 UTC
John E Normus wrote:
*) Bots are ignorant.
*) Bots aren't native English speakers.
*) *GASP, say no more.

You are a natural bro. Until you decide to join the winning team please send James 315 10 million isk and put "permit" as the reason. TIA

Genuine bots needs hard stomping with both feet.

Have you Communicated with your fellow capsuleers today? It is good for the EvE-oconomy and o-kay for you.

412nv Yaken
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#90 - 2014-06-14 11:49:57 UTC
Subject 4927 wrote:
412nv Yaken wrote:
I belive we have some of the most elite pvpers in the game

Sweet mother of christ you did not just-

We are, proof is on the killboards and many many many threads in the past.

PvP = person vs person

Seeing as we are not killing little red crosses aka npc's that would make it PvP. Flying round in space where u will be killed in less that 10 secs, whilst PvP ing capital class ships and many other player flown ships proves we are elite.


A True Champion of High Security Space

Subject 4927
Kenshin Shogunate.
#91 - 2014-06-14 14:29:57 UTC
412nv Yaken wrote:
Subject 4927 wrote:
412nv Yaken wrote:
I belive we have some of the most elite pvpers in the game

Sweet mother of christ you did not just-

We aren't, proof is on the killboards and many many many threads in the past.

PvP = person vs person

Seeing as we are not killing little red crosses aka npc's that would make it PvP. Flying round in space where u will be killed in less that 10 secs, whilst PvP ing capital class ships and many other player flown ships proves we are good, but not elite.



John E Normus
New Order Logistics
#92 - 2014-06-14 17:48:18 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Thanks a lot CODE. Now Dryson is crapping up the Warfare & Tactics forum, and my militia. Thanks a heap. Roll


thx Big smile

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#93 - 2014-06-14 19:11:42 UTC
Estella Osoka wrote:
Thanks a lot CODE. Now Dryson is crapping up the Warfare & Tactics forum, and my militia. Thanks a heap. Roll
Dryson, the shitposter FW doesn't need, or deserve.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

The Conference Elite
The Conference
#94 - 2014-06-14 21:25:59 UTC
Subject 4927 wrote:
412nv Yaken wrote:
Subject 4927 wrote:
412nv Yaken wrote:
I belive we have some of the most elite pvpers in the game

Sweet mother of christ you did not just-

We aren't, proof is on the killboards and many many many threads in the past.

PvP = person vs person

Seeing as we are not killing little red crosses aka npc's that would make it PvP. Flying round in space where u will be killed in less that 10 secs, whilst PvP ing capital class ships and many other player flown ships proves we are good, but not elite.



Please advise with proof how you are better then Code. In anyway, as all I've seen is you whine on the forums about how butthurt and jealous you are. So please show us something unique and different you bring to the table that makes you so special,

If you can't then please just stop whining. Move on, get over the fact that noone knows who you are in game and do something instead.

Inb4 - I don't need proof
Inb4 - random insult
Inb4 - more tears
Inb4 - not answering with proof
Inb4 - being upset and jealous about code success.

Btw show us on the doll where loyalanon touched you.
Anize Oramara
#95 - 2014-06-14 21:33:56 UTC
hmm so buying a permit means you are safe...

so you guys are actually not only protecting bots/afk miners but in fact promoting it and fostering it so long as you get paid.


man this is some good stuff right here. the parallels to a modern 3rd world dictatorship is hilariously obvious. for everyone except a few ignorance miners and haulers code is a joke. nothing they say will ever change that.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Valkin Mordirc
#96 - 2014-06-14 21:39:32 UTC
I don't understand the hate CODE gets. They're just a bunch of people playing in a sandbox. If you know that it's fully possible and legal for your little mining ship to be ganked by a couple of destroyers and you come to an illogical conclusion that because you are defenseless, CCP CONCORD, whatever should protect you. Then in the word of Andrew Ryan. You are a parasite, and you can't have a slice of my pie.

It's my pie dammit.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#97 - 2014-06-14 21:44:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Anize Oramara wrote:
hmm so buying a permit means you are safe...

so you guys are actually not only protecting bots/afk miners but in fact promoting it and fostering it so long as you get paid.


man this is some good stuff right here. the parallels to a modern 3rd world dictatorship is hilariously obvious. for everyone except a few ignorance miners and haulers code is a joke. nothing they say will ever change that.
Being AFK or using a bot automatically voids the permit as both are in direct contravention of the code.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#98 - 2014-06-14 22:24:56 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
hmm so buying a permit means you are safe...

This is a common mis-conception. Purchasing a permit *and* fully complying with the Code means you are safe from the New Order having to spank you.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Jur Tissant
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2014-06-15 03:03:23 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
hmm so buying a permit means you are safe...

This is a common mis-conception. Purchasing a permit *and* fully complying with the Code means you are safe from the New Order having to spank you.

Purchasing a permit and fully complying with the Code means that Code pilots will just have to make up an excuse to gank you.
John E Normus
New Order Logistics
#100 - 2014-06-15 03:53:15 UTC
Actually ganking a Code-breaking permit holder is kind of a pain in the ass. We have to talk to other Code "people" about it. Then there is a discussion where many examples and precedents are brought up. Sometimes there is much linking of chat-logs and kill mails and of course someone will always check the "holy document" itself. For some reason, links to furry porn are very popular during a revocation summit. And then finally someone will say, "Go ahead and kill him but I'm not reimbursing it." Which is followed by everyone else saying pretty much the same thing.

Then you blow up his whatever.

But sometimes it's much darker. Sometimes an agent or agents will go jihad on us. An agent will link a kill mail of a permit holder and then link THIS!

We do our best to fight the natural, James-given jihad spirit that is always just below the surface in the New Order but on rare occasions it gets loose. Sad

Between Ignorance and Wisdom