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Contested Guristas Covert Research Facility (Highsec)

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#41 - 2014-06-09 13:49:35 UTC
Loraine Gess wrote:
Ryekz wrote:
Loraine Gess wrote:
Personally I am positively giggling as all the risk-adverse "explorers" think formulaic, no-risk, no-tank is the current meta. Let there be site explosions!

Are you joking? There already is plenty of risk especially for newer players. Lot's of us cant even defend ourselves and continuously get jumped and killed, or the sites are stolen from underneath . Rather than laughing and thinking its funny and that a game breaking bug should be be kept in game maybe you should try learning more about how hard and risky exploration actually is.

By your logic maybe asteroids should start randomly blowing miners up?

Oh my god you just called nullsec exploration in a 500k isk nearly unfitted T1 frig "hard and risky". I've barely muffed my laughter to keep my coworkers from asking why I'm laughing at a computer.

Oh great master of exploration let me bow down to you and your sheer genius and billions of ISK.

Why dont you enlighten us new players on your great wisdom on how there isn't risk in exploration even in hi-sec. Seems to me like you are either trolling or having an aneurysm.

Clearly you have no idea what you are even talking about. I have been attacked numerous times at sites, let alone gates coming back from exploring sites.
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#42 - 2014-06-09 17:27:01 UTC
Ryekz wrote:
Loraine Gess wrote:
Ryekz wrote:
Loraine Gess wrote:
Personally I am positively giggling as all the risk-adverse "explorers" think formulaic, no-risk, no-tank is the current meta. Let there be site explosions!

Are you joking? There already is plenty of risk especially for newer players. Lot's of us cant even defend ourselves and continuously get jumped and killed, or the sites are stolen from underneath . Rather than laughing and thinking its funny and that a game breaking bug should be be kept in game maybe you should try learning more about how hard and risky exploration actually is.

By your logic maybe asteroids should start randomly blowing miners up?

Oh my god you just called nullsec exploration in a 500k isk nearly unfitted T1 frig "hard and risky". I've barely muffed my laughter to keep my coworkers from asking why I'm laughing at a computer.

Oh great master of exploration let me bow down to you and your sheer genius and billions of ISK.

Why dont you enlighten us new players on your great wisdom on how there isn't risk in exploration even in hi-sec. Seems to me like you are either trolling or having an aneurysm.

Clearly you have no idea what you are even talking about. I have been attacked numerous times at sites, let alone gates coming back from exploring sites.

In highsec? That's entirely your own damn fault. But hey, let's say you have a 1:3 chance of losing your ship in null or low - which, mind you, is a highly generous and completely fantastical number. Let's see one site, rolls low, 5-10m isk... you explode.

Expected loss: (1/3)*500k isk

Expected gain: >= (2/3) * 10m isk

EV: 6.5m isk/site, or a margin exceeding 1000%

Lots of risk there
Tyburn Stannis
Xenon Salvage Inc.
#43 - 2014-06-09 23:29:26 UTC
Ryekz wrote:
Tyburn Stannis wrote:
People losing multiple ships and quitting in frustration = Darwinism in action.

If you explode once because you poked the new shiny thing and didn't know what it did, fair enough (I didn't know about the exploding but I explore in a cruiser hull as I'm paranoid) If you repeatedly poke the thing you already know from first hand evidence explodes fragile ships, then run to the forums to complain instead of the patch notes or reading threads... cool. More sites for the rest of us :)


Thanks for the advice really helpful there champ. Way to bring something productive to the issue at hand. You with your luxurious cruisers. So I guess new players with small frigs are just suppose to blow up and die with no recourse on a profession they chose only weeks later to find out if you explore you will randomly blow up and lose everything.

no need to be a condescending jerk.

If you think a cruiser is a luxury ship you have an interesting time ahead of you...

First rule of EVE no matter how experienced you are (it's even in the tutorials) is "don't fly anything you can't afford to lose". Which goes for rookies who don't know what they're doing and vets who thought they knew it all - both of which are being caught out by the new exploding exploration.

In either case "I didnt know it did that" followed immediately by "OMG FFS WTF I lost several ships" shows a rather basic lack of foresight and/or research which is understandable as new features are introduced and people rush off to try them - hotly pursued by an astonishingly advanced lack of learning from the first experience for which there is little excuse and even less sympathy.

Novae Sanctum
Flectus non Fractus
#44 - 2014-06-10 01:19:59 UTC
i've lost my t2frig too
after that i searched and found this topic ^^

i got no problem with loosing my ship(s) but i have a problem that this happened without a chance/message...

i locked the tower, flight to him, clicked an the Analyzer.... and a magical egg appeared :-/

if i failed the hack and it exploded, it would be reasonable
but on this way its not understandable...

*buys a new ship and add some tank to his scannig fit*
Saraki Ishikela
Caldari State
#45 - 2014-06-10 02:40:21 UTC
I haven't had any problems with explosions and I've done a few dozen in my Astero. Loot and warp out immediately. I also have mine fit for align time so I can warp almost immediately. If you're having problems though try adding some explosive resists

One newbies quest to ExploreEVE: [u]Youtube[/u]: - **[u]**Blogspot:[/u] [u]Twitter:[/u]** - [u]Facebook[/u]:**

Michael Weaver
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2014-06-10 09:48:38 UTC
I got two of these sites today. One exploded mid-hack , I got 1000 HP dmg from the research facility. I failed to hack the second site so I got 1000HP dmg from the transponder tower and then second wave hit me for 787 dmg from the facility.

I don't know what type of damage it is , but it seems to be omni dmg going for the biggest resist hole, not the explosive damage.
I was in an Ishtar, my resists were: 0/60/85/50 on shields and 73/89/88/68 on armor.

Considering it took out half of T2 hull (I did not fit plates) I can't imagine a frigate surviving the blast in second site.

Lorelai Shadow
Pilots of Epic
#47 - 2014-06-12 12:24:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Lorelai Shadow
(old draft removed)
Lorelai Shadow
Pilots of Epic
#48 - 2014-06-12 12:32:57 UTC
Lorelai Shadow wrote:
Michael Weaver wrote:
I got two of these sites today. One exploded mid-hack , I got 1000 HP dmg from the research facility. I failed to hack the second site so I got 1000HP dmg from the transponder tower and then second wave hit me for 787 dmg from the facility.

I don't know what type of damage it is , but it seems to be omni dmg going for the biggest resist hole, not the explosive damage.
I was in an Ishtar, my resists were: 0/60/85/50 on shields and 73/89/88/68 on armor.

Considering it took out half of T2 hull (I did not fit plates) I can't imagine a frigate surviving the blast in second site.

So i went to the developer blog on the mordu's event and there's a pretty nice extensive discussion about the exploding cans. The developer is saying "nothing" which means... they are enjoying that the players having to crack this code and figure out what to do, and going ape in the forums over how much ISK-loss they are taking in the meantime.

Most helpful post in that discussion i found was by Makoto Priano: I've still yet to test out the astero fit here. After all... losing three scanning ships, i can no longer afford to fly it since i wont be able to replace it.

As for the seemingly random explosions where it takes place as late as after you finsih hacking to even trying to just target the can, it looks like there's a timer that starts the moment the first capsuleer arrives on scene. And if you happen to be in the area when the timer is ticking down to zero... BOOM! I guess you were the last one holding the conch.

Back to mining I go. I hope CODE stays outta the system for a while. I got a lot of ISK to make up. :)

(if any of you CODE jerks are reading this... no, im not stupid enough to mine on this character and then post it here. Not every miner is as clueless as you think. Your borderline-illegal grieving of miners is abhorrable and you should be ashamed of your killboards. Okay I'm done... getting off my soapbox.)

Lorelai Shadow
Pilots of Epic
#49 - 2014-06-12 12:36:11 UTC
oops a double post.... how did that happen? sorry guys... anyone know how to remove the first one? (yes im still new to EVE as you can see)
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#50 - 2014-06-13 02:33:04 UTC
I don't care about the explosions or anything along those lines. What ticks me off the most is the sites not despawning or not allowing a hack when there is something in the container thingy.

That needs looking into, the explosion can be avoided if your smart, if your not you loose your ship and hopefully learn, if not then your on the way to insanity.
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