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EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion

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The RvB Spring Cup

First post
Mangala Solaris
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#1 - 2014-06-09 17:10:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Mangala Solaris
Hi tournament aficionados.

This past weekend RvB held a tournament for our members.

Was a 5v5 cruiser down set up, using points and such similar to the AT/NEO/SCL.

Now unlike internal tournaments run by other folks, we live streamed ours on twitch and got some community streamers/notables to commentate, work the cameras and so on. This lead to us having a ton of footage and so far Day One (Saturday) has been uploaded to Youtube here. Day Two is here.

Now, you'll be wondering why I came here:
1) Thought you would be interested in what we pulled off on TQ with no fancy tools
2) Feedback. I would love to hear your thoughts on the setup, rules etc So that I can make the next one even better - or even somehow make this thing more public than simply joining RvB is.

PS Rules & points can be found on the challonge page I used for this:
Bei ArtJay
Side Kicks
Unspoken Alliance.
#2 - 2014-06-10 16:40:56 UTC

Just finished watching all the you-tube clips of day one and I watched most of day 2 live on twitch. On the whole very enjoyable.

Some feedback as requested:

1) I was kicking myself the whole way through for not slipping an alt into RvB to take part, looks like it was a lot of fun and would have loved to take part.
2) Overall I thought organisation was top-notch and easily on a par with SCL etc, particularly given you were improvising without dev-tools.
3) Commentator selection was great, mixing it up plenty and allowing for some new voices to step up was great. Sir Squeebles in particular was good and look forward to him commentating on ATXII.
4) I think the rules could have been expanded to not restrict by hull size. Seeing someone field 1 battleship and 3 T1 frigs or whatever could have been entertaining. Limiting to cruiser hulls I think made it a bit predictable that Vexors, Moa's and Caracals would be strong, but I think it is a good demonstration of balance in EvE atm that there were counters to each setup and a decent variation throughout the tournament. Overall I think it was a good rule set.
5) I realise its a pain in the ass but I would have like to see banning in progress, even if it was one ban per team, could have mixed things up a bit more.
6) The cameraman could have done with a bit more practice, he/she missed a lot of the action, however the overlay and the improvised UI was really good given its player-run first tournament. Top marks for effort here!

I really think you should persuade CCP bro to maybe get some CCP support for the next one, after all stuff like this is a great marketing tool for them - missed opportunity if they dont use you to plug the new Moa re-design! Makes me think that if they don't have the time to support player run tournament themselves that training up some ISD -type devs or whatever who could learn to use the stuff on SISI would be fantastic. I really hope the next tournament you run is open to all (I think you should keep the RVB brand tho - 'RVB International/Open/whatever'), if it is i look forward to attmepting to enter a team Lol

Not sure if it was on stream or posted somewhere someone mentioned about the low view count - I wouldn't worry about this at all, if the players involved (including support staff/commentators) had fun that's all that matters - you did a great job of getting the footage uploaded quickly and will be a great resource for anyone researching meta for your next tournament.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#3 - 2014-06-11 18:38:08 UTC
Very cool!

Hopefully in the future you will let us know about it. Also getting some sort of arena thing would be pretty invaluable to other aspiring tournament types.
Mangala Solaris
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#4 - 2014-06-12 11:55:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Mangala Solaris
suicide wrote:
Very cool!

Hopefully in the future you will let us know about it. Also getting some sort of arena thing would be pretty invaluable to other aspiring tournament types.

Yeah I totally fluffed the public advertising. It was my plan for last week, but I was pretty ill and could barely focus, so it never came off. Still impressed with how it all went, and still on a massive high as a result.

RvB will certainly be running more of these, and Bei, I am looking at ways to do it for the public too without needing to recourse to SISI (I have a thing about running events on TQ, just feels better).

Currently brainstorming for the next RvB internal - will be in September or so to celebrate our 5th birthday - points/ships/implants etc are all being looked at.
Bump Truck
#5 - 2014-06-13 15:09:59 UTC
I watched about five matches of the finals day.

It was great, well done, a really good tournament, well organised.

The main feedback I'd like to give is to think about the media package you are presenting.

I think it's really important not to follow CCP's lead here and have sparse matches with dubstep over stills for 15 minutes inbetween.

It really kills the atmosphere.

Now I know it takes time to set up the arena between matches etc but it would be so much better to watch if you had 2 arenas and one ran while the other got set up.

That way the stream can be continual action and you can have talking / music / matches all the time. Can you have post match interviews with the teams? Can you set up a teamspeak lobby of fans you can cut to and get their reactions? Can you have someone trawling through killmails dissecting the action afterwards?

This would take some work but it might really strengthen the product.

Personally I think going for a smooth output is really important.

The commentators did a good job I thought and ought to be commended.

However there were times when they fell into "saying what they saw" rather than adding deeper analysis. What are the pilots thinking? Why did they bring that setup? What do you expect them to do? Why is that the primary? Is that a mistake? Why? Why not?

I know this is a personal preference but I would love to hear more analysis and less "we can see the vexor losing health, yes, yes, it's definitely going through shields and that means it's about the enter armour" and more

"they're primarying a vexor, probably in an attempt to get some dps off the field, those big chunks of shield coming back let us know it's probably asb fit meaning it will tank well for a minute and then drop like a brick, asb's are a good choice as they give a lot of tank while leaving powergrid for weapons" etc

However I imagine commentating is very difficult and, as I say, they did a great job and should be congratulated.

Overall cool tournament, well done to all involved!
Tyrendian Biohazard
The Bastards
#6 - 2014-06-13 17:40:33 UTC
Hey all! I was the one running the stream for the weekend. I appreciate the feedback as I've been going over everything in my head for next time.

We did have quite a few problems with the technical side of the stream, including feeds we were using cutting out and having to be constantly re-added, hence the reason for the occasional frozen image, or only one point of view for the match. I had also been so preoccupied with the stream, layout, and technical stuff with the small amount of time to set it all up, that I never even considered programming content between matches. I ended up slapping some stuff together last minute and the wub wub was pretty much the end result of it (it seemed a lot of people were enjoying it, I was not).

Any more feedback would be very much appreciated! Thanks to Mangala for having outsiders of RvB Participate and thanks everything that watched the stream/highlight and providing feedback!

Twitch streamer and EVE NT tournament broadcaster.

Bump Truck
#7 - 2014-06-14 10:54:52 UTC
Tyrendian Biohazard wrote:
Hey all! I was the one running the stream for the weekend. I appreciate the feedback as I've been going over everything in my head for next time.

We did have quite a few problems with the technical side of the stream, including feeds we were using cutting out and having to be constantly re-added, hence the reason for the occasional frozen image, or only one point of view for the match. I had also been so preoccupied with the stream, layout, and technical stuff with the small amount of time to set it all up, that I never even considered programming content between matches. I ended up slapping some stuff together last minute and the wub wub was pretty much the end result of it (it seemed a lot of people were enjoying it, I was not).

Any more feedback would be very much appreciated! Thanks to Mangala for having outsiders of RvB Participate and thanks everything that watched the stream/highlight and providing feedback!

I think you did a great job so well done. I imagine there are a lot of challenges and I think the end result was good.

One thing you could try is to edit the footage you have now down to what you would really like it to be. Make it a slick and smooth presentation with a host and see if you can get it feeling great.

Then use this edited footage as a template for next time and try to produce something close in real time.

It's extremely hard to do things in real time but if you give yourself a chance to experiment with how you want it to look then that would be cool.

I'd happily offer what help I can, I've not got any video editing experience but I do have a lot of opinions ;)

What you did was solid, well done.
Mangala Solaris
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#8 - 2014-06-14 11:11:53 UTC
Now I know it takes time to set up the arena between matches etc but it would be so much better to watch if you had 2 arenas and one ran while the other got set up.

Would be nice, but I was basically managing this alone. I cannot split myself into two (and no I wouldnt dual box, I get very singular of focus when running the large events that are becoming my signature in EVE). As with anything in EVE, 99.9% of the people are happy to show up, they arent happy to help ;)
(And I barely trust other people to spell their passwords correctly, let alone manage things the way I want them to be managed.)

I also like the match > gap > match format it worked fine for a tournament with the numbers we had. Just being ill the week before meant I couldn't really focus on making the gap mean something. Its a testament to Bio that he filled it, even with terrible music.
Second day we aimed for considerably less dead air, and it worked, although after rewatching the streams while cutting the matches into twitch highlights, I do agree that maybe the commentators could have filled the gaps a tad better. But hey, as you say they did a good job, its not an easy job when you are the "live" johnny on the spot and they still stepped to for me when approached.

Getting captains (at least) on comms during the gaps has been suggested a lot, I used it on the last day a few times and it went down really well, so expanding that to the weekend would be good. Not sold on letting the average eve player gob off live on stream though, but again its an interesting idea for sure.

Good thing is we learned a lot - streamers/commentators/event management dude - from doing this, nothing is ever perfect out of the gate, so feedback like yours, and never ending rewatches will help make the next one better. (PS thats going to be in September/October).
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#9 - 2014-06-15 16:42:52 UTC
I really like it but it would be much more watchable if it were possible to get hit point bars. Possibly that functionality could be added subject to consent from both FCs, a double watch list.

Very nice and its good to see RvB moving from strength to strength.

I write

I post on reddit as /u/callduron.