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Warfare & Tactics

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Gallente FW is it active.

False Profits
#21 - 2014-06-10 15:13:42 UTC
Need some fw back in my life!
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2014-06-11 11:25:06 UTC
vexille Solette wrote:
i am looking at getting into gallente FW. I am just wondering if it is active and if there are any active corps recruiting.

Join a corp that provides ships and / or has a logistics solution in place. You don't base out of HS in any respect - there's no use for it.

I recommend joining my corp: Moira. You can find recruitment details in my sig and on our public channel ingame "M.Public Channel".

We welcome those new to FW. We run training programs and supply fitted ships for free. Our alliance, GMVA, is one of the top rated in Gal Mil.

Drop us a line ingame if you want to know more.

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