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Restrict NPC Corporation Posting Abilities.

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#621 - 2014-06-09 21:39:08 UTC
Alaekessa wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

A commonly suggested alternative: Restrict posting to the highest SP character on the account.

What if the highest SP character on the account is in an NPC corp?

I've suggested this, both in this thread and in other threads and I realise that it's not a perfect answer. E.g. I have a second account where the highest SP character was (until very recently) in an NPC corp, but the "main" character on the second account was actually another character. This highest SP character was / is just a training character. There isn't a guarantee that the highest SP character is the main character whether or not they are in an NPC corp.

But I support the OP as it a) raises the barrier (a little bit) and b) if it was implemented it would be implicitly saying that further restrictions are possible (unless explicitly denied).
Scope Works
#622 - 2014-06-09 21:44:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Anslo
La Nariz wrote:
Except anecdotes like what you provided aren't observations or evidence. However the precedent I provided is empirical evidence. The entire forum has its quality going down hence why CCP asked what they could do to improve it.

You are, however, saying that solution x worked on subject A, surely it will work as a blanket application to the entire Cohort subject A is a part of. You are correct, it worked in CAOD. You have no evidence or data to show it would work across the rest of the forums.

You can whinge all you like about how any change without a quintuple-blind peer reviewed high impact journal study behind it isn't a good change and should never ever happen all you like. However that does not make what you are saying have any merit or truth to it.

Neither does reductio absurdum.

The bottom line is it is impossible to get what you're asking for much like its impossible to get the exact events of a historical event that occurred 2000 years ago. Yet lacking those things does not invalidate or make it a bad suggestion.

Making comparisons between two completely different topics, however, does. It is quite possible to go and get data to show what group had the most, say, thread's closed. Were they NPC Corp? Were they player corp? What was the content of the post? Was it closed because the OP was flame bait? Or, was it closed because it was derailed into trolling?

Thanks to Eve Search, it is very possible. If you want merit to all this, I suggest you do your research. You were so eager to do it for nerfing highsec income as per your forum signature. Why not this?

I'd be willing to bet 100,000,000.00 isk that you'd still be against this idea even if I had mountains of scientific data showing that NPC alts are the sole source of quality degradation. If your post history is any indicator facts/data don't mean anything to you so I'm not going to waste anymore time unless you have a salient point to bring up.

If they were the sole source of quality degradation, and you accurately, and without bias, defined 'quality' to make a sound analysis, then no, I would have to be daft to disagree.

However, I doubt this is the case.

As for my posting history, I normally don't care about much and just derp a herp. This, however, is a bit closer to home. I grew from an NPC corp. My corp started from it. There are good people there with interesting opinions and well thought out ideas. Of course I'd want to voice my opinion in favor of them. I do not like the idea that a father of two and a good job who prefers playing Eve casually in an NPC Corp cannot voice an opinion or participate in the forums because of what is perceived to be a pattern from alleged NPC Corp alt forum trolls.

If YOUR posting history is any indicator, you simply wish to silence 'highsec pubbies,' npc corp players, and/or any combination in thereof.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

#623 - 2014-06-09 21:54:18 UTC  |  Edited by: voetius
Anslo wrote:
Funny. In my time in Eve, the most disruptive posts tend to be from player corporations, while NPC corp players end up either not even knowing the forums exist, or post rather constructively.

That is, unless you have statistics to back up your claim that NPC corps are indeed the source of trolling posts on the forums?

EDIT: In addition, a lot of people could look at your post and say it is an attempt to offend other players, namely people who prefer npc corps.

Damn forums ate my post :)

The "where's the evidence?" argument was first refined by the PR companies supporting Big Tobacco and then more recently taken up by PR companies supporting Big Oil. It tries to put the onus on the other side of the debate and even if they can produce "evidence" it will be endlessly debated about whether the parameters are valid, the conclusion valid etc. In short, it sounds like a reasonable position to take but unless it's easy to get at the evidence it is more of a stalling tactic.

It would be possible for CCP to produce this sort of information using scripts or queries but for players it's asking too much IMO.

P.S. Jesus Christ CCP fix your ******* forums this time I saved the text.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#624 - 2014-06-09 22:06:10 UTC
Anslo wrote:

1. You are, however, saying that solution x worked on subject A, surely it will work as a blanket application to the entire Cohort subject A is a part of. You are correct, it worked in CAOD. You have no evidence or data to show it would work across the rest of the forums.

2. Neither does reductio absurdum.

3. Making comparisons between two completely different topics, however, does. It is quite possible to go and get data to show what group had the most, say, thread's closed. Were they NPC Corp? Were they player corp? What was the content of the post? Was it closed because the OP was flame bait? Or, was it closed because it was derailed into trolling?

4. Thanks to Eve Search, it is very possible. If you want merit to all this, I suggest you do your research. You were so eager to do it for nerfing highsec income as per your forum signature. Why not this?

If they were the sole source of quality degradation, and you accurately, and without bias, defined 'quality' to make a sound analysis, then no, I would have to be daft to disagree.

However, I doubt this is the case.

5. As for my posting history, I normally don't care about much and just derp a herp. This, however, is a bit closer to home. I grew from an NPC corp. My corp started from it. There are good people there with interesting opinions and well thought out ideas. If YOUR posting history is any indicator, you simply wish to silence 'highsec pubbies,' npc corp players, and/or any combination in thereof.

1. Good job misrepresenting things I'm just going to quote the OP at you:

The OP wrote:
Not to long ago there was a post in general discussion discussing how to improve forum quality. Several ideas were brainstormed such as removing general discussion, giving ISD more tools, providing harsher punishments for forum rule breaking, etc. Those all have some merit but, I feel the best way to improve the quality of the forums is:

Restricting NPC corporation members to EVE New Citizen's Q&A, Features & Ideas Discussion, Character Bazaar and Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center.

There has already been a precedent set for this idea by CAOD; in CAOD NPC alts cannot post and the quality of that forum is significantly better than other forums albeit slower.

2. Its a good thing that's not what is taking place and I don't think you know what that means.

3. A comparison has been made between what you said, an anecdote, and what I use to support my suggestion, historical evidence. Everything else you put in this point was a red herring.

4. Basically its a fools errand and my time has become more valuable, I could produce space nobel prize winning research and you'd all claim it was invalid because of goonspiracy.

5. Ah so you're holding a grudge against me and instead of determining the merit of my suggestion based on the reasoning involved have decided to claim its bad because of goonspiracy, what a surprise.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Ceawlin Cobon-Han
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#625 - 2014-06-10 06:09:39 UTC
La Nariz wrote:

So you didn't read the OP either, faceless npc troll alt is not a play style its a forum rule/EULA/TOS violation.

The OP wrote:
E: All of you posting about play style please remember faceless NPC alt troll is not a play style its a forum rule/EULA/TOS violation.

Its literally the first text in the OP so you have no excuse.

You appear to ignore what I wrote or have failed to understand it. Your idea creates a blanket ban on NPC-based players from engaging fully in the forums, regardless of the content of their forum posts. This is unacceptable.

As it's low-brow to expect CCP to police all the forums looking for npc toons trolling, and unacceptable to ban me from certain forums because I'm in an NPC corporation, your suggestion is a non-starter. I contend still that this is just another attempt by goons to increase the number of targets for them to harass.

Verdict: Still FAIL.
Lord Fudo
#626 - 2014-06-10 06:47:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Fudo
No one should be required to play EVE a certain way in order to have access to the forums. Dont worry so much about what Corp or Alliance someone is in.

Sometimes I wonder how many of you were picked on and bullied in school when you were younger. I see a lot of people on these forums act like children complaining about that someone said something mean to them. But then again, forums will be forums. Ignore the stuff that gets under your skin and dont try so hard to make everyone see things your way. Speak your mind, have fun and enjoy the game. Dont get so twisted over what another person says.
Exploration Frontier inc
#627 - 2014-06-10 08:02:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Altrue
La Nariz wrote:

A commonly suggested alternative: Restrict posting to the highest SP character on the account.
Marsha Mallow wrote:
Restrict forum posting to one character per player
Something no-one seems to be in support of, but I'm starting to lean towards. CCP have been asking people to link their accounts via email/RL info, there's no reason they can't ask us to select one character across all our accounts to be authorised to post on the forums. Character bazaar being the only exception for sellers. I know this can be bypassed with false info and multiple email addresses, and I know it would kill certain types of meta. Not sure I care, there are plenty of player run forums people can mask their identity on.

Not only is this a good idea, but its also legitimate...
I'd add that trial account posting wouldn't be allowed outside some specific forums. And we are golden :)

Lord Fudo wrote:
No one should be required to play EVE a certain way in order to have access to the forums. Dont worry so much about what Corp or Alliance someone is in.

Sometimes I wonder how many of you were picked on and bullied in school when you were younger. I see a lot of people on these forums act like children complaining about that someone said something mean to them. But then again, forums will be forums. Ignore the stuff that gets under your skin and dont try so hard to make everyone see things your way. Speak your mind, have fun and enjoy the game. Dont get so twisted over what another person says.

Its not about having a thick skin, its about preserving a sane use of the forums and helping clear the trolls a bit. CCP is a company that lets us communicate with the dev team and its a precious thing. To all anti-CSM people, its also a nice way to ensure your voice is heard regardless of who is on the CSM and how biaized it is blablabla.... But being able to communicate with them is to no use when half of the posts in feedback threads are trolls, insults, or poorly argumented hasty conclusions. Sure it can still happen under your main, but at least you have to assume what you say.

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#628 - 2014-06-10 13:31:51 UTC
Ceawlin Cobon-Han wrote:
La Nariz wrote:

So you didn't read the OP either, faceless npc troll alt is not a play style its a forum rule/EULA/TOS violation.

The OP wrote:
E: All of you posting about play style please remember faceless NPC alt troll is not a play style its a forum rule/EULA/TOS violation.

Its literally the first text in the OP so you have no excuse.

You appear to ignore what I wrote or have failed to understand it. Your idea creates a blanket ban on NPC-based players from engaging fully in the forums, regardless of the content of their forum posts. This is unacceptable.

As it's low-brow to expect CCP to police all the forums looking for npc toons trolling, and unacceptable to ban me from certain forums because I'm in an NPC corporation, your suggestion is a non-starter. I contend still that this is just another attempt by goons to increase the number of targets for them to harass.

Verdict: Still FAIL.

You didn't get a well thought out response for two reasons, goonspiracy and already answered in the OP/did not read the OP. I'll even break it down for you the bolded parts are goonspiracy and the italicized parts are already answered by the OP. You did not raise an new salient points.

Ceawlin Cobon-Han wrote:

A goon trying to reduce trolling?!? Has a quantum shift happened since I was away from the game?

As to the idea: NO. As a selling point for the game is for players to go their own way in New Eden, I can't see how limiting players' involvement in the forums will improve things.

Daft when you consider it. If someone has offended thee to such a degree that retribution is necessary then gunning down someone in an NPC corp is perfectly feasible. Concord waste your ship BUT it was a necessary action.

This is, once again, someone attempting to dictate playstyle to other players. As the OP is a goon, it's obviously just another attempt to get people into player corps to be shot at.

Verdict: LAME.

If you want a well out response attack the suggestion, correct the goonspiracy in your posts and do not use any new goonspiracy/fallacies.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#629 - 2014-06-10 13:36:01 UTC
Lord Fudo wrote:
No one should be required to play EVE a certain way in order to have access to the forums. Dont worry so much about what Corp or Alliance someone is in.

Sometimes I wonder how many of you were picked on and bullied in school when you were younger. I see a lot of people on these forums act like children complaining about that someone said something mean to them. But then again, forums will be forums. Ignore the stuff that gets under your skin and dont try so hard to make everyone see things your way. Speak your mind, have fun and enjoy the game. Dont get so twisted over what another person says.

People read the OP its there for a reason.

The OP wrote:
E: All of you posting about play style please remember faceless NPC alt troll is not a play style its a forum rule/EULA/TOS violation.
"but, but, but, I don't have a point but want to insist this is a play style!" No it really isn't read the forum rules:

This has nothing to do about thick skins, I personally could care less what someone I do not know nor will ever meet says to/about me on the internet. However it does have to do with improving forum quality by for a few examples, reducing the amount of trolling, reducing CCP/ISD work load, and providing another layer of moderation to the forums.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Scope Works
#630 - 2014-06-10 13:50:30 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
1. Good job misrepresenting things I'm just going to quote the OP at you

And how does my original statement that your proposal is an unfounded blanket ban on a large amount of sub forums and users based on the results of a single sub forums policy change? As a clinician, I see no difference between this foolishness and a pants on head PI proposing an entire Cohort be given a dose of an experimental compound due to positive results of a single subject in a completely different Cohort.

2. Its a good thing that's not what is taking place and I don't think you know what that means.

Pretty sure it is when you make such foolish comparisons as forum posting history and events occuring a few thousand years ago.

3. A comparison has been made between what you said, an anecdote, and what I use to support my suggestion, historical evidence. Everything else you put in this point was a red herring.

You call my proposal to obtain actual data to strengthen your proposal a red herring?

u w0t m8

4. Basically its a fools errand and my time has become more valuable, I could produce space nobel prize winning research and you'd all claim it was invalid because of goonspiracy.

Who cares about goons or not? You could be Dinsdale Piranha saying this crap and I would still ask you to get more to back your proposal up than "well it worked in this one sub forum, let's do it to the majority of them!" If you provided hard, undeniable data that showed what you are saying to be true, I could not refute your point, plain and simple. I would have to concede.

5. Ah so you're holding a grudge against me and instead of determining the merit of my suggestion based on the reasoning involved have decided to claim its bad because of goonspiracy, what a surprise.

If this was about a grudge, I would have just sperged at you like oh so many have before. But instead, I came up with ways to refute you and/or have you refute me with facts.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#631 - 2014-06-10 14:10:11 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
Anslo wrote:
1. And how does my original statement that your proposal is an unfounded blanket ban on a large amount of sub forums and users based on the results of a single sub forums policy change? As a clinician, I see no difference between this foolishness and a pants on head PI proposing an entire Cohort be given a dose of an experimental compound due to positive results of a single subject in a completely different Cohort.

2. Pretty sure it is when you make such foolish comparisons as forum posting history and events occuring a few thousand years ago.

3. You call my proposal to obtain actual data to strengthen your proposal a red herring?

4. Who cares about goons or not? You could be Dinsdale Piranha saying this crap and I would still ask you to get more to back your proposal up than "well it worked in this one sub forum, let's do it to the majority of them!" If you provided hard, undeniable data that showed what you are saying to be true, I could not refute your point, plain and simple. I would have to concede.

5. If this was about a grudge, I would have just sperged at you like oh so many have before. But instead, I came up with ways to refute you and/or have you refute me with facts.

1. You're trying to pass an anecdote off as scientific evidence and proof that the suggestion is unfounded versus historical evidence that shows it has worked. You're trying to take what I'm saying out of context so you can make it look bad and destroy it, that's a strawman.

2. It was an example of why anecdotes are bad and have no scientific impact.

3. No I'm calling it out because its deliberately set out to stall or claim that it shouldn't be done because we don't ~know~ what will happen. Its much like the others in the thread who have said we shouldn't do X because we don't have specific study Y. You're basing your conclusion on the absence of evidence instead of evidence we already had, falling for argumentum e silentio.

E4. Again same deal you're asking exact quantitative data no player can produce and going to claim that since it doesn't exist we shouldn't implement this suggestion which is the same thing as 3. Goonspiracy is relevant because its a pretty good indicator of intelligence and willingness to be open to ideas or attack the idea over the poster.


Anslo wrote:
Good God you people are still feeding the nose troll?

Eve Community pls.

Context of this following quote is required click the link.

Anslo wrote:

I think the term isn't bullying. I believe it's being surrounded by vocal, vitriolic assholes.

I agree with him about it.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Deaf Armada
#632 - 2014-06-10 14:35:43 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
E: All of you posting about play style please remember faceless NPC alt troll is not a play style its a forum rule/EULA/TOS violation.
"but, but, but, I don't have a point but want to insist this is a play style!" No it really isn't read the forum rules:

E2: This is not the freedom of speech thread and it does not apply to private forums. Freedom of speech =! freedom from consequences.

I would like to see rule that specifically said that.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#633 - 2014-06-10 14:39:20 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
unidenify wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
E: All of you posting about play style please remember faceless NPC alt troll is not a play style its a forum rule/EULA/TOS violation.
"but, but, but, I don't have a point but want to insist this is a play style!" No it really isn't read the forum rules:

E2: This is not the freedom of speech thread and it does not apply to private forums. Freedom of speech =! freedom from consequences.

I would like to see rule that specifically said that.

For the first part.

Terms of Service

We would like to direct your attention to the Website Terms of Use Agreement, particularly Section 6, which deals directly with the Forums.

6.1 tells you what you can and cannot do on the forums.
6.2 tells you what the moderators can do to regulate the forums.
6.3 tells you what procedures may be put in place by CCP.

5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

Second part is coming in an edit.

E: from Vanderbilt University.

Do individuals have First Amendment rights on others’ private property?

Generally no. The Bill of Rights provides protection for individual liberty from actions by government officials. This is called the state-action doctrine. Private property is not government-owned. Restrictions on individuals’ free-speech rights on private property do not involve state action.

However, a few states have interpreted their own state constitutions to provide even greater free-speech protection than the federal Constitution offers. For example, the New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled that individuals have free-speech rights at privately owned shopping malls. Most state supreme courts that have examined the issue have disagreed. In April 2002, the Iowa Supreme Court refused to extend its definition of public property to include large, privately owned shopping malls.

The forums are CCP's private property.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Deaf Armada
#634 - 2014-06-10 14:55:11 UTC
I don't denied that it is privacy, not right to use Forum. God forbid if they do have right as we don't need rampage of troll like in however rule related to troll don't state anything against to have npc alt.

it cover all player regardless their corporate background.

blanket ban on npc corp won't stop troll, as it is same idea as NPC corp tax. Troll will just make 1 men corp to bypass it.

real solution is give ISD a power to suspend forum account for chosen time period, and have it apply to entire account.
Markku Laaksonen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#635 - 2014-06-10 15:19:09 UTC

DUST 514 Recruit Code -

EVE Buddy Invite -

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#636 - 2014-06-10 15:27:23 UTC
unidenify wrote:
I don't denied that it is privacy, not right to use Forum. God forbid if they do have right as we don't need rampage of troll like in however rule related to troll don't state anything against to have npc alt.

it cover all player regardless their corporate background.

blanket ban on npc corp won't stop troll, as it is same idea as NPC corp tax. Troll will just make 1 men corp to bypass it.

real solution is give ISD a power to suspend forum account for chosen time period, and have it apply to entire account.

It worked for CAOD why would it not work for any other sub forum other than the noted exceptions? Remember the idea is to reduce trolling because removing it is impossible.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

#637 - 2014-06-10 15:35:58 UTC
the problem is what happened to CAOD. That forum pretty much died when they removed npc alts. And what happened you got 3rd party websites that people use instead like kugu and failheap.

Moreover from what i saw the majority of EVE players are moreish solo and never join a player corp. so you would be restricting legit people to reduce spam.

what I would propose is more freedome to the mods to clean stuff up.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#638 - 2014-06-10 15:39:31 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:
the problem is what happened to CAOD. That forum pretty much died when they removed npc alts. And what happened you got 3rd party websites that people use instead like kugu and failheap.

Moreover from what i saw the majority of EVE players are moreish solo and never join a player corp. so you would be restricting legit people to reduce spam.

what I would propose is more freedome to the mods to clean stuff up.

Its not dead its much slower than it was with the troll alts, which I've already acknowledged in the OP. A slower but higher quality is a good trade-off and it still does more good than harm. I think I already have expanded mod powers in the OP but, if not I'll add it.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

#639 - 2014-06-10 15:44:58 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
the problem is what happened to CAOD. That forum pretty much died when they removed npc alts. And what happened you got 3rd party websites that people use instead like kugu and failheap.

Moreover from what i saw the majority of EVE players are moreish solo and never join a player corp. so you would be restricting legit people to reduce spam.

what I would propose is more freedome to the mods to clean stuff up.

Its not dead its much slower than it was with the troll alts, which I've already acknowledged in the OP. A slower but higher quality is a good trade-off and it still does more good than harm. I think I already have expanded mod powers in the OP but, if not I'll add it.

what if they made the ban on the account and not the character? (i think my main got a temp ban once but i could still post with my alts) that and make it so trial accounts cant post on GD?

I think that with tough penilties for breaking rules would work.

that way you are not resticting people who legit dont want to join a corp but still want to participate in GD.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#640 - 2014-06-10 15:52:19 UTC
MeBiatch wrote:

what if they made the ban on the account and not the character? (i think my main got a temp ban once but i could still post with my alts) that and make it so trial accounts cant post on GD?

I think that with tough penilties for breaking rules would work.

that way you are not resticting people who legit dont want to join a corp but still want to participate in GD.

That was part of a suggestion that came up earlier in the thread. My own take on it was, in addition to what I've already suggested in the OP, applying any forum punishment account wide, allowing ISD to 24hr gag people, and an evidence recording system that after so many 24hr gags it automatically refers it to a CCP community manager for review. It keeps the ISDs responsibility pretty much the same while giving them more tools to deal with problems yet not a huge amount of power where people start freaking out because freedoms.

NPC troll alts are a thing and this is what I feel the least intrusive and best option to deal with them. The whole point is to increase the quality of the forums, removing NPC troll alts is one part of the solution to do that.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea: